Arabic Numbers - [Complete Guide for Beginners] (2024)

الأرقَامُ في اللغةِ العربيةِ

Feeling overwhelmed about all the rules around Arabic Numerals? This is a simple, yet comprehensive breakdown of all the rules you need to know.

Keep in mind that in Arabic we have a masculine and a feminine variant for each number.

Here are the numbers from 1 to 10 in Arabic. The numbers are are in words next to the symbol for each:

4 أَرْبَعَةٌ٤
5 خَمْسَةٌ٥
6 سِتَّةٌ٦
7 سَبْعَةٌ٧
8 ثَمَانِيَةٌ٨
9 تِسْعَةٌ٩

Arabic has certain rules to deal with numbers. These are based on the number itself, and also the gender of the subject.

The Grammar of Numbers in Arabic

We can divide these rules into four sets

Rules pertaining to:

1 – العَدَدُ المُفرَد – singular numbers

The numbers from 3 to 10 also 100-1000-1000…. etc.

العَدَد المُرَكَب – 2 – compound numbers

Numbers from 11 to 19

ألفاظ العقود – 3

Which are 20-30-40….90

المعطوف على العقود – 4 – coupled numbers

i.e The numbers from 1 to 9 with one of the numbers of العُقُود

That means it has the letter waw (21 to 99).

Rules for numbers 1 and 2

The numbers 1 and 2 always match the gender of the noun they qualify. That is, their form is masculine with masculine nouns and feminine with feminine nouns. These are اِثْنَان/ وَاحِد with masculine nouns and وَاحِدَة / اِثْنَتَان with feminine nouns, as in these examples:

يومٌ وَاحِدٌ | one day

ُحُجرَةٌ وَاحِدَةٌ | one room

جَاءَ عَالِمَان اِثْنَان | Two scientists came

قَرَأتُ رِسَالَتَينِ اِثْنَتَين |I read two letters

Remember: The numbers 1 and 2 in Arabic follow the noun they modify and agree with it in case and gender.

Rules for numbers 3-9

For numbers 3-9, we use plural nouns, disagreeing with the gender of the noun, Nouns that follow these numbers should be indefinite genitive plural, as in these examples:

سَبْعَةُ كُتُبٍ| seven books

تِسْعُ سَيَّارَاتٍ | nine cars

Keep in mind that the numbers 3-10 are made masculine by just dropping ‘ta’, the feminine marker from the end. (ة )

Just remember,the number has the opposite gender of the singular noun.

Rules of number 10:

When 10 is used alone (not compounded with 1 to 9), it follows the reverse agreement rule. If it is compounded with 1 to 9, it must agree with the noun it precedes.

Note that for عشرة the masculine form not only drops the ة but requires putting a sukuun ْ over the ش, so you get عَشْرٌ

عَشَرَةُ أَهْدَافٍ| ten goals

عَشْرُ لَاعِبَاتٍ | Ten female players

Rules for numbers 11 and 12

When the number 11 modifies a masculine word both the unit number َأحَد and the tens number عَشر are masculine. However, they are both in the accusative without nunation (تنوين). The counted noun will follow the number and will be singular and in the accusative case with nuntation .

For example, “eleven books” is أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كِتَابًا.

If the counted noun is feminine then both parts of the number 11 are converted to the feminine. The feminine of أَحَدَ is إِحْدَى and since إحْدَى ends in an alif maqsuura ى it will not show the case. However, the feminine of, عَشرَ will show the accusative case without nunation. The feminine ofعَشر is عَشْرَة Note that a sukuun is placed over the ش in the feminine.

For example, “Eleven novels” is إِحْدَى عَشْرَة روايًة. Since رواية is feminine, both words used in the number are also feminine.

Essentially, 12 works just like 11 but with a small twist. First, the similarities: The counted noun is always singular and accusative with nunation. The two elements of the number twelve both agree with the noun in gender. The second term of the number, عشر or عشرة , is always accusative without nunation.

The difference between 11 and 12 lies in the first element of the number. The first element in 12 is إثْنَا for masculine nominative, but is إِثْنَىْ for the accusative and genitive. The same is true when the first element is feminine. The feminine is إثْنَتا for the nominative and إِثْنَتَيْ for the accusative. For example

في المسجد اِثْنَا عَشَرَ رَجُلًا واِثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ سَيْدةً

Thereare twelve men and twelve women in the mosque.

