Reading Classes – Tim's Free English Lesson Plans (2024)

This is a reading and vocabulary lesson plan for C2 students who are preparing to take the Cambridge C2 Proficiency exam. Students read a text about a boy, his grandad and football then look at expressions and collocations from the text. Download the handout and key below:





You may also want to use this quizziz game to review the language at a later date.

The class procedure is pretty self-explanatory and should take the best part of 90 minutes. Follow the instructions on the student handout.

Reading Classes – Tim's Free English Lesson Plans (2)

This is a guest post by Soleil García Brito. It’s a Cambridge exam style multiple choice reading activity based on an article from the New York Times by Charlotte Lieberman on the topic of procrastination. Watch this space for another activity on the topic coming soon… Download the handout and teacher’s notes below:



Reading and Use of English – Part 5

Read the text below and answer the following questions:

Why You Procrastinate (It Has Nothing to Do With Self-Control)

By Charlotte Lieberman

If you’ve ever put off an important task by, say, alphabetizing your spice drawer, you know it wouldn’t be fair to describe yourself as lazy. After all, alphabetizing requires focus and effort — and hey, maybe you even went the extra mile to wipe down each bottle before putting it back. And it’s not like you’re hanging out with friends or watching Netflix. You’re cleaning — something your parents would be proud of! This isn’t laziness or bad time management. This is procrastination.

When we procrastinate, we’re not only aware that we’re avoiding the task in question, but also that doing so is probably going to have a detrimental effect on our morale. And yet, we do it anyway.

“This is why we say that procrastination is essentially irrational,” said Dr. Fuschia Sirois, professor of psychology at the University of Sheffield. “It doesn’t make sense to do something you know is going to have negative consequences.” She added: “People engage in this pointless cycle of chronic procrastination because of an inability to manage negative moods associated with a task.”

The particular nature of our aversion depends on the given task or situation. It may be due to something inherently unpleasant about the task itself — having to clean a dirty bathroom or organizing a long, boring spreadsheet for your boss. But it might also stem from deeper feelings related to the task, such as self-doubt, low self-esteem, anxiety or insecurity. Staring at a blank document, you might be thinking, I’m not smart enough to write this. Even if I am, what will people think of it? What if I do a bad job?

There’s an entire body of research dedicated to the ruminative, self-blaming thoughts many of us tend to have in the wake of procrastination, which are known as “procrastinatory cognitions.” According to Dr. Sirois, the thoughts we have about procrastination typically exacerbate our distress and stress, which contribute to further procrastination.

Although procrastination offers momentary relief, Dr. Sirois argues that it is what makes the cycle especially vicious. In the immediate present, shelving a task provides relief — “you’ve been rewarded for procrastinating,” Dr. Sirois said. This is precisely why procrastination tends not to be a one-off behavior, but a cycle, one that easily becomes a chronic habit. Over time, chronic procrastination has not only productivity costs, but measurably destructive effects on our mental and physical health, including chronic stress, general psychological distress and low life satisfaction, symptoms of depression and anxiety, unhealthy behavior, chronic illness and even hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

If it seems ironic that we procrastinate to avoid negative feelings, but end up feeling even worse, that’s because it is. And once again, we have evolution to thank. Procrastination is a perfect example of present bias, our hard-wired tendency to prioritize short-term needs ahead of long-term ones.

“We really weren’t designed to think ahead into the further future because we needed to focus on providing for ourselves in the here and now,” said psychologist Dr. Hal Hershfield, a professor of marketing at the U.C.L.A. Anderson School of Management.

His research has shown that, on a neural level, we perceive our “future selves” more like strangers than as parts of ourselves. When we procrastinate, parts of our brains actually think that the tasks we’re putting off — and the accompanying negative feelings that await us on the other side — are somebody else’s problem.

The human ability to procrastinate is deeply existential, as it raises questions about individual agency and how we want to spend our time as opposed to how we actually do. But it’s also a reminder of our commonality — we’re all vulnerable to painful feelings, and most of us just want to be happy with the choices we make. In the end, we have to find a better reward than avoidance — one that can relieve our challenging feelings in the present moment without causing harm to our future selves.


