15 Minutes Powerful Guided Savasana Script For Yoga Teachers (2024)

Struggling to find the right words? This guided savasana script might be what you need as the closing words yoga class

When I was newly graduated from yoga teacher training, I was struggling to find the right words to say during Savasana.

If this sounds familiar and you want a sample savasana script, you can use the following one. I wrote myself keeping in mind that not every teacher is good with words, it takes time and practice. I hope that this guided savasana script will help you out when you feel stuck.

What is Savasana – Corpse pose

As BKS Iyengar beautifully explained “Sava in Sanskrit means a corpse and asana posture. Thus Savasana is a posture that simulates a dead body and evokes the experience of remaining in a state as in death and of ending the heart-aches and the shocks that flesh is heir to. It means relaxation, and therefore recuperation. It is not simply lying on one’s back with a vacant mind and gazing, nor does it end in snoring. It is the most difficult of yogic asanas to perfect, but it is also the most refreshing and rewarding.”

I’ve always prepared a grounding savasana script and my students love the moment I say “get ready for savasana” because they understood the value of it. But some of them, when they started practising yoga with me, left the class just before the asana.

When I asked the reason for that, they told me that they thought it wasn’t important to them or they didn’t have time.

I immediately understood that they weren’t aware of the benefits of savasana. So, I explained to them the reason why savasana is the most important asana, especially if it is a guided savasana. It improves the parasympathetic response of the central nervous system and helps to absorbs all the benefits of the asana practice, preparing the yogi for pranayama and meditation. (You can read my blog post about it here).

They were almost shocked because at others yoga studios they’ve practised in the past, savasana was just a moment to lie down and maybe take a nap at the end of yoga practice.

I don’t blame them because, in western countries, yoga is still mostly seen as a sport or a fitness class. Too much attention to the physical aspect of yoga and less on the healing and therapeutic side.

To make my students fully experience the corpse pose, I always wanted to say soothing and empowering words, but often I couldn’t find them (and was googling closing words yoga class without great success). But with experience and with years of study I’ve developed my own grounding savasana script.

First of all, make sure your students are comfortable on their yoga mat and, unless you are teaching in a hot country, make sure they are warm enough. I usually ask them to wear socks and jumpers or to use a blanket.

Soften the lights or switch them off completely, maybe you can light some soy wax candles. I always avoid burning incense, as some people might not like it.

I also try to keep my voice volume

Enjoy this guided savasana script.

Guided Savasana script for yoga teachers

15 Minutes Powerful Guided Savasana Script For Yoga Teachers (1)

I used to find it difficult, to guide my students with the right closing words yoga class, especially with online classes, but since I’ve started writing grounding savasana script, I don’t have this issue anymore. So, with this guided savasana script I’d like to help other teachers to deep into savasana practice.

I want to share another tip before you begin guided Savasana script for your students, and that is: take some time for yourself, breathe, and find the right closing words yoga class. Maybe give a quick read to your grounding savasana script note.

Either you teach online or off-line, you can benefit from this grounding savasana script.

Grounding guided savasana script starts here:

Please lie down on your back and prepare for guided savasana.

Make yourself comfortable, with the back flat on the floor.

Keep your legs wider than your hips and let your feet falling apart.

Bring the arm away from the body, palms facing up. Shoulders relaxed and away from the ears.

Take a few deep inhalations and very long exhalations. Maybe exhale out through the mouth a couple of times.

As you are lying down here, notice your breath moving in and out of your body.

Let your breath follow its natural cycle, don’t try to control it or send it towards any specific part of the body. Just be aware of how naturally it occurs.

With each inhalation, experience a sense of expansion, openness in the body, and with each exhalation, a feeling of relaxation and peacefulness. Every time you exhale, let go of any tension in your muscles.

Every time you exhale, see if you can let go of the weight of your arms, legs, head, the whole body.

Allowing yourself to fully trust the surface you are lying on. You are in a safe place, lying here, you cannot fall, nothing bad can happen.

It’s time to let go completely of any tension left in your body.

Every time you exhale, allow yourself to melt a little bit further down into the Earth and letting go completely to the gravity.

As you are lying here breathing, notice the aliveness in your body. The blood flowing into your veins, your heart beating, your breath – slow and long, calm.

Scan your body and maybe notice any sensation of warmth or tingling in different areas of your body, maybe in your hands, in your feet.

Allowing things to be just as they are. Find a sense of coming home to your body, a sense of everything being connected.

Allowing your body to be just as it is, and allowing yourself to be just as you are.

You are whole and complete, perfect, breathing, alive.

Noticing your breath as it comes in and goes out of the body. Knowing you are breathing. Allowing yourself to be embraced by your own breath.

Staying in this state, for a few minutes, allowing the body to feel the effects and the benefits of the guided savasana.

Closing words yoga class

Very gently, before opening your eyes and starting moving, start to coming back into this room, to your breathing.

Noticing the breath as it moves in and out through your both nostrils.

Noticing how you are feeling now, compared to the beginning of the practice.

