25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (2024)

Table of Contents
Best Money Affirmations for Crushing Limiting Money Beliefs Affirmation 1: I Deserve To Make More Money. Affirmation 2: I Am Open To Receiving All The Money And Wealth Life Brings To Me. Affirmation 3: I Enjoy A Healthy Relationship With Money. Affirmation 4: Money Flows To Me Easily And Effortlessly. Affirmation 5: I Deserve And Desire More Money. Affirmation 6: I Appreciate The Money I Have, And The Avalanches Of Money On Its Way. Affirmation 7: I Attract Money To Me Easily And Effortlessly. Affirmation 8: I Accept And Receive Unexpected Money. Affirmation 9: I Am Smart With My Money And Put Every Dollar To Good Use. Affirmation 10: I Choose Money, And Money Chooses Me. Affirmation 11: Abundance Is My Birthright. Affirmation 12: There Is No Shortage Of Money In This World. Affirmation 13: I Am Prosperous, And Embrace My Abundant Future. Affirmation 14: I Love Money And Money Loves Me. Affirmation 15: I Am Worthy Of Making Lots Of Money. Affirmation 16: I Am In Control Of My Actions, Therefore, I Am In Control Of My Prosperity. Affirmation 17: I Am Open To Learning How To Make More Money. Affirmation 18: I Make My Money Work Hard For Me. Affirmation 19: I Use Money To Positively Improve My Life And The Lives Of Others. Affirmation 20: Money Flows To Me Everyday, And In Every Way. Affirmation 21: I Am Focused And Determined To Build Wealth For Myself And My Family. Affirmation 22: I Am Grateful For The Money I Have And The Money That Is On Its Way. Affirmation 23: I Claim My Abundance And Prosperity Now. Affirmation 24: I Deserve The Highest And Best In Life, And I Attract Both To Me Now. Affirmation 25: The Amount Of Money I Can Earn Is Unlimited. Bonus Money Affirmation: Large Sums of Money Come to Me Quickly and Easily Bring These Money Affirmations to Life Final Thoughts “If You Want To Change The Fruits, You Will First Have To Change The Roots. If You Want To Change The Visible, You Must First Change The Invisible.” – T. Harv Eker FAQs

Are you in search of some money affirmations that can truly help you attract more wealth and abundance in your life? If so, this page is for you. Chances are you have felt frustrated by the lack of money flowing into your bank account as of late. Or, you are just not as financially secure as you would have hoped to be at this point in your life.

It’s okay if this is the case, because most people are not strangers to financial challenges. Us included, we’ve had our trials in the past. The great news is, you don’t have to remain where you are financially forever. In fact, with a few positive adjustments to your money mindset, you can gradually move yourself into a more prosperous and financial state of well being.

“Money Is Only An Idea. If You Want More Money Simply Change Your Thinking.”

– Robert Kiyosaki –

Now, here’s the issue, and it is the cold hard truth. If you’re currently struggling with money, it is likely that your current relationship with money may be “off”. Chances are, you have limiting money beliefs that are stifling your financial growth. If you’ve ever held thoughts about money being evil, that it doesn’t grow on trees, or that wealthy people are greedy, then how can you ever expect to improve your financial situation?

The truth is, your very thoughts may be blocking your success with money. Which is why we’ve decided to publish these money affirmations that work fast. These highly effective money affirmations will help you rapidly change your mindset about money. They’ll aid you in improving how you think about money, your deserving of it, and thus your ability to take the required actions to earn and keep more of it.

“It’sThe Repetition Of AffirmationsThat Leads To Belief. And Once That Belief Becomes A Deep Conviction, Things Begin To Happen.”

– Muhammad Ali –

With that being said, if you are new to affirmations, and you want to learn more about them, be sure you check out this comprehensive guide to affirmations. However, if you are already familiar with them, then, let’s dive into these powerful money affirmations that work fast at improving your relationship with money:

Best Money Affirmations for Crushing Limiting Money Beliefs

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (1)

Affirmation 1: I Deserve To Make More Money.

Before you can increase your net worth, you have to increase your self-worth. Your belief in whether or not you deserve money, will impact how much you decide to go after.

If you feel like you don’t deserve to make more money, use this affirmation to crush that limiting money belief.

“I deserve to make more money.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 2: I Am Open To Receiving All The Money And Wealth Life Brings To Me.

If you want to have more money come into your life, you have to open your mind to receiving it. Most people have closed their thoughts to making lots of money, so, when the money comes, it just as easily goes.