  1. In the first paragraph, the author thinks that procrastinating:
    1. doesn’t include activities like cleaning and organizing, because they are productive.
    2. involves focusing on very detailed tasks that require a lot of effort.
    3. should not be equated to laziness.
    4. consists of activities like watching Netflix and spending time with friends.
  2. Why does the author say that procrastination is irrational?
    1. We are not conscious of the fact that we are about to avoid a task.
    2. We put off the task despite knowing it will affect us negatively.
    3. People repeat the same behaviour for no reason.
    4. Particular tasks evoke strong negative emotions.
  3. According to the text, where does our reluctance to get on with tasks come from?
    1. Deep negative feelings that were once associated with the task.
    2. Some tasks are gruesome and we want to avoid them.
    3. The dullness of some tasks makes us bored and unmotivated.
    4. It is probably not contingent on one specific origin.
  4. What does the article say about the vicious cycle of procrastination?
    1. Procrastinating provides an immediate and prolonged sense of relief.
    2. The behaviour only takes place once because it has negative consequences.
    3. It is a consequence of the negative effects on our physical and mental health.
    4. Putting off a task can reinforce the procrastinating behaviour.
  5. What is the relationship between evolution and procrastination, according to Dr. Hershfield?
    1. Brains have evolved to place current demands above future consequences.
    2. Procrastination is a product of recent evolution.
    3. It is ironic that we evolved to be procrastinators.
    4. We evolved to avoid negative feelings that may arise in the future.
  6. What is the neural justification for procrastination, according to Dr. Hershfield’s research?
    1. We avoid thinking about the future, even if it affects us in the present.
    2. Putting off a task provides relief from stress and anxiety.
    3. Our brains assign the responsibility for the task to a different entity.
    4. The pursuit of happiness is the most important goal for our brains.

Language focus:

Phrasal verbs and vocabularyIdioms and collocations
Put off a task/doing somethingTo go the extra mile
Detrimental effect on/toTo stem from
Inherently (+adjective)In the wake of
Shelving (as a verb)A one-off (behavior)
Hard-wired (as an adjective)To have (something) to thank for
Await (vs wait?)To raise questions
Agency (as an abstract noun)Prioritize X ahead of Y
CommonalityIn the here and now

This is a lesson plan for C2 students preparing to take the Cambridge Proficiency exam. Students will learn exam techniques to tackle part 7 of paper 1, the multiple matching exercise. The example task is taken from CUP test book 1. Download the PowerPoint and task below:




Lead students through the steps in the PowerPoint. Students should focus on the list of questions first, underlining key words and trying to paraphrase the questions into simpler language where possible. The PowerPoint contains some examples of paraphrasing. Students should then tackle the reading texts in order while referring back to their notes. Encourage them to underline the parts of the text that they think answer each question.

Students should complete the first paraphrasing exercise in pairs. Then for the reading, they should work individually, set a time limit of 15 minutes for them to complete the exercise. Students should then compare their answers and show their partner the sections of the text that they have underlined for each question.

You will find the answer key and annotated copy of the texts on the final slides of the PowerPoint. You should set students another part 7 for homework so that they can put the technique into practice.

This is a guest post by Soleil García Brito just in time for Halloween. This lesson plan is for C1 students. They will discover the spooky origins of the jack-o-lantern and then learn about the new phenomenon of “spoopy” by doing a gapped text reading exercise. Download the handout and teacher’s notes below:



  1. What are the similarities and differences between these two images?
  • Which of these images do you find the spookiest?
  1. Listening (Part 2) VIDEO – The Messed Up Origins™ of Jack-o’-Lanterns

Watch the video (x2) until 5:17 and fill the gaps (1 to 3 words):

  1. Once you think about the name “Jack-o’-lantern”, it becomes evident that this tradition comes from ____________.
  2. Stingy Jack’s personal qualities made the devil ____________.
  3. On his way home Jack saw _______________ on the ground.
  4. The mutilated corpse’s voice was _____________ Satan himself.
  5. The devil was surprised by Jack’s ______________.
  6. Jack prevented the devil from climbing down the tree by surrounding it with ___________.
  7. The devil gave Jack a glowing ember as a _____________.
  8. According to the legend, Jack walks around _____________________ on October 31st.
  • Reading and Use of English (Part 7)

Read the text and choose the correct paragraph from [A]-[G] to fill in the gaps [1]-[6]. There is one extra paragraph, which you do not need to use.

ADAPTED FROM CULTURE DESK – San Francisco Chronicle

What is spoopy? Your guide to the Internet’s favorite Halloween aesthetic

For the past few years, October has not only heralded the return of Halloween andpumpkin spice lattes, it has also marked the dawning of spoopy season. For a small group of people who belong in the center of a Venn diagram of mellowed-out goths and the “extremely online,” the spoopy aesthetic has become a source of joy and comfort in turbulent times.


