Are There Any Natural Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder? (2024)

Mood stabilizers are prescription medications used to treat bipolar disorder. Natural mood stabilizers are non-prescription treatments and coping methods that are said to help regulate mood, such as adaptogens, exercise, nutrition, meditation or mindfulness, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin D.

Natural mood stabilizers can be appealing to people who do not want to take prescription medications because they’re concerned about side effects or cost. However, natural mood stabilizers may not be effective enough on their own and come with risks.

This article will discuss some natural mood stabilizers, including what research has determined about their safety and effectiveness for conditions like bipolar disorder.

Natural Mood Stabilizers

Natural mood stabilizers include over-the-counter (OTC) supplements and non-prescription products, as well as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) methods like yoga,meditation, andexercise.

Are There Any Natural Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder? (1)


Adaptogens, also calledadaptogenicherbs, are natural plants that are thought to help the body regulate itself and adapt to and heal from stress.

How It Works

There are many types and combinations of adaptogens. They are believed to work by helping the body adapt to its environment. One example, Eleutherococcus senticosus(also known aseleutheroand Siberian ginseng), has been used to treat bipolar disorder.

Other adaptogens may help with symptoms and triggers associated with bipolar disorder. For example, adaptogens are commonly used to treat and preventstress, and stress can trigger bipolar episodes.

Check With Your Provider Taking Supplements

Always check with your healthcare provider before starting any supplement. Natural supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and may interact with other medications and treatments you are using.


One 2013 study foundE. senticosuswas as effective as fluoxetine, a prescription medication used to treat bipolar disorder. It was also less likely to lead to a manic episode compared to fluoxetine.

However, other data suggest thatE. senticosusis no more beneficial than fluoxetine in treating bipolar disorder in adolescents. Thus, more research on E.senticosus’effectiveness is needed to find out if it could be helpful for people with bipolar disorder.

Side Effects and Precautions

People who are allergic toE. senticosus should not take it. Herbs and supplements are not strictly regulated by the FDA, so the strength, purity, and safety of products cannot be guaranteed. There can also be other side effects, including changes in hormone levels and blood pressure, increased risk of bleeding, and increased risk of drowsiness.

Dosage and Preparation

E. senticosushas been studied in doses of 750 milligrams taken three times a day along withlithium(a prescription mood-stabilizing medication) and is taken orally. Always follow your provider’s dosage recommendations for any medication or supplement you are taking.


Exercise can be a natural mood stabilizer depending on a person’s ability level and preferences.

How It Works

Physical exercise increasesserotonin,norepinephrine, andendorphins(neurotransmitters that help you feel good) in the brain. The increase in neurotransmitters may help alleviate symptoms of depression.


Moderate aerobic exercise may improve depression symptoms. Multiple studies of different populations have shown that exercise can help with mood. For example, some studies have recommended anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes of physical activity daily, five days a week, to help manage bipolar symptoms.

Side Effects and Precautions

It is important to talk with a healthcare provider before starting a new exercise routine. If you have certain health conditions, doing some kind of physical activity may not be safe or beneficial for you. It’s also important to take steps to prevent injury, which includes knowing how to use equipment and taking time to rest.

Meditation and Mindfulness

Meditation helps to relieve stress and anxiety and boost mood by calming the body and mind.

How It Works

Meditation can be beneficial for both mania and depression. Similarly, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy calms the mind and body, reduces stress andanxiety, and boosts mood. It also increases acceptance and compassion while reducing avoidance.


Studies have shown that silent meditation and active relaxation meditation may help reduce stress and improve depression. Here are some possible benefits of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for people with bipolar disorder:

  • Improved focus and concentration
  • Improved emotional regulation
  • Improved ability to maintain positive thoughts
  • Increased mindfulness
  • Increased effectiveness in doing everyday tasks
  • Better overall psychological well-being
  • Reduced symptoms of depression

Side Effects and Precautions

Some people experience fatigue and even fear when they meditate. These side effects may happen because of an increase in awareness or thinking about distressing past experiences. It’s recommended that you start meditation and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy with guidance from a trained professional.


Since nutrition plays a role in the way the body functions, what you eat can impact mental health symptoms.

How It Works

Different foods can increase or decreaseinflammation, which may affect stress, depression, and the body and mind overall.


Decreasing your intake of processed foods and increasing your intake of fruits and vegetables may help decrease inflammation and improve bipolar disorder symptoms. Your food choices may also give you a sense of control and help you cope with symptoms, which can make your overall treatment plan more effective.

Side Effects and Precautions

Talk with a healthcare professional before making any dietary changes or starting a new way of eating. You need to make sure you’re eating enough and getting all the nutrition your body and mind needs to function.

8 Foods That May Help Regulate Your Mood

Omega-3 Fatty Acid and Vitamin D

Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are two nutrients that your body needs to thrive. Fish oil supplements are a popular way to get omega-3s, and getting adequate sunlight exposure can help boost your vitamin D levels.

How It Works

Researchers are not sure why omega-3 and vitamin D improve bipolar disorder and other mental health conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD),schizophrenia, and impulsive behavior. However, what is known is that omega-3 and vitamin D are needed for serotonin regulation, which affects brain function and may contribute to improved symptoms in mental health conditions.

Many people in the United States do not get enough omega-3 and vitamin D, and many need to take supplements to have adequate levels of these important nutrients.


Low levels ofvitamin Dand omega-3 have been linked to mood disorders, including bipolar disorder. Some studies on vitamin D and omega-3 supplements have shown these nutrients may decrease symptoms like depression.

Side Effects and Precautions

Potential side effects of omega-3 include abdominal discomfort,diarrhea, and a fishy aftertaste. Taking a too-high dose may increase the risk of bleeding. Too much vitamin D can lead to calcium buildup in the blood.

Keep in mind that supplements are not regulated by the FDA, so the strength, purity, and safety of products cannot be guaranteed.

Dosage and Preparation

One study found that a vitamin D dose of 2,000 international units daily was effective for children and teens with bipolar disorder. An omega-3 dose of 1 to 2 grams per day, including both EPA and DHA, is sometimes recommended for depression. Fish oil is a common supplement for omega-3s. Always follow your provider’s dosage recommendations if you’re taking a supplement.

How to Choose a Supplement or Other Natural Mood Stabilizer

The best natural mood stabilizer depends on your symptoms and needs. Everyone is different, and people respond differently to both prescription medications and natural treatments.

When you’re considering a natural mood stabilizer, think about your symptoms, preferences, overall health, and what fits into your lifestyle. Your primary care provider or apsychiatrist can be a trusted source of information and recommendations.


Natural mood stabilizers are nonprescription treatments for mood disorders such as bipolar disorder. OTC vitamins and supplements, as well as lifestyle habits like nutrition, exercise, meditation, and mindfulness, are all examples of natural mood stabilizers.

The research on natural mood stabilizers is limited. For some people, these options may work better if they're paired with prescription treatments like medication or therapy. If you want to try using natural mood stabilizers for bipolar disorder, talk to your healthcare provider about whether they could be a safe and effective part of your treatment plan.

Are There Any Natural Mood Stabilizers for Bipolar Disorder? (2024)
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