Think of it this way, how much water can you poor into a cup with a closed lid? Exactly, not much! So, be like an open cup, not a closed one when it comes to money; and allow and except money in all its forms until your cup runs over.

“I am open to receiving all the money and wealth life brings to me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 3: I Enjoy A Healthy Relationship With Money.

Having a healthy relationship with money is key. If you don’t have a healthy relationship with money, you’ll repel each other. It’s very much like an unhealthy relationship with a person. If your relationship is bad, you’ll repel and avoid each other at all costs.

So, use this affirmation to not only improve your relationship with money, but to cozy up and enjoy it. Money, like people, are attracted to those who show a healthy interest.

“I enjoy a healthy relationship with money.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 4: Money Flows To Me Easily And Effortlessly.

This is a great affirmation for money that will help break down any resistance you may have to receiving cash. It will help you get comfortable with the thought that making money and keeping it, is natural.

“Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 5: I Deserve And Desire More Money.

Most people desire limited amounts of money because they feel they deserve only a small portion of it. This line of thought has its roots in scarcity thinking.

However, when you decide to change your thinking about what you deserve in terms of money, you’ll also change your desire for it. Think you deserve more money, you’ll eventually desire more, and inevitably get it. Think you deserve less? You’ll desire less, and inevitably get it.

So, watch your thoughts, and be sure change them with this powerful money affirmation.

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (2)

Affirmation 6: I Appreciate The Money I Have, And The Avalanches Of Money On Its Way.

Appreciation is a key secret to living a happier and abundant life. It is also an extremely well-kept secret for having more money come into your life.

So appreciate all that you have now, and you’ll set the stage for much more of what you want to come your way.

“I appreciate the money I have, and the avalanches of money on its way.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 7: I Attract Money To Me Easily And Effortlessly.

This money affirmation is similar to one of the affirmations already mentioned, but it is slightly different. This affirmation helps you prime your mind for the law of attraction, and it helps you reprogram your mind about money from a different aspect.

As such, be sure to add this affirmation to your arsenal as well.

“I attract money to me easily and effortlessly.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 8: I Accept And Receive Unexpected Money.

Let the universe (and your subconscious mind) know that you are serious about money now. And that you are open to receiving it from all sources.

Using this affirmation will keep your mind attuned to the abundance of ways more money can and will come into your life. Why is this affirmation important? Well, if someone throws a ball at you while you’re not looking, will you be able to catch it? Same concept applies to being attuned to opportunity and money.

“I accept and receive unexpected money.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 9: I Am Smart With My Money And Put Every Dollar To Good Use.

Spending every dollar that you earn may be fun, but it is not the smartest use of your money. If you want to become financially secure, you’ll have to eventually learn how to keep more of what you earn.

So, use this affirmation to convince yourself that you are an intelligent money manager, and before you know it, you will be.

“I am smart with my money and put every dollar to good use.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 10: I Choose Money, And Money Chooses Me.

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (3)

You have to stop doubting your ability to become rich if you ever aim to become rich. Rich people choose to be rich, and because of that choice, riches seemingly choose them.

Make the choice to befriend money, and then crush any doubts you may have about the amount you deserve with this affirmation.

“I choose money, and money chooses me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 11: Abundance Is My Birthright.

When you were younger, you likely believed that you could have it all. But, somewhere along the road someone convinced you that you couldn’t.

Well, we are here to tell you that you have it all, and that abundance is available to you. And this affirmation will help you convince ‘numero uno’, yourself, that this is the case.

“Abundance is my birthright.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 12: There Is No Shortage Of Money In This World.

We are all creatures of our environment to a certain extent. But, we are not trees. We can move, change, grow, and create out of nothing, miracles.

Use this money affirmation to rid your mind of any scarcity thinking that you believe could be holding you back.

“There is no shortage of money in this world.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 13: I Am Prosperous, And Embrace My Abundant Future.

Visualizing is one of the most powerful methods for bridging the gap between our imaginations and reality. The dream house is built in the mind before the first brick is laid.

“I am prosperous, and embrace my abundant future.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 14: I Love Money And Money Loves Me.

We tend to take better care of the things we love. When we love something, we give it more attention, we think about it more, and we hold on to it a bit more tightly. And for this reason it is in your interest to convince your mind that you love money.

Use this affirmation frequently and you’ll begin treating every dollar you come across with the care and devotion that each one deserves.

“I love money and money loves me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 15: I Am Worthy Of Making Lots Of Money.

Not only are you worthy of the money you earn, but you are also worthy of so much more of it. And when you change how you feel about money, you’ll take more action to earn more of it.

