How to Encourage Gender Equity and Equality in the Classroom - (2024)

As an elementary school teacher, you may think your students are too young for discussions about gender. But did you know that children as young as four years old already express discriminatory beliefs based on gender? The earlier we can empower children with the belief that all gender identities (including their own) deserve respect, the better prepared all students will be for success.

Here we’ll discuss what gender equality is, how it differs from gender equity, and why both gender equity and equality need to have a place in your curriculum. Then learn how to make your classroom a safe and welcoming place for all students.

What Are Gender Equality and Equity?

First, let’s explain what we mean by gender. Gender is here defined as a student’s social identity as male, female, or non-binary—the last of which refers to students who identify as a gender other than “male” or “female.” Gender definitions also include transgender students, who identify as a gender that is different from their biological sex.

Gender equality involves empowering all students and providing them with the same human rights.[7] It also includes correcting biases students hold about themselves or gender identities other than their own. As a teacher, you’ll work with many students, some of whom might have trouble understanding their own or other students’ gender. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of and find ways to affirm your students’ identities.[14] You can positively change the way your students see both themselves and others.

According to the ACT Center for Youth, true gender equality can be reached when these three needs are met for all students:[9]

  • Equitable access and use of resources
  • Equitable participation
  • Safety or freedom from violence

And how is gender equality different from gender equity? It can be helpful to look at gender equality as the end goal and gender equity as the means to get there.[8] Gender equity refers to promoting fairness in education, as well as confronting stereotypes and biases that have historically limited a student’s potential. When we achieve gender equality, all students will be free to pursue their education without fear of discrimination or harassment because of their gender.

The Importance of Gender Equity and Equality in the Classroom

How to Encourage Gender Equity and Equality in the Classroom - (1)Why confront gender bias in the classroom as early as possible? A survey involving over 2,000 children ages 4 to 16 found that from an early age, children make assumptions that confirm gender stereotypes.[2] Children learn how to think about themselves and others from the messages they hear in society. And often, these messages include stereotypes about gender that stick with them for the rest of their lives.

In the classroom, students often encounter implicit or explicit assumptions about gender.[12] For example, girls interested in STEM subjects may be discouraged if others say such topics aren’t very “feminine” pursuits. And the prevalence of this stereotype may be linked to the fact that more than 50% of all women in STEM ultimately leave their field due to hostile work environments.[8] Also, 75% of all transgender students report feeling unsafe at school, which affects their academic achievement in very serious and harmful ways.[10]

You can make a difference for younger students by teaching them to find strength in their gender identity and to treat kindly those with different identities than their own. According to Today’s Parent writer Gordon Nore, children are often already thinking about their gender and how it relates to the world around them. As a teacher, you can help facilitate their thoughts and discussions in healthy ways. You can also promote better understanding among your students for those who are different from themselves.

Four Ways to Promote Gender Equity and Equality in Education

Looking for ways to discuss gender equality issues in your classroom and move towards gender equity? We’ve put together four examples of how you can promote gender equality for all of your students.

Be a Role Model for Your Students

Students, especially younger children, often learn by imitation.[2] As a teacher, be aware of your own assumptions about gender and try to correct your biases as you notice them.

In relevant situations, empower your students to believe in their potential to achieve their dreams regardless of their gender identity—and that their gender is a strength, never a weakness. Also, use language in class that is inclusive of transgender and non-binary students, such as using the name and pronouns that a student goes by, even if it is different from their school records.[11]

How to Encourage Gender Equity and Equality in the Classroom - (2)Don’t Connect Gender to an Ability or Personality Trait

Sometimes our language can reinforce assumptions about gender. Be aware of the language you use in class, and avoid making assumptions about anyone’s ability, profession, or personality based on their gender.

For example, TeachThought suggests you include a female construction worker or male nurse in a class assignment (such as a story problem) to challenge your students’ assumptions and promote gender equity.[1] It can also be helpful to avoid making wide generalizations about gender in class, such as the assumption that boys are louder and girls are quieter, or assuming that all of your students identify as their birth sex.

Include Gender Equality in Your Curriculum

Many textbooks are problematic when it comes to gender. Often they don’t include many notable female figures, tokenize the experiences of women, and stereotype gender roles in harmful ways.[5] If you’re able to pick the textbook you use, try to find one that is known for its equitable treatment of gender.

If not, try to supplement your curriculum by teaching your students about both men and women who challenged their society’s ideas about gender and changed their communities in meaningful ways. It can also be helpful to include gender non-conforming and transgender people in your curriculum to help students with these identities feel represented and accepted.

