flows (2024)

Der Begriff Flow bezeichnet in der „rappenden“ Prosodie der Slam Poetry die Fähigkeit, gereimte Sprache rhythmisch gekonnt zu gestalten. Dieses Prinzip des Flow wurde in der Lyrik von Nuyorican-Poets wie Maggie Estep, Dana Bryant, Sekou Sundiata oder Amir Sulaiman entwickelt und reicht bis hin zu deutschen Rap-Poeten wie Bas Böttcher. Flow zählt dabei zu den sogenannten Skills guter Rapper und bezeichnet deren Fähigkeit, gereimte Sprache rhythmisch zu gestalten, was wiederum für Produktion und Rezeption des Rap zentrale ist (Kautny 2009, S. 144). Dabei unterscheidet Kautny zwischen Off-Beat-Flows, bei denen die Rap-Stimme einen entsprechend hohen Anteil an Off-Beat-Akzenten aufweist, und On-Beat-Flows, bei denen die Rap-Stimme die Akzente vergleichsweise stärker auf die Grundschläge des Begleitpatterns setzt und die Zählzeit 4 durch einen Reim betont. Während Off-Beat-Flows häufig mit neueren, ab den 1990er Jahren aufkommenden Rap-Stilen assoziiert werden (Krims 2001: 43, 49), gilt der On-Beat-Flow als Markenzeichen des Old-School-Raps der 1980er Jahre (ebd.), insbesondere, wenn er mit einer singsangartigen Melodiegestaltung verbunden ist. Hinzu kommt bei Bas Böttcher, dass manche seiner Gedichte durch das Zusammenspiel von rhythmischer Gleichmäßigkeit und Abweichung, von Freiheit und Bindung extrem treibend und fast tanzbar sind.

Eine weitere Gestaltungsweise des Flow ist das der Jazzmusikpraxis entlehnte Double-Time (Pfleiderer 2006: 253), das im Rap jedoch nicht wie im Jazz durch die Verdopplung des Grundtempos von Bass und Schlagzeug bei unverändertem Tempo der Akkordwechsel entsteht, sondern nur durch das beschleunigte Tempo des Raprhythmus gegenüber den konstant bleibenden Begleitpatterns. In der Regel beschleunigt die Rap-Stimme dann von einem 16tel- in ein 32tel-Tempo. Ein weiteres Merkmal ist die die Melodik, etwa bei US-amerikanischen Rappern der 1980er Jahre (Kurtis Blow, Melle Mel) oder im Rap-Stil deutscher Rapper der 1990er Jahre (Die Fantastischen Vier, Fettes Brot). Wichtig ist zudem, dass der Flow in der Regel an den Reim gebunden ist, weshalb man auch vom "rhyme flow" spricht (Kautny 2009, S. 144). Reime können als Off-Beat- bzw. On-Beat-Reime auf unterschiedlichen Akzenten eines Rhythmus positioniert sein (Pfleiderer 2006: 322) und so Klangsilben mit Takt, Metrum und Rhythmus verknüpfen: Bei Iain ‘Ewok’ Robinson etwa sind dies Binnenreime.


Kautny, Oliver: Annäherungen an das Phänomen Flow, in: Felix Hörner/Oliver Kautny (Hrsg.), Die Stimme im HipHop. Untersuchungen eines intermedialen Phänomens, Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag 2009, S. 141—170.

Krims, Adam: Rap Music and the Poetics of Identity (= New Perspectives in Music History and Criticism). Cambridge 2001.

Pfleiderer, Martin. Rhythmus. Psychologische, theoretische und stilanalytische Aspekte populärer Musik. Bielefeld 2006.

flows (2024)


What is the meaning of flows? ›

: to issue or move in a stream. rivers flow into the sea. (2) : circulate.

What is a flow in slang? ›

It is a slang phrase. It means don't worry about or stress about things. Just relax. If you were in water, stop swimming against the tide, Relax and float in the direction the flow of water takes you. Someone is telling you that you worry to much.

What is the synonym of flow? ›

Some common synonyms of flow are arise, derive, emanate, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring, and stem. While all these words mean "to come up or out of something into existence," flow adds to spring a suggestion of abundance or ease of inception.

What is an example of a flow? ›

Spaces, places, and landscapes change over time. Elements of them move, and where there is movement, there is what we call a "flow." This can be anything from your daily journey to school to the flow of electrons at the speed of light that is providing you with this explanation.

What does flows in life mean? ›

Flow is a mind-set. It's about letting everything happen (the good, the bad, and the ugly!) with acceptance and awareness while welcoming in an organic flow of life. It's not about resisting or racing ahead, but relying on the moment and the magic of life to let you flow with trust.

What does it mean to go flow? ›

to do what other people are doing or to agree with other people because it is the easiest thing to do: Just relax and go with the flow!

What do rappers mean by flow? ›

Flow can be generalized as hip-hop songs' lyrics and how they interact. A Rapper's flow is their ability to adjust the timing, rhythm/speed, and pitch of their voice to any given song in such a way that the beat becomes synchronized, almost perfectly sounding, with the voice.

What does flow mean in dating? ›

It means, He doesn't have any expectations of his relationship with you, future or otherwise, and he's going with the flow. Taking one day at a time. Until he meets someone he actually wants to date.

What does flow mean in a relationship? ›

Go with the flow in a relationship means you let things happen or let another person tell you what to do instead of trying to control the outcome yourself.

What is the adjective of flow? ›

flowing adjective (SMOOTH AND CONTINUOUS)

How do you describe something flowing? ›

long, smooth, graceful, and without sudden interruption or change of direction: flowing lines; flowing gestures.

What is a word for flow smoothly? ›

Synonyms: without difficulty, with ease, effortlessly, calmly, easily , swimmingly (informal), sleekly, peacefully, placidly, without a hitch, with the greatest of ease, beautifully, perfectly, no sweat (slang)

What are 3 examples of flows? ›

A river flowing down a mountain; air passing over a bird's wing; blood moving through a circulatory system; fuel moving through an engine. These are all examples of fluid flow.

What is the verb of flow? ›

flow verb [I] (MOVE)

(especially of liquids, gases, or electricity) to move in one direction, especially continuously and easily: flow down Lava from the volcano was flowing down the hillside. flow into Many short rivers flow into the Pacific Ocean.

What is a flow state of mind? ›

The term “flow state” describes a mental state in which a person is completely focused on a single task or activity. They are directing all of their attention toward the task, and they do not experience many thoughts about themselves or their performance.

What is a synonym for call flow? ›

Strongest matches. cascade, circulate, continue, discharge, ebb, flood, glide, gush, leak, overflow, percolate, pour, proceed, rush, slide, spill, splash, stream, sweep, swell, swirl, trickle, tumble.

What is a synonym for flow in writing? ›

Flow may also be known as fluency, smoothness, rhythm, coherence, continuity, progression, and sequence. These terms all convey a sense of seamless movement from one idea or point to the next, enhancing readability and comprehension.

What is a synonym for let flow? ›

let flow (verb as in pour) Strongest matches. cascade discharge drain flood flow gush rush spew spill splash stream swarm. Strong matches.

What is a synonym for flow path? ›

Synonyms: current , movement , stream , circulation, discharge , gush , drift , surge , tide , leakage , flux, outpouring, emanation, outflow, course.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.