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The BG News February 22, 1985

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Friday, February 22,1985THEBGLNEWS Vol. 67 Issue 85 Chernenko Contest deathly ill donors Successor discussed respond

by Caroline Langer ATO fraternity staff reporter percentage wins

The Soviet Union is again experiencing controversy concerning its Communist party leader. For the third time in as many years, a by Stacey Longacre Soviet leader is reported seriously ill and talk has turned to who his reporter successor might be. President Ronstantin Chernenko has been reported to be incu- In response to the American rably ill and has not made a public appearance since Dec. 27,1964. Marketing Association's chal- Chernenko was named Party Leader on Feb. 13,1984 at the age of 72, lenge to all campus or- making him the oldest man ever to achieve the peak of Soviet power. ganizations, approximately 200 Chernenko was groomed and promoted for the position of Party people representing various Leader by the late President Brezhnev, said Joseph Krauter, clubs responded to donate blood associate professor of Political Science. at the Red Cross bloodmobile However, when Brezhnev died, Yuri Andropov succeeded him. last week. When Andropov died 15 months later at age 69, Chernenko was The winning club was the ATO appointed. fraternity with 31 percent of its Joseph Krauter said the Politburo, the chief policy making members responding, said Jon committee, appoints older men into office for two reasons. Harding, AMA member, "the ONE REASON is experience. Leaders are always chosen from the only fair way to pick a winner Politburo and the senior members are survivors of the system; they was to base it on the percentage become "tried and true" and have years of experience and expertise of members representing a which can be taken advantage of, Krauter said. club." The Arnold Air Society, an The other reason is that there is no limitation of the time in office. honorary fraternity organiza- "If a younger man were to be named president, there would be no tion affiliated with the ROTC, way to protect him from abusing power," Krauter said. He added placed second. that the USSR learned problems of long-term leaders when Stalin Joe Gottron, AMA president, was placed in power at age 45 and dictated from 1924-1953. said the idea for the blood drive A possible choice for the next-in-line is Mikhail Gorbachev, 53, who challenge came about last is currently the minister of defense. spring when his adviser, mar- Just as Chernenko was a protege of Brezhnev before becoming keting professor Mike Pearson, president, Gorbachev is well-liked by Chernenko, Krauter said. suggested it might be effective The Politburo, which is made up of 16 members (11 of which have in recruiting volunteers. The voting power) elects the Party Leaders. But Krauter said since the original idea called for an April Soviet Union has no formal means of leadership succession, it is bloodmobile challenge, but Har- hard to tell which one of the members will be chosen. ding explained that "we thought response might be lower in April "MAKING PREDICTIONS about the Soviet Union is hazardous," because of senior membership Krauter remarked. in clubs," so they went ahead Krauter said that since much of "Kremlinology" is guesswork, it Joe Phelan and challenged a week before is hard to predict who is next in line - it may be Gorbachev or it may the bloodmobile arrived in Feb- be someone we have not even heard of yet. Waiting ruary. "I sent out notices to the Whether Gorbachev is the next Soviet head or not, it probably will Bowling Green eighth-grader Percy Bautista waits to get into Eppler South gym to shoot baskets. He plays for News and memos to let as many affect the U.S. very little, Krauter said. When Soviet leaders change, St. Aloyslus' parish CYO basketball team and Is preparing for a tournament game this weekend. people know on such short notice the ideology remains the same because the nature of the system allows for very little change. as I could," Gottron said. THE ONLY problem Gottron encountered was with the pro- motion of a "keg" as a prize for the winner. Under University Springfest delayed for one year policy, AMA was not allowed to promote free beer. Instead, they offered a $30 dollar gift certifi- cate so the winner could "buy a by Nancy Bottwtck dergraduate Student Govern- THE EVENT was to include various campus organizations, pus later in the evening and ment, Graduate Student Senate, an all day music festival with Bob Wade, USG president said. keg if they wanted to," Gottron staff reporter would not attend the concert. said. "Otherwise, everything the Bowling Green Chamber of various other activities, includ- The feasibility of Springfest ran pretty smoothly." Due to the lack of a sufficient Commerce, and the city met to ing a flea market and conces- was discussed at the last meet- The committee will be able to sions, on campus, ending with a arrange for a well-known band "fin pretty happy because a amount of time to plan Spring- discuss the event. ing of the Intra-University Pres- lot of people gave that have fest, the project is being delayed The committee had originally concert by a well-known band, ident's Council. and be able to present a detailed report to University and city never given before, which might until next year, according to Bob planned to have the Universi- Stovash said. "Without a major band, they help the Red Cross in the long Stovash, USG national, state ty/city sponsored festival on- (the council) did not feel atten- administration if they begin Problems arose when the planning this year for Springfest run," Gottron said. "I had never and community affairs coordi- campus April 28. dance would be high," Wade given blood before, so it was nator. The cost of Springfest was committee investigated the pos- said. 1966. Stovash said. sibility of bringing a well-known kind of a break-in for me, too. I The decision to wait until next possibly going to be financed by Because Springfest was to be would give again if they came year was made at the Springfest loans from the University and band to campus on short notice. the last weekentfbefore the end The committee plans to meet back." Committee meeting Wednesday city, which would be paid back A second problem for having of the semester, the Council again in one month to begin night. with the revenue from the event, the event this year was the lack believed the majority of stu- planning for next year's Spring- • See Blood, page 5. Representatives from the Un- Stovash said. of support from presidents of dents would want to leave cam- Athletes realize value of degree lt*s all French Returning to complete education is top priority to the English LONDON (AP) - In their stall, promise to pay up "in- Editor's note: This is the last of a four-part infinite capacity for misunder- stamment," which merely series on academics and athletics. standing each other, the means soon, not instantly. If French and the English are you plan to pay right away, not helped by the similarities tell him money will arrive by Steve Qulnn between their two languages. "incessament," which is not a assistant sports editor Time and again, the Faux promise of everlasting riches Amis, or False Friends - but an assurance the aforesaid Some University athletes have come to words which look alike but payment will arrive immi- realize the value of a college degree in- mean different things - work nently. creases as they realize then* chances of their mischief between the two IF YOU STALL and your playing a professional sport are minimal. peoples. creditor mentions "decep- Several players from last year's hockey Englishmen need to remem- tion," do not take offense. lie team have this concern for their education. ber that when a Frenchman is only expressing disappoint- • Pete Wilson and Dave O'Brian, are makes "une demande" he Is ment, not questioning your enrolled in graduate school at the Univer- only asking; that "une af- honesty. sity. faire" is never sexual; that Marcel Proust once scolded • Wayne Wilson turned down opportuni- "sensible" has romantic over- his fellow Frenchmen for ties in professional hockey in favor of re- tones undreamed of in its En- "calling everything vaguely turning to the University to complete his glish sense. British Dy a name that it does degree last semester. He plans on attending Now relief is at hand in the not have in England." the University next year as a graduate form of "Faux Amis and Key The great novelist was ref- student and will assist head coach Jerry Words," a dictionary by Leeds erring to such oddities aa "le York in coaching next year's team University professors Philip smoking," for dinner jacket, And those athletes who do choose a profes- Thody and Howard Evans list- "le footing" for walking and sional career accept the fact their athletic THESE ATHLETES are finding their in personnel labor relations, working in ing more then 1,000 "looka- "un tennis1' for a tennis court. careers are not infinite. education as a viable alternative to their either the private or public sector. He will likes and confusables." But his remark could have Garry Galley left school a year early to future - a process which they don't take finish classes in May, 1965 and has five For instance: applied equally to English seek a career in professional hockey with lightly. years to complete his thesis. After one You owe a Frenchman speakers. the Los Angeles Kings of the National Pete graduated with a 2.98 in sales man- semester, he earned a 4.0 GPA. (Graduate students are required to earn at least a 3.0 to money. If he sends you "une Thody says be and Evans Hockey League. In the off-season, Galley agement and personnel, and is studying in demande," he is asking, not thought up their dictionary plans on returning to school during summer public administration through the political remain a student at the University.) demanding. If you want to sessions to complete his degree. science department. He hopes to specialize • See Athletes, page 3. * See Preach, page 5. BG News/February a, U851 Auschwitz: -Editorial- Somewhere, Josef Mengele knows fear by George Will arrived at the Auschwitz depot quack who conducted lunatic have had Mengele in custody in Standardize form under the eye of Josef Mengele. experiments, especially on 1947, and that in 1962 he may Irene Kirkland is, among All but 200 of the 2,500 were twins, who mesmerized his have sought admission to Can- /*"i eology Department Chairman Charles Kahle many other excellent things, a immediately dispatched to the small, warped mind. ada. The Center wants to know VJhad the right idea when he said every depart- life-affirming person and one of gas chambers. Those spared what the government knew and ment in the University should use a standard Washington's dozen or so CTs - were thought suitable for labor. Recently in Jerusalem, at a when it knew it, and what is now teacher evaluation form. Correct Thinkers. One reason Any sign of infirmity - even meeting of twins and others who being done about tracking him she is both of these things is that wearing glasses - could get a survived Auschwitz, a mother to Paraguay, or wherever. Good Evaluations usually provide the only chance she passed through a furnace person selected for death. Irena recalled that Mengele was en- questions, all. students have to tell teachers what they really few of us can even imagine and and Alena (who today lives in raged when she gave birth. He think. And there are certain things a department emerged an alloy of steel and Geneva) may have been spared had not noticed she was preg- A federal magistrate here has laughter. Somewhere in Latin because, although they were nant. Novel forms of abortion iust held that Andrija Artukovic, should know about its teachers. America, perhaps in Paraguay, nearsighted, their youthful van- interested him, so a chance had 85 and infirmed, is mentally For example: there lurks an evil man who ity caused them not to wear been missed. He forced her to competent to cooperate with his • Did the instructor present material in a clear, today has fresh reasons to fear glasses. cover her breasts with tape so lawyers in fighting extradition the kind of steel and spirit he A "kapo" - a prisoner func- that he could see how long the to Yugoslavia. He faces prosecu- organized fashion that was conducive to learning? helped to produce in people like tioning as a guard - asked their child would take to starve to tion for complicity in the murder • Did the required texts supplement class her. birthdates. Having long since death. He was enraged when she of 770,000 persons while he was material effectively? lost all documents, they could killed her own child with a mor- minister of the interior in the Irena Neumann, as she was have said anything, but they told phine injection, an act of mercy. Nazi puppet government of • Did the instructor allow adequate time for before she married Lane Kirk- the truth. When the kapo heard Croatia. After four decades, questions, in and out of class? land, and her sister Alena, ar- the identical birthdates (with The Lord said, Vengeance is Nazi crimes still resonate in this Whether a teacher has one or five or 20 years rived at Auschwitz in October, their heads shaved they did not mine. But here in Los Angeles, season of sickening commem- experience (or even tenure) - if he or she isn't 1944. They tumbled from cattle stand out as identical twins), she the Simon Weisenthal Institute orations, such as the commem- cars with 2.500 other Jews. She told them to give different birth- is giving the Lord a hand con- oration of what is ludicrously satisfying students in the above areas, then appro- and Alena had been sent from dates. Otherwise they would be cerning Mengele. The Center called the "liberation" of War- priate changes need to be made. Czechoslovakia to a concentra- sent to Mengele, the sad*stic has discovered documents that saw by Soviet oppressors. A standard form should include these basic tion camp for a year before they pseudo-doctor and science suggest U.S. authorities may Why, it is frequently asked, continue trying to prosecute old questions that cross disciplines in the University. men like Mengele and Artu- The results of such a form could be used when a kovic? Certainly the reason is professor is up for tenure, so that he or she could be not deterrence, not the preven- tion of Holocausts. No punish- compared to teachers in other University depart- ment can affect the calculations ments. of the genocidal, who are not A department that fails to require evaluations is careful calculators of cost-bene- failing in its responsibility to students. fit ratios. This issue is serious enough that action by the Yes, prosecutions foster Faculty Senate or the Board of Trustees ought to be awareness of the Holocaust and, taken. One of the two should devise a standard form yes, pursuit of the genocidal is an obligatory response to life in so that students can always respond to basic an age of genocides, in Uganda, questions about their professors. Cambodia and, today, Afghani- Individual departments, of course, could add to stan. But regarding the real bedrock reason for pursuing the the form important questions that aren't relevant criminals, Irena Kirkland has a in all classes or majors. more correct idea. Teachers should never go free of student crit- icism, and there are some areas so important that She knows there can be no proportionality, no punishment every teacher should have to answer to them. that "fits" the crimes. But she Otherwise, we can be stuck with poor textbooks also knows the truth of this Ital- and teachers who no longer try to reach students. ian proverb: Revenge is a dish best eaten cold. Her reason for feeling deeply pleased about the continuing pursuit of Mengele is this: Somewhere, Mengele is feeling fear. Power's at the polls That reason may seem to lack metaphysical flourish, and it is During the campaign, I was not forward looking" in the by B.J. Fischer exasperated trying to figure out sense of having a utilitarian, why a student would vote for I'm a little confused. Maybe reforming purpose. But who you can help me out. Reagan. It was like a chicken cares? Irena Kirkland's reason With the recent budget cuts being for Colonel Sanders. satisfies an intuition so deeply proposed by the President, there When I asked my peers about felt that it surely expresses seems to be a great deal of this, they said they were voting some constituent of our moral distress over planned cuts in the for Reagan because they would nature. It is the conviction that Set a higher salary upon gradua- someone who has caused so Guaranteed Student Loan pro- on. gram. In fact, sentiments seem much pain should never know almost split on the issue. Well, the simple fact is, for ease. Let us iust say that Irena That's not the confusing part. some of those very same stu- Kirkland's thinking is correct Students should be upset by the dents graduation will never thinking, and get on with the cuts. What is confusing to me is come. They will be forced to prosecutions, by which we keep leave school due to financial faith with the persecuted. where all these people were in crisis. November, when the campus Some people are advocating a George Will is a columnist for voted 3-1 for Ronald Reagan. letter-writing campaign. That's Look at it this way: in his first the Washington Post Writers nice, and I encourage it. But the Group. term, Ronald Reagan cut stu- message to the Hill will be dent loans and other financial mixed, due to the Republicans' aid to all economic classes. For belief that the American youth is A disease is spreading rapidly his second term, the president on their side. promised more of the same. The real power in a democ- Therefore, a vote for Reagan racy is at the polls. Only people was a vote for more of the same. The cure: a bit of disobedience In other words, if you voted for who vote according to what ef- Ronald Reagan, you voted to fect policies will have on them can exert true power. Post-elec- the majority opinion. There are have your student loans cut. tion protests are not; you gave by James B. Vanzant to you, then just talking among est level right on up to the That's the part that confuses Sour mandate, now you must five words to remember when your friends will at least send presidency. If you find yourself me. What's happening in Amer- fighting this disease: YOU CAN your ideas to two or three people agreeing or disagreeing with ve with it. MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Why would someone do that? Oh, and incidentally, don't ica? Why don t people talk any- that may very well turn to one of your leaders in government, The fact is, Ronald Reagan is more? Where have all the the other two means mentioned LET THEM KNOW! not your grandfather and when blame me; I didn't vote for him. complainers gone? These are This government of ours is above, spreading your ideas. you stood cheering for him in three questions that have been supposed to be "... of the peo- Please. Americans: you have Working together, we can find September, you were cheering B.J. Fischer, a junior English bothering me for a long time and ple, by the people, and for the the right to say yes or no; why the cure for the disease of apa- for a man who thought those of major from Bowling Green, is were finally brought to a hilt people . . ." What good does it must everyone say yes? This thy that is slowly infecting our you on the GSL were freeload- one of two vice presidents for while I was listening to my En- do to have control of our govern- disgusting plague of apathy is lives and end it forever. So, ers! Campus Democrats. r teacher in class one day. ment if we don't want to exer- spreading and the only way to SPEAK UP AMERICA - IT'S were discussing the syn- cise our power? It is the most stop it is to stand up and voice YOUR RIGHT! drome into which many Ameri- precious of rights to be able to your opinions. It will make a James B. Vanzant, a freshman Respond cans have fallen. It's a horrid select our leaders and also re- difference in the way our gov- business major, is from Cleve- disease that makes people feel move our leaders through the ernment operates from the low- land. The BG News editorial The News reserves the that they can't make a differ- processes of "recall and refer- page is the campus forum for right to reject submissions we ence in the way our government endum." Why don't we use the issues concerning the Univer- consider to be in bad taste, is run. Some of the symptoms of power given to us in the Consti- sity and its community. malicious or libelous. this disease are as follows: it tution? Letters and guest columns All submissions are subject makes people feel powerless in The most common reason for should be typewritten, dou- to condensation, and opinions the world of big government; it not disagreeing with our leaders ble-spaced and signed. Your printed do not necessarily makes people feel that their vote in government is that people just address and phone number reflect those of the staff. doesn't count - so they don't don't want to make waves or must be included. Please address submis- vote; it makes people say, cause problems with their rep- Letters to the editor should sions to: "What difference is my opinion resentatives in government. not be longer than 200 words going to make?" The name of This is the worst possible reason and guest columns should not Editorial Editor this disease is apathy. for not speaking up; the more be longer than 500 words. The BG News Cple who refuse to speak up, Cartoons may be any size. M3 University Hall It is frightening to think that easier it becomes for govern- this disease has attacked one of ment to gradually gain total the few free countries left in the control over our lives. This cam- ■ THE BG NEWS world. It doesn't take long for pus is a prime example of this the disease to catch on; if some- problem. I can't begin to tell Edflor PtfrtcaRRWr Copy Ed«or UMvw Bear Managing EdM Geotlrey Bernard Copy Editor Pan Bnuzl thing isn't done - and now - it how many times I ve heard Asat Managing Editor Taraaa Parratti Copy Editor Shety Truety won t be long before the entire things like "My vote doesn't New! Editor Beraamm Mamaon Editorial Editor M Trudeeu nation is infected. There is no count" or "He's going to win the Sports Editor Marc Daipn Graphic Editor PhJMaaturzo preventive vaccine that can be election anyway so why should I Aaat SportaEdaW StavaQUnn Friday Editor LarryHarta rt Photo Editor SuaanCroaa Produceon Sup'r Stephanie Devechele S'ven; the only way to prevent say anything? It's because of WVeEdeor DkaHorwatM Production Sup'r Jamaa KorcJch e disease is to be willing to these feelings that this disease is Ch*Copy Edrtor DerveeEiwIn Production Sup r Cralg OHaas stand up for your rights. This is slowly catching on in America. I America, and in America you can't say this too many times: if Tha BO Nawa la puMahad dafy Tuaaday through Friday during the academe yaar and weakly during tha simmer laaalon by the Board ol Student PuMcetUna of Bowing Green have the right to disagree with something isn't done to stop this State UnwanKy. the people in charge; if some- disease now it won't be long Opinions oxpreaaed by columnists do not neceaaarty reflect the optniona of tha BO thing is done that you disagree before it can't be stopped. Nawa. with, say something about it. Every newspaper has a let- Tha BO Nawa and Bowing Green Stale University are equal opportunity employers and do not oTeusnsrla In hmg practices The only effective way to change ters-to-the-editor section. It's Tha BG Nawa «a not accept advertising thai la deemed dtartMnatory. degredUg or something is to voice your opin- free and it's a convenient way to InauHng on tha base of race, aax or national origin ion. Public opinion is one of the express your opinion - so why copyright 1985 by the BG Newt at rights reserved Edtonal and Business Offices strongest methods of commu- not use it? If you're not a writer 108 University Mel nicating with the people in gov- but a talker, then consider that Bowing Green Stale University ernment; most politicians are most television news stations Bowing Green. ONO 43403 concerned about their popular- have a community response seg- Phone |419| 372-2601 ity among the people they rep- ment on their shows. If neither Houra: 6 «.m to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday ^^^ resent and they tend to go with of these means seems appealing Local BG News/February 22,1M5 3 Two-day conference planned Tosca staged Large turnout expected Opera includes 'seven deadly sins' by Jim Nleman the ending," Lazarus said, but by Danielle Fischer Kacmarcik said the national for University students and $25 OTHER SPEAKERS include staff reporter there are some crosses and staff reporter speakers are "professional fac- for non-Univerisity students, in- Alice Andrews, national rush double-crosses, and "it's very ulty from around the country clude registration materials, an director of Alpha Chi Omega; Cancel your airplane reser- PG-13." The Interfraternity and Pan- who are well-known in the area opening banquet and a luncheon Terry Appoloma, assistant dean vation, forget about that pass- Rehearsal for the opera has hellenic councils are sponsoring of student and greek affairs." tomorrow. Housing will be pro- of students at the University of port - you don't have to go to been going on since December a two-day leadership confer- The speakers will hold dis- vided for visiting students, Kac- Virginia: Mary Bar bee, past-na- New York or overseas to see to accomodate the schedule of ence, "Challenging the Future," cussions on topics such as cur- marcik said. A $5 late-fee will be tional Panhellenic chairman; an opera. James Schisow, an opera at the University this weekend. rent issues in the greek world, charged to students registering Wayne Colvin, director of small Tosca, an opera in three singer of international renown The conference, which begins alcohol awareness, chapter group housing and greek life at acts by Giacomo Puccini, will who will be portraying Cava- this afternoon in the Union, will management, sexual stereotyp- the University; Paul Dewine, be presented by the Bowling radossi. feature speeches by 12 national ing, pledging and rush. Shere said she considers the assistant dean of students at Green Opera Theater at Ko- Baron Scarpia is to be speakers and 10 local graduate registration fee inexpensive be- Purdue University; Linda Lit- backer Hall on February 22 played by Andreas Poulime- students, Mary Kacmarcik, spe- LEGAL ISSUES and responsi- cause comparable leadership ter, national president of the Phi and 23 at 8 p.m. Tickets for nos, associate professor of cial projects coordinator for bilities of greek organizations conferences can cost up to $200. Mu sorority; Robert Reindl, as- both performances are still music. Poulimenos was the Greek Life, said. will be discussed by Dave sistant coordinator-East Green available at four, six and eight barber in last year's produc- Approximately 600 college stu- Westol, Kacmarcik said. Westol "We'd like to educate the at Ohio University; T.J. Schmit, dollars. tion of The Barber of Seville. dents from Michigan, Indiana is a prosecuting attorney in Kal- members of the chapters in the executive vice-president of the Puccini is the last of the and Ohio are registered to at- amazoo, Mich., and the national tri-state region about their re- Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity; great Italian opera compos- THE ROLE of Tosca will be tend the conference. This is the vice-president of the Theta Chi sponsibilities," Shere said. F.J. Tafley, director of orienta- ers, Bob Lazarus, associate performed by Barbara highest registration number the fraternity. tion at Wright State University; Cifessor of music and direc- Veichner, a University grad- annual conference has had in its Registration is not closed, but "We'd like the chapters to have Barb Tootle, coordinator of of Tosca, said. uate who is in her first year of history, Rina Shere, Panhellenic Kacmarcik said she is not en- more motivation, better schol- greek affairs at Ohio State Uni- Tosca was Puccini's fifth graduate school. This is council coordinator and senior couraging more students to reg- arship and programming, and versity; and Carter Womack, opera and was first performed Yeichner's fifth opera, but it is French and advertising major, ister due to the limited space in better or more community serv- regional director of the Phi Beta in Rome on Jan. 14, 1900. the greatest role she has been said. the Union. Registration fees, $15 ices." Sigma fraternity. Other famous operas written given a chance to play, she by Puccini are La Boheme and said. Athletes (Continued from page 1) Madama Butterfly. Tosca is one of the great "It (Tosca) was an instant female operatic roles, accord- Pete said he did not expect to be academic year at Wright State Calgary flames, both of the "I'm going to try and make a success," Lazarus said. "(It ing to Lazarus, and simply by going to graduate school when as a graduate student, and as a NHL. Wayne also had the i at it. Galley said. "I'm only is) a very sensuous opera, portraying her, Yeichner will he first came to the University. hockey coach for the team. chance to go to Sweden for a ?;1 classes away from gradua- involving all of the seven be among selective company. "It's safe to say that just "I was more interested in the professional hockey career. tion. I'm getting married in deadly sins. "I found it hard to If Yeichner has a hit in about everybody who came here (MBA) program here," O'Brian "I looked at it this way. What June so hopefully I will get down accept that a Victorian audi- Bowling Green, "It would not wanted to play pro hockey," said. "I talked to Pete and he chance do I have of making it," here for the second semester." ence would enjoy it." be a surprise at all if they Pete said. "I've always wanted gave me the insight here." Wayne said. "If I didn't make it, Galley said the entire coach- heard about it in New York the to play pro hockey, but my last O'Brian, who graduated with I would have been pushed back a ing staff encouraged him to con- THE SETTING for the_op- following day," Lazarus said. year here was terrible." 2.8 GPA in marketing research, fear. Right now as I look at it tinue his education, including era is Rome in the 1800s. The This statement not only illus- PETE CREDITED York for is studying personnel manage- m glad I did it." equipment manager Don plot revolves around an opera trates the importance of the academic interest. ment and hopes to serve as a Wayne is currently assisting "Woody" Woods. singer, Tosca, who is in love performance, but also the "Jerry always said you're liason between the private sec- in coaching duties with the Uni- with Cavaradossi, a painter growing popularity of opera in here for an education; hockey is "Jerry really pushed me." tor and the government. versity's club hockey team and Galley said. "He's done a lot for and revolutionary. Cavara- the United States, he said. second," Pete said. "This is When it came time to choose Bowling Green High School's dossi has recently helped An- "Twenty years ago it (op- very unusual for a Division I me. But I'm going back because between a pro career and an hockey team. I want to go back. If I did it for C'ti who has just escapedera) wasn't going anywhere," hockey coach trying to build a education. Wayne chose to re- While Wayne might not have prison. The chief of po- Lazarus said, adding that the championship team. That's why any other reason, I would be turn to the University and to made it in the professional doing it for the wrong reason." lice, Baron Scarpia, tricks quality of opera then being I've always respected Jerry. He student teach for his degree in ranks, Galley is currently enjoy- Galley said if he turned pro- Tosca into revealing the hide- performed was also "disap- wants a total hockey player." physical education. ing a career with the Kings, and fessional earlier than he did, he out of Angelotti, and the in- pointing." "Now there is liter- Pete encouraged O'Brian to HE WAS offered a tryout with plans to earn his undergraduate would not have come back, but volvement of Cavaradossi. ally an opera explosion," he come to the University for grad- the Washington Capitals and a degree in selling and sales man- realized the importance of his "I don't want to give away uate school. O'Brian began the minor league contract with the agement during the summer. degree as he matured. One of Puccini's NOW RENTING FOR Most Popular Operas WINTER SPECIAL I TOSCA 13 In. On* 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR starring * Two-bedroom apartments Barbara Yeichner $4.75 It** Plxio I * Fully furnished Andreas Poulimenos 'Natural gas heat, cable TV hook-up James Schwisow Ph. 352-5166 and water paid by owner February 22 & 23 8 p.m. 203 North ITIain 'Laundry facilities, parking lot, bike shed Op#n 4 p.m. available KOBACKER HALL Tickets: $8, 6, 4 $560 per person per semester (4 people) VOTfDMSTPIHBINBG Located at Clough & Mercer Sis. 1 block Box Office open M-Th 10-2, Additional h»m» 75i ro behind McDonalds Restaurant. F&S 10-8 or call 372-0171 NMMINM* ^ fcf»i«.« Expires 3/15/851 Call Rich at 352-7182 Group rates available for parties on* coupon per pizza of more than 10