Rules for number 13 to 19

For numbers, 13-19 the rules are as follows:

1. The second element (عَشر or عَشرة) agrees with the counted noun in gender.

2. The first element (ثلاثة, اربعة… etc.) shows the reverse agreement that we saw for the numbers 3-10.

3. Both elements of the numberare always accusative without nunation.

4. The counted noun is singular,accusative, and has nunation.

For example:

ثَلاثَةَ عَشَرَ دَرْسًا | thirteen lessons

ًخَمْسَ عَشْرَةَ تفاحَة | fifteen apples

note that the harakah of the letter ش in number عشرة will be as the following:

  • If عشرcomes as masculine, then if it is singular the ش will be with sukoon (ساكنة ) while if عشر comes as compound number then the ش will be with fatha as in these Ayat :

وَبَعَثْنَا مِنهُمُ اثْنَيْ عَشَرَ نَقِيبًا

سورة المائدة : 12

مَن جَاء بِالْحَسَنَةِ فَلَهُ عَشْرُ أَمْثَالِهَا

سورة الأنعام : 160

  • If عشرة cameas feminine ,then if it is singular then ش willbe with fatha ,while if it comes as compound number then ش willbe with sukoon as in these Ayat:

فَانفَجَرَتْ مِنْهُ اثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ

سورة البقرة : 60

تِلْكَ عَشَرَةٌ كَامِلَةٌ

سورة البقرة : 196

Rules for number 20 to 99

Beloware the numbers in Arabic for the tens.

Cardinal NumberNominativeArabic symbols
20 عِشْرُونَ٢٠
30 ثَلاثُونَ٣٠
40 أَرْبَعُونَ٤٠
50 خَمْسُونَ٥٠
60 سِتُّونَ٦٠
80 ثَمَانُونَ٨٠
90 تِسْعُونَ٩٠

These numbers are easy to memorize as they are essentially the numbers 3 through 10 made plural. These numbers decline for case, just as masculine sound plurals do. The nouns they modify are singular, accusative and have nunation. These numbers have no feminine versions. Thus “50 boys” is خَمْسُونَ ولدًا and 50 girls is خَمْسُونَ بنتًا.

In order to produce numbers such as 21, 22, 23….99, you use the numbers 1 to 9 along with the tens number. وَ is used to connect the unit number with the tens number. Notice also that the number for 1 can either be وَاحِد or its feminine counterpart وَاحِدَة, or أحد and its feminine counterpart إحْدَى.

The unit numbers for one and two agree with the noun just as they do on their own.

For example, “twenty-one books” is و وَاحِدٌ و عِشرُونَ كتابًا or أحَدٌ وعشرون كتابًا. “Twenty-one letters” is وَاحِدَةُ وعِشْرُونَ رسالةً or إحْدَى وعِشرونَ رسالة.

The same agreement takes placewhenever two is combined with one of the tens.

For the numbers 3-9, when used incombination with the tens, the principal of reverse agreement applies just asit does when these numbers are used by themselves. For example:

“forty-three male teachers” is ثَلَاثَةٌ وَأَرْبَعُونَ مُعَلمًا
“forty-three female teachers” is ثَلَاثٌ وَأَرْبَعُونَ مُعَلِمَةً


  • 1 and 2 always follow the gender of the word: وَاحِد/وَاحِدَة، اِثْنَان/اِثْنَتَان . And this happens whether they’re “independent” (1, 2) or compounded (11, 12, 21, 22, 31, 32….)
  • 2 is treated like any dual word: اِثْنَان in nominative case, and اِثْنَتَين in (genitive), and it loses its nun when in an idaafa structure with 3ashra: اِثْنَا عَشَرَ رجلاً and اِثْنَتَا عَشْرَة امرأة .
  • 10 takes the opposite gender of the word: عَشْرُ نساء ٍ وعَشَرَةَ رجالٍ
  • 3 – 9 also takes the opposite. As in the Quranic verse:ٍ في سِتَةِ أيام (Allah created the world in six days).
  • 11-12: follow the gender – أَحَدَ عَشَرَ رَجُلاً وإحْدَى عَشْرَةَ اِمْرَأَةٍ، اِثْنَا عَشَرَ رَجُلاً واِثْنَتَا عَشْرَةَ اِمْرَأَة
  • 13-19: the ten follows the gender and the unit number doesn’t – ثَلَاثُ عَشْرَةَ يَومًا وخَمْسَةَ عَشَرَ لَيْلَة
  • 20, 30, 40….90 : are same for bothgenders.
  • 23, 24, 25… 33, 34,…93, 94… : (3-9) takes the opposite gender of the word, while the 30, 40….90 (10’s place digit) remains constant ثَلَاثَةٌ وعِشْرُونَ رَجُلاً وثَلَاثٌ وعشرُونَ اِمرَأَة