Teach Students to Be Aware of Personal Biases

One of the best ways to confront gender discrimination in the classroom is by simply making your students aware of it. Teach students about implicit bias, or beliefs we might hold about ourselves or others because of sexist messages we have heard.[3]

Tell your students that many people hold these biases, and it doesn’t mean they are bad people. The important thing is for students to acknowledge their own assumptions. Once they do, they can challenge them to actively change those assumptions—to recognize that a person’s abilities are not linked to their gender.

1. TeachThought Staff. 6 Ways You Can Promote Gender Equality In Your Classroom. Retrieved from
2. Elesapiens Staff. Strategies to promote gender equality in the classroom. Retrieved from
3. Briggs, S. How to Teach Students About Gender Equality. Retrieved from
4. United Nations Development Programme. Almost 90% of Men/Women Globally Are Biased Against Women. Retrieved from
5. Klein, S. Handbook for Achieving Sex Equity Through Education. Retrieved from
6. Bailey, S.M. Shortchanging Girls and Boys. Educational Leadership, May 1996, 53(8), pp. 75-79.
7. United Nations Staff. Gender Equality: Why it Matters. Retrieved from
8. ForbesWomen Staff. Why We Need Gender Equity Now. Retrieved from
9. ACT for Youth Center of Excellence. Understanding Gender and GenderResearch, Facts, and Findings. Retrieved from
10. National Center for Transgender Equality. Youth & Students. Retrieved from
11. Welcoming Schools Staff. Affirming Gender in Elementary School: Social Transitioning. Retrieved from
12. Smith, M. J., & Payne, E. Binaries and biology: Conversations with elementary education professionals after professional development on supporting transgender students. The Educational Forum, 2016, 80(1), pp. 34-47.

How to Encourage Gender Equity and Equality in the Classroom - (2024)


How can you encourage gender equity and equality in the classroom? ›

  1. Be Reflective and Be Objective. ...
  2. Use gender-neutral language. ...
  3. Avoid stereotyping children. ...
  4. Self-regulate your interaction with the children. ...
  5. Ask all students to participate in a variety of classroom chores.
  6. Seat and Group Students Intentionally. ...
  7. Use Project Based Learning.
Mar 23, 2020

How can a teacher promote gender equality in a classroom situation? ›

Avoid segregating boys and girls into separate lines, separate sports activities and mix seating up in the classroom. Ensure any educational materials used show genders in equal measure. Mix boys and girls to work on projects together. Explore gender concepts and roles from different communities.

What is the role of teacher in promoting gender equality? ›

To promote girls and boys equally in coeducational settings, teachers have to reflect on their own gender stereotypes. Moreover, they require knowledge about gender differences in education and about teaching methods to foster the motivation of all students regardless of their gender.

How would you make sure students had equal opportunities in the classroom? ›

This means:
  1. Setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated.
  2. Challenging any negative attitudes.
  3. Treating all staff and students fairly and equally.
  4. Creating an all-inclusive culture for staff and students.
  5. Avoiding stereotypes in examples and resources.
  6. Using resources with multicultural themes.
Sep 1, 2014

What is the role of school in gender equality? ›

Schools can magnify or diminish gender differences by providing environments that promote within-gender similarity and between-gender differences, or the inverse (within-gender variability and between group similarity). Schools' affect gender differentiation via two primary sources: teachers and peers.

How is equality and equity is important in school setting? ›

Equality in education is necessary for students to have the same opportunities to start off with positive educational outcomes, and equity helps to make sure those equal opportunities are adjusted to make room for students who might need extra help and attention.

How do you promote diversity in the classroom? ›

How do you Manage Diversity in the Classroom?
  1. Get to Know Your Students. ...
  2. Maintain Consistent Communication. ...
  3. Acknowledge and Respect Every Student. ...
  4. Practice Cultural Sensitivity. ...
  5. Incorporate Diversity in the Lesson Plan. ...
  6. Give Students Freedom and Flexibility.

What does an equitable classroom look like? ›

What Is Classroom Equity? Classroom equity happens when all students are respected and included, regardless of their background or abilities. Each student should be given the tools needed to achieve academic success, and the unique talents and abilities of each individual should be celebrated and encouraged.

How do you make a classroom gender neutral? ›

Instead, use words that are not gendered, such as “ Good morning folks,” “Hey everybody,” or “y'all.” Or you can try “calling all readers,” or “hey campers” or “could all of the athletes come here. Create classroom names for groups and ask “All Terrific Tigers to meet at the rug.”

How do you educate children on gender equality? ›

How to Promote Gender Equality in Education?
  1. Be a role model. ...
  2. Revise the reading materials and the required literature before assigning it to kids. ...
  3. Include both boys and girls in sports activities equally.
  4. Include some gender equality activities whenever possible.
  5. Use gender-neutral language when referring to children.
Mar 9, 2021

How do teachers influence gender roles? ›

School Contexts and Their Role Shaping Gender Socialization

Teachers directly influence gender differentiation by providing boys and girls with different learning opportunities and feedback (Bigler et al., 2013).