“Spookiness is campy, but spoopiness is campy in a very specific way,” says John Paul Brammer, a New York City writer and advice columnist whose popular memes about the demonic goat from the movie “The Witch” are more of the former. “Spoopy’s whole thing is that it is not frightening. It’s not threatening, not arcane, but uses the trappings of the threatening and the arcane to make the joke: OoOoOooOo!!! SpoooOOoooOOooky!!”


Its origin is much more straightforward than its meaning. In 2009, the word was spotted on a skeleton-theme sign displayed at aRoss Dress For Lessstore. Though its ascent took some time, the term gained popularity on niche social media communities like Tumblr until it finally reached escape velocity to spread even further.


Though it might seem random, the delight of this sort of banal creepiness stems from the desire to look an object of fear in the eye — and laugh.


In political discourse, Prevas points to anti-transgender activists using the image of Frankenstein’s monster to demonize transgender people. Historically, monsters have often stood in for types of people who were undesirable: racial minorities, immigrants, queer people, anyone outside the “normal.” “I love the unsettling part of (spoopiness),” Prevas says, “that disconnect between seeing the creatures which we expect to see in a horror scenario in a perfectly quotidian scene.”


I don’t think it’s a coincidence that it resonates so well right now, at a time when marginalized people’s status feels extremely fraught and political rhetoric insists on estranging us from polite society. This aesthetic defies the imperative to be afraid: Instead,we embrace the monsters as part of ourselves, as neighbours. To let the monster out is, in a sense, letting oneself out.


When we look at the skeleton riding a bike, it almost feels aspirational: This is what life could look like if our cloistered selves were set free. As it turns out, spoopiness might be just what we need right now.

[A] Because I’m a restaurant critic, my gauge of whether or not something has hit the mainstream is “The Great British Bake-Off.” In the 10th season, currently airing on the British Channel 4 and Netflix, Spanish contestant Helena Garcia has emerged as a fan favourite thanks to hermemorably macabre but cute creationslike a chocolate orange tarantula flanked by macadamia nut spider eggs, eldritch horror pies and bloody green “witch finger” biscuits.

[B] What is “spoopy”? It’s the coupling of wildly absurdist humour with terror — an aesthetic unto itself that, like camp, can be hard to articulate.

[C] Spoopy is a reclamation and reframing of these monsters, a mind-set that boasts, “You say I should be scared ofthis? Hilarious!”

[D] In fables and literary fiction, monsters are the embodiments of everything that society represses: a “warning system” of sorts, says Christine Prevas, a Columbia University Ph.D. candidate whose research focuses on applying queer theory to contemporary horror. The monster is a taboo made flesh: A prepubescent girl turned foul-mouthed, vomiting demon in “The Exorcist”; a bad sexual encounter run amok in “It Follows.”

[E] When I look at this stuff, it reminds me of how I like to “watch” horror movies by reading their plot summaries on Wikipedia: a digital version of peeking at Medusa’s face by holding up a mirror.

[F] This disruption of the narrative of otherness mirrors the way people actually want to be seen. For instance, queer people can be queer outside of designated contexts like gay bars and the privacy of one’s bedroom, Prevas says. “We’re also queer in the grocery store. We’re also queer on a bicycle.”

[G] Much easier than defining it is sorting through what is and isn’t spoopy. As a start, think of it as friendly and somewhat sarcastic horror: A skeleton isn’t, but a skeleton riding a bike? Definitely spoopy.The Babadookisn’t, but the memes that claim thatthe monster is a proud gay man? Super spoopy.

  • Language focus (15 min)
  1. Vocabulary

Look at the words in bold in the text and discuss the meaning with a partner:


Next, fill in the gaps with the vocabulary words in the correct form to fit the context:

  • Jack saw a mutilated corpse with a(n) _____________ look on its face.
  • His mood ___________ the gloomy weather on that Halloween night.
  • Between risking being tricked and facing Jack’s grumbling stomach for the rest of the trip, the devil chose the _________.
  • Some consider him the very _____________ of evil.
  • The devil was ____________ confused by Jack’s request to pay the bill at the bar.
  • Jack ___________ a mutilated corpse on the ground on his way home from the bar.
USEFUL CHUNKSUse the trappings of (sth) Stem from Run amok In a sense
  • After Jack __________ the level of danger he was in, he decided to trap the devil by using crosses.

Don’t you just love a 2 episode week? We’re back with episode 51 continuing our book club series on Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club.

