Why Do I Keep Going Back To A Toxic Relationship? | Hope Heals Therapy (2024)

You don’t want to let go of the person who accepted you because you feel like no one will accept you the way you are. Low self esteem prevents you from setting boundaries.

Even though intellectually you know you should not be treated in this way and you deserve to be respected. The fear of putting yourself out there and being rejected keeps you in the relationship.

  • The manipulation in the relationship is real– There is a lot of psychological and emotional manipulation that happens in toxic relationships. Your partner might be leaving out information, bending the truth, lying to you.

They might be gaslighting you.

For example, you ask your partner a simple question like “do you want to pick what to make for dinner today?” and they get mad at you, start yelling and screaming and you are all confused thinking what just happened. Then you apologize and take the blame for upsetting them even though you have no idea what you did.

For example, You share with your partner that you don’t like them liking pictures of other women on social media, they respond to you in an apologetic way and tell you that they did not have any bad intentions, then they go and do the exact thing you asked them not to do. Then they tell you that you are just overreacting.

In the middle of all this manipulation it is very difficult to hold on to your sense of self.

You might find yourself doubting your intuition a lot. When we cannot trust ourselves it is difficult to follow what feels right. So even if you feel like you should leave you will keep going back to the toxic relationship.

On top of that if you have grown up in a toxic household then you go back to your original patterns and figure out how to survive the toxicity. You don’t think of leaving. Even if you decide “I need to leave” cutting off completely might not be so easy.

We keep going back to a toxic relationship because of the strong hold it has over us due to the reasons mentioned above. We all have a need to connect, you don’t have to settle for a toxic person. Check out my article on why do we need relationships if you are curious about why we need to connect.

My article on how to stop being codependent in a relationship talks about signs of a healthy relationship, feel free to check that out. Also, the article on how to set emotional boundaries has a few useful tips on boundary setting.

Some of the things you can do to not keep going back to a toxic relationship are-

Connecting with your feelings and needs

Working on building your self esteem

Working on being kind and compassionate towards yourself

Seeking out help to work though the patterns created in your childhood due to difficult experiences growing up. Check out my article on individual therapy for relationship issues, it talks about the process of healing.

Why Do I Keep Going Back To A Toxic Relationship? | Hope Heals Therapy (2024)


Why do I keep wanting to go back to a toxic relationship? ›

We sometimes rather stay in a bad relationship, because the pain left in our hearts when we leave is so intense. We underestimate our ability, as humans, in moving on. We think accepting all the wrong things a toxic relationship throws at us will hurt us less than a heartbreak.

Why do I keep running back to a toxic relationship? ›

Our insecurities and our fears eat away at who we are and keep us from breaking free of toxic and hateful partnerships. If you keep running back to the same person, it's often because you feel so bad about yourself that you come to believe that's the best you can do.

Can therapy fix a toxic relationship? ›

Therapy can help a toxic person confront their behavior, understand its impact on their partner and themselves, and work towards change. However, it's essential to recognize that change can be a long and challenging process.

Why do I keep letting toxic people back into my life? ›

Low self esteem– Having a low self esteem is another reason why people allow toxic people into their lives. It ties back to the fear that no one will ever want you and you will be alone for the rest of your life.

How do I stop going back to a toxic partner? ›

To leave a toxic relationship, you should:
  1. Build your social support.
  2. Explore ways to become more independent.
  3. Lean on family, friends, and others as you are leaving.
  4. Get help from professionals, including a therapist, attorney, or law enforcement.
  5. Cutt off contact with the other person.
Dec 4, 2023

Why do I crave toxic relationships? ›

Your brain becomes conditioned to crave and seek out the positive moments, even if they are scarce or inconsistent. This conditioning can lead you to stay in toxic relationships, hoping for and pursuing those fleeting positive moments while enduring the negative ones.

Why am I chasing a toxic relationship? ›

Why do good people find themselves stuck in toxic relationships? Therapists often speak of something called “love addiction,” where a person craves the sense of fulfillment and validation that comes from being in a relationship, no matter how destructive.

What happens when you stay in a toxic relationship for too long? ›

Toxic relationships and mental health

They may feel like they are constantly walking on eggshells and be in a state of heightened anxiety or fear. Over time, these feelings can become overwhelming and lead to chronic stress, which can harm the physical and mental health of the person.

Can couples therapy fix a broken relationship? ›

If your relationship feels broken, there is hope. When you attend couples therapy, a counselor can help you understand yourself and your partner and the intricate dynamics of your relationship. Gaining insight into the challenges of your relationship can help you overcome those hurdles to bring couples close again.

Why is healing from a toxic relationship so hard? ›

Physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically — healing takes time. You experience an incredible amount of stress in a toxic relationship, from daily micro-conflicts to standout traumatic events. We often think of breaking up as the moment the pain stops, but the truth is there's still a lot to work through.

Do I need therapy after a toxic relationship? ›

Toxic relationships can leave you feeling worthless or inadequate. You may feel like you're not good enough or that you don't deserve love or respect. If you're struggling with low self-esteem after a toxic relationship, it's important to seek help from a mental health professional.

Can a toxic person realize they are toxic? ›

Someone with toxic traits may not realize or care that their actions negatively impact others if they lack emotional intelligence. If someone is unaware their actions hurt others, try addressing the problem with them. If they refuse to listen, you may need to set boundaries or stop spending time with them.

Why do I still love a toxic person? ›

Toxic people are often erratic in their emotions and behavior. Although this isn't healthy, this lack of perfection can feel overly relatable. Being with someone who's emotionally stable all the time can feel weird if it's not what you're used to in relationships, friends — or even yourself.

What happens when you go back to a toxic relationship? ›

It affects your self-esteem, you can feel symptoms of depression and anxiety. You might lose the parts of you that you loved about yourself and become a person you don't recognize anymore. Constant exposure to stress caused by toxic relationships has the potential of affecting our physical health as well.

Is it good to go back to a toxic relationship? ›

It can lead to various stress-induced health issues. So, until you start loving yourself enough and asking for the love you deserve, toxic relationships will threaten your overall security and well-being.”

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.