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■> Berries Restaurant * Harshman / Chapman ■ nca Noi unl nc> i ' ■ i1 OIU o Ipcal Olln i Hr> Cash, Coupons, and Faculty / Staff Charges Accepted 1520 Clough PI 9 'j MOM Fri . SHI bv oppl WINTHROP TERRACE DELTA GAMMA NOW RENTING FOR 1985-86 SCHOOL YEAR ♦Heat *Water *Cable ♦Trash Removal Sunday \*f 1:00 p.m. All included February 24 1 Cooper Pool EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT OF $10.00 PER MONTH IF LEASE ANCHOR SPLASH IS SIGNED BY MARCH 31 Proceeds to OHIO SOCIETY PREVENTION OF Locations available just 6 blocks from campus BLINDNESS AND CYSTIC FIBBOSIS. 400 E. Napoleon 352-9135 9-5 Weekdays, Evenings by appointment ■G News/February 22,1985 4 Pests present problems Cable service expanded University Hall is crawling with army of ants by Don Lee in the southeast quarter is to default. staff reporter ready to go into service as Wise said it has always been "In an ant situation all you regular basis," Parratt said. soon as the electronics are more difficult for a cable tele- April McClellan A local cable television com- connected, Wise said. •aff reporter can do is take care of the symp- "Food Service buildings are vision company to establish a toms. Problems with ants seem done regularly and University pany plans to finish its service The expanded system will performance bond, because of to take care of themselves," Hall is done four times a year. expansion to the city by April have a 62-channel capacity, the number of parties involved Although University Hall is 26, Wesley Hoffman, munici- but will only carry 35 chan- ■prayed tor pests on a quarterly said Dave Crandell, manager of Before this year it wasn't done In putting in a cable network. Banfax. this often." pal administrator, said Tues- nels. Wise said he anticipates ' The city wanted us to set it Msis, the building tends to be day. customers will pay for service ■easonally infested with ants. Historically, the Writing Lab, The infestation of ants and (the bond) up with a bonding the BG News, the Post Office other pests may seem to revolve Wood TV Cablevision has by no more than 25 channels. company, (with the bond) "Ants are seasonal pests and finished installing strand The additional channels will peak by their natural life cy- and the English department, all around certain buildings on payable to the city" Wise housed in University Hall, com- campus, but many University wires, on which the coaxial be brought on line as new said. "We've been refused by cles," said Dan Parratt, man- (signal-carrying) cables will ager of Enviromental Services. plain about ants in the late fall of buildings have had similar prob- cable services become avail- six companies so far." "Ants are a nuisance pest and do each year. lems. be anchored, throughout the able, Wise said. He declined to say why, cit- "We go over there and try to "All of the buildings on cam- expansion area, Hoffman said THE PROJECT has already ing "a number of reasons ... not pose much of a health prob- in his report to city council. lost about six days of working lem." keep things under control. We pus have had problems with (but) I don't subscribe to Environmental Services is not can predict what (is going to) pests because they are con- Coaxial cable has already time because of bad weather, (agree with) all of them." •fore of the origin of the ants in happen, but we try to prevent nected through (underground) been Installed up in the south- with ice on the strand cables The bond would insure the what happens," Crandell said. tunnels," Parratt said. east quarter of the city, south making it difficult to lash the city had enough money to fin- University Hall. of Wooster Street and east of coaxial cables to them, Wise "Y«u have to know the habits Last year most of University On campus, co*ckroach exter- ish the system if Wood Tele- Hall was exterminated, but mination gets top priority, with South Main Street, with some said. vision were to default or go •f pests. Ants could be in the final connections to be made rails or under the structure," some persons did not want their rodent extermination next in The company has also had bankrupt. Wise said. areas sprayed. Pests may leave line because these two types of and electronic components in- difficulties in putting up a Lack of a performance bond Parratt said. "I wish I knew the stalled, Roger Wise, Wood TV performance bond, or a guar- answer." the treated areas for the un- pests breed quickly and are dif- has not created any problems "But if you have a breeding treated areas. ficult to combat once they get president, said. antee that the system will be in finishing the expansion, he colony within a building you "Sometimes you have people out of control. Part of the cable installation built even if the company were have problems." who do not want their area The University contracts an sprayed and we respect that, but "Once they peak it is virtually outside agency, Banfax Pest this could pose problems de- impossible to rid a structure of Dateline in the forum of Student Services. Saturday, Feb. 23 Control Company, to extermi- pending on the species," Parratt pests depending on the type of Proceeds to benefit the Muscu- said. pest," he continued. Friday, Feb. 22 lar Dystrophy Association. Open Campus Film -"Reggae Sun- nate University buildings for Lecture - Professor A. L. to all. SO cents admission to pests. According to Parratt, exter- Environmental Services and splash," a film about the 1979 mination in all of the buildings Banfax haven't given up on the Becker, from the University of watch. reggae music festival held in ALTHOUGH environmental has been increased this year. problem. Michigan's Department of Lin- Auditions - The Waterville Play- Jamaica, will be shown at 7:30 Services and Banfax have iden- "We keep trying new things. guistics, will give a lecture and shop will hold auditions for the run., Gish Theater, Hanna. tified the infestation of ants as a "IN THE PAST we were limi- What's frustrating is when peo- conduct a discussion on the sig- critically acclaimed drama by Free and open to all. regular problem within Univer- ted in the amount of spraying ple call and we take care of them nificance of language study at Brian Clark, "Whose Life is ft Public Skating - From 8-10 p.m. atty Hall, it has been difficult to because of the nature of our and we don't know if the prob- 1:30 p.m. in 306 Hanna Hall. Anyway?" from 7:30-9 p.m. and in the BGSU Ice Arena. completely rid the building of contract. Some of the buildings lem is resolved unless people Dance-a-thon - The 20-hour Sunday, Feb. 24, from 2:30-4:30 Sunday, Feb. 24 needed to be done on a more call back," Parratt said. dance marathon begins at 6 p.m. p.m. at the Waterville Recre- these pests. ation Building. Public Skating - From 3:30-5:30 Public Skating - From 8-10 p.m. Ei.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the BGSU NEWLOVE at the BGSUIce Arena. ce Arena. Get in touch Jp|M?fe MANAGEMENT with the rnm^M latest snow LIKE TO SLEEP LATE? conditions. THESE APARTMENTS ARE DIRECTLY ACROSS Call: 1-800-248-5708 Our toll-free 24-hour mow hot line lor .ill the I.nest Information on mo* ind FROM CAMPUS! ski tonJittons .it Muhiu.m resort- ;inJ * 2 bedroom ski * 9 month leases *. • MICHIGAN * Carpeted * NEW LIVING ROOM FURNITURE Black Student Union and * Close to Campus Ethinic Cultural Arts Program (ECAP) * Washer & Dryer in Building ■Present- Dimensions Of Black Awareness * FREE WATER & SEWER February 1985 352-5620 CALL NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT 328 S. 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AXQ AXO AXQ AXO AXO AXO AXQ AXO AXQ AXO News Briefs BG Newi/Fcbnuuy 22, 1M5 5 Wife harbors husband Waste broker faces prison CLEVELAND (AP) - A woman accused of AKRON (AP) - The waste broker who harboring a suspected terrorist vowed to arranged a deal that allowed a mixture of "never compromise my principles and politi- sawdust and waste oil into Akron's Recycle cal beliefs" in a statement sne purportedly Energy System faces prison in New Jersey, wrote and issued yesterday through friends officials said. UHLMANS attending her trial here in U.S. District Court. The mixture is being blamed for explosions Patricia Gros is charged with harboring her last Dec. 20 that lulled three people and husband, Raymond Luc Levasseur, a sus- injured seven. AND pected terrorist who was on the FBI's 10 Most The broker, Herbert Case Jr., Dunellen, Wanted List, while they lived in northeast N.J., was convicted in May 1983 for his part in Ohio with their three young daughters for an illegal scheme in 1977 and 1978 to dispose of more than two years. She is also charged with hazardous waste in New Jersey, assistant U.S. possession of false government-issued identifi- Attorney Samuel Moulthrop in Newark, N.J., cation. GLEMBY said. Levasseur and Gros were arrested Nov. 4 Case, who had lost his appeal of the case, near their rural Deerf ield home. The FBI said said be was involved at the time with a it has linked the couple, and three other people different company from the one that dealt arrested in Cleveland the same day, to an anti- recently with S & W Waste Inc., Kearny, N.J. government terrorist group that has claimed State and local officials investigating the responsibility for six bombings in New Eng- explosion say that the waste, apparently in- land. cluding with volatile paint chemicals, origi- ARE PLEASED TO The statement accuses the FBI of terroriz- nated with S & W. ing the couple's three daughters, ages 4,6 and Case was sentenced to 18 months in prison 9, when Levasseur and Gros were arrested. and fined $2,000. Gros said FBI agents pointed submachine He appealed the case but lost before the U.S. guns at her family. Supreme Court In November. He is expected ANNOUNCE FBI agents who testified Wednesday denied to begin serving his prison term shortly, the weapons were aimed at the children inside Moulthrop said. the couple's van when it was stopped. License may be revoked OUR CONTINUED SERVICE Utility rates upped COLUMBUS (AP) - The attorney for Dr. Michael Swango said yesterday that he was TOLEDO (AP) - The Public Utilities Com- not sure whether Swango would request a mission of Ohio is ordering Toledo Edison Co. hearing before the Ohio State Medical Board, to tell the agency how it will cut its involve- which has taken the first steps toward revok- TO BOWLING GREEN ment in building nuclear power plants in ing his license. return for the PUCO's approval ot a $22.7 The board Wednesday night approved a million temporary rate increase, a move citation against Swango. of Quwcy, 111., saying commission officials say is unusual. it believes evidence could show that Swango is "It's a commission saying, 'Yes. we're unfit to practice as a result of a mental or going to grant you emergency rate relief, but physical condition or addiction to alcohol or ui return, we want something from your end," drugs, board attorney Thomas Prunte said. THE HAIR-IN (Formerly AAacy's) said Tod Ambs, commission spokesman. Prunte declined to say how the board ac- Ambs said the commission ordered a "line- quired the evidence upon which it based the WILL REMAIN OPEN DURING by-line" report on Toledo Edison's options for citation."(The citation) means there is suffi- cutting costs, specifically those related to its cient evidence to support a finding of a viola- involvement in a five-utility group that is tion," Prunte said. UHLMAN'S RENOVATION OF THEIR building three nuclear power plants, including Swango, 30, was a neurosurgery resident at Perry 1 near Cleveland. OSU from July 1963 to June 1984. He faces NEW LOCATION. The (22.7 million rate increase results from criminal charges in his hometown of Quincy, Toledo Edison's request for a $45 million 111., in the non-fatal poisonings of paramedics increase made last November. there last year. Swango has denied the allega- The utility's report is due by May 1. tions. The salon will be open French (Continued from page 1) Blood (Continued from page 1 )J while teaching French to British ily to food and drink. The Times Volunteers don't always have through February 23, civil servants. "I don't think it of London calls it witty as well to call for an appointment to causes as many problems as in as "penetrating, informative donate blood. "People feel they the past but the possibility of and basically serious." always have to make an appoint- misunderstanding is always IT SHOWS HOW making an ment and it goes just as fast if closed Feb. 24 through March 3, there," he said in an interview. "abusif" telephone call doesn't you walk in,' he said. The dictionary covers 10 sub- imply mouthing obscenities but jects ranging from history and using the phone without paying The bloodmobile will return and re-open March 4th, politics through sex and the fam- for the call. Aprils. Get Your Bag r- with the hours of of Hot Dogs 6 for '4.00 TKan&'t 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. BJ's Mfym* One large 1-ttem pizza 143 E. WNtttr JSJ-7605 FTM DtlfrHy *5 Expires 2/29/85 Free Delivery 352-3551