In this episode we talk about chapters 32-40; we discuss the things that happen, our favourite parts and examine some interesting vocabulary that comes up.

Why not read and listen along? Or, if you’re a teacher, encourage your students to do so.

Listen on SoundCloud:

Or, alternatively, listen on Spotify:

We’ve made it to 50 episodes! Thanks to all our listeners for your continued support, we ❤️ you all!

In episode 50 we’re pressing on with Richard Osman’s wonderful debut novel The Thursday Murder Club, chapters 24-31.

Why not get your students to listen and read along?

This is another guest post by Alice at on the topic of limericks. Students learn the rhyme and syllable structure of a limerick, then write their own. Download the student handout and teacher’s notes below:



Check out Alice’s blog for more great lesson plans. The limericks used in this lesson plan are from

This is part 5 in our book club series on Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club. In this episode we look at chapters 18-23, discuss the things that happen and dig into some of the vocabulary.

Why not encourage your high level students to read and listen along with us? You’ll find the other 4 episodes on our SoundCloud page.

This is a guest post by my friend, colleague and co-host of the podcast 2Ts in a pod, Katy Wright. It’s designed to help students preparing for the B2 first exam get to grips with some of the phrasal verbs and fixed expressions they might encounter in the exam. Students read a text about Jim’s forgotten dream, then try to recreate the text using key words. Download the student handout below:



  1. Look at the pictures. What is the story about?
  • Read the story. Were your predictions correct?

Jim couldn’t stand his job. All he did all day was sit at his desk and pretended to work while watching the heavy rain outside his window. He was meant to be selling insurance on the phone, but he wasn’t very good at it. In fact, he had sold very few contracts. This was because all he had ever wanted to do was be an actor in Hollywood. He had loved acting when he was a teenager, but instead of going to America he studied Business and he put off looking for fame. “I’ll look into that when I have finished Uni” he said to himself. This was his biggest regret in life. On his way into work that day, his 15-year-old car broke down. Standing in the rain trying to change the tire he made up his mind. He wasn’t going to carry on like this. He was going to make a big change…

  • Answer the questions in groups.
  • What is Jim’s big dream?
  • Why do you think Jim didn’t decide to become an actor after Uni?
  • What do you think makes him change his mind?
  • What big change do you think he is going to make?
  • What will happen at the end of the story?
  • What do you the expressions in yellow mean?
  • Can you translate them to Catalan/Spanish?
  • Do you have similar expression in Catalan/Spanish?
  • Try to remember the original expression used in the story. The words in brackets are to help you.

Jim hated (STAND) his job. All he did all say was sit at his desk and pretended to work while watching as it rained heavily (HEAVY) outside his window. He should have been (MEANT) selling insurance on the phone, but he wasn’t very good at it. In fact, he didn’t sell many (FEW) contracts. This was because all he had ever wanted to do was be an actor in Hollywood. He had loved acting when he was a teenager, but rather than go (OF) to America he studied Business and he postponed looking (PUT) for fame. “I’ll investigate (INTO) that when I have finished Uni” he said to himself. This was his biggest regret in life. On his way into work that day his 15-year-old car stopped working (DOWN). Standing in the rain trying to change the tire he made a decision (UP). He wasn’t going to continue like this any longer (ON). He was going to make a big change…

  • Write the original expressions here:
  • STAND…………………………………………………………………………
  • HEAVY…………………………………………………………………………
  • MEANT …………………………………………………………………………
  • FEW …………………………………………………………………………
  • OF …………………………………………………………………………
  • PUT …………………………………………………………………………
  • INTO …………………………………………………………………………
  • DOWN …………………………………………………………………………
  • UP …………………………………………………………………………
  • ON …………………………………………………………………………
  • Write the rest of the story. Use the questions to help you.


  • What does he decide to do next?
  • How will he change his life?
  • What does he do to help him realize his dreams?


  • Does he finally reach his goals?
  • How does he feel about his situation?
  • Does he ever think about his old life?
  • Read all of the paragraphs and vote on the you think is the best
Reading Classes – Tim's Free English Lesson Plans (10)

This is a guest post by Alice from Hot Take English on the topic of superstitions and bad luck. Students discuss common superstitions in English speaking cultures and their own, then read an article about some seriously bad luck. The main grammar focus of the lesson is the 3rd conditional to talk about hypothetical past events. Download the handout and teacher’s notes below:



Visit to check out more of Alice’s work. She has some great, free materials on a range of engaging topics.