Rules for number 100:

مِئَة will always remain the same whether the counted noun is masculine or feminine.

The word for “one hundred” is مِئة . Sometimes it is spelt differently – مائة. However, both spellings are pronounced “mi’ah.” And in holy Quran its always pronounced as مِئة and not مائة,

“one hundred men” is مِئَةَ رَجُلٍ.

Since مِئَة is a noun we don’t have to worry about the reverse agreement. It will always be feminine even when followed by a feminine noun. Thus “one hundred women” is مِئَةُ امرأةٍ, and two hundred is مِئَتَان.

To say “one hundred and one” we use مِئَةٌ وَ وَاحِد (or واحدة for feminine). The same is true for “one hundred two” مِئَةٌ وَ إثْنَان (or إثْنتان for feminine).

For all numbers from 103 to 999, the case and number of the counted noun depend upon the last word in the number. Thus “one hundred and four boys” is مِئَةٌ وَ أَرْبَعَة اولاد but “one hundred and fifty-three boys” is مِئةٌ وَ ثَلَاثَةٌ وَ خَمْسُونَ وَلَدًا. In the first example, اربعة was the last word. Since 3-9 are always in an idaafa construction, show reverse agreement, and are followed by the plural noun. The word ولد is made plural and is in the genitive. And the number اربعة is feminine.

In the second example, the word “fifty” is the last numeral. Since خَمْسُون is always followed by a singular, indefinite and accusative noun, ولد is written ولدًا

For four hundred sixty-seven boys, we can say,

أَرْبَعُمَائَة ٌ وَ سَبْعَةٌ وَ سِتُونَ ولَدَاً

And for feminine : سَبْع (following the same rules we have mentioned).

The rest of the hundreds are themselves idaafas for numbers 3-9 written before مِئَة. Since مِئَة is a noun, the numbers will be masculine. However, مئة will remain singular. “Three hundred” is ثَلَاثُمِئَة. The numbers (300,400,500,…900) remain the same irrespective of gender. For example: سَبْعُمَائَة كتاب و سَبْعُمَائَة فكرة

Rules for1000

The word for “thousand” is ألْفٌ. Like مئة it is a noun. And always remains the same irrespective of gender.

A thousand countries: اَلْفُ بَلَدٍ/ M

A thousand adventures: أَلْفُ مغامرةٍ /F

Unlike مئة it is masculine; so when it is preceded by the numbers 3-9, the number is feminine and the plural of ألْف is used. Four thousand pens: ثَلَاثَةُ ألآف قلم

When ألْف is preceded by a number greater than ten, it remains singular and is changed to accusative, just like any noun. Thus “twenty thousand” is عِشرُونَ ألْفاً

Note that when ألْف is singular or dual, it works just like مئة. “One thousand ways” is ألفُ طريقةٍ. “One thousand and one ways” is ألْفُ طَرِيقةٍ وَ طَريقة. “One thousand and two ways” is ألْفُ طريقةٍ وطريقتان. “Two thousand ways: ألْفَا طَرِيقةٍ

UsingtheNumbersin Dates:

1985 :

َسنَةَ ألْفٍ وَ تٌسْعُمَائَةٍ وَ خَمْسٍ وَ ثَمَانِين


ألْف وأرْبَعُمَائَةٍ وَ أرْبَعُون

Millions and Billions

And finally, the word for “million” is مِلْيُون It works exactly as does ألْف . Its plural is مَلَايين and the word for billion is مِلْيَار.


For infinity we say:

ما لا نهاية

Which literally means ‘That which has no end’

Bonus: Numbers in Quran

Here are some Ayat from the Holy Quran that mention numbers.Learnthemforpracticingthenumberrulesyouhavejustlearned!