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In recognition of Black History * ... KreiscJier Dining Hall GLEMBY .Fashttfo Show Featiiu Sports BG News/February 22,19851 UT in spoiler role Reds future still uncertain TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - Cincin- Cincinnati's pitchers and by inspiring his players to ex- BG wary of Rockets nati Reds President Bob How- catchers were due to report to cel. Rose, 43, who plans to see sam says he is feeling the camp by yesterday, with their substantial action at first base by Ron FriU "In our situation, we have to ppg), 54 junior guard Denine enthusiasm of spring about his first workout scheduled today. this season in his pursuit of Ty spoils reporter be ready to play every game," Butcher (8.4 ppg) and M sopho- team's 1985 prospects. But he The rest of the Reds players Cobb's major-league record he added, "we have performed more forward Lori Ford (3.5 says, "It's easy to get your are due in camp Wednesday for career hits, rejoined the Bowling Green's woman's well lately, and we need to con- hopes too high.'' and the first full team workout Reds last August to succeed basketball coach Fran Voll has tinue that/' I think through the course of Howsam, who is stepping was yesterday. fired manager Vern Rapp. every reason in the world to be BG IS tied for fifth in the the season we have improved," down after this season as the Some critics have said the wary of Toledo's women's bas- conference with Eastern Michi- Mix said. "Our defense is better, Reds' chief executive officer to Reds failed to make enough "You never have a team that ketball team. gan at 8-7. Central Michigan is our big people are doing a better become a consultant to the personnel changes from last you feel is complete, and this The Rockets are in perfect on top with a 13-2 record fol- job posting up and the guards club, says he doesn't know year's team, which finished team has a lot of questions, as position to be a spoiler to a team lowed by Western Michigan at are starting to take it to the whether the Reds will be a fifth in the National League far as I'm concerned," How- still battling for a spot in the 11-4 and Miami with a « mark. bucket nice. But we're missing boom or bust team in 1985. West after finishing fifth and sam said. "In many cases, the Mid-American Conference tour- Northern Illinois is holding on to the easy shots when we have "You never know, that's one sixth the two previous seasons. answers are here, I believe. In nament. fourth palce with a 8-6 mark, them." of the beauties. But I do think But player-manager Pete others, I don't know. Well UT is in last place in the MAC with a make-up game still to The Falcons, who are coming we will be better and my ex- Rose, who starred for the Reds have to see. with a 3-11 mark and need not play against Ball State. off an impressive 93-74 crushing pectations are higher this on their "Big Red Machine" "If we are going to go any- worry about postseason play. With the Falcons trying to of EMU Wednesday, have added year," he said in an interview teams of the mid-1970s, has where, we are going to nave to They are now playing for pride claw their way into the four- a new twist on defense for the at the Reds' spring training said his goal is to win the solidify our pitching staff," and for next season. A victory team tourney, scheduled for stretch drive. camp in Tampa. Western Division this season Howsam said. over the Falcons in Centennial March 8-9 in Centennial Hall, the "We are playing a little bit of Hall tomorrow could be the high- remaining three games with UT, zone," Voll said''For us to be light of the season for the strug- NIU and Kent State, are very successful, we have to apply gling Rockets. important. pressure all over the court and "It all boils down to who gets keep the other team off-bal- Browns to face changes "We dont really have a the big effort in the rest of the ance." chance of making the MAC tour- games," Voll said. "You Just The first time BG faced UT on CLEVELAND (AP) - Cleve- have the chore of trying to pro- Schottenheimer has said he nament," UT coach Steve Mix have to take one game at a Jan. 26 in Anderson Arena, BG land Browns Coach Marty duce an NFL winner out of a intends to concentrate on offen- said. "But if we can start im- time." won, 63-51. Schottenheimer said yesterdaty team that struggled to 5-11 in sive strategies in his prepara- proving, it will give the girls The Rockets, who lost 98-78, to Junior forward Stephanie Coe he looked for demanding foot- 1984. Schottenheimer, the tion for the comming season. something to look forward to CMU on Wednesday, are led by led the Falcons with 19 points. ball teachers as he put together team's defensive coordinator at Pendry, a former head coach and some momentum going into 5-11 junior forward Liz Meiring Senior point guard Dina Jennie his staff of assistants for the 1985 the start of the season, took over in the United States Football next season." and 5-10 sophom*ore forward and junior center Joelyn Shoup National Football League sea- the coaching duties when Sam League, and Landry, a former Voll doesn't look forward to DeeAnn Cherry. Meiring is av- added 10 points for BG. Shoup son. Rutigliano was fired midway quarterback in both the NFL traveling to UT. eraging 16 points and 11 re- also had a school-record 21 re- "As you look to winning foot- through the season, when the and USFL, are keys in improv- "It is very difficult to play in bounds a game. Cherry is bounds. Meiring was the only ball, first you have to look to Browns were 1-7. ing the Cleveland offense led on anybody's facility when you're scoring an average of 12 ppg. double-digit scorer for UT with succeed," Schottenheimer said Key additions to the staff are the field in 1984 by quarterback toe visitor," Voll said. "Toledo "Meiring is an excellent 22 points. She also grabbed 17 at a luncheon the team held to Tom Bettis, defensive coordina- Paul McDonald. is not having a good season. player," Voll said. "Her and rebounds. introduce the coaching staff. tor; Joe Pendry, offensive coor- Landry, who has yet to meet They would like to do well to- Cherry carry their team." "They are improved team and "My coaches must be demand- dinator; Bill Cowher, special McDonald, said the role of the wards the end of the season and THE REST of the starters are shouldn't be taken lightly," Voll ing and insist the things they teams; Steve Crosby, assistant quarterback coach is to help the a win over us would be very big expected to be 6-1 sophom*ore said. "I expect it to be a good teach get done." to Schottenheimer arid running quarterback refine technique {or them. center Carolyn Sakelaris (5.0 game." Schottenheimer and his staff backs coach; Greg Landry. and to sometimes give him an quarterbacks coach; Richard understanding shoulder to lean Mann, receivers coach, and on. Tom Olivadotti, linebackers The Browns did not have a FEB. 23, 1985 coach. quarterback coach last year. Returning from last year are: Pendry so far has studied Howard Miidd, offensive line game films from Cleveland's coach; Tom Pratt, defensive first five games of last season, line coach; Dave Redding, which included one victory - a strength and conditioning and 20-10 triumph over the Pitts- Damn Wallis, special assistant. burgh Steelers. to

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(expires 3-1-85) • 113 RAILROAD ST. Bowling Green, OH 43402 HI 352-8130 St CtitVt* $ 5.00 OFF St' LADIES APPAREL ANY PURCHASE OVER $20.00 20% SAVINGS ON • coupon valid on new sales only NEW SPRING APPAREL • not valid with any other coupon • coupon must accompany purchase (Regular priced items only) • one coupon per customer JUST IN TIME FOR SPRING BREAK! iHL $ BG News/Febrnary a, 1985 7 leers face red-hot Flames Goalie wards Playoffs are on the line at UIC off jealousy by Kail Smith CCHA) are tied with the The Flames finished in the put on hold, however, accord- sports reporter Flames (17-19, 15-15 in the CCHA cellar last year but have ing to Roll. CCHA). clinched a playoff spot in addi- RICHFIELD, Ohio (AP) - - Kai Haaskivi, Keith Furphy After Michigan State ran Although the Falcons tion to needing only three "(Playing near home) is sec- Cleveland Force goalie Krys and Craig Allen - will all be part away the Central Collegiate downed UIC 7-4 and 6-5 at home points to get home ice. ondary to winning this week- Sobieski said he will be trying to of the game Sunday hosted by Hockey Association earlier this season, BG coach UIC's attack centers around end," the senior captain said. ward off jealousy instead of soc- the Force at the Coliseum in championship early this sea- Jerry York said that his team the line of Ray Staszak (36 "We can't look beyond this cer balls Sunday, when the Ma- suburban Cleveland. son, Bowling Green's goal be- will not take the Flames goals- 42 assists- 78 points), weekend, if we win two this jor Indoor Soccer League's best "I think I'll be a little jeal- came simple - get home ice lightly. Colin Chin (18-41-59) and Mike weekend it will carry over into players gather for the league's ous," Sobieski said. "Everybody advantage in the playoffs. "It's interesting that it's Rucinski (28-27-55). Goalie Jim the playoffs." All-Star Game. will be back but me." The race for the tour spots going down to the final series to Hickey is 1W since the BG A year ago, Sobieski was one Sobieski hasn't won a came has been a dogfight all year decide home ice; that's a great series with a 4.4 goals against Falcon notes: York has an- of the game's players and was since Dec. 14 and has been out of and, going into the final week motivator for us," York said. average. Hickey was the win- nounced the expected line the winning goalie for the East action since Jan. 11 with a bro- of CCHA play, MSU, Western "There's no question we want ning goalie over MSU, making groupings against UIC - Roll, squad. ken finger. He has played in just Michigan and Lake Superior to win Friday." 42 saves. Paul Ysebaert and Dave Ran- Sobieski says he is not sur- 12 of the Force's 31 games so far have clinched home ice. BUT THE Flames also have The series also marks a re- derson compose the first line. Erised he was not picked to play this season and is 4-7 with a 4.99 BG has its destiny in its own winning on their agenda, com- turn home for four BG icers as Iain Duncan, Brent Regan and i this year's game. He couldn t goals against average. hands as one win over Illinois- ing off a 7-4 upset over top- George Roll, Gary Kruzich, Jamie Wansbrough; Don Bar- play even if lie was on the star THE SEASON stands in con- Chicago, in this weekend's two ranked MSU last week. UTC Scott Paluch and Geoff Wil- ber, Williams and Brian Me- team. trast with his performance last game series in Chicago, will has won 10 of their last 14 liams all played hockey in the harry; and Rob Urban, Daryn But the other Force All-Star year, when he was an All-Star earn them the final position. games at home and have won Chicago area at one time. Any Fersovich and Andy Gribble players of a year ago in St. Louis starter. The Falcons (17-19,15-15 in the six of their last eight overall. homecoming parties will be form the others. Tribe signs two Collinsworth signs with Cincy CLEVELAND (AP) - The Cleveland Indians signed right handed pitcher Rick Behenna CINCINNATI (AP) - The Cincinnati Bengals called news conference yesterday afternoon. and catcher Jerry Willard to announced yesterday the signing of All-Pro wide Collinsworth, in obvious good spirits, joked with one-year contracts yesterday, receiver Cns Collinsworth to a multi-year con- reporters about the lavish home he had recently bringing the number of players tract. bought in Tampa, in anticipation of playing for the with contracts to 34 out of 40. The Bengals refused to disclose any terms of the Bandits. Willard batted .224 last sea- contract, which will allow Collinsworth - one of "I have to sell another house - the realtors love son, with 10 home runs and 37 the Bengals' most popular players - to remain in me," he said. RBI in 87 games. Behanna was the National Football League. Collinsworth, 26, led the Bengals in receiving 0-3 with a 13.97 ERA in three The four-year veteran and three-time All-Pro last season with 65 catches for 989 yards and six games. played for Cincinnati through the 1984 season, touchdowns. He has 427 career receptions for 3,924 then left expecting to fulfill an agreement he had yards and 20 touchdowns. Collinsworth would not reveal the length of his SSAT-PSAT made two years ago to sign with the Tampa Bay SMMTIUUT Bandits of the United States Football League. contract, but told the reporters who had stalked ACHWWWTS him throughout negotiations, "It's for more than ' SIHSlTliT However, the Bandits released Collinsworth (HE HI 11(11 from that agreement earlier this week, saying one, so that you won't had to do this again real BtPSTWN*! Lloyds of London would not Insure Collinsworth's soon." ankles against injury. Collinsworth, who in his 1981 rookie season mmm PREPARATION "I can't tell you how good - relieved is a better helped the Bengals to the American Football word -1 am that it's all over," Collinsworth said. Conference championship, said he would like to "After last nignt, I was just a little worried and play in another Super Bowl following the 1985-86 thought that I'd have to go back home and start all season. IfrMTOUWSQML CLASSES'ORMMGHOW*' over again." "This ring I've got on my finger is getting just a Collinsworth and his agent, Richard Bennett, little bit dingy," he said. had arrived in Cincinnati on Wednesday to nego- The Bengals also announced the signing of .«. <•»••_•!—m EDUCATIONAL ONIEB tiate with Bengals assistant general manager Bandit castoff quarterback Wayne Peace, a for- Mike Brown. But an evening bargaining session mer teammate of Collinsworth at the University ended without an agreement, and Collinsworth of Florida. told reporters he would return to Tampa. Peace, 23, had a reported three-year, $900,000 However, the Bengals invited Bennett to a contract with the USFL team and spent one year DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARDS breakfast meeting, negotiations were reopened in the league as a backup to John Reeves before and the announcement was made at a hastily- being traded to the Portland Breakers. The Distinguished Service Award Committee seeks self nomi- CO- ——COUPON nations and faculty/administrative staff nominations of se- niors and graduate students who have given distinguished 13th Donut service to Bowling Green State University. FREE To be eligible to receive consideration for a Distinguished with coupon Pizza 1/2 price expires March 31 Service Award, a senior or graduate student must have MONDAY and WEDNESDAY demonstrated outstanding service contributions to BGSU The Getaway through one or more areas of University service (college DONUTS t ICE CMAM 4 9 fM «M South Main 352-4162 Inside Only! " ' 352-3551 and/or department activities, student government, student ■■COUPON——■ activities, Greek Life, athletics, etc.) DELTA PSI KAPPA Seniors graduating in the 1984-85 academic year (Winter Professional Physical Education Honorary commencement, 1984; Spring and Summer commencements, 1985) and graduate students who would like to be considered for a Distinguished Service Award and those faculty /adminis- JUMP-A-THON" trative staff who would like to submit nominations, may obtain an application form at 305 Student Services Building or by Sunday, February 24 calling 372-2147. TH ABSOLUTE DEADLINE FOR ALL NOMI- 1-4 p.m. Eppler South Gymnasium NATIONS IS 5 p.m., FRIDAY, MARCH 15,1985. Entry Forms Available at d 200 Eppler South c^mfr. -4m*±- -ymf. <<***> ••«■*-. <*Pt' •%*& <+*+><'9*4 > *•**?* ****** <****>

