The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (2024)

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We have recently updated our website and added new security measures for your protection. To proceed with your login we require a password reset. An email has been sent with instructions for resetting your password. If you did not receive the email please click the
"I Forgot My Password" link on the Sign In page.

Permit Fees

Fees may include shipping and processing fees for each permit per lot or keycard deposit fees. Keycard fees are one time fees, which will be refunded when you cancel your contract and return your keycard.

Recurring Monthly Payments

When you sign up for recurring monthly payments your card on file will be charged the 20th of each month for your specific lot and your permit will be mailed by the 25th. To cancel this payment you will need to login to your account and select "cancel permit" 30 days prior to the 1st of the month.

Vehicles on Permits

You are only allowed one unique license plate per permit. If you need to change vehicles during the month you are responsible for updating your permit.

Same Company, with a New Name and New Look

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (4) is now!

We've updated our look and improved your experience to make it easier than ever to find the parking solutions you need. Take a moment and see what's new!

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Set Up Recurring Monthly Payments

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (5)

You can now set up recurring monthly payments for your parking. Manage your permits and payments with our new user-friendly account access.

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (6)The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (7)The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (8)


Quickly Find Lots Near You

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (9)

Easily find the locations and prices that work for you. See available or waitlisted lots. Search by address, intersection or landmark. And if you're already on the go, you can use your current location to see which lots are nearest you.

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (10)The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (11)The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (12)


Park Place on Any Device, Any Screen

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (13)

Our site is now 100% mobile friendly. You can find and buy parking and manage your account on any device you choose.

The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (14)The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (15)The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (16)

"; } $(".resultsList").empty(); $(".resultsList").append(searchResult); $(".search-box").text(res.length); $(".search-text").text("").text(searchValue); } else { $(".resultsList").empty(); $(".search-box").text(0); $(".search-text").text("").text(searchValue); } OpenSearchResultPoppup(); }, error: function (data) { console.log(data); unblockPage(); } }); } function getSearchResultUrl(url) { if (url.indexOf("/") != 0) { return "/" + url; } return url; } function OpenSearchResultPoppup() { unblockPage(); $('body').addClass('remodal-is-opened remodal-bg'); $('#searchWrapper').show(); $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').addClass('opening'); $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').on("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd", function (e) { $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').removeClass('opening'); $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').addClass('current-tab'); $(this).off(e); }); } function CloseSearchResultPoppup() { $('.sitesearch').val(""); $(".sitesearch").css("display", "none"); $('body').removeClass('remodal-is-opened remodal-bg'); $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').addClass('closing'); $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').on("animationend webkitAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd", function (e) { $('#searchWrapper #searchContainer').removeClass('closing'); $('#searchWrapper').hide(); $(this).off(e); }); if (!Modernizr.cssanimations) { $('#searchWrapper').hide(); } }

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stage Atlanta traffic will make you glad you found an oasis in Park Place Parking.

Lot 001ACovered garage, located off of Cone Street and near many downtown attractions
Lot 072DUncovered surface lot located on Centennial Olympic Park Drive NW. For access follow the "Gulch Parking" sign for ramp access to lot entrance.

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    Step 1

    Step 2

    The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (19)

    Automatically recurring monthly payment

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    The cart contains a permit in a different city. Please complete your purchase for one city before purchasing permits in other cities

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    You currently have a permit for this lot. Do you want to buy a new permit or renew an existing one?

    Buy Permit

    "; } data += "

    $" + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].Rate + "/mo.

    "; data += "

    " + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].Name + "

    "; data += "

    " + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].Description + "

    "; if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].IsAvailable == true) { var Ids = resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].RateId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingPeriodId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingTypeId; data += "


    "; } else { if ($(".hflogged").val() == "1") { var Ids = LotId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingPeriodId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingTypeId; data += "

    Join Waitlist

    "; } else { data += "

    Join Waitlist

    "; } } data += ""; } $(".ParkingOptions").html(data); OpenParkingTypeChoosePoppup(); $("#parking-options-step1").show(); $("#parking-options-step2").hide(); unblockPage(); } else { OpenNoPermitsPopup(); unblockPage(); } } } } } else { OpenNoPermitsPopup(); unblockPage(); } }, error: function (Object) { unblockPage(); } }); } function SelectionFails(LotId, CityId, PeriodId, UserId) { blockPage(); $(".hfselectedmonths").val(""); $(".hfselectedmonthsandrates").val(""); var query = "LotId=" + LotId + "&PeriodId=" + PeriodId + "&UserId=" + UserId; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "/desktopmodules/restservices/api/city/getparkingtypes?" + query, dataType: "json", success: function (resdata) { if (resdata.ParkingTypes.ResultCount > 0) { $(".ParkingOptions").text(""); if (resdata.ParkingTypes != null) { if (resdata.ParkingTypes > 0 && $(".hflogged").val() == "1") { OpenReNewpopup(); } else { if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Types.length < 2) { if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.IsAvailable == false) { var periodid = resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.ParkingPeriodId; var parkingtypeid = resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.ParkingTypeId; if ($(".hflogged").val() == "1") { JoinWaitList(resdata.ParkingTypes.LotId, periodid, parkingtypeid); } else { OpenSignInForWaitlist(1, periodid, parkingtypeid); unblockPage(); } } else { var myString = resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.Name; var myWord = "validations"; var myPattern = new RegExp('(\\w*' + myWord + '\\w*)', 'gi'); var matches = myString.match(myPattern); if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.PurchaseOption == 3) { ShowSelectedPermitForNewParkingPeriod(resdata); $(".BuyParkingSteps").hide(); $("#parking-options-step1").hide(); $("#parking-options-step3").show(); OpenParkingTypeChoosePoppup(); unblockPage(); } else if (matches === null) { ShowSelectedPermit(resdata); $(".BuyParkingSteps").hide(); $("#parking-options-step1").hide(); $("#parking-options-step3").hide(); $("#parking-options-step2").show(); OpenParkingTypeChoosePoppup(); unblockPage(); } else { ShowSelectedPermitForValidation(resdata); $(".BuyParkingSteps").hide(); $("#parking-options-step1").hide(); $("#parking-options-step3").hide(); $("#parking-options-step2").show(); OpenParkingTypeChoosePoppup(); unblockPage(); } } } else { if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Types != null) { $(".BuyParkingSteps").show(); $(".LotNameAndLocation").text("").text(resdata.ParkingTypes.LotLocation + " / " + resdata.ParkingTypes.LotName); var data = ""; for (var i = 0; i < resdata.ParkingTypes.Types.length; i++) { data += "