In other words, your thoughts lead to a changes in how you feel, and feelings lead to action. And more action is what leads to more money.

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (4)
“I am worthy of making lots of money.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 16: I Am In Control Of My Actions, Therefore, I Am In Control Of My Prosperity.

Once you’ve come to realize that massive action is what leads to success, and that the only person who can get you to take action is you, money will find its way to you.

So, use this powerful money affirmation to help you take ownership of your mind, your actions, and by extension, your financial destiny.

“I am in control of my actions, therefore, I am in control of my prosperity.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 17: I Am Open To Learning How To Make More Money.

As the saying goes, “The more your learn, the more you’ll earn.” And when you embrace this affirmation, you’ll open your mind to acquiring the skills and knowledge that will help you add more value to others.

The great news is, when you add more value to others, you’ll get repaid in more dollars.

“I deserve to make more am open to learning how to make more money.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 18: I Make My Money Work Hard For Me.

One of the best ways to get rich is to take advantage of leverage, and the best way to leverage your money is to lend it to a business or real estate company that will pay you use your money for profit. In other words, when you invest your money, you are making it work hard to earn you more money.

Therefore, use this affirmation for money until you’ve reprogramed your mind to put as much money as you can to work hard for your, and your money and wealth will grow rapidly.

“I make my money work hard for me.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 19: I Use Money To Positively Improve My Life And The Lives Of Others.

Money can be used for good as well as bad, but when you use this affirmation, you’ll encourage the optimistic side of making lots of money.

Affirm this daily to commit your mind and actions to do good for yourself and others.

“I use money to positively improve my life and the lives of others.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 20: Money Flows To Me Everyday, And In Every Way.

The word affluence stems from the latin verb affluere, which essentially means to “flow abundantly”. Thus, using this affirmation will help you better embrace all the good that comes into your life daily, especially when it comes in the form of money.

So embrace the flow, and your money will grow.

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (5)
“Money flows to me everyday, and in every way.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 21: I Am Focused And Determined To Build Wealth For Myself And My Family.

There is certainly some wisdom to be found in the law of attraction, but nothing builds wealth like focused action. As such, you’ll want to use this powerful money affirmation to transform your mind into a wealth building machine.

“I am focused and determined to build wealth for myself and my family.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 22: I Am Grateful For The Money I Have And The Money That Is On Its Way.

Having an attitude of gratitude is essential for success. People can sense it, and believe it or not, the world rewards those who have it.

It is for this reason that we highly recommend this affirmation. You may not feel grateful for all the you have at first, but with practice, you’ll come around. And when you do, things will begin changing for you.

“I am grateful for the money I have and the money that is on its way.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 23: I Claim My Abundance And Prosperity Now.

There is no time like now to command your mind to start believing that you are here to collect. Not sure why this affirmation works so well, but it does. Use it when you’re about to ask for that promotion, just before you try to make your next sale, or before your finalize your next project.

Trust us, there is magic in this one, so use it wisely.

“I claim my abundance and prosperity now.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 24: I Deserve The Highest And Best In Life, And I Attract Both To Me Now.

You won’t be able to experience the highest and best that life has to offer you until you put your foot down and demand it. The more you use this affirmation for money, the more the world will get out of your way to give in to your demands.

The world is your oyster, so reach out and take it.

“I deserve the highest and best in life, and I attract both to me now.” Tweet This Affirmation

Affirmation 25: The Amount Of Money I Can Earn Is Unlimited.

The biggest obstacle people face when it comes to money is their reluctance to let go of beliefs that keep them bound to a certain income level. It’s like people have their own personal money thermostat, and most of those thermostats are set to low.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. When you stop believing the mythical limits that someone sold you on, the amount of money you can earn becomes limitless. So, use this powerful money affirmation to once and for all shift your internal money thermostat to unlimited.

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (6)
“The amount of money I can earn is unlimited.” Tweet This Affirmation

Bonus Money Affirmation: Large Sums of Money Come to Me Quickly and Easily

This is as close to a magical money affirmation as it gets. This affirmation will help expedite your ability to get your mind aligned with the appropriate mental money state. And as a result, it will supercharge your money getting and money attracting ability.

So, give this bonus affirmation for money a shot, and see what happens.

“Large sums of money come to me quickly and easily.” Tweet This Affirmation

Bring These Money Affirmations to Life

We are huge fans of success journals and vision boards. In our experience, they have been extremely effective for bringing dreams to life. As such, we recreated these affirmations in visual form you so you could easily print them out. Once printed, you could place them in your journal, keep them handy near your work desk, or tape them to your bathroom mirror, it’s up to you. Without further ado… here they are:

25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (7)

Final Thoughts

There you have it, our collection of the some of the most highly effective affirmations for money on the web. Without a doubt, if you use these affirmations daily and diligently, they will actually work for you. But you’ve got to take the first steps to make it happen.