Kelli Ann & Daine & Al Molly & Mike I Pete Polly & Sam Sherry A Dave I I Sherry & Joe Kim & Dave Sue & Jeff OFF-CAMPCIS LIVING Grenda & Tom Julie & George Josie & Jim I Amanda & Pat Kitty & Vince Lori & Eric Susan & Scott Carol & Todd Lori & Dave Your Business Prof will tell you that LOCATION Wendy & Paul Shelly & Gary Christian & Bill is the single most important element in Real Estate. Jenny & BUI Maria & David Lorie & Pete Sue & Jim Sharon & Doug Patti & Jeff Your friends (and our residents) will tell you how Nancy & Steve Nancy & Dan Kiki & Den nice it is to live in a location only three minutes Karen & Tad Mclinda & Greg Kathleen & from Classrooms, the Ad Building, Student Book Kathy & Wilson Wandi & Jeff Scott Rut hie & Dava Peggie & Phil Barb & Brooke Exchange, Clothing Store, Mark's Pizza Pub, Univer- Laura & Ted Sue A Roc sity Cleaners, Dorseys Drugs, Sterling Convenience Mary & Scott Linda A Matt Annie & Randy Store, Banks and many other businesses. Kim & Jeff Daphne & Rex Laura & Dave Other Apartment Owners have told us CAMPUS Kelly & Monte Jan & Pete Amy & Brian Tracy & Mike Ut & Numio Shelly & Jeff MANOR is the PREMIER LOCATION for stu- Many Ann & Brando & Greg Jenny & Lew dent off-campus living. Frank Linda & Vince Paula & Tom We will tell you that CAMPUS MANOR is a great place to live. Joanle A Jim Linda & Mark Molly & Dave Karar & John Kim A Kelly Brigette & Chtk I Diane A Rhdnda & Rick Visit CAMPUS MANOR ■■ the close-by apartments. Michael Amy St Matt Mjchelk & Chip Kim & Jim Kevin & Kristin Suskt A Jim OFFICE - 505 Clough Street, B-15 Jill & Bill Jann£& RfcZM PHONE - 352-9302 24 hours answering service I -. Classifieds BG News/Febnary 22,1985 8

•8 ANY METHOD OF BBTH CONTROL Sigma CHa - Tha Alpha Xi'a have been 26 PEOPLE NEEDED TO LOSE WEIGHT 1878 Ptynvoull Vseent. 3 apeed on tha col- PLACEMENT SCHEDULE Ciatmi ea faw aenad at tha tchotaraNp REALLY SAFET7 FWO OUT AT KOHL HALL'S snxlousry aweMng tor our hat lee wan you the. NOW. ATTEND A HEALTH ANO NUTRITION umn, vary isaoenoataa work or school oar. Yea an. awn the ecfcoiar but Ihay "SEXUAL AWARENESS WEEK" MONDAY eemeeterl Gat peyched tor Friday raghtl Love. PleESeOTATION FEB 28 (THURSDAY). 7:30 8480 or bal oner, eel 364-7734. iiMi aiadirtal Wand FEB. 26*1 - 7pm KOHL HALL - ALL P.M. AT 117 BA. LOSE 10-2S LBS /MONTH Feb. aa, laag The Alpha Xfa 82 Ford EXP Eaoaaent enndaton 364-1382 WELCOME 100% GUARANTEED FOR MORE INFO Spaces' educoaon wda Ohio LD60 SKJMANU- For Sate, Kappa's: Bert's apl CALL TROY BVT 4 AMD 7 AT 384-7883. canefcoeon. n-mmm MUMXH «ah behev- THE UGH TOE'S AT 3 BoeeSOl Sane We been aaj oould eeeaM on you tat • oreet Needed- 1 or 2 terraae roommelee lor M end ■naf prabana Year-round poemon 40 TOtaXJHTS OC4NG TO BE FUN Danon DP-46F turntable DaNa tw Anchor aptaahll Wa'ra so The aiotnere el Banna Ny spring BS-M 1 Hookeomcampua Cat384- mJak. Wah Inwtvement In Mn work. Peer YOU'LL BRMG THE SAND Can Dave 363-8138 eniealMyoallJTBPaoMandlUtooy AND WELL BRING THE SUNI 7404 sroup therapy > temey oounoeano Safety lor • KIM SNOW, DP weight bench, keroeene BID THE KAPPAS needed lor 8tV*e i ■A - $18.e»0 -an* uaeilra $20,766 Bene- Attention al Deae Payoh youree* up lot a ■ we know what's good tor ua we better take a router, 840 eech: ktrvg-eue oa nr bed with aa heath 4 dene* Ineurenoe. sw < leiaaic erne **h tha Oaa Zaaal Wa cani and easy on thoae great ICE TEAS" AM to avoid BaiMainn ol Theta CM. TKE. KD and ZBT UT Ctoee to campua Free gas and heel bookceae and 8-drawer 362-6343. purpoee kM. RacruBera a* be ot BQSU to rayty en* yout on eat problem, wel |uet heve to bring our SBJ' put your goggles on and gat reedy to ewtm 01362-0630 372-2087 Beeaeeae* oaa» on TuesMerch 5 between 10 Antntan own paper oupal Okay? Wel maybe not. to an Anchor Spleen victory i Your Dee Gee NEEDED: 2 F. NOW OMOMNO ROOMMATES ■ lln Meke •POO lot 3-6 an* the Tha a aailielei nay Count* JudoW Board haa Cheers to Happy Houra and aunkjng eerobtce ooechea, Moty, Kraaen, Caahy 86-B8 SCHOOL YR. CAll, 383-8386 pcaaona evaaoDte aa Moating Ofnoara and [or any other osteal) THE ataOThaBM OF DELTA TAU DELTA Hoomeaed) lor 3 bedroom turnaahed duplex FOR RENT Love, BC Clarke tor 1966-88. U8 » an aiioaHnf oppor- WOULD UKE TO CONOBATULATE JOHN *400/eemeeter avateue Summer or FK 382- 1 tunly tot tome valuable anpartanoa tot you LAUKA BUMIIBR MB eeeJeaVUeTT OM TMHPI l»T-CI»-0 2274 CARTY RENTALS CAMPUS/CITY EVENTS Appkaaona a aaatili In ma Oread la oMoe rasppy BMhoey yog loil LAVA Houae- 828 E. Wooater and must be beck m by 6 pm Monday. February THE M0TI4BW OT DELTA TAU DELTA 4 bedroom lor 8 students 26. They can afeo be turned In at ma fC 01 Leee B Me el aMne, Ti * ADVBmSMG CUJ8 * WCAILDLKITOCOltOMTu^TEeteXEANO HELP WANTED Apta-311 E Many 81. Meeting at 0:16 In the 2nd tea a McFel MEMBERSHIP DRIVE UBA O.WF1TH Happy BWatayll laKHEUE ••CHaaKh"' OM TI«B1 OELT- 2 bedroom tor 4 etude*, aa Career on February 26 Hope you heve a fsnlaatic weeKend You are a Fab 18*110 Fab. 22nd ALPHAPHILAVIIalPalin Conajueara. Entry anal 8 eitpenenced HMng (Inc. heel, cable water a eewege) BA FOYER AXft great roomie THE SISTERS OF ALPHA DELTA PI PROUDLY now. Cat for deeab 471-1440. »i30eech 6686/aamseter CuiHHleeeBmil to tha 'OuleUndkeg We love ya. Stacy. Laura I Lea Arm 3 SEMESTERS FOR THE PRCE OF 2 ANNOUNCE AND CONGRATULATE JACKIE Job rjohenge Smel lee. 830 N. Summit- »125/eech lerortty" on eB your eclHevementei Keep up JON NOW AND SAVE UMPASSOV, KOHL, COLLEEN RYAN. ANN WAHL. AND DO YOU ENJOY WOBKBaO WITH CtaXDREM? 3menapta- 318E Merry St He aapet oaa*. and etaaeoa. Batter aa* (am never but you're sal tie I Toea oarele Apparent! CAROL SMOLKO FOR BEHG ACCEPTED AM YOU A CAFaNO, WIAIaalO, CREATIVE Summer Rentele al Specal Ratee for greateet" Hope your b-flay wea tenHlol Reeh. Boat lonaM year Intervene Haw AXO UTO ALL GREEK WHO'S WHO GOTTA LOVE ■PUOMt COWIBiB A lUaaaaTB CAMP Houeee.-Roome -Apta. Eggy and Pooh love you ao Keep smaVvj1 I DO THOSE OUTSTANDING ALPHA DELT 8TAFF POBITION: Ofaoe Houra 11-4 pm at 318 E. Many -Apt 3 Love, The Hocaaa QkXf. Oajota Juuiaaaw 300 appecaeon deeome a) March MM WOULD UKE TO WELCOME LEADERS. or phone anyeme lor rap 352 7385 LOOMM FOB A NEW Kt)esAMCIT FEABT 1. PAI«TICt»A»IT« TO THE lies UbaNMHs* THE SETTERS OF KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA WAIBWBONI ■TAFI' (W81, BOATMO) One and two bedroom apartTwaaa/houeee COtHMNCE 'CHALLENOrNO THE YOM ETta ON TM OOrtOEOUS -plAfWMQ TO TAKE A LANQUAOE IN FALL WOULD LKE TO CONGRATULATE Okay* to campus 8 and V Renteev Bam-3pm evTUBE-'THE BCnt/UMO OWEN GREEK FMTtflwaTTV MTtBNQ BEAUTIE1 AT THE MARGARET OLIVER ON HER KAPPA SIGMA 1086? PLACEMENT TESTS WHO. BE OWEN OUTDOOB EDUCATION 362-7484. After 6pm eel 632-7666 1Y1TEM WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME OVER DEE OEEhJAE BEEB BPLA*M. 1ATUBDAY AT ARTS 8 CIWFT»,aaj8IC,D»IAa1A,»P0a|T8, SATUROAY FEBRUARY 23. 1»8S. ROOM LAVALaJRUG AND TMA BRAYER ON HER MO OREEKt FROM ABOUND OHIO, THE CC«nATULATIONSI ENTERTAJNaaENT 7:30 ■ •■beat llBBuelnea. Admnatration PAUL. PHI MU FORMAL B ON ITS WAY. 318 E. Wooater PHI MU FORMAL. Love, Angle Seeking talented., buUng Wa «a M Baking about • program «ith LOVE, I LET8 GET PSYCHED TO PARTY ANO PLAY a 1i and apeexet m March. WELL DANCE AND DRINK UNTIL WE DROP. ■pteyri A GOOD Tea* WITH US JUST CAN'T BE Hailial talent needed weal 1 laABK HHONEMUS STOPPED! Auenlnna-requlred. Idayll HAPPY TOtti BWTHOAY GET EXCTTED. GUYS" s only to: LOST « FOUND love ye. Pane CELEBRATE IN STYLE JENNY, SUE AND WENDY 816 Front SL, Toleea.OH 4*608 WARNING (WITH ME OF COOtOE) Loot: on 2/19/86 THETA CHI BIKER PARTY OET BEADY FOB TOteKlrlT... Gray Tweed Coal (knee length) at Scholerahip BCOMWO IT$ OOaNO TO BE A WILD ONEI FUN ANO HARD WORK WITH KIDS AS CAMP 3 bedroom furrrahad duplex 8181260 a Deeaarta In tha Union-2nd floor. Kays w/ a N.J. ToPetey . ssmielii ($425/month|. $460 tor Summer. keycham m pocket K found please cal Kfcn 2 Chrtaey Bonza. Gat peyched lor the Alpha Chi dele party Baby' COUNSELOR YMCA STORER CAMPS IS CortgrMuaatone on your Sigma Che Alpha Gam Can you hanoae our "physical"' dancing? Hope CARING. CHRISTIAN CCaVaVAJNITY SERVtaQ 364-1278. 6141 you axe my "eupnaaal" KJOS 7-17. UtwOUE PROGRAMS HORSES, Houaee 6 Apia, tor 1886 86 school year LGSJT: KEY CHAW WITH 2 CATS (BOYTONI Love, Your Alpha Gam Love, Kanmy AQUATICS, SAAJNG, WILDERNESS ADVEN- OaalluUyus Rentals 362-8467 btwn 12- ON IT. 3 KEYS ARE ATTACHED. IF FOUNO CHRtt VELOT TA, BO* 0LK.08H Wel it's been etnoet six weeks and my Isslnpa To whom a may ooncem: Jeraalar. Debbie. TURE, UTERNATIONAL EMPHASIS FOR 4pm or 362-8817 after 8:00pm PLEASE CALL 2-6130 FURTHER taFOraVIATION CONTACT: tTIVE 1ABTH. OREO HERRtalAN: keep getflng stronger rm ao glad wa met. Dome. Sharon. Keay, Laura, Kan and Marian Need F extents to fa apta and houaee Aval LOST A GOLD SEIKO WATCH IN MSC ON KARLENE QARQAC. PHONE 372-4468 HEY, M EP KNUCKLERtl GOOD LUCK AT You're my favorite "OX" Heve a greet day. Have a Ten, lun. tun" maeHendl Now that's not now. Near campua. Ph -352-7366 FEB 19.f FOUNO PLEASE CALL 2-4177 10 HOURt OF PINOCHLE. WE'RE ALL Love you, C ao bad la a. Hato wanted: BKycta repairmen FOUNO: Diamond ting In Financial AW Office eSeaWYOUl NMM MICHELE ST PaSHHE. Expenanoe neceeeary Stop by or eel 372-2861 lo Identity. THE M0THER8 OF eKIMA PHI EPtlLOW AppfyM131 W Wooater GOOD LLCK M THE MAC ayvTTATIONAL WE Trivial PureuB Tournament beneaahg 8kana FOUNO: Computers H Society Book. Friday OONGRATULATIONS ALPHA CELTS ON RE- Out) POrtekte. Toledo Fob 23-24, 8:30 am. ARE WITH YOU EVERY STEP OF THE WAYI Apt lor taint lor aprlng t Iir. Fab 16. Cat 2-1392 CE/VWG THE PANHELLENC WTRAMURAL $600 00 flret prize! Pre-regejlrallon. 830 per 2 Seeking energeec. rxluseioua individual tor LOVE, YOUR KAPPA SISTERS I axrrjreeas. hray fnm. apt. Heel. Cebie TV. SPORTS ANO SPIRIT AWARD A HOUSE FULL peraon teem - $35 00 at door. Mai names. quick copy operator Long houra 8 herd work MICHELLE MILLER hoekep, aater paid by owner. Ctoee la OF SPIRIT IS A HOUSE FULL OF LOVE addreea I tea to: Skarra Club. 1248 Hokjete are leweTded with salary, profit snaring 8 Cono^tuayaona on your engagement to Stave . Cel 182-7181 eel lor ream. RIDES Coworatuktaona to Chrla MoDonald on Treparaeri What a great Valentine surprise' Maumee Oh. 43637 Ph. 1-476-8020 excel benefits 2-4 yr buelniea degree I putting on an exoekent Scholerahip Deaeertl eiicacaoai bueneea experience uearned but We atfll hart a variety of rental! avail- Love, Your Alpha Kl Delia staters able for next aummer k ichool year. Call Ride Needed Love, Yew Qeaisaa Phi tlaters not roqused. Send letter ol aaTrawaaB a UKE MEADOWS, reeume to: (Onko'a 326 E Wooater, BG. Ohio between l-6pm. TKua Realty. 2 need tide to North Caroane Ralegh or New MNGRATULATKONS ALPHA PHTS ON CONORATULATIONS ON BECOMaNO AN Bam oroa tot spring break Can 354 7808 rflGHEST TOTAL CHAPTER AVERAGE AND 43402 Sleeping rooms aval Fum 1 unfum AveJ 2nd ACTIVE SOMA CM ANO BEING CHOSEN A semester Neat 8 dean Cel Newlove Mgmt TO "OUR" AUSHA CHADWELL FOR OUT- PROSECUTOR OF STUDENT COURT. Meneger/lnaYiee Hktng now Cat lor deteas 1 471-1440 Job Exchsnge SmeJ Fee. 352-6820. STANONQ GREEK WOMEN LOOWNG FORWARD TO A WONDERFUL SERVICES OFFERED SO "8EARY" PROUOI TIME AT THE PHI MU FORMAL Part-time Program Couneeior pcevaon In reel- MNGRATULATIONS TO ROD ANDREWS CONNg oanMea nt program: experience working UT vs BQSU ANO MS WFE LAURA NEUBAUER ON THEn Mom. wan souae having emoeonel niatjeaii pre- THETA CM-ALPHA XI DELTA LAVAUERNGi MOA DANCEATHON tarred. Major In human service field preferred Oearenlaed Cheopoet Prtcoa The Surgeon warm thai oolyealer may be FEB 22 - FEB 23 THURSTW APARTMENTS YOUR BROS OF THETA CM hazardous to your hearth' 52 hours per month guaranteed-pnmsrVy on Col lot-asm tor Doug SIOH-UP AT KOHL HALL AIR CCnyomONBIQ, FULLY CARPETED. CA- DELTA Ptl KAPPA JUMP-A-THON Love. Tha Puppy eeekenda Beneat package Send resume to: Fouta Typing FIsONT DESK ANYTIME! BLEVBION. EFFICIENCY. LAUNDRY FACU- l^tfulL MHOAY, FEBRUARY 24.1H6 nislLliiiaal Services. Meneal HeaRh Center ol Superior cajatty on a xerox memory writer. Wood County. 1010 N Proapecl. Bowing TCS NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER 6 FALL 11 00/peoe On campus pkX-up (M-F) 4 00 EPPLER tOUTH QYMNASIUH THETA CHI BaKER PARTY Green. 461 THURSTW AVE. 362-8436 pm88B-2679 COMi JOM THE FUN. rSCOM*«3 ENTRY FClRatS AVAILABLE 200 EPPLER Prognaavve company aeeklng ambatoue InoV auaeaefPJF ALL BENTAL8 MUTM PtHPaTa. vktuet tor aummer empkryrnent. Exceeent expe- atari era. A.C.. ha*/ fumiehed epert- We era ready to party Friday raght away with Dink or Sweetheert rience tor the bueneea maided MMduol Abortion, pregnancy testa youl TMs semester's tea wB be even greater raaea. Caa UM888 WHO are you? I haven't aeen you much, but VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE FRATERNITY pursuing a buoeieee degree WB Involve the studem rates then east aemeeterl See ya therell Tha KD's thanks for being there tor me. Thta week haa BATHe*, BEAUTY THB WEEK IN THE LUorrBaraon of ouBnga end epecW eventa. 2 bedroom apta avaaabw Deal 352-4380 CENTER FOR CHOICE PROUTHALL igSfS-BB boon crazy and busy and a la sknoei over. You UNkON WaVMERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED Minimum ol two years of urvdwgrejrhaaa study downtown Toledo Experience Bl are a real hnd and I sm gkw we sis together I SUNDAY AT THE DELTA GAMMA ANCHOR and eextjle houra a must Sand personal 419-286-7789 Appaceoone at eech reattance hel love you. 8PLASH1I eaaaajaafJB or reeume lo Qeeuga Lake Person- nel Dopt. 10B0 Aurora Rd.. Ann, OH ataaefBeo PROUT PRIDE What a surprise Wendy fsa)aill| aail Freida ROCKLEDGE MANOR Beepartoiai 44202. Duffy. Fatconl Whet a way to be a DZ el 901 Lanje 2 bdrm., turn apt. Appfcaalona al eech reatdenee hel uaaaaaatam CAMP WAYNE, northseatern Get psyched tor the Kappa Korral because I'm WARMeQ: oaaareahar. extra storage aj+ONDAB. Panra. Co-ed chedren'a camp. We wB Iraar- 100% sura we I haa a Gnreat tana, honeett THETA CHI BIKE R PARTY Comer of S Coesge a Sixth 16 yra. osuertonco term papers, letters. It s reefy herd lor ua to see how you can be 23 vtew on Camp Day Tuesday. March 5th WHss PS IL.Y. Love. Carol BCX>«t*3 Cel 362-3841 12 -4 or 354-2260 X. 1-886-2240 ~ 12 Aaavard St . Lkto Beach. NY. 11681. Duffy. You're a crazy ayjy, a declared nut What do JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE you the* of JOE QUIT 0 Whet ■ WELLNE887 (Include your aaaiphone number) or cat 618- Pregnancy ProbktmT Get psyched for the Kappa Korral because I'm Free teats 1 heej Love, YOUR ROOMIE8 A Tha raegnabon of body, mrnd, and sptm- the 688-3217 100% aura wel have a Grrreat time, honeat' aprxacaalon tfaa) everything you do, end think. llaorttaaMofTolooo 1-241-9131. RUSH TICKETS START YOUR CAREER NOW PS I.LY Love, Carol and feel, end baeave has an impact on your Munich Chamber Earn money end work on Fortune 6O0Compa- File- Alpha Game PN Defla. slate ot health Or cheetra niee' markaeng progreme on campua. Part What a great combo! Get psyched lor the DO Went more ayJoT? Check out the Student PERSONALS Feb. 24 al 3pm amefleidble) houra eech week. We give rater- Anchor Spaashl Weaneee Center 220 Heeati Center 2-0302 Love, tha Alpha Game KOBACKERHALL . Cat 1-800-243 6878. A GREAT OF'IXJFtTUt.TY ADVERTISING CLUB CONGRATULATES THE Tickets available el Flume, the KGB eea petrel, Patrick a Leee wsleht end earn good money at the Fe» 1865 1985 NSAC PRESENTATION TEAM: 7:45 Fat. 24 In KobecKer Lobby Murphy ease recently seen cruising at high same taava. Ne leee. no iMgeMm. For more 2 bdrm turn. apt. CHARLENE BRUNO BAM M HAPPY llOUtti- 4 TO ear. speeds OR the Soviet coaet kl a iWool Into, oaa 181-0141 362-2683 NATAUE MOORE otlahora racer, arith plenty ol fuel. two cases IF YOU ABE 21, WE WILL BE HAPPY JUDY DEIZOPPO ot Ranlia Vodka, and Yuri Andropov's TOeanVEYOUl FOR SALE J BOPaa. FUPM. a UNFIMN. SUSAN KWASMAK deughMr betow dec*, ear. Murphy la now • • • 8EXUAL AWARENESS WEEK ■ ■ ■ MARK WELFLEY WANTED PtllVATE SLEEPtNO ItOOaH reportedly heeding toward Hawaii KOHL HALL - FEB 28-2S FOR SALE: COMPACT reFRIGERATOR 4 8 LET8 WW H APWLI Motor u«. a cable TV turn. Hey AXO'a end t SX3 EP lUeUCKLERS. CU. FT 8100 VERY GOOD CONDITION. 2 Two girts need terraae rooi'iaTaaal to share two 1(2 Meek off BaaaaeaV -Alter Houra"aren't)uat tot neenondal Pattyat EVEN THOUGH WE CANT STAY AWAKE FOR YEARS OLD. CALL DAVE 364-8272 bedroom aportment $125'mcnth February CaBTeai STREAMER'S Monday raghta -1 4a.m. Aa 80 HOURS. OUR HEARTS ARE WITH rant Ires 8 free rveaah epa rtwaWMratap. Cel alon-Frl 7am noon 111-4171 AMY KHER and ANGEL SCHLAPPAL YOU" GOOD LUCK' HEY KAPPA DELTt, 364-8826. Eve's 8 wiekinds 182-1 aoo Conoraaiaaona - you reaty are a greet big ma THE PM Pta'S ARE ALL PSYCHED UP FOR A ALL OUR LOVE. THE QOLDENHEARTS llaaall learn rm ao proud ot youl I lust hope I can Ive 0000 TeaY/. TVM FPJOAY. LET t tEE THOBE SK3 EPS Good tick B-Teem on your game 88*18 year. QaaaT »»iraaiali| CaB 17H881 up to my euperb tamtyl Love. Sue BOXER tHORTt ROCK I Monday You can make II 4 and 1 if you oary 1 axe you did agenet the PN Teua. Two lima !! need one lemele to share apart- 1 CorvgrafulBBOne on the wctory ment on Scott MarvnonRd.. onV tamHet non- smokars need reply. Contact Women tor HONDA ACCORD 1878 Women al 372-2261 for more leto. Sever, 8-Saed, 58.000 meea nucsiaiaas needed lor Sprtngy8ummar AM/FM Radto, Front-Wheel Drive ItrjUSEB AMD APARTMENT! Ctoee to Cem- Apt Comer ol 8 Coaage a Napoleon. . $2800 364-7481 pae tor etanmerieat end 1S-44 school year. near drive-thru. flaaaGratll, CM Don 1-217-1141 DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE or Demon 364-8141.