What Bad Luck – Student Worksheet

1) Warmer: superstitions

Below is a list of good and bad superstitions that are particularly popular in the UK and Ireland. Discuss them with a partner. From where do you think they originate? Do you believe they bring bad/good luck?

Things that bring bad luck:

  • Walking under a ladder
  • Seeing one magpie
  • Putting new shoes on a table
  • Opening an umbrella inside

Things that bring good luck:

  • Getting pooed on by a bird
  • Coming across a black cat
  • Finding a four-leafed clover

What superstitions are there in your culture or country?

2) Vocabulary

Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right.

1. jackpota) extremely shocked
2. invalidatedb) the sale was not successful/the money was not taken out of the person’s bank account
3. stunnedc) not enough
4. drawd) the most valuable prize in a game or contest
5. the payment didn’t go throughe) very very happy
6. insufficientf) stopped a ticket from being legally or officially acceptable
7. on top of the worldg) the act of selecting numbers or names randomly to decide the winners of a competition

3) Comprehension check

Read the article. Are these statements true or false?

  1. Rachel Kenny lost the winning ticket.
  • The 19-year old student was aghast at what had happened.
  • Rachel and Liam chose different numbers each time they played the lottery.
  • The money for the lottery tickets was usually taken directly from Rachel’s bank account.
  • The problem was that Rachel didn’t have enough money in her bank account to pay for the ticket.
  • Rachel and Liam refuse to play the lottery any more.

4) Grammar practice

With a partner, write down as many third conditional sentences about the article as you can.

E.g. “If the payment had gone through, they would have won the lottery”.

Writing: My Biggest Regret

Write 100-500 words about your “biggest regret”. Include some third conditional sentences.

The 19-year-old was in shock when her numbers came up – until she noticed a critical problem

Originally published 2 March 2021

A 19-year-old student who thought she had won a £182m lottery jackpot has been left “absolutely heartbroken” after realising an error invalidated the ticket.

Rachel Kennedy, 19, and her boyfriend Liam McCrohan, 21, were stunned when their regular numbers of 6, 12, 22, 29, 33, 6 and 11 came up in theEuroMillionsmega jackpot.

Kennedy had played the same numbers for five weeks in a row and had a direct debit set up to automatically play the numbers each week.

The teen was greeted with a message saying she had a ‘winning match’ after last Friday’s draw, according to The Sun.

However, the business student’s hopes of being one of the richest women in Britain were crushed when she found the ticket sale had not gone through due to insufficient funds in her account.

Rachel, of Brighton University, said: “I called my boyfriend Liam and my mum into the room and they couldn’t believe it either so I was like, ‘Oh! My God! I need to call them’.

“I called the number thinking that I had won £182m and they said ‘yeah you’ve got the right numbers but you didn’t have the funds in your account for the payment of the ticket so it didn’t actually go through’.

“I was on top of the world when I thought I had won, but when I found out I hadn’t, Liam was actually more upset than me.”

Rachel said they were “absolutely heartbroken” – and now thinks of her usual weekly numbers as “unlucky” and has decided to change them.

Source: iNews,

Reading Classes – Tim's Free English Lesson Plans (2024)


Where can I download free lesson plans? ›

These 10 websites are exceptional resources for teachers in all subjects and at all grade levels.
  • ReadWriteThink. ...
  • PhET. ...
  • Scholastic. ...
  • The Stanford History Education Group. ...
  • PBS LearningMedia. ...
  • Epic! ...
  • EDSITEment. ...
  • NCTM Illuminations.

What should I teach on the first day of English class? ›

First Class Activities

Asking students to introduce themselves, ask you a question, talk about their expectations for the course, or introduce a partner are all good activities for the first day of class. Try to keep all the activities you do in the first lesson fun and light.

How do I write a lesson plan for English? ›

Listed below are 6 steps for preparing your lesson plan before your class.
  1. Identify the learning objectives. ...
  2. Plan the specific learning activities. ...
  3. Plan to assess student understanding. ...
  4. Plan to sequence the lesson in an engaging and meaningful manner. ...
  5. Create a realistic timeline. ...
  6. Plan for a lesson closure.

Do teachers write their own lesson plans? ›

A daily or weekly lesson plan is developed by a teacher to guide class instruction. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher and the subject matter being covered. Schools or school districts may have guidelines regarding the lesson plan. They may even have mandates.