  • قُلْ إِنَّمَا هُوَ إِلَٰهٌ وَاحِدٌ وَإِنَّنِي بَرِيءٌ مِمَّا تُشْرِكُونَ ﴿19﴾ الانعام
  • وَالَّذِينَ يَرْمُونَ أَزْوَاجَهُمْ وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُمْ شُهَدَاءُ إِلَّا أَنفُسُهُمْ فَشَهَادَةُ أَحَدِهِمْ أَرْبَعُ شَهَادَاتٍ بِاللَّهِ ۙ إِنَّهُ لَمِنَ الصَّادِقِينَ (6) النور
  • إِذْ قَالَ يُوسُفُ لِأَبِيهِ يَا أَبَتِ إِنِّي رَأَيْتُ أَحَدَ عَشَرَ كَوْكَبًا وَالشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ رَأَيْتُهُمْ لِي سَاجِدِينَ ﴿4﴾يوسف
  • حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ أَشُدَّهُ وَبَلَغَ أَرْبَعِينَ سَنَةً (15) الاحقاف
  • فَأَمَاتَهُ اللَّهُ مِائَةَ عَامٍ (259) سورة البقرة
  • يَوَدُّ أَحَدُهُمْ لَوْ يُعَمَّرُ أَلْفَ سَنَةٍ(96)سورة البقرة
  • عَلَيْهَا تِسْعَةَ عَشَرَ ﴿30﴾المدثر
  • فَكَفَّارَتُهُ إِطْعَامُ عَشَرَةِ مَسَاكِينَ(89) المائدة
Arabic Numbers - [Complete Guide for Beginners] (2024)


How can I learn Arabic numbers? ›

Learn with Safa. Today. We are going to learn the numbers zero. To ten are.

How do you say the numbers 1 to 10 in Arabic? ›

Where head if nan Salathe. Four five six her ba hamsa città seven eight nine ten Sabah the Mannie

Are 123 Arabic numbers? ›

Arabic numerals are the ten numerical digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. They are the most commonly used symbols to write decimal numbers.

How do you write 1 in Arabic numbers? ›

Lesson 3: Numbers (1-10)
  1. واحد wahed. one.
  2. اثنين ethnein. two.
  3. ثلاثة thalatha. three.
  4. أربعة arba-a. four.
  5. خمسة khamsa. five.
  6. ستة sitta. six.
  7. سبعة sab-a. seven.
  8. ثمانية thamanya. eight.

How do u say 3 in Arabic? ›

Three is talata (theh-lah-theh) (ثلاثة). Four is arba'a (ahr-uh-bah-ah) (أربع). Five is hamsa (hahm-sah) (خمسة). Note that the h has a guttural pronunciation.

How do you say 7 in Arabic? ›

7 is a special "h" sound. It is pronounced far deeper in the throat the normal "h".
  1. L kalime(tu) huna'k(a)
  2. L kita'b(u) huna'k(a)
  3. L kursiy(yu) huna'k(a)
  4. L madrase(tu) huna'k(a)
  5. L mu3allim(u) huna'k(a)
  6. L~tilmi'd'(u) huna'k(a)
  7. L qalam(u) huna'k(a)
  8. L ma77a'ye(tu) huna'k(a)

Who invented 1 number? ›

Hindu-Arabic numerals, set of 10 symbols—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0—that represent numbers in the decimal number system. They originated in India in the 6th or 7th century and were introduced to Europe through the writings of Middle Eastern mathematicians, especially al-Khwarizmi and al-Kindi, about the 12th century.

How do you spell 18 in Arabic? ›

Let's learn the Arabic numbers 1 to 10 (or rather, 0 to 10).
2. Cardinal Numbers Zero to Ten.
NumberEastern Arabic NumeralPronunciation
Eighteen١٨ثمانية عشر (ṯamāniyaẗa ʿašar)
Nineteen١٩تسعة عشر (tisʿaẗa ʿašar)
Twenty٢٠عشرون (ʿišrūn)
7 more rows
24 Oct 2019

How do we say 1000 in Arabic? ›

1000 (one thousand): ألف (alf) or ۱۰۰۰

How do you read 21 in Arabic? ›

Numbers 21, 22, 23 ... 99: Learn Arabic #27 - YouTube

How do you say zero in Arabic? ›

Basic Arabic | Numbers from 0 to 10 | Arabic Numerals | Learn Arabic Free

How do you count to 100 in Arabic? ›

Counting from 1-100 in Arabic - YouTube

How do you count to 20 in Arabic? ›

Learn Arabic. Numbers 0-20 & more! Lesson 2 - YouTube

What does 8 mean in texting Arabic? ›

6 — ط 7 — ح 8 — ق The following are some example words/phrases to get you started reading Arabic written in the Latin alphabet.