ACROSS 3 Thirst 31 The Man With 48 Desert 1 Oriul« quencher out a Country lealures 5 Btblicil lower 4 Platform 32 Eggs on 49 This, to Juan 10 Key ptt support 34 Slab!* sound 50 Buddy 14 CooKmg 5 Brooms 37 Refreshing 5. One kind ol Lisa Birnbach, author of emanation 6 Con tr*at woll 15 Eih.bit fteltng (ivith devoipon) 40 Certain 52 European "The Official Preppy Handbook" 16 Crocus 7 Foretoken Canadian capital 17 Ancient Asum 8 DOE s 42 Carehtss 53 Birthday treat and 16 vVichrtoiyol command person 54 On* ol a group Biblical times 9 Thirst quencher 43 Airplane pal 55 Summers, in "Lisa Birnbach's College Book" 19 Ktng 10 Pleasing 45 moo Chmeae Pans 20 Swiirvmngsile ti Basic metai language 58 Actress Farrow stars in the 22 ManOann 12 Chines* 46 Scrape dynasty 24 Count tneoeys ANSWER TO PRE VIOUS PUZZLE 26 UppHy 13 Incline Ml IMIJII 111111!) [41.11.11,1 •ndiVeduti sideways as Lisa Birnbach 26 While poptari a ski I.IMI.IIIH'jll II III I 29 Reck urn 21 Goes in hast* i. IIIUU ui:i['i..j .ii.iijii 33 Baflmmion a"0 23 Casting device IIMMIllllJIHll.lllkJII IM>1 25 Small P*rnan Comedy Hour croquet Hiiii'i 1'jni'i i;n:i[i 34 POSI rug ULUIJiVJ 1.11114 nun 36 Slangy tndtng 26 Payable nun i IIIMI.'I HI IMIIII 36 Doctrine premiums*i:iiini;iMnnn 37 Malting no 27 City on the Wednesday, February 27 Rhine Munnn] inn sense Mllll HUM HMIIH 38 Ga s neighbor 28 Hill builder 8:00 p.m. 39 Kitchen new) 29 Two are 11! Ill I1MI1 II..IM 41 Pan ota pas better man one It's ArmyO.CS. Grand Ballroom, Union dedeu« 30 Liturgical-*.! I.IIII1M III1I1M Ml 11-11,114] If.. 42 Culmary MIIUM Mllllli IMI1IIM (Officer Candidate muture UUllU IJliLlU IHJiJLlLi 44 Early School). A 14-week chal- AfTvencans lenge that will make you 46 Martians eg ■ i ■■>! M If 1) 47 Oiscrehon dig deep inside yourself 46 GfeeK com ft aiH- 49 Palatable for mental and physical pastry toughness. And when 52 Coohoul 56 Tha Last you finish, you'll be a trim, ROCKLEDGE MANOR Picture fit, resourceful commis- 57 Ancient name f PPP I or Moms _-, sioned officer in the LARGE APARTMENTS 59 Talk nonsense i) 1 60 Favoriie m fa^ajE Army, ready to exercise 42 Across 71 leadership. • Two bathrooms • Garbage disposal 61 Made public a ^H BJJJ*' *1 62 Stembeck Find out how to cnaracte* • Dishwasher • Laundry facilities available 63 Choir specialty qualify for O.C.S. Stop 64 Rector 5 ■■■ ■ H— ■ resKlence by or call. 352-7541 -Plenty of extra storage space- 65 Beauty shop SFC EUGENE R. LOCKE purchases Located on corner of S. College and 6th DOWN s fii p SFC GEORGE M.TUVELL i Relative*. lo> IK Call 352-3841, 12 4 p.m. or 354-2260 Short 2 Notion to Y P-erre .1o5 CAHI •John Newlove, Real Estate MM 1 I^L B M WT The B6 lews Magazine —Q/*M JM* ^^ ^"^^ Sm¥ FHmiP» 22.1985

Inside... The Music Insatiable Planetarium Never Stops Jazzin' it in Bowling Green i . . a Yiday^ mitlm MaiaziM Stars and Space Friday suggests two unique "trips" Into space via music.

Jazzin' for Blue Jean Friday writer Suzan Cllne claims that America's only original torm ol music Is alive and well In Northwest Ohio. "

And Much More! —frMiy/TM N IBNS Migizlne La EHtor "V Dean Harris llSlttllt EMtir Marcella Grande MutMrarttr L&Aiien ASSlStllt OBIIinar Tim Oehnhoft

Friday maoazlne Is a weekly publication ol Th« BQ Nn»«, 106 University Hall, Bowling Green Stale University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403.


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1544 East Wooster Street/352-0461 PQNDEHOS^ OH CAMPUS fimnfmwri n. iMt Planetarium fills the night with stars and music by Andy Perles Many students rush past the Physi- cal Science building on their way to class, and find themselves staring at that odd, igloo-shaped building mut- tering "what is that, anyway?" For those who haven't ventured inside, it is the new one-half million dollar planetarium. Hmmm. WFAL-FM and the Univer- sity planetarium are presenting a show entitled "Star Tracks," an over- view of the winter stars and sky seen during these cold months. Surprise! The planetarium is really a Jamming concert hall. This show consists of "star music"(futuristic music) set to the motions of the stars FnOAY/VlKM WalMr Dr. Dak Smith nun* helm lor a moslcfest, planetarium-style. to produce a visual and audio combi- etarium productions which use strik- nation to tantalize the senses. ing amounts of slides and visual Friday at 8 p.m., and every Sunday at gazing session. There is one matinee action. 7:30 p.m. All shows are free and open showing on Saturday, Feb. 23, at 2 The $300,000 projection system and "Star Tracks" lasts 50 minutes and to the public. pjn. four cltannel sound system give the is shown Feb. 1 through March 8. The Sunday shows (weather permit- This is your chance to bear the audience a real feeling for the uni- presentations are every Tuesday and ting) are followed by a rooftop star- stars. verse. This particular show is divided into two parts. The first 25 minutes is an excursion around the stars and plan- Space music soothes its listeners ets, describing each sight. The second by David Terry half is a mosaic of stars, synchronized pace and a spacious sound image. a brief introduction by Hill and with space music. Experience a journey through Most importantly, it has to create a Turner in soft, soothing narration and According to Dr. Dale Smith, direc- space and time. Encounter feelings of tangible, reflective atmosphere." continues uninterrupted until the tor of "Star Tracks," the purpose of bliss and introspection. Is this a mind- Selections cross many musical journey ends. the presentation is to "bring the pub- expanding drug of the '80's? boundaries and include ancient medi- Many listeners prefer the experi- lic back in touch with the sky." No, it is a Journey into "Music From tative pieces from various cultures as ence alone or with a friend in a dark, Star music (space music) is new to the Hearts of Space," a syndicated well as electronic creations from the candle-lit room. many listeners. Composers such as radio program developed by San likes of Brian Eno and Kitaro. "Music From the Hearts of Space" Vangelis (Chariots of Fire) use syn- Francisco radio producers Stephen The commonality in all of Hill's and airs every Tuesday on WBGII-FM thetic sounds and computers to pro- Hill and Anna Turner. Turner's choices is their cyclical har- (88.1) at 9 p.m. and on Sundays at 11 duce a truly "out of this world" Together, they specifically choose monic sound. This creates a "mov- p.m. on WCTE-FM (91.3). concert. music that creates space and is ex- ing" quality in the music which is Both stations air additional related "Star Tracks" tries to evoke a pansive in nature. enhanced by the format of "Hearts of programming after the show. sense of wonder about our universe by Hill and Turner define space music Space." David Terry is a senior art major employing the natural beauty of the as "any harmonic music with a slow The 60-minute program begins with from Bowling Green Ohio ■ stars and sky alone, unlike most plan- QUQDQNQE FEBRUARY SPECIAL: El Grande Burrito $3.95 SUNDAY-THURSDAY The Best Appetizers in Town are 1/2 Price After 10 pm!! 352-1092 110 N. Main M. II MU4IC Local band delivers Top 40 with a little more by Jetf Keene All songwriters have their own dis- tinct methods of penning an original X kiU2^ff 2"*4 rLj song. John Lennon and Paul McCart- ney had brainstorming sessions and . fRnAr- ami drew from personal experiences in 1 writing many of their million sellers. Bob Dylan seemed to be a natural at 4 1.- 'If 1 A it. But bow does a band that performs primarily top 40 music go about the task of creating an original tune? Dave Berry, lead guitarist and vo- calist for the rock group Insatiable, begins an original by toying with an idea on the accoustic guitar. Next, he introduces the melody to the other band members who "bounce it around and see how it goes." JS^ "They add their own ideas to my 4£t w original composition," said Berry, a Insatiable plays to please during a Wednesday night engagement at Milton's. FMOAY/lb ARan Bowling Green graduate, "and even- tually we come up with something." Although Insatiable devotes most of Berry formed Insatiable about a the only student - Berry said they ballad." an evening's performance to rendi- year and-a-half ago along with bass would gladly quit their Jobs if the Insatiable can be found on stage and tax player Keith Kuba, keyboard- money were better. every other Wednsday night at Mil- tions of popular songs by groups such ton's as well as at night clubs and bars as the Police, U2 and Scandal, lead ist and guitarist Cleve Patton, drum- Broadway, an RTVF major at the mer Dave Kreps, and Broadway. University, has been singing for 13 around the Toledo area. But accord- vocalist Kelly Broadway said the ing to Broadway "the college crowd is band hopes to perform more of then- ' said the band originally played years and believes that a female voice own songs in the future. i and high school dances, but adds the diversity that many bands the best" "Right now we only have a few eventually they decided to "get out lack. Berry said the band is hoping to and do some things." "It adds a lot to have female vocals. keep playing and make a name for original tunes. As it is, we only have themselves; having a little fun in the enough time to rehearse top 40, but "The only way for this band to We can cover more styles and varying make money in Toledo is to play cover ranges," she said. On stage, Broad- process. we'd like to play more of Dave's "We're having fun right now. When songs. I wish we had more originals," songs. Most bar owners want top 40, way's voice can start with a snarling she said, "because people say to me so people will dance. So we try to play Bryan Adams and then shift gears to it stops being fun, we don't want to do "you're in a band - what do you play?' good dance floor music," Berry said. sing a Pat Benatar song. it anymore, he said. and when I tell them top 40 they Just Although none of the band's members •1 like all styles of music,"she said, are full-time musicians - Broadway is "but I really like singing a good JeOKeane is a junior news editorial say 'Oh.'" major from Lancaster, Ohio.