Maybe noticing a positive change in your body as a result of your practice.

Notice a sense of calmness and stillness within. Knowing that this sense of calmness and stillness is your normal state, always available to you, whatever is happening around you.

You can come back to this blissful state every time you want by bringing your awareness to your breathing.

Slowly, start bringing movement to your body. Make any movement your body needs to wake up.

Roll into your favourite side and pillow your head with your arms. Allowing prana energy to flow through your body again.

Gently press your hands on the mat and come up seated, with your eyes still closed.

Grounding savasana script

After you finished your guided savasana, you can allow them to stay a little bit more in silent meditation before ending the class with three OM chanting. Or you might want to proceed with pranayama and then meditation.

I am very happy to share with you this guided savasana script.

It might not be perfect but I feel that it can be very useful for anyone, freshly new yoga teachers as well as experienced yoga teachers, as a refresh for their yoga teacher training.

Use it as it is, or just take inspiration to find your own words.

If this guided Savasana script inspired you and helped you with your teaching skills, please, write a comment below.

Closing words yoga class are, sometimes, hard to find but with practice, it will come. Remember that a good grounding savasana script is written with the heart and with passion. So if you want to write your own grounding savasana script, use your own experience and the right words will come.

I hope you liked this guided savasana script.

If you want to have a more guided savasana script or grounding savasana script, let me know in the comments below.

Much love.

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15 Minutes Powerful Guided Savasana Script For Yoga Teachers (2024)


What do I say during Savasana? ›

I like to say something such as this:

We're now going to finish with Savasana to rejuvenate the body and relax the mind. Do your best to be still, as the deeper you relax, the more benefits you receive from the pose.”

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Share an Uplifting Message or Affirmation
  • Do good, be good, shine bright and have fun.
  • May your days be happy, healthy and full of love!
  • Bring your hands together at your heart, lower your head to your heart and acknowledge yourself for showing up to your mat today. ...
  • May you be happy. ...
  • May all beings be happy and free.

How do you introduce Savasana? ›

How to Teach Savasana ~ 7 TIPS For Yoga Teachers - YouTube

How do you guide out of Savasana? ›

Staying in touch with the calm and focus of a deep Savasana is much easier if you do not jump out of the pose. Take time to stay with that feeling of relaxation as you slowly pause on the way back to “normal” life. This is the real yoga-bringing your experience from the mat into the rest of your life.

What does yoga teacher say at end of class? ›

At the end of a yoga class, the teacher will usually end with a Namaste. It is expected for the students to say Namaste back to the teacher and to all the other students. When saying Namaste to someone, feel your heart full of love, kindness, gratitude, and respect towards them.

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My name is __ and I'll be your guide for this __ minutes. Remember that this is your practice so do what feels right for you. This means you can modify if you need to or increase the intensity if that's what your body needs. The challenge is to listen to your body.

How do you close a yoga class after Savasana? ›

Yoga Techniques : How to End a Yoga Class - YouTube

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I salute to the sage, Patanjali, who gave us yoga (yogena) for purifying the mind (citta) words (pada) & speech (vacca). To remove the impurities (malam) of the body (sharirasya), patanjali gave us the medicine (vaidyakena).

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7 Ways You Can Make Your Yoga Classes More Unique
  1. Don't just be another yoga teacher. ...
  2. Opening & Closing Your Yoga Classes. ...
  3. Expand On Your Yoga Class Theme. ...
  4. A More Unique Yoga Class Set Up. ...
  5. Create Some Unique Yoga Moves. ...
  6. Make The Yoga Classes Personal. ...
  7. Yoga Is NOT Just Asanas or Instagram. ...
  8. Be Your Unique Self.
Dec 6, 2021

How long should you stay in Savasana? ›

In Yoga Nidra and restorative yoga, Savasana is more than just a final resting pose. In these more passive and mellow yoga forms, Savasana is practiced for 30 minutes or more to allow the whole body, mind, and spirit to completely relax and reset, and promote a sense of overall well-being in daily life.

How do you do a yoga sequence? ›

Start with gentle stretching before warming up with some standing postures or sun salutations. Move into deeper poses, such as backbends and hamstring stretches, once you are fully warm. End the practice by cooling down with some relaxing poses (such as forward bends or gentle twists) before settling into savasana.

How do you get students out of Savasana? ›

Getting students out of savasana sample script - YouTube

Is it OK to say namaste? ›

The good news: there is no 'right' way to say Namaste, as long as it is being used as an expression of respect and gratitude and being pronounced correctly. It is a three-syllable word that is pronounced nah – muh – stay.

Does namaste mean peace? ›

Namaste is the common greeting in yoga. It is a gesture to send a message of peaceful spirituality to the universe in the hopes of receiving a positive message back. Most say namaste as a means to thank the teacher or use as an expression of relief upon the ending of the class.

What do you say in yoga? ›

As yoga is gaining popularity, so is the salutation – Namaste, which yogis give to each other at the end of a class. While yogis are now spread across the globe, yoga is an Indian discipline and saying Namaste at the end of a session is very significant.

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