What does 9 mean in Arabic texting? ›

the apostrophe represents the dot on the letter khaa'; alternatively the numeral <5> is used. ص 9. imagine a <9> lying on the side, in which case the numeral looks very similar to the letter Saad.

Are English numbers Arabic? ›

The numbers English speakers use every day, known as Arabic numerals, were developed in the Maghreb during the 10th century. They made their way into Europe through Arab scholars in Al-Andalus (modern-day Andalusia in Spain), hence they are called Arabic numerals.

What are the basic Arabic words? ›

Basic Phrases
  • naäam. Yes.
  • laa. No.
  • min faDlik. Please.
  • shukran. Thank you.
  • äafwan. You're welcome.
  • aläafw. Excuse me.
  • arjuu almaädhira. I am sorry.
  • sabaaH alkhayr. Good morning.

What is Sitta in Arabic? ›

4 – ٤ arba'a (أربع) 5 – ٥ khamsa (خمسة) 6 – ٦ sitta (ستة)

How do you spell t in Arabic? ›

The letter Ta (ط) is emphatic and both the short a and the long aa is pronounced like 'a', even a bit like the Swedish 'å' (like in for and door). In the phonetic alphabet, the pronunciation of Ta is written [tˁ]. On this website, I write the pronunciation T.

What is the letter Z in Arabic? ›

The Arabic Alphabet: Consonants
25 more rows

How do you say T in Arabic? ›

The third letter of the Arabic alphabet. Its name is تَاء‎ (tāʾ) and it has the sound of English t.

Who Found 0? ›

"Zero and its operation are first defined by [Hindu astronomer and mathematician] Brahmagupta in 628," said Gobets. He developed a symbol for zero: a dot underneath numbers.

Who is the father of maths? ›

The Father of Math is the great Greek mathematician and philosopher Archimedes. Perhaps you have heard the name before–the Archimedes' Principle is widely studied in Physics and is named after the great philosopher.

What are the 7 types of numbers? ›

Main types
  • Natural numbers ( ...
  • Integers ( ...
  • Rational numbers ( ...
  • Real numbers ( ...
  • Irrational numbers: Real numbers that are not rational.
  • Imaginary numbers: Numbers that equal the product of a real number and the square root of −1. ...
  • Complex numbers (

How do you write 2021 in Arabic numbers? ›

The Roman numeral MMXXI corresponds to the Arabic number 2021.

What is your name translate Arabic? ›

what is your name? ما هو اسمك؟

How do you introduce yourself in Arabic? ›


How do you say 5000 in Arabic? ›

Arabic vocabulary :: Numbers 1000 through 10000
  1. 1000 ألف (al-f)
  2. 2000 ألفان (al-fān)
  3. 3000 ثلاثة آلاف (ṯlāṯẗ al-āf)
  4. 4000 أربعة آلاف (arbʿẗ al-āf)
  5. 5000 خمسة آلاف (ẖmsẗ al-āf)
  6. 6000 ستة آلاف (stẗ al-āf)
  7. 7000 سبعة آلاف (sbʿẗ al-āf)
  8. 8000 ثمانية آلاف (ṯmānīẗ al-āf)

What is the Arabic word of 40? ›


How do you write 200 in Arabic numbers? ›

Learn Arabic: Arabic numbers 100 to 200 - YouTube

How do you count to 30 in Arabic? ›

Learn Arabic Numbers 21- 30 : Learn Arabic with Safaa - YouTube

How do you write 50 in Arabic numerals? ›

Numbers from 1 to 50 - Arabic - English - YouTube

What are the Arabic numbers 1 30? ›

Arabic Numbers 1-100 Posted by aziza on Mar 25, 2010 in Vocabulary
26 more rows
25 Mar 2010

What does SIFR mean? ›

Our English word zero comes from the Arabic word sifr. It's the same Arabic root that gives us the word cipher, which can mean something that was done in secret.