(AP)The following are Billboard's (MCA) 5."Lover Boy" Billy Ocean (Jive- top 10 hit singles and albums lor Arista) bS AND If, * this week. 6."Neutron Dance" Pointer Sisters (Planet) HOT SINGLES 7."I Want to Know What Love Is" l."Careless Whisper" Wham (Colum- Foreigner (Atlantic) bia) 8."Easy Lover" Philip Bailey (Co- (jut"."- ' ■■ 2."Can't Fight This Feeling" REO lumbia) Speed wagon (Epic) 9."Sugar Walls" Sheena Easton i ■•" f r.T 3."California Girls" David Lee (EMI-America) Roth (Warner Bros.) 10."The Old Man Down the Road" 4."The Heat Is On" Glenn Frey John Fogerty (Warner Bros.) pj*t>V-

*m IW UNIVERSITY THEATRE PRESENTS William Shakespeare's AS YOU LIKE IT February 21-23 and February 27-March 2 Main Auditorium 8:00 p.m. Students '2.00 Adults '4.00 CALL 372-2719 FOR RESERVATIONS *—"~ l ■TH~~HTI—* MUtiC FrMay^tferMry M. 1 - 5 Musical Arts Center more than just a place to hang your horn

recitals throughout the year. to performance at the University. by Stephanie Lopuszynski Not only do the recital halls serve Eighty-eight practice rooms, com- concert-goers, but according to Rich- (ilete with pianos, are another feature On the far edge of campus, the ard James, coordinator of class offer- or students who are musically in- College of Musical Arts is a structure ings in the College of Musical Arts, clined. Music majors usually spend somewhat shrouded in mystery to all Bryan Recital Hall also accomodates their time using these facilities, but but instrument-tooting music majors, five sections of "Exploring Music." the rooms are first-come, first-serve little is known about the variety of The 100 level class is offered for non- and may be utilized by any musician features and interesting musical op- music majors interested in exposing who wants to blow his own horn. portunities that await every under- themselves to a variety of lectures One of the most outstanding fea- graduate at the University and discussions conducted by experts tures that the Moore Musical Arts Entering the facility, long hallways in the areas of classical, midwestern, Center boasts is a commercial elec- and a multitude of professional and jazz and Beatles music. tronic music/recording studio. For administrative offices greet the visi- Additional exploration courses are $20 an hour, local bands and Univer- tor. Nestled among the rows of doors, offered in more specific areas. sity groups have found the facility though, are several large and attrac- If musical performance is your useful for their recording sessions. tive recital halls. Kobacker and forte, lessons on classical guitar, pi- Whether music is your major or Bryan Recital Halls are the site of ano, flute and other instruments are only your interest at the University, many weekly concert perfomances available from both music majors Moore Musical Arts Center offers a that are free or ticketed at affordable and professors. If becoming a mem- variety of attractions that are worth a FRIDAY 111 Allan prices. The concert offerings feature ber of the chorus and choir groups, walk across campus. Sophom*ore mask education major world-renowned, national and Univer- pep bands, the Collegiates, or the Stephanie Lopuszynski is a senior Brian Foster tickles the Ivories dar- sity musicians who perform a multi- marching band is your desire, a suc- public relations major from Ashta- ing bis workout In a practice room. tude of operatic, classical and jazz cessful audition could be your ticket bula, Ohio. JACK Music IS BACK! Internationally famous CASSETTES and pocket billiard and RECORDS. trick shot artist Jack White MAJOR LABELS Feb. 25-March 1 TOP ARTISTS Buckeye Room, Union AFFORDABLE PRICES Billiard Something for Everyone Tournament all we-ik for male, female Pop, Rock, Folk, and Jazz and Classics faculty & staff divisions.

On Sale for Limited Time Shop Early for Best Selection Sign ups begin Feb. 18 On Sale Thru March 1 st in the UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE UAO office, HOURS: 3rd floor, STUDENT SERVICES BUILDING 8-5 Mon-Frl Union. 9-5 Sat FrMn/Htraarr n. ISM MU^IC

by Mike Lawson them "WU1 the Wolf Survive?" In his Los Lobos offers soothing lyric tenor singer/guitaris- It never rains in Southern Califor- t/accordionist David Hidalgo cuts nia, but even if it poured, it couldn't energetic music through the rolling country lope with rain on Los Lobos and their musical power and feelings of haunting des- parade. After the stunning debut and peration. This genre of emotion domi- critical acclaim of their first EP a nates and fine-tunes the whole project little more than a year ago, this East from the sock-hop feel of "The Break- Los Angeles-based quintet has down" to the pop trend of "I've Got to bounded forward with one of the most Let You Know.'' heralded albums of 1984-85. Not to be experimenting with tradi- "How Will the Wolf Survive?" is the tional textures of Tex-Mex country new album by Los Lobos, and it and western, Los Lobos has no trouble presents the most generous outflow- surging forward with its own style of ing of musical energy by a new band. raw energy rock and roll - complete The packaging of this album contains with tasty Mexican, country, and some hard-charging, rock and roll rhythm and blues dishes. influenced dance cuts, but the accord- With a line-up composed of Hidalgo, ion textures on "Corrida HI" and singer/guitarist Cesar Rosas and his "Serenata Nortena" offer invigorat- burly baritone, saxophonist/producer ing Mexican-folk influences that could Steve Berlin, bassist Conrad Lozano, send Speedy Gonzalez dancing around and drummer Louis Perez, Los Lobos a sombrero. is shooting 100 percent. Rolling Stone On the other hand, the bouncing, magazine, in it's 1964-85 Critics' PoU, honky-tonk rockers "Don't Worry voted the band into a tie with Bruce Baby," "I Got Loaded," and "Evan- Springsteen as tops for the year. geline" could easily send happy feet Consequently, Los Lobos was also nigh-stepping toward the dance floor. named "Best New Artist," and "How And, of course, the soulful sway of the Will the Wolf Survive?" was voted as country ballad "Matter of Time" and the fourth best album of the year. the fine layering of strings on the With similar honors coming from instrumental "LiT King of Every- other major publications, it seems as thing" deserves a mention and a though Los Lobos are as hot as jala- dance with that special someone. peno peppers. The most powerful cut on the al- bum, however, is the allegorical an- • See Los Lobos, page 7. COUPONS r— ARE YOU SMART ENOUGH TO SAVE YOUR PARENTS

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Framing Services -ONESTOP- Mats, Matboard, Foamcore, Glass, Plexiglass, Aluminium Frames Also see us for custom plaques & awards Strickland's 125 E. Oak 352-8282 For Iwthac Information contact Capt. John Coglay, Room 131 Mamorlal Hall, 372-2476. MU*IC MMf/HtnMn n. 1W

Local musicians and clubs revive the excitement of live jazz and nuances of human emotion with their instruments of brass and steel, with feathery touches across piano keys and loud crashes on cymbals. According to Randi Ostry, political science instructor and a connoisseur of jazz, "Jazz can portray many moods, it can lift you up and take you down in an instant. The diversity is challenging to listen to." Ostry compares listening to jazz to riding a wave. "You're just rolling along, it has the right mix of giving you what you want but making you want to feel more. They (jazz musi- cians) absorb you into their music, In Bowling Green, Tough Talk, an serious conversation, newcomers to it's so inviting (because) you feel like ensemble of music majors and work- jazz and knowledgeable listeners al- you're part of the music. ing musicians perform Sunday eve- ike. John Veneskey, senior trumpet ma- nings at Milton's to a sometimes When getting away from the books jor and Tough Talk member explains small, but always enthusiastic crowd. means getting out of town for an that when playing jazz, "You're by Suzan Cline Ensemble members vary frequently evening, a 50-mile drive will land you purely emoting what's inside of your- and Tough Talk encourages audience at The Underground, a Sandusky Bay self. It's purely you - you're laying out Searching for a bar that native West musicians to sit in with them for a jazz club, or an hour away, Ann on the line instead of interpreting Germans would frequent, my friends song or two. Arbor's Del Rio features live jazz what someone else has written." and I found a small club nestled Rusty's Jazz Cafe of Toledo serves each Sunday evening. Jazz bars seem to perpetuate an between two austere buildings in what up live jazz to a diverse crowd each On campus, the College of Musical attitude, rapidly becoming scarce in our guide called a "bad" section of evening. Inside the bar, a hanging Arts supports two jazz lab bands and American society, that just maybe all Munich. We were eager to discover mirror near a table reflects a lantern a faculty jazz quartet. A jazz week is our worries can wait until tomorrow. what music "real" Germans, away across from it, just as the tone of the planned for April which will feature, Look around a jazz club - many from the tourist areas, enjoyed. What musicians' creative energy flowing among other events, drummer J.C. people are letting the music flow over we found reminded us that there is through their instruments to the audi- Heard, who has performed with seve- them, no one is panicking over a only one original American art form - ence, reflects listeners' moods. ral jazz greats. project due Monday morning and conceived and nurtured in America - When the band is loud and forceful, David Melle, instructor of both there are no discussions of where next the band was playing New Orleans the crowd is animated and talkative; campus jazz lab bands and a profes- month's rent is coming from. jazz. I felt right at home. when the trumpet sounded distant and sor of music, said that because of the The atmosphere allows for a pause. But back in the United States, acci- melancholy, the room was subdued. difficulty of playing jazz, very compe- For a short while it's okay to applaud dentally stepping into a jazz cafe Rusty's menu of jazz pleases those tent musicians are drawn to it. These each solo in turn and allow some of today isn't very likely. In the 30's and who use it as a quiet backdrop to musicians express the complications the barriers hectic society has forced 40's, before the birth of rock and roll, ri us to melt with the decrescendo saxophone and trumpet solos wooed muted trombone's final note. the night air in most cities and people Suzan Cline is a junior magazine flocked to jazz clubs. With the almost journalism major from St. Louis, instant appeal rock music enjoyed, however, the popularity of jazz began to diminish. Created in the port city of New Los Lobos Orleans around 1900, the roots of jazz (Continued from page 6) grew out of black American folk mu- sic in an environment rich in musical In a time when musical trend is tradition and tolerant of diversity. thoroughly engrossed in mediocre Jeff Gordon, associate professor of Anglophile synthspeak, it is comfort- geography, says the diffusion of jazz ing to hear yet another exceptional, began in New Orleans and then trav- jovial album that only a few musical eled up the Mississippi River to St. artists are capable of perfecting. As Louis and Chicago, finally reaching Hidalgo prophesizes in ''Will theV.'olf both coasts with its introduction in Survive?": ''Songs across the nation/ San Francisco and New York. Coming from their hearts and minds/ Although jazz is played within cer- Kettle drums and old guitars/ Singing tain musical chords and harmonies, it songs of passion/ It's the truth that allows musicians to improvise - si- they all look for/ Something they multaneously creating their own ver- must keep alive/ Will the wolf sur- sion of each song. Syncopation, vive?" So, spin the vinyl! Dance, harmonic complexity and interesting drink, and be merry, and indeed, the rhythms feed the vitality of jazz and wolf will survive. underlie its strongly emotive tone. On a scale of 1 to 10, this album Providing both musical variety and rates a 10. an environmental change of pace, Mike Lawson is a junior business jazz bars are well worth searching administration major from Marion, out Ohio- 8 itMnMtnan rt. IMI NEWLOVE MANAGEMENT

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OAYVm ©321 CONTACT (R)Q O HAPPY DAYS AGAIN janna't dJMmt o* maiiimofHal SA8C NEWSNIGHTLINE SATUROAY DENING ATTWtOOH (ESPN) POCKET BILLIARDS © BUSINESS REPORT oh** am put on bold one* *ga*t O LATENIGHT AMERI (ESPN) TENNIS Mruhfcyhia M IFRI) IfSPNI SPORTSIOOK *«b*n a *iin*»» Mrno can tdenfrfy CA Hmi Onntt Wh.-*, FEBRUARY 23. 18 lb* 1964 DevM Cta* Chanvpoi (TMCI MOVIE (MON. WEO) (TMC) MOVIE * . 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M li| Sm*-«ii B"t> (imn»*""" ©CROP GAME (TUE) OF THE UNIVERSE (TuE ffi BUSINESS REPORT Chna (*■"- ih* Ayitip-v .n-1 BOO © JOY OF PAINTING © ON THE MONEY (WED) - O GREAT PERFORM FRII ©M-A-"S H BfetMMI '"i O SHIRT TALES IfSPNI AEROBICS BODIES ANCES <>>•< • O AGRI COUNTRY (£) THUNOERCATS (MON) © MACNEH / LEHRER 12 OO AFTERNOON IN MOTION Am.-., .II BrfBH 'i>- SSNORKS (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET- NEWSHOUR O MOVIE »*• tmm M TMO MOVIE (WED) M-I MANN BWV»N*M* '•■ SUPER! HliNDS LEG BALL REPORT (R) (TUE) t*. Ian* Il|;tl M.MnWn ISiSO nanrijii H..*-.* i tniN > l«*i»ai ENDARY SUPER POWER' 12 00 (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET M<().iyVrll l) WV»I-I O O YOUNG AND THE O •* M MAGAZINE I H«ln Mil SHOW SMAN FROM ATLANTIS BALL (THU) »8 J / LOBO RESTLESS umftfcm kalMpswa Mm* — i.m.'i |-il,..i. i Mane] ii-- v .-.. THREE STOOGES © SEARCH FOR TOMOR- ,.fc...|l,«... s. tterkavii P*t>M CBM«aM •*•"■■ 4 30 ...l llpeM s i-'--- IFSPNI TOP RANK BOXING 8 30 ROW ....,..», M. M.,., , |1M|| M*r. s caVMB bnal bv* li.-n Si O DIVORCE COURT 1**1 frf Atftl rh.i QGET ALONG GANG 8B LOVING Mat '.-.. >-... | Nlbl © KIDS OF DEGRASSI ihS-ywuhl land . ' Q SESAME STREET ffl I LOVE LUCY HaLnl © SATURDAY SUPER STREET (FRl) M Noil (.1, OKK> A-LITTLES CB EDUCATIONAL PRO- ,. :>.■ .. CADE O ELEPHANT SHOW O PINK PANTHER ANt> GRAMMING O TRI-COUNTY CAMERA ffl DOCTOR WHO S AMAZING SPIDER MAN IMON) SONS (ESPNISPEEDWEEK (FRII WHEATLEY 12 26 ABC WEEKEND "«■ *i O EDISON TWINS ITUEI 9 30 © SUPERFRIENDS LEG fcSPNI COLLEGE BASKET- ©FAMIYFEUO O COOO NOCKIN II tfalnm m s (» A ImMMMrt* Q GOING GREAT (WED) O CAROL BURN! IT ANO ENOARY SUPER POWERS BALL (MON-WED) STAXI -. I (n*t. ,v....-* .i Baa O WHAT S NEW' (THUI FRIENDS SHOW (ESPN) POCKET BILLIARDS WHO WILD WORLD Of Kami Hi* 1 «i--- i'.(.- w." IW-«.'-' ■ M.-V Hi I TOMB '"■ © MUSIC VIDEOS (TUE IOOO © MOTORWEEK CTHUl ANIMALS mwmw* ■ id 11-' PWaaan Buanh' ... RMNBI ii.iti Btanajl Inhnannl FRl) O O I Al CON CRI SI ¥ (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER (TMCI MOVIE (THU. FRl| © THREE S COMPANY '■ ajNli i«. «> tmiK h—i-w-H (E9PNI COLLEGE BASKET (TMC) MOV* ** »H~I (ESPN) USFL 8b SPRING 12 30 im-i'i ->Ki * eweeetojl I ioo >...,, H9V8I HI Hii.h*— IPH BALL (TUE. FRII ING INTO YEAR III O FRIDAY NIGHT VIOEOS by 1 «.* «^/.e. Waal MOPM — t 8 ©MOVIE (ESPN) BODYBUILDING , 11 *ii|r 8 OO Barra- ftuPfBaBjaaj (P.«l I of 71 DAYS OF OUR LIVES MR UNIVERSE COMPETI- 900 Q O MOVIE • • Ii.,,t 1 1* .*,. Ahanil •*■-. ©All MY CHILDREN TION (R) (MON) O NATIONAL I JOURNAI OOMUPPETBABCS Bum*/ * .*••! MIM MX" R.t** .- |.i«mitm ffi MOVIE ** laMBt AIHI (ESPN) WORLD CUP SKIING SSMURFS (TMC) MOVIE (THU FRl) N..aiiii VDimrb>D>a*a>i h.M-lHi.«i. Nh.v M.-.* — Bt*J a 1:30 ©SESAME STREET C3 OBINSON H : DefT) p * © QUILTING O tJJ AS THE WORLD . —.1 I Mia. ffi WILD KINGOOM O VIOEO HITS ,-, («M bl«% " I— *M"*< IESPN) PKA KARATE BEST ■■ ■ *>*•««• ..I -....".- ». ■-. -i (D HMMY SWAGGART TURNS O WKRP IN CINCINNATI © COMPUTER CHRONI KICKS OF 84 (R) IESPNI WORLD OF AUTO NtaLMP © MOVIE * * • II- Hi INS CLES © PEOPLE S COURT Hiillh I" : 12:30 RACING 1BB4 DASHES ffi MATT HOUSTON Mr" (ESPN) BUSINESS T'MES © HE-MAN AND MAS- S INCREDIBLE HULK AND SMASHES (Ft) (THU) MANAGEMENT REPORT Up TERS OF THE UNIVERSE O TOMMY HUNTER AMERICAN BAND- (TMCI MOVIE (MON WED) im- it*i.i 'Ft ' 1 OB qaaa .n» I.- © ffl MISTER ROGERS SHOW NsMMl Mi» I.-..I- STAND GMMN Anrmolmn (TMC) MOVIE •*•• K*U nunavrt n Imknu MRKUBJI 2 0O © DUKES OF HA22AR0 ld B.-.- MM >'■ I Obt*»M"> Ir-t Man Qa I (TMCI MOVIE * I .•• HI HMIS I'll./. /..., «,,., .1*". T*. hin*-rv «i«l .1 <*v*e. id (D ANOTHER WORLD IFSPNI AUTO RACING T.«M> iP4»«rlii(tnm l.a*.- ibr> SylvMs I FaAng Down lot Cu lISJ ■• '-.- 8-k." ... . Wan SII-*I ■ MINN CD ONE LIFE TO LIVE (WED) O COOtNAME FOXFIRE Vour liiv* I BNW)' AB..I.S.. ... IESPN) PKA FULL CONTACT (TMCI MOVIE (MON. WEO) 1 26 9 30 © VICTORY GARDEN Bob ,.irrw* .. i-nsl.h.l. .*..! I —K .1 O HOUSE CALLS O DUNGEONS ANO DRA KARATE IFRI) 6 30 H-»H'I I" '•*"' >** ■• |*I-IIII--"1 Thomson bjofes at lb* progi*t-s ol g^MrtaWMi »-.i- H (TMO MOVIE (TUE) O JEFFERSONS 1;N GONS th* lnnWb"! planti m his garden lO 30 8 JUST LIKE MOM 2 30 OS NEWS ,M> 0) ... rtHtMHNl .-""• IPJ O CARRY ON LAUGHING anrl travels to Hollend lo obaarv* 0 TO BE ANNOUNCED GREAT SPACE COAST OS CAPITOL O THREE S COMPANY 2 OO a plant nxiat (Rl ©OOD COUPLE ER IESPN) LPGA GOLF (MON) ©M-A-S-H 8) BENSON 4.. MMm • • O MOVIE * ' 1 irtlimll i. 100 IcSPNI POCKET BILLIARDS © TURBO TEEN IESPN) HARNESS RACING © ELECTRIC COMPANY II- »l,tlr Bhxirtv '*"'• I ''"I P.»i< MM «POLE POSITION CsRuni '.«"•-• OHM w»n-*-.\ © LORNE GREENE'S NEW CLASS OF 84 (TUE) (Rl sh*ll*> ikmihl I ma *■•• .lll.rt t ■•■ .hy DBRSaVl COLLEGE BASKETBALL 1 AM Mali h WILDERNESS IFSPNI AUTO RACING O NEW TECH TIMES (FRl) — us* ***m> Iul4r Id Ih* UI-VM ONEWS Oklahoma al Kansas © EDUCATIONAL COM 1BB4 CART AWARDS © CROP GAME (MON) iiafl :; 1 1 OO CD © FRUGAL GOURMET 2 IO PUTING PROF HE (WED) ©ON THE LINE (TUE) Q] (0 WASHINGTON 8000 ffl NEWS ONEWS Jeff Smith davcuttet the hrttnr. HSPNI WORLD CUP SKIING (DART BEAT (WED) WEFK IN REVIEW WILD. WILD WORL0 OF 10:00 2.30 Ol gaiac and prepare* baked get (THUI (D UNIVERSITY PERSPEC- O NBA BASKETBALL !><■ ANIMALS O O BUGS BUNNY / (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER be RuUHtngarkc salad and garkc (TWO MOVIE (THU) TIVE (THU) •t PHiUdHpnu 7t»-s SWKRP IN CINCINNATI ROAD RUNNER and cream sauce wdh pasta 2:46 300 IESPN! SKI SPECIAL (R) MONTY PYTHON'S FLY 8 BONANZA (TMC) MOVIE * * H Brady s © MOVW * # # * The I OO GUIDING LIGHT (TMC) MOVIE *•* ■ t<*. ING CIRCUS DRAGON'S LAIR Eacjpa (19841 John Savage FRIDAY Shaped Room 119631 latha Q CORONATION STREET jl-g R.|,i 119831 Mtcheei 1 1 25 S WONDERWORKS K any Reno Cam* J>a> nd BALL St John s al Syracuse ■win- ■ VOUOQ *umn who h«* a Hail TnwillVd Sutar Survnax mgbi 119831 Cbarlat Bronaon © NEW TECH TIMES THIS OLD HOUSE (FRl) ©VIDEOGAME ,n.fii**"i.ifniL«? PG :; Aivfce*. Si evens (ESPN) HORSE RACING ffl ACRYLIC PAINTING Qu#*n Platmom Blond* Don IE) © THIS OLD HOUSE in WEEKLY (R) (MON) 830 300 Melleiion ol a -rood stove *) the © ^. If FOOT GAR © WEBSTER Websier leami 1 I 30 (ESPNI.SPORTSLOOK (R) 10: SO new kitchen a revwvr ol l*ng OENINC.UE) BOO h* has recycled UneN Phebp « lat- I TAXI 3:30 © ALV1N AND THE CHIP tacbnrqua* Q O NEW YORK'S MASTER SO © NEWS een sculpture thai Ka(n«rav MOVK **•'! B*»g IESPN) FITNESS MAGAZINE MUNKS O MOVK * * '> Th* FtOfon CHEFS (WEO) SIOO.OOO NAME THAT pljnnM to cHpiay *t an ail tiha> iTbara (19791 Pti« SM*i Sn- Mo»t« Tom and Nancy Seavar © SCOOBY-OOO MVSTER Dead (19671 Dene Andrews 1 O COMPUTER CHRONI- TUNE ,i ^ - lay Mad. a-ta A wmpN maidfd (Rl IESQ A/snaPo* CLES (THU) O MACNEH. / LEHRER O O WALL STREET WEEK man awbow only knowNdga ol 400 O PC T ACTION I INE (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET- (ESPN) POCKET BILLIARDS NEWSHOUR Guvti Judiih B Waiixt «• Iba world n bom the laNvmon O MOVIE * # Nighl Of The (ESPN) SPEEDWEEK (R) BALL Georgia Tech al Duhe (TUE) prMioVni Morgan Sianary ft Blood Monaiar (19721 Chmio © DIFF RENT STROKES prograrrw ba ■ ■vatcbtd ormrrt 11:00 2:00 Company Inc phar Lea. Maria Stbai IESPN) TENNIS (WED) © EDUCATIONAL COM tiogb convmcat lycooni and pob Q CORONATION STREET © LITTLE HOUSE ON THE (TMCI MOVIE (FRl) (ESPN) SKIING WotW FrMiiyN ffSPNI SPEEOWEEK (Rl PUTING PROFILE huam ihai ha it a gamut (R) © KIDO VIOEO PPLA1RIE Imniatnnal hom 8>ack*n'Hlga 3 30 8.30 O TONKH4T Moai Johnny 4 30 ] © SCARY SCOOSY FUN- © © HOUSE FOR ALL Colo 8 JUST LIKE MOM O O CSS NEWS Canon Scheduled McLean St* (ESPN) POCKET BILLIARDS ' NCS SEASONS A took at lactory PORKY PIG ANO JNBC NEWS 9 00 wanton ShaBay WaMara amoar Cmat lahoa CfeMBK Samara Fj, (MOTORWEEK btett. energy aficwnt hou—I. Vr FRIENDS ABC NEWSC3 O 0 DALLAS Bobby and Catta Adams nal Match IR) SQUARE FOOT GAR- cAKkng tog bomm