“If You Want To Change The Fruits, You Will First Have To Change The Roots. If You Want To Change The Visible, You Must First Change The Invisible.” – T. Harv Eker

With that being said, we hope you enjoyed this list. If you’ve found value in this page, or if you believe these are some of the best money affirmations you’ve come across, please bookmark it and come back often. And most importantly, share these affirmations with someone whom you think could you use a good shakeup to their money mindset.

Till next time,


PS – If you enjoyed these powerful money affirmations, then you’ll also be able to fortify your money mindset with other supporting resources:

  • money affirmations wallpaper
  • powerful money quotes
  • effective money mantras
  • think and grow rich
25+ Money Affirmations For Attracting Financial Success - The STRIVE (2024)


How do you attract money immediately affirmations? ›

Here are 20 positive money mantras and affirmations to get you started:
  1. You are a money magnet.
  2. Money flows freely to me.
  3. I release all resistance to attracting money. ...
  4. There is always more than enough money in my life.
  5. I naturally attract good fortune.
  6. I am financially free.
  7. My income exceeds my expenses.

What are the best affirmations for money? ›

Positive Money Mantras + Affirmations
  • I always have enough money.
  • I will find money in expected and unexpected ways.
  • I am wealthy beyond money.
  • My life is rich and full.
  • I will conquer my financial goals.
  • My money helps change the world for the better.
  • I am allowed to have success and happiness.
Mar 12, 2022

How do you attract large amounts of money? ›

How To Attract Money: 15 Tips For Money, Wealth, And Prosperity
  1. Have a positive attitude.
  2. Create a productive money mindset.
  3. Stop worrying.
  4. Make an honest assessment of your current money state.
  5. Focus on abundance & be grateful for what you have.
  6. Share what you have with others.
  7. Make a study of wealth.
  8. Visualize money.
Nov 3, 2020

Which Angel number is for money? ›

The first Angel Number is 808

This is a very powerful combination, it doubles the power of number. 808 represents beginning with an abundance. This number can heal your financial losses, helps in breaking limiting beliefs related to money.

Which mantra is powerful for money? ›

Mantra Meaning: Dear Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera, I pray to thee! Bless me with prosperity and wealth. Please Note: This mantra is effective for quick results and this mantra is a Beeja Mantra, hence very effective. However, it must chanted on a daily basis during prayers.

Do money affirmations work? ›

Using affirmations focused around money and wealth can change your attitudes about money. This impacts how you behave with and towards money, which ultimately affects the way you attract and manage money. Over time, affirmations can transform your money mindset into one of abundance and attraction.

Can affirmations make me rich? ›

Campbell believes that affirmations not only make you feel better about yourself, but also will make you richer. “The positive affirmations really help you. They juice up your energy,” Campbell says.

What is the money mantra? ›

Money mantras are short, powerful statements that you declare to yourself regularly and loudly to help you build your money confidence, attract abundance in your life, and reach your goals.

What color is good luck for money? ›

Attracting Money: Decorate in Red, Purple or Green

"Color has a powerful impact on mood, and red is considered auspicious and powerful. Think of walking the red carpet or wearing a red power tie," explains Laura.

What stone is good for money? ›

Citrine is known as the “money stone” so, obvs, it's at the top of the list. Its most potent power is in amplifying willpower and motivation. It helps you focus on a specific financial goal, like saving, investing, or resisting spending urges. Keep it close by.

How do I manifest money? ›

Assign Value and Intention to Your Money

Similar to setting goals, money manifesting can come from setting intentions. It can be valuable to set intentions to each and every purchase you make. You can do this by creating a dialogue with yourself when you spend money.

What is a lucky number for money? ›

Prosperity numbers are 6 and 8.

It's particularly powerful when there are several Face-Value numbers that total to 6 or 8. For example, the phone number 888-689-6891 is an 8. The phone number is calculated like this: 8+8+8+6+8+9+6+8+9+1 =71. Then 7+1=8.

What does 333 mean? ›

What does the number 333 mean spiritually? If you keep seeing the number 333, it could be a message that you need to pay attention to an impending decision. It's an indication that the road ahead is open for you to continue on your journey.

What is a good luck number? ›

According to superstition, the five luckiest numbers are 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, 21 and 77. However, these numbers may not be considered lucky by all cultures.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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