Who invented Arabic numerals? ›

The Hindu-Arabic or Indo-Arabic numerals were invented by mathematicians in India. Persian and Arabic mathematicians called them "Hindu numerals". Later they came to be called "Arabic numerals" in Europe because they were introduced to the West by Arab merchants.

How are dates written in Arabic? ›

Short dates are written in "Day/month/year" from; when writing in Arabic and English: For Gregorian calendar: ١٦/١٢/٢٠١٣ميلادي or 16/12/2013.

Who can speak Arabic? ›

There are 25 countries that claim Arabic as an official or co-official language: Algeria, Bahrain, Chad, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tanzania, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.

How can I convert Arabic numbers to English? ›

How to Change English Numbers to Arabic Numbers in MS Word

How many words are there in Arabic dictionary? ›

List of dictionaries by number of words
LanguageApprox. no. of headwordsNotes
Arabic60,000The dictionary includes around 60,000 entries.
Dutch60,000Dutch-Afrikaans dictionary
Turkish60,000Ottoman Turkish dictionary, includes 60,000 entries.
104 more rows

How do you count to 100 in Arabic? ›

Counting from 1-100 in Arabic - YouTube

What are the Arabic numbers 1 20? ›

17سبعة عشرsab3ata 3ashar
18ثمانية عشرthamaneyata 3ashar
19تسعة عشرtis3ata 3ashar
16 more rows
18 Oct 2012

What does 9 mean in Arabic texting? ›

the apostrophe represents the dot on the letter khaa'; alternatively the numeral <5> is used. ص 9. imagine a <9> lying on the side, in which case the numeral looks very similar to the letter Saad.

What does 6 mean in Arabic? ›

6 — ط 7 — ح 8 — ق The following are some example words/phrases to get you started reading Arabic written in the Latin alphabet.

How do we say 1000 in Arabic? ›

1000 (one thousand): ألف (alf) or ۱۰۰۰

How do you read 21 in Arabic? ›

Numbers 21, 22, 23 ... 99: Learn Arabic #27 - YouTube

How do you say zero in Arabic? ›

Basic Arabic | Numbers from 0 to 10 | Arabic Numerals | Learn Arabic Free

How do you spell 18 in Arabic? ›

Let's learn the Arabic numbers 1 to 10 (or rather, 0 to 10).
2. Cardinal Numbers Zero to Ten.
NumberEastern Arabic NumeralPronunciation
Eighteen١٨ثمانية عشر (ṯamāniyaẗa ʿašar)
Nineteen١٩تسعة عشر (tisʿaẗa ʿašar)
Twenty٢٠عشرون (ʿišrūn)
7 more rows
24 Oct 2019

How do you write 40 in Arabic numbers? ›

Arabic Numbers From 40 - 50 - YouTube

How do you write 50 in Arabic numerals? ›

Numbers from 1 to 50 - Arabic - English - YouTube

WHAT IS A to Z in Arabic? ›

أ,ب,ت,ث ج,ح,خ,د,ذ,ر,ز,س,ش,ص,ض,ط,ظ,ع,غ,ف,ق,ك,ل,م,ن,هـ,و,ي Explanation: الشاذلي Shazly.

What does 4 mean in Franko? ›

the numbers are 2 = ق - ء 3 = ع 3' = غ 4 = ش 5 = خ 6 = ط 7 = ح 7' = خ 8 = غ | Facebook.

Why do Arabs use 3? ›

For example, the numeral "3" is used to represent the Arabic letter ⟨ع⟩ (ʿayn)—note the choice of a visually similar character, with the numeral resembling a mirrored version of the Arabic letter. Many users of mobile phones and computers use Arabish even though their system is capable of displaying Arabic script.

What does the 2 stand for in Arabic? ›

Two is used to indicate any glottal stop, which is the ء sound. Three indicates ع, while three with an apostrophe stands for غ. 5 or 7' indicate خ, while 7 stands for ح.

Why do Arabs write numbers? ›

The Roman numerals are used to symbolize the Arabic letters which don't exist, or rather, the ones that have no phonetic equivalent in English. For e.g., the Arabic letter “ح” (Haa) can't be accurately represented with Latin characters and it is, therefore, represented by the number “7”.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.