For Those Sped al STUDENTS! Birthdays... STOP IN AND SEE Anniversaries... ALL THE ITEMS WE CARRY! Laval iering... Pinning... * SCHOOL SUPPLES ♦ ART SUPPLIES People in love... ♦ PARTY GOODS ♦ GREETING CARDS * GIFTS ETC. 0111 Balloon Smiths 352-6061 anytime Balloon Bouquets OFFKI SUPPLY Delivered by a Clown ■" ■'" to fmn/fr nra.ii

2 30 tnghih (on man ptot'iu steal a 11:00 SsJNDA- I OO the etburn Rots 'aped hom a 0 0 LAP QUILTING FM ['■aaaWi Kulplura 8000 NEWS 8 COUNTRY CANADA 1983 concert *> New York tured Helen Keeev ■ aitr-rete da 0 MOVIE * * * Gana for NATIONAL f_J FEBRUARY24. 1886 COLLEGE BASKETBALL 0 FRONTLINE An esamau vgm 6:00 Q0NEWS San Sabathan 1)9681 Anthony AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Georgia si Kentucky lajn ol tha coniroverraal sport of 3 00 0CSC NEWS Oiaryn Char las Branson An Army Rrdty Skeggs performs Haarl (COMMUNITY CLOSE UP professional boung nchrdmg n O SPORTSWf EKEND 69 ABC NEWS p dasariar is mntafcan 'or a pra>ii broke Don t ChMt at Ova 0 WASHINGTON ternewa wdh fighters promoter• Hometown and Untie Ban SrJwrfceed Men* World Speed 0 NATURE An eiptoreno. il by paasani viHagars WEEK IN REVIEW lens and crdrca I) 0 MOVIE * * # Mono* T.i Naomi and Wynonna Judd sa~. Skating Championships (torn al« Io» m» mdudmg schools of (M MORNING 0 MOVIE •* L*6e Mo.-. 0 LtfESTYLES OF THE Mamer Norway Morson Grand lyfish nourishing at lha "up- ai is umph 119481 Paul Hanrard Joan Mama He s Cravy and Why And Jud (19791 J--ies RICH AND FAMOUS A look Not Ma' Pin Tenors man's semdmab lands olPaleu CJ Bannali A ton man robs a ras^xi I0OO Caen Stelarae Powers M the kitiarous kletlyle ol rmati from Toronto SSTAR TREK and ass-anas lha rdaniiiy ol a (EBPNI SPORTSCENTER O WESTERN GARDENER (ESPN) WINTER SKI SPE Mkonaaa Adnan Khashoggi 0 SRORTSWORLD Sched BACK OF THE BOOK promatant psyihiatrist In sha>> 11 16 0 DAY OF DISCOVERV ClAL (R) 6 30 uttd MchaM Spa** vt Oawd KBPNI COLLEGE BASKET lha puMr horn ins K ar) QNEWS CD NOVA I 30 0 SONS AND DAUGH Seers lor the ABA •wkl light BALL CMmwn at North Carouse KSPMl USfL FOOTBALL (> I 1:20 ©EMERGCNCY I HYMN SING TERS Based on Ake Murwo. heavy weight championship tandn R-nauadfs ai Tampa Bay 0 WORKING WOMEN 830 0 ABC NEWS ep ISHOPSMfTH shori liorv A 1940s Iarm gal ■ Bandits uheduted Ha IS rounds kve bom QSces NEWS II 30 tfSPNi FLY FISHING WITH _ 3WALL8TREETWEEK struggles tu overcome the shgrna ma Sands Motel m Allan!*. City JOE HUMPHREYS O THIS WEEK IN PARLIA 8 30 O MOVIE **• Oh (a-C GUMI Judnh B s%BTNBl «■• 01 the traditional lemata rot* •» N J Taam Gymnastics Chal ME NT 0 DOUBLE TROUBLE A« i 19 7 7i Rtans Jnhn Dan 10 30 pravdam Morg,*. SiaraVy K posed upon her (Rl kmge Iiva horn Caesars Palate m Sim latarvas a mairiaga proposal Company Inc 0 AT THE MOVIES St had va* God sataa Is an trnsiisper lasg 0 NORTH COAST MAGA- (ESPNl MISL SOCCER A* Sltr lea Vega* ufcrd Roger Ehail and Gana Si*"* horn tha utriat man sna s haax v young siaw-m.wkel maun- IO (ESPNI COLLEGE BASKET Game kve hom Cleveland Ohm 0 BOWLING SI&000O due i rally dai—i review Turk 182 Mm he* ■ letTver a mess.Ha* "' •HH* .iud S PERFORMANCE BALL Wake!i.estal MaryUxl Value Opan. hve hnm landmark ViKon Quest ami Blood S—i BOO appbiol ONE ON ONE 200 EVENING Recreation Center Peona 111 O 0 AIRWOLF H.iark ItafTkfldatn rt*|! SORAL ROBERTS O SPORTSWEEKEND 0 NEW VOP.RS MASTER wax as D""> In haa .i ,<-,!h1.J ll( 0 MOVIE • * B.-.fc-M» STARCADE Sthedule.! Motaun Grand Pi.* 0 MATINEE AT THE BI- BOO CHEFS buy not kmrarmg thai lha naaa « ilOBOi (haik-s Bums.... Briaru Q) PRESENTS Tennis Cruanprunshrps man s ti JOU r—tkWMl 1i* («»•' 8 NEWS flj) MOVIE *•* la» 119391 *lan*H| tha H.t/ H.ctd—. liani i.i aaRMWHMJ ■'"■ BHtntl Kaliy A Ina.k" |».«K In .« IESPNI FISHIN HOLE (Rt ne*s end women s ik-aMes laiaH H9S0lkeneCare Ban* Mate* IN CONCERT B-rvedelle a 1940 cartoon .i IBM atari mmis uimmtms mA • ITMCI MOVIE * * IMP kve hom tiamin 0 AUSTIN CITY LIMITS I -I Peters sl«i«»i Jua I mas and Cha|ilai 1 0 GIMME A BREAK A Bwal Silk- .a."H|iiw M^.. ita ik* iilBOl '.t,.... ()N,.a «.,s 0 ELVIS MEMORIES Rare de> Rabbili performs i Iw * 0CBS NEWS 'it I ml Cily Ol Tha >- thiralrxis (.k-nLiarn and San|| 0 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE i, M, N.h,- .umert lontauje blends with Resny Night and Susp—ms 0FAME 1)9461 111 sun s ihr-i- »>»! lo hrs < .H HUM likk.- Mteuhy Mus, ..i 11 OO me«f>o.*s shared by rJMaBdMftl 0 VICTORV GARDE N lammy Wynette sings 0 I V 0 S'uark ,ist kvr> .c> t .isl (IMSI g„e.i ma rSufsaydtrnsm I N.. S DATELINE ONTARIO in thn tubule In 11.» FMWMal 7 0O SSTAR TREK P. C I ami Stand B* t ■«» > 0 LOVE BOAT , . km Ai M^innan i IHI COMMENT Barberj Mandtel Jer.yleelew Man 8MUPPETS OHIO BUSINESS OUT iTAWOHHlanoMMOlMn MOU|4> - tCSPNl COLLEGE BASKET 0 WORSHIP FOR SHUT ■ Wcnrne Mrlsa|> Jer.y Reed ITMCI MOVIE * Ik Whan A REAL FISHING SHOW LOOK "RfiiBi —«'«s in amrt inly BALL MataM N W INS har.ated by George Klam Stranger CaMa (19791 Cane HEE HAW FOOMMt 1*1 (TMC) MOVIE #* Tough ^ttWt lhay krt- i it i oppiairia St...- 0 KIDS INCORPORATED 0 MOVIE •* Nuajaa Kana Charles Durne>u Ihomat Cimlay I .*• 8-n H.a- Enough (19831 Denes Qua-1 DMMH ■ an-iMii .i|'"'»' Ihr 0 THE LIVING PLANET A H9>,)i Manly*. Monroe Jorasph Kimbarly Chapman and Chtji ITMCI MOVIE •* Wta*. A Carlane Welkins An latsuccessfi* 3 30 liailnarslHi "' lar M*ami 11, Haler Aa>.ads SJAita H.nt M- > D*#> hMB NAL CD GREAT CHEFS OF NEW 6:30 GuMH law riatai Mn Watia MARK RUSSELL Ilk-piV UBM H (ESPNl BUSINESS TIMES 230 ORLEANS I CBS NEWS Kanny Ho.a"s <.ni CaTCOl ajaj gajoart nBaVt ha) IMPOI 11 36 MANAGEMENT REPORT Up 8 SPORTSCENTER (ESPN) USFL 86 SPRING HOTLINE lamra UMB.MI> CIMR4 Khan 0 STAR SEARCH Ml ileh- bwsnw raJatiRMawt fc SPORTS SUNDAY Sched INGINTO YEAR III (R) 0 ADAM SMITHS PaMM rnOTMOai" a-k-kraj Mial-i(y .s ■aad World Sp—i Speed Skatevg ■JMNM E4M0H *<"- MaaWRl 1 1 40 MONEY WORLD 4 OO -.-•s «r,i--*-rt nliirwacil Oaw-l.ajgm. M- h.a-1 M. I>M.MM (TMC) MOVIE * * Hian..- M O THE PRISONER ChanspainshraB men's and worn Will St..-el «|.»,|« |Rl 7:00 ffi TONY BROWN'S JOUR Stavia WOIMIM <>» Rai "IH.I M-1 ► Cam en s 600 and I 000 mater tprevi 17 OO NAL 0 MASTERPIECE THE «-ri« BuNxaM A I. . 11 30 race* same day coverage he**. 80 BO MINUTES ©S W A T 0 MUSIC IN TIME ATRE Ita .lawal hi 11a- vai atmnHig m RKI da Mraii *■■ OO'ACE THE NATION Nee.en.een Norway FHAGGLE ROCK Boobe. t peaceful day is turned by beasts. IESPNI COLLEGE BASKET C it ran i Balmr B—if S*.fh ,tt ■ umbs In *Hl* aalh l»^ Iwst 12 36 Q AROUND TOWN (TMC) MOVIE * . Vuutraht partyonMsandordgvpsres tj BALLPiadia-.iiliHk.aM ■ ^ pavlt ■nlfahqpn.a lnan.1 s taan Mlf itanghlM "ta" 0 SOUL TRAIN 0 SUNDAY MASS Up My l-fe (19771 D«fc Conn 0 SAVER SPOONS Artuneo 4 30 irtfaa- Ui* P1111.1 itaMOM M.n tivs lukaap'I a saiiai R 12 40 0 THIS WEEK WITH OA Joe Sever is diagnosed as dy-sreart 0 MOVIE * * it.- o..« Wai'-k mlafiinUlatai .ai loma> roODTl sa*n> TRACKS Suhe.kik-«i ««Ws t>, 0 MOVIE **• The Guns how ground up pweB were used ffi WIOE WORLD OF Kong M976lJatl Bmha— AtM bam on ng VH*ani * is Madnnnai The Gambler | KgrM 01 Nevwone (19*11 Greg,-, AFTERNOON as a prince s haabng patron, an at- SPORTS Srhaduk-d allliniiUW 13 la«ga A mamiiwa aja> is 0 BERRENGER S An aapkc.l Blow I Basketball I and Evetyn Peck David Riven tempt to topple three mrfcts ol it Protessmrul '■<*■■■ Skai>ng laoiight in Haa. Viak City hum a mdaolapa ol I .naal ami Jhapman Champagne i Out ol Con 0 MOVIE * * * The Seven 12 OO dominoes CJ teem lompatiUai hum Metason tiopxal <*iand by a giaadv --i p-o ■> dafcvaiad io lha IWWS/IHK" trol l C*»os da Jesus hosts hom Faces » 0< lao (19641 Tony O 0 NBA BASKETBALL 0 0 WONDERWORKS Square Garden .ri New Y.ak mola* aagf Hi a»p«inl tha B9t §ab* aujiaas tn a lomrai' 'o pay theiiuPPasiMsns Randal Arthur 0 f, nnell loa Angekn Lakers ai New Vort Words By Heart In the awry 0 MAGIC OF OIL PAINT turalmpiufii PC. i* Allan Paul rs .tosa to c^Mtq a 0 MOVIE * ' Super dragon K racks 3:30 1900*. tha young people of a ING 7 30 king iarm laasa l« lha lo* . •sga i'9 7B)B..»ei, TangPe. O MEETING PLACE > Warnar Juke 730 ING INTO YEAR III (R) Cyano m • school production 0 EUROPEAN TELEVISION O BEACHCOMBERS What the meaning of a vision ai wtwch O 0 OTHERWORLO — ChuiM Based in the stay by Siarhnga antaf a thanga pioviti a 1:40 la»» lor Jess* s gel who s playing SERVICE I Jr-ned In Piogressi (ha Townfob. are tnuous about las anla is strangled y Ray Bradbury In a > Moan. prove to ba Grbsons tavrng ration of Ameraa s eredkfe .a O NHL HOCKEY Wash-ngio. Ida Ol Sherlock Hormes 11970! Capital* ai Edmonton CMa>» kke snowflakes sunflowers sea tuge* hnm lha smetYesl ai Honda 0 MOVIE *** Thraads Robert Stephens co*kn Biakely 0 TAX BREAK 86 Current »■« g shafts eggs end seeda Q 0 PUNKY BREWSTER 10 lha largest m Alaska Q 0 DIFF'RENT STROKES 119841 Raaca Omtdahr Karan (ESPHI SPORTSCENTER iai laws lorms and issues ara tx Qfunimonii hupai lo gal dota> to IESPNI SPORTSCENTER pleased by IRS tat eiperis Hosts Punky and ha* tin-nds damage (TMC) MOVIE *** 48 Maagha. Two l*ma>s m northern 2 SO ha) (lapson by taking A-nold and 12:30 Dand Baney JoAnn Pffcjg Menry t now mdoo camera what MBS 119831 NK* Nolia (dike England aipeaience the honors 0NEWS Samcampavg {MEET THE PRESS (TMC) MOVIE *>» . Without making an aarobxs tape Murphy and i-onsaouancas or global hut le (ESPN) WORLD OF AUTO 0 T.J HOOKER Moota> and ON LOCATION A (19831 Kara NesVgan (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER m war tor years attar lha world s RACING 1B84 DASHES an aiiiactiwc daiaciiva iShafon twpaipowars clash oyej tha Mid BACK Of THE BOOK Judd Hatch BOO AND SMASHES (HI 6 SO Stona) dctva -no lha anvkl ol or SB CM (ESPNl NFL S GREATEST MO 0 0 MURDER. SHE (S SNEAK PREVIEWS Naal gamrad aana and p*rnography as 0 MYSTERYI Agatha Ch. s MOMENTS ProfeM ol (Wage SCBC NEWS WROTE Jesarca learns up with Gebkrr and Jeffrey I yont revrew Ihay laam up lo nab a lugrtrva Q t* Mytteiiat M In this siory of 3:10 Blende end ReyBany |R| I IDIANA ROSS FOR ONE private eye Harry MeGrew I Jerry Turk 18? lha Maan SM 0 MOVIE ***', Gambrt obftMK*« a>alouay a man teams (TMC) MOVIE •** 48 (TMC! MOVIE **'i Th* AND FOR ALL Songs include Orbaohl to fmd the parson who •on. Vivon Quest and Tha 119661 Sh-la, Mau*na M. haa* lha meanatg ol a vrsam at which MRS (19831 tixt. None Eddw Buddy System 118841 Richard Endesslove Am I No Moun mwdarad the o.ansho* s pannw Breakfast Club Crana A glamorout gal and on i his wil* .s strangled L; Murphy Drevtuss Susan Serendon tan High Enough and tunes from 0 SEEING THINGS (out* a m rffiieiaaaaaaas^ ALL WASHED UP? Come see us 906 Napoleon 353-8381 Lei UNIVERSITY CLEANERS for all your .».,W,WMIIT in Di Your Wash For C^ 5 It's worth "TrW Sahn Ol Th© FuTure" flower roaaaNAWOwoaari $100 needs! the trip! AUNEW JUST FO» YOU «PRMI 1 HW Onltni - rai'i MeWI»Wng 4f • Must be brought in • Use your own soap or MaWm-M - Mow • focMt KLOTZ Mra» Uy Dem.. rwrnl I Muaodia CMyi between 8:00 1:00 but let us provide it for a Fudal VAniins - lyWww Ard*i» can be picked up any- small fee fH*a> t tyWrew TUiMnfl time we are open FLOWER Owwlrlerlemilrrlm- ttioHr.lir.lnrj • All you pay for is washers & dryers & just FARMS $i to have it all done! S24 E. WoosMr (up to 3 loads) *6:M (Nut To Myiu) Good M-F only 352-7212 $gf) Cash & Carry _—L_ //