Which website is best for online teaching? ›

15 Top Online Teaching Platforms
  1. Chegg Tutors. Chegg Tutors is a top online teaching platform. ...
  2. is one of the oldest teaching sites online. ...
  3. TutorMe. TutorMe is a comprehensive online teaching site. ...
  4. MyPrivateTutor. MyPrivateTutor is one of the largest online teaching sites. ...
  5. Skooli. ...
  6. Wize. ...
  7. BuddySchool.
10 Mar 2022

How do I teach English as a second language? ›

How to Become an ESL Teacher
  1. Earn a bachelor's degree in ESL or TESOL or a related subject, such as linguistics.
  2. Complete a student teaching internship in an ESL setting as part of your program.
  3. Take your state's tests for teacher licensure with an endorsem*nt in ESL.
  4. Apply for your teaching license.

How do I start my first English lesson? ›

Check Out These 4 Different Ways to Begin Your First Lesson
  1. Getting to Know You. You may choose to start off with the getting to know each other portion of the class. ...
  2. Goal Setting. You may also choose to begin by asking them about their goals: Why are you studying English? ...
  3. Rule Setting. ...
  4. Breaking the Ice.

What is a fun way to teach a class? ›

How to Have More Fun Teaching
  1. Discover new things together. ...
  2. Incorporate mystery into your lessons. ...
  3. Be goofy; show you care. ...
  4. Participate in projects. ...
  5. Avoid “going through the motions.” ...
  6. Flip your lessons. ...
  7. Review–but don't repeat–material. ...
  8. Share your passions.
10 Oct 2015

What is a 5 step lesson plan? ›

It helps students learn new material and understand how the individual lesson fits in with their general knowledge. Additionally, it helps teachers keep tabs on student comprehension. The five steps involved are the Anticipatory Set, Introduction of New Material, Guided Practice, Independent Practice and Closure.

What are the 5 types of lesson plan? ›

5 types of lesson plans
  • Daily. Some teachers create lesson plans for each day of the week. ...
  • Weekly. Weekly lesson plans consist of one lesson created to last for the entire week. ...
  • Unit. ...
  • Content area. ...
  • Grade level. ...
  • Grade level and subject. ...
  • Type of lesson. ...
  • Duration.

What is the lesson plan PDF? ›

lesson plan is define as a source or tool that guides teachers through their working. learning process. It is imperative for a teacher to plan his/her lessons since this. has the content, method, activity, practice and material the teacher will use in the. development of the class.

Do teachers have to make lesson plans every day? ›

Planning Lessons Is Different from Turning In Plans

While turning in lesson plans isn't required in most schools, planning one's lessons should be an expectation in all schools. Being prepared is essential for success. But that doesn't mean it's helpful for administrators to require teachers to turn in lesson plans.

How do teachers start a lesson? ›

Starting the lesson
  1. Start with teaser questions. ...
  2. Review the previous lesson by letting volunteers recapitulate the last lesson. ...
  3. Announce the topic of the lesson, preferably in a compelling way. ...
  4. Writing your objective on the board will give a sense to your teaching.
17 May 2014

How can I start teaching English online? ›

How to start teaching English online
  1. Be Fluent in the English Language. ...
  2. Get Certified. ...
  3. Get the Right Hardware and an Internet Connection. ...
  4. Create a Resume and an Online Profile. ...
  5. Setup a PayPal Account. ...
  6. Browse & Apply for Jobs/Students. ...
  7. Start Teaching!
13 Feb 2019

How do I start an online teaching from home? ›

Now, let me share with you the step by step method of how to start teaching online.
  1. Step 1: Choose how you will teach online.
  2. Step 2: Plan your content and break them into modules.
  3. Step 3: Create worksheets, handouts and quizzes.
  4. Step 3: Start recording the videos for your course.
  5. Step 4a: Upload videos on YouTube [Free]
30 Mar 2020

How can I learn online for free? ›

Educators will want to explore these platforms and all of the features they offer.
  1. Udemy. This is a massive online teaching platform with over 2 million students worldwide and 13,000 courses. ...
  2. RCampus. ...
  3. Learnopia. ...
  4. Peer 2 Peer University. ...
  5. Teachers Pay Teachers. ...
  6. Thinkific.

Does Google Docs have a lesson plan template? ›

You can grab a free copy of the weekly Google Docs lesson plans template here. Feel free to change and tweak the template to best serve your needs. You can also check out how I batch lesson planning to save time.

What is digital lesson plan? ›

A digital lesson plan is similar to one for face-to-face instruction, but it includes strategies for online learning. Digital lesson plans are flexible, easy-to-share and allow learners to thrive in a virtual environment.