What can I do in my classroom to support all children to be free of gender based expectations? ›

7 Tips for Creating a More Gender-Inclusive Classroom
  • Start the conversation. ...
  • Don't just correct stereotyped beliefs—challenge them. ...
  • Watch your language. ...
  • Avoid labels. ...
  • Read good books. ...
  • Let kids play with trying on different identities. ...
  • Make sure toys and activities are open to everyone.
Jun 20, 2017

What is an example of equity in schools? ›

An example of equity in education can be found in teachers who are able to adapt their teaching style to match a student's learning capabilities. Some students thrive as auditory learners, who process information out loud and ask questions as needed.

How do you promote unity in diversity in schools? ›

A few ways to celebrate diversity in the classroom might include celebrating occasions, inviting international exchange students to the class, allowing students to create cultural projects, or allowing students to show and tell something from their culture.

How do you promote social justice in the classroom? ›

The first way to promote social justice in the classroom is to create a community of conscience. This environment ensures that students' voices, opinions and ideas are valued and respected by their instructor and peers.

What does it mean to be equitable in the classroom? ›

In the equitable classroom, students leave knowing content so well that they can use it to help others and create rich meaning out of their lives. The teacher in this classroom ensures that the content is internalized along with the development of the skill for a balanced learning experience.

What should teachers and leaders do to create equitable school learning environments? ›

Education Articles & More
  • Engage students, families, and communities as full partners. ...
  • Diversify the educator workforce. ...
  • Provide meaningful professional development and supports. ...
  • Develop inclusive discipline and dress code policies. ...
  • Ensure equitable access to rigorous, culturally sustaining curricula.
Feb 24, 2021

What is the role of school in gender equality? ›

Schools can magnify or diminish gender differences by providing environments that promote within-gender similarity and between-gender differences, or the inverse (within-gender variability and between group similarity). Schools' affect gender differentiation via two primary sources: teachers and peers.

What is the importance of gender equality in education? ›

The achievement of equality between girls and boys, women and men, of all cultural and ethnic origins, is crucial to the very functioning of democracy, its development and the realisation of human rights. Education plays a very basic role in this work.

What is one thing you can do to make a positive impact on gender equality at an organization? ›

Small everyday actions can make an impact – here are seven of them.
  • Mind your language. ...
  • Maximise your talent pool with inclusive job ads. ...
  • Challenge your unconscious bias, in your role... ...
  • 4. ... and in how you talk to consumers. ...
  • Encourage both parents to consider parental leave. ...
  • Ensure meetings are representative.
May 3, 2020

How do you integrate gender in teaching and learning? ›

Activities to integrate the gender dimension in education can include: Mainstreaming gender awareness in all curricula (LERU, 2015); Including methods of sex and gender analysis and related knowledge in all curricula (GENERA, 2019; LERU, 2015); Developing new knowledge and training methods for students and researchers ...

What is gender equality and equity in education? ›

As educators, we must ensure that female students and male students have equal access to the knowledge and skills that schools provide. We must provide for equal participation of females and males in classrooms. This is what gender equity in education means.

What can an organization do to best demonstrate its commitment to gender equality? ›

10 Ways to Promote Gender Equality at Your Company
  • 1.) Revise your job descriptions. ...
  • 2.) Conduct blind resume reviews. ...
  • 3.) Structure your interview process. ...
  • 4.) Revamp your benefits. ...
  • 5.) Promote a female-friendly culture. ...
  • 6.) Conduct a gender pay gap analysis. ...
  • 7.) Pledge your commitment. ...
  • 8.) Make equitable offers.
Mar 24, 2017

How do you create a gender equal workplace? ›

How to create gender equality in the workplace
  1. Focus on diversity during your recruitment process. ...
  2. Create fair compensation and promotion procedures. ...
  3. Offer flexible and supportive employee benefits. ...
  4. Create a diversity and inclusion training program. ...
  5. Hold managers accountable. ...
  6. Build an inclusive company culture.

What is the difference between gender equity and gender equality? ›

While gender equality is simply focused on providing men and women with the same equal opportunities (like making it legal for women to own land, or even attend school), gender equity works to correct the historical wrongs that have left women behind (such as societal restrictions on employment).

Who can take steps to bring gender equality? ›

Both constitution and society can take steps to bring gender equality.

What is the main goal of gender equality? ›

Gender equality is achieved when women, men, girls and boys have equal rights, conditions and opportunities, and the power to shape their own lives and contribute to the development of society. It is a matter of equitable distribution of power, influence and resources in society.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.