    "; if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].IsAvailable == false) { data += "

    "; data += "

    "; data += "Lot Full"; data += "

    "; } data += "

    $" + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].Rate + "/mo.

    "; data += "

    " + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].Name + "

    "; data += "

    " + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].Description + "

    "; if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].IsAvailable == true) { var Ids = resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].RateId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingPeriodId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingTypeId; data += "


    "; } else { if ($(".hflogged").val() == "1") { var Ids = LotId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingPeriodId + "," + resdata.ParkingTypes.Types[i].ParkingTypeId; data += "

    Join Waitlist

    "; } else { data += "

    Join Waitlist

    "; } } data += "

    "; } $(".ParkingOptions").html(data); OpenParkingTypeChoosePoppup(); $("#parking-options-step1").show(); $("#parking-options-step2").hide(); unblockPage(); } else { OpenNoPermitsPopup(); unblockPage(); } } } } } else { OpenNoPermitsPopup(); unblockPage(); } }, error: function (Object) { unblockPage(); } }); } function RenewPermitExisting() { blockPage(); window.location.href = "/accounts/user-permit"; } function SelectTab1(PurchaseOption) { $(".step2Wrapper").attr("onclick", ""); $(".step2Wrapper").attr("onclick", "SelectTab2(" + PurchaseOption + ")"); $(".step1Wrapper").removeClass("active").removeClass("visited").addClass("current-tab"); $(".step2Wrapper").removeClass("active").removeClass("current-tab").addClass("visited"); $("#parking-options-step3").hide(); $("#parking-options-step2").hide(); $("#parking-options-step1").show(); } function SelectTab2(PurchaseOption) { $(".step1Wrapper").attr("onclick", ""); $(".step2Wrapper").removeClass("active").removeClass("visited").addClass("current-tab"); 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$(".PermitPurchageForValidationsSection").show(); //if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.PurchagedExpiredDate != null && resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.PurchagedExpiredDate != "" && resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringMonths != null && resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringMonths != "") { // $(".hfRecurringMonths").val(resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringMonths); // $(".SpanExpireNotificationBox").text("").text("This permit will expire on " + resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.PurchagedExpiredDate); // $(".hfRenewFlowAddedPermitRate").val(resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringReRateAmount); // $(".DivExpireNotificationBox").show(); // $(".RecurringMonthlyPermit").removeClass("disabled"); // $(".AvailableSection").show(); // $(".UnavailableSection").hide(); //} else if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringMonths != null && resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringMonths != "") { // $(".hfRecurringMonths").val(resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringMonths); // $(".hfRenewFlowAddedPermitRate").val(resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.RecurringReRateAmount); // $(".DivExpireNotificationBox").hide(); // $(".RecurringMonthlyPermit").removeClass("disabled"); // $(".AvailableSection").show(); // $(".UnavailableSection").hide(); //} else { // $(".DivExpireNotificationBox").hide(); //} } function ShowSelectedPermit(resdata) { console.log(resdata); $(".LotNameAndLocation").text("").text(resdata.ParkingTypes.LotLocation + " / " + resdata.ParkingTypes.LotName); var data = ""; if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Type != null) { $(".h2selectedparkingtyperate").text("").text("$" + resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.Rate + "/mo."); $(".h2selectedparkingtype").text("").text(resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.Name); var MonthlyFlag = true; var count = 0; if (resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.MonthRateList != null && resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.MonthRateList.length > 0) { count = 1; } for (var j = 0; j < count > 0; j++) { var MonthObject = resdata.ParkingTypes.Type.MonthRateList[j]; var disabled = ""; var full = ""; if (MonthObject.IsAvailable == false && MonthObject.IsUserPurchased == false) { disabled = "disabled"; MonthlyFlag = false; full += "

    "; full += MonthObject.IsClosed == true ? "Lot Closed" : "Lot Full"; full += "

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    "; data += "

    "; data += full; data += "

    " + MonthObject.Month.toUpperCase() + "

    "; data += "

    " + MonthObject.Year + "

    "; data += "Select - $" + MonthObject.RateAmount + ""; data += "

    "; data += "

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    "; full += MonthObject.IsClosed == true ? "Lot Closed" : "Lot Full"; full += "

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    The Best Parking Lot Service in Downtown Atlanta (2024)
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    Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6230

    Rating: 4.6 / 5 (56 voted)

    Reviews: 87% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

    Birthday: 1999-05-27

    Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

    Phone: +2585395768220

    Job: Lead Liaison

    Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

    Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.