Can I teach ESL without a degree? ›

While most English-teaching companies require their teachers to have a degree (any kind of degree!), there are still enough companies out there for which being a native speaker, TEFL certification, and some teaching experience are more than enough to meet baseline requirements to teach English online.

How can I teach English to non English speaking child? ›

Five Tips for Teaching English to Non-Native Speakers
  1. Use visual aids. Pictures and other visual aids are extremely helpful because non-native speakers do not have the same reference points as native speakers. ...
  2. Keep it simple. ...
  3. Avoid long lectures. ...
  4. Make the best use of oral communication. ...
  5. Use the 4 common language skills.

What do you teach intermediate English students? ›

Popular intermediate lesson topics for English language students generally focus on areas such as culture, the environment, careers, and health. And of course, debate and discussion lessons become more useful as students become more fluent.

What should I teach in spoken English classes? ›

How to teach conversational English online
  • Prepare lists of questions. ...
  • Answer your own questions. ...
  • Talk slowly, but don't treat them like they're a kid. ...
  • Have topics that are common, but ask for the student's opinion. ...
  • Let silence hang, but know when to prompt. ...
  • Use the chat box or a white board to spell things out. ...
  • Take notes.
2 Feb 2021

What activities do you find most useful for learning English? ›

Talk with native english speakers. Study and review phrases. Listen to understandable english everyday, to learn english with our ears for pronunciation. Watch english movies, TV shows, audio books, stories, and talk radio shows.
It works for me!
  • Read, read lots. ...
  • Listen to music. ...
  • Watching movies and tv.
24 Jul 2009

How do I make my lessons more engaging? ›

10 Tips to Make Your Classes More Engaging for Students
  1. Ask questions and seek your student's opinions. ...
  2. Assess the level of knowledge in the room and tailor your teaching accordingly. ...
  3. Get students to present work themselves. ...
  4. Use multimedia like video or audio clips. ...
  5. Encourage group discussion.
22 Apr 2021

What are the basic English words? ›

English Nouns
  • People. People (and the singular 'person') is a basic English word for someone learning the basics of the language. ...
  • Thing. 'Thing' is one of the most common words a basic English speaker should know. ...
  • Time. 'Time' ranks in the top 10% in popular English words. ...
  • Day. ...
  • Man. ...
  • Woman. ...
  • Child. ...
  • (To) Be.

How can I teach my child to read English? ›

Tips For How To Teach A Child To Read
  1. 1) Focus On Letter Sounds Over Letter Names. ...
  2. 2) Begin With Uppercase Letters. ...
  3. 3) Incorporate Phonics. ...
  4. 4) Balance Phonics And Sight Words. ...
  5. 5) Talk A Lot. ...
  6. 6) Keep It Light. ...
  7. 7) Practice Shared Reading. ...
  8. 8) Play Word Games.

What activities can be done on first day of school? ›

1 Lie and 2 Truths. This is one popular back-to-school activity that teachers can try on the first day. Here you need to ask the kids to write two truths and a lie on a sheet of paper. First, allow them five minutes to write those three statements.

What is Morning ring activity? ›

Morning ring starts with greetings, news, songs, weather and theme discussions. Ring time includes thinking skills, problem solving, sound games (phonics), creative thinking, descriptive language and vocabulary enrichment.

How do you start an interesting class? ›

A proper lesson plan, good content and passion for teaching go a long way in making a class interesting.
Here are 5 amazing starters you can try including in your lesson plan, course content or you can also use them to stimulate your students.
  1. Fizz & Buzz Game. Time: 5 minutes. ...
  2. Popcorn Reading. ...
  3. Pass The Ball. ...
  4. Hangman. ...
  5. Bingo.

What is the best way to start a class? ›

One of the greatest ways to start your class is by asking thought-provoking questions to your students. This way, you are able to gauge their knowledge and interest level before diving into any content.

What is the format of lesson plan? ›

The lesson plan format consists of a unit name, start time, end time, aim, objective, academic activities, points to be covered in that unit. This makes it easier for the teacher, as well as students, to remember the important details of the unit.

How do you structure a lesson plan? ›

Steps to building your lesson plan
  1. Identify the objectives. ...
  2. Determine the needs of your students. ...
  3. Plan your resources and materials. ...
  4. Engage your students. ...
  5. Instruct and present information. ...
  6. Allow time for student practice. ...
  7. Ending the lesson. ...
  8. Evaluate the lesson.
30 Oct 2019

What are the 3 I's in lesson plan? ›

In order to design a strong curriculum that can be judged as Outstanding, schools need to look at three key areas; Intent, Implementation and Impact. The judgement of the curriculum is made using these focus areas, so it is important not only to get them right but to know why they are right.

What are the 3 objectives in lesson plan? ›

Cognitive objectives emphasize THINKING, Affective objectives emphasize FEELING and. Psychom*otor objectives emphasize ACTING.

What are the 3 C's of classroom management? ›

As you consider some of your most challenging students or classes, think about your approach to classroom management through the lens of these three areas: connection, consistency, and compassion.

How do you write an English lesson plan? ›

Listed below are 6 steps for preparing your lesson plan before your class.
  1. Identify the learning objectives. ...
  2. Plan the specific learning activities. ...
  3. Plan to assess student understanding. ...
  4. Plan to sequence the lesson in an engaging and meaningful manner. ...
  5. Create a realistic timeline. ...
  6. Plan for a lesson closure.

What is daily lesson plan? ›

The daily lesson plan is the most detailed standards-based plan that a teacher will develop. It outlines the purpose and activities of what will be done on a specific day or across several days. Unit plans help to turn year-long plans into daily plans.

What is a detailed lesson plan? ›

A detailed lesson plan (DLP) is exactly that, a detailed description of the exact steps to teach a specific topic. A DLP includes five parts of thorough explanation on, lesson topic, class objectives, procedure, time management and student practice.

Is ClickView free? ›

ClickView is provided free of charge to all Victorian government students and teachers. Sign into Arc to access. Primary and Secondary students and teachers can confidently access high-quality video resources including educationally curated selections of pay-tv or free-to-air programs, without the ads.

What is teacher planet? ›

Education Planet dba Lesson Planet, is a for-profit education company based in Santa Barbara, California. Lesson Planet provides teacher-reviewed resources for use by teachers and parents. Its products are designed to supplement traditional and non-traditional education from kindergarten through the 12th grade.

What is the format of detailed lesson plan? ›

A detailed lesson plan (DLP) is exactly that, a detailed description of the exact steps to teach a specific topic. A DLP includes five parts of thorough explanation on, lesson topic, class objectives, procedure, time management and student practice.

Is Scootle free? ›

Browse the Australian Curriculum content descriptions, elaborations, and year levels to find a wide range of resources across the learning areas. Scootle is free for Australian educators. Register today and gain access to curriculum-aligned digital teaching and learning resources.

Is ClickView legal? ›

The content on ClickView Exchange and ClickView TV (“Broadcast Content”) is made available to you and is subject to licences granted by the Audio-Visual Copyright Society Limited trading as Screenrights (“Screenrights”) to your Authorised Person and to ClickView.

Is ClickView any good? ›

ClickView is a fantastic tool that supports teachers and students in the learning experience. It is a learning tool made by educators for educators. Its high quality curriculum aligned content is superb and the ability to track student interaction is invaluable.

What are the 5 parts of a lesson plan? ›

A good lesson plan should include the following 5 components; lesson topic, class objectives, procedure, time management, and student practice.

What are the 5 types of lesson plan? ›

5 types of lesson plans
  • Daily. Some teachers create lesson plans for each day of the week. ...
  • Weekly. Weekly lesson plans consist of one lesson created to last for the entire week. ...
  • Unit. ...
  • Content area. ...
  • Grade level. ...
  • Grade level and subject. ...
  • Type of lesson. ...
  • Duration.

Are planets lesson free? ›

How much does Lesson Planet membership cost? Lesson Planet memberships start at $4 per month and are invoiced annually, beginning one day after your 10-Day Free Trial concludes.

How do I start my lesson? ›

Five Ways to Start Your Lessons
  1. Start with a Video. Everyone loves a good video, especially kids. ...
  2. Start with an Object. Another way to get your students wondering about a topic is to show them objects related to the content. ...
  3. Start with a Question. ...
  4. Start with Movement. ...
  5. Start with a Mistake.
14 Sept 2016

What is a lesson plan PDF? ›

lesson plan is define as a source or tool that guides teachers through their working. learning process. It is imperative for a teacher to plan his/her lessons since this. has the content, method, activity, practice and material the teacher will use in the. development of the class.

What are the parts of lesson plan in English? ›

The most effective lesson plans have six key parts:

Lesson Materials. Lesson Procedure. Assessment Method. Lesson Reflection.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.