dutch with ihe CIA KG8 and Hie cat* of Chad abuse a numbnr ol fTMC) MOVIE * * little Deri PRACTICAL JOKES Featured TUESDAY and lure* ban and Jwy (Wendy FtCMP when he aiw»st>gete* the maiermiy leave* deplete* the lit* mge (19801 TatumONeai Rnt 0 J Srmpaon and leun Mender 10 30 Hugheal back to Eden to eiact he> mysterious cacum*tenc*a tor prlat a nm *»g Staff are practical rok* vrctan* wemer ty McNxhol (TMCI MOVIE # * '. Al Nioht FEBRUARY 26. 1895 revenge (Pert 2 of 21 ■ouncfctQ the death ol ■ Sovtti tpv Q LAWYERS for the hot 12:16 01 tha Spot the Blooper comeit Long I198D Gene Heckme.' (E9PN) COLLEGE BASKET- durmg • performance by a wntmg lima, wewer* witness tha evok> John Davetaon wnh a recant mu O MOVIE ** '• Meror Of Serbia Stiamend After being de BALL Pmtburgh at Syracuse beset company Q lion ol a murrJar toe* horn accuse Deception (19'SI Ken Derby arcal llub horn the Tonight Show moted horn corporate eeecutrve ITMC) MOVIE * * • Stay • BOB MOPE SPECIAL lion to the fmel v*vd*i Tonrghi Jamet Maawefi O HAROCASTLE B, to cham store night managrv ■ Hungry (19781 Jell B-dge- Sat Bob Hop* lampoon* Tefasrraron ■anaron mount* aa jury sesactron MCCORMICK Ihe rudge a kfe ly (wld The offbeat Man o* an 12:30 n-ddle aged man a efesiyte a a 1M5 Oyneety krleeit The A For Regme v* Clow proceed* •a on the leva whan Hard Caee old Southern larmFy me* to save i • TAKING ADVANTAGE vaejM mt turned down Teem and Chawa' Scheoufc-i Cart I ol 71 Q returnt lo the bench lo »end a Ft BOO seamy gym from the hands Of teal guest* Morgan reached Donna 0 MYSTERVI Agatha Cr-.i 1:00 hardened criminal back lo prison «■! NEWS estate specutatora H O TAKING ADVANTAGE 11 OO S 100.000 NAME THAT Man Mr T Fhwa and George tie Mysiene* II In thn nory ol for kfe ; J B 30 Burns pn n apoofa o* prints-lima obaasarve ktaaousy a man learn* BNEWS O ALL CREATURES GREAT TUNE WILD. WHO WORLO OF S WHO'S THE BOSS7 Tony ihowa. commwciel* pro 'oolbeii the meanmg ol a v-ifOn m whHh CD CHK.0RCN BETWEEN AND SMALL II O MACNEK / LEHRER ANIMALS chaperone* Samaniha on her last and TV axnnafcan Q hit wife i* air angled CJ LIFE AND OCATH O RETURN TO EDEN NEWSHOUR SWKRP IN CINCINNATI dale at a school dance but he he* O MOV* * ■ # Star f rek ll S GREAT PERFORM Wealthy Stephen* Harper (Re ffi Dill HI NT STROKES 1:3)0 a lot of eapleeeng to do when he t Tha Math 0) Khan 119871 W>i CROP GAME (D ROD ANO REEL ANCES Dance In America HAWAII FIVE-O becca Gtevgl maroes lenmt tlar . eughl necking with an aliracinre ham Shainer hVardo Momerben Amoncan BaHel Theatre At The CHILDREN BETWEEN Greg MarMtnn IJanws Hoyrvi a 11 30 ITMCI MOVIE * * D C Cab S leacher 13 The paai reliant 10 haunt Adm Mel MAhan BaryahnAov Fei L*E ANO DEATH •eeedy womanu,er who plot* to 8 TAX! 11983* Mi T Ailem Balirw.n Jama* T Krt when ret nwmn nando Burone*. Cynthia Gregory murder res new wite and take hw MOV* * * ' . The Devil s Onve>* ol a nearly benkiie>i B:00 MONOAV commend ol the tntarprita lo Patr>» Bastal and Martete van hest Friend Jily Stewart (Wendy Web II97SI Diana Dora Andrea Washington iei-ah len-aimn l«r- O WAYNE B SHUSTER IN- band) a vengeful long-tor got ten Hamel perform dance ilium ••< Hughes) lor res lovei (Part 1 ol ?l MartIIVKI 1 A n.a*a haed in 1 .er- come heroes when dn-y ffaKUP TERNATIONAL CJ FEBFIUA8Y 2b 1B05 tmemy inreatenetg 10 use a new ilu«*nylc*«e t let Sylphrdet O WONDERWORKS CtMen ror the paralyfeil rlaouhler irl an twokidn,tppei1ihildren R EJ O EVERGREEN Afier 18 Ann- ■ an begett 10 eii-it years •*■• msits Anna Eric do He creeling o>vtce at a weapon Kennelh Me Milan t Triad WVT- A i. ,...e oM l->> l>- 6 30 • tuange mllueni r over Ihe ge' ■ ides to marry In* raacuvwrs at mm destrm Iron Q Mafearova* ftiaging ol Mintm (-lit.™) hrt iVetne«s OO CBS NEWS ffi t$ NATURE A loo* ai the Paqurta and Baiancheie * Syi i^i. hum ,i Mht." m.ling O SIMON B SIMON Wkfei Theos .nl.iM.iy Anna and Jo SNBC NEWS saph t Hi|i in Israel it manr>d by oaptay a Ma cycle l>om hiir hog via Pat da Deu« .md meeis a rmrna who . riangro aeiHaiw MoaaaaaJw aWB I < *'-* ABC NEWS p nl .hanviinda feom A J «fii tiagrdy (Part 3 of 31 (J ■> the Stollrth li.ghl- <1% thii-igti 1TMC) MOVIE * • Ti-. '- ', © HAPPY OAYS AGAIN 60O 1 1 O MACGRUDER AND i'i"jni-»i 10 Aim* anil 'he annual Buddy Syaiem M9B4I H ..i (TMCI MOVIE * * * ■ Av.e. MPMI BvMlaBEl l' * S<"ii"is Ihavn (0 BUSINESS REPORT gCDQD NI ws aafMra ■■■ "..i-n-ii 1M1 LOUD When MacGrudw shoots rehenio Scotland (FtKJ Dreyhnt Susan Sarandon Ftu hi I'l'/i i.t leanmuH ■*»■• (ESPN) WORLD CLASS $100,000 NAME THAT M% unarmed ileal irwnager he (B PUTTIN ON THE HITS man i IT comp*ic at mo * en*ge when M.IK A cmaeteatiw h.eietaaa O BEST OF CARSON HaM WOMEN (Rl TUNE ■.'«• in twins with hit 1)0.11 Songt Centrpede What The a lonely boy target* i gadget n man '.#% HI k»<- awtti tiu- sinaiti. .-I...,, t ■aort ).».—-it bMNa fE MACNEK / LEHRfR 7 OO andlhepuliui outcry CJ Workl Heed* Now Mao,-: eantor and would be write* at .i i ■ ..#n« i^ iu% rakwl i.r .ii th*. MII-% ll.-i Ciewy Istetie O O ENTERTAINMENT Ploul Mary Rianmg I mi NEWSHOUR Par*, . 1M1 Ct) Q) FRONTLINE An npao match lor re* aetgle molber PC. TONIGHT FrMttatd I ninai end She loves Me >>.*»>• ffi Oil I Ml N 1 STROKES SABC NEWS NIGHTLINE ration of tha nviilary and pntitn al g B 30 Rer-e iiiuri 'aitait by the 19B4 massa Rabbet Kreiger Miaiy feed Bn*. ffl ADAM SMITH S MONEY ffl IATENIGHT AMERI tO 30 O DANGER SAY ()....-, an QCITYSCAPES CM Of 741 US Menm.* .1. I rl..i ONeeJ WORLD CA S> haikifc-il mihiv Karni 9 FOUL-UPS. BLEEPS & O WHEEL 0* FORTUNE KSPNI COLLEGE BASEBALL IESPNI COLLEGE BASKET (aaratrfl AenenxaM Skflvnoa Ot non CJ BLUNDERS I yl* AUado of ihe t.M am* .1.1.1 Neifle uemNe O DUKES OF HA2ZARD Trues al Arizona Stale BALL REPORT on— BcaMM ' 9 30 Ins AngHf\ R»Hi and dentil ,.,-.. I...... tot Ivv—....tlrts H © BUSINESS REPORT (TMCI MOVIE fr * ■.'■■■ ©SANFOROANDSON 0 REACH FOR THE TOP (TMC1 MOVK * * ' Flesh Rcan TV tlar trr* Chacon thare 900 (EM-A«S-H Company H9Mi hisrtih Hi-" 1 [ ssor vs Nnrih I .v-rfdon ileme 119831 Jenmlei ft-sal* iHjilek** wnh hints Slew law Q O KATE B ALLIE A- I200 gna Barbara M,BI>\ Aw AmeiwaT O MACNER. / LEHRER MflhaH N<»i A young wu ■ jn .i .hii-oii ihoee Itetawen O STREETS OF SAN lOOO '«>» and Dun Rctle* CJ im->k.v.- m ffiBJ/IOBO 11 00 horn dllferr-ol flho.. |..i. . 7 30 pees to n»n Ihe Piitshieph BaHr-i Q3 THREE STOOGES O GETTING THE LAST OiD H) ffi NEWS ipminiH P(i O P M MAGAZINE 1 m H !J O CAROL BURNETT AND IESPNI SPORTSCENTER LAUGH I i*d Wweril SamlaM Q NATIONAL i Ihr Nalioo - Irani ihe hieiw health i-^-i had 8 30 630 FRIENDS Bergman and Kerry M4W<* offer Bi*«-« welfiiajow »:j 12 10 mil how knH 1 an learn tekl dr> O TALES FROM THE OO CBS NEWS O EVERGREEN '»-. >..-.t ITMCI MOVIE • * * Yenil ways to hendre the probterns of DARK SI Df A 1-,-L^H, sari S TICKET TO SEOUL A .*» Q NBC NEWS RVaM lo— ll— eai Mam> I--' .19831 !■!*)■ IliOBIraial M.->.t, daey ale with a sense of humor leneniary fcn*. .it the U»t 8GEORGE B MILDRED women meet* and talK ■> hive O ABC NEWSp •■wntuaiiy 14a— HI".Kitty ol Ihr— O AUSTIN CITY LIMITS ('h.»i h % Mi fii-mf |i.eil tool >' Paflaajuji FAMILY FEUO -th . n wbo« ffi HAPPY DAYS AGAIN >iia.iihivi In ».> BHNIB .1 '»■ Ma Featured On I'.anpbea ( Genih> Ana itwHlmted he 100 renorters 12 30 tTAXI BOO ■ BUSINESS REPORT -hn 'v jfwu it.» H.u.s A.WIII,. on My Me>d '.■■* Nrghl* I anc) the (omr.atni. nueMmns it B LATE NIGHT WITH DA WHO WHO WORLD OF O S CRA7Y LKE A FOX (E9PNI SPORTSCENTER lespondt se«i*th wlh Ins s Ij Eddy Reven ( lhaia God lor haaraned VID LETTERMAN Scheduled ANIMALS Harry * narvi" temporary -^rel*, 7 OO ihe. (Pail ?of 3KJ Kids Who Do You fiow m rtSPNI SPORTSCENTER ^.tur George VVniitt iomarti«n ffi THREE S COMPANY iCarol Kanel gets ihe iterechw O O ENTERTAINMENT O MOVIE A Bunny s TaW- CaMorrea' I 1 1 20 ■M Hmm IESPNI WINNING GOLF .e»d ru« lawyer u» m bo.** win TONIGHT 'eat wand AI. iP.prr,*...' Karaaja Aeey Cmier O HfSPANUS N-*« i"'- IESPN) USFL FOOTBALL Guests BobGoaaby Doug Ford the mob a/he" the elder Fot 8NEWSFINAL JraaiWjfcal (*>ia Stamrm tponrtent Dawd Gao.a host, a Mac&aw Memphis Shnwboalt at San An lomes mto |mvu-s.s«in ul .i phony ABC NEWS CJ leteartrvng a maganne artnte BOO and Ned Beatty tier " Ihe true 1 00 threeien* her standing withm her bit children put hen out to pa* story ot a Mack woman who S HAWAII FIVE -O Teuj Turner have ear h been nan pee" group R m turn ol Ihecentiey New York 7:30 lure sought to educate Met* children JIMMY SWAGGAHT ruMed *> live caiegureit where a young Jewish woman O P M MAGAZINE I've 1030 O SOLID GOLO COUNT 0 THE FIFTH ESTATE Em worka at a maid lor a rich lam*y 8JJ ENTERTAINMENT THIS hom the Meiro Health ttpo ht during and alter the Owl War Q (ESPN) SUPERBOUTS OF WEEK Featured a took at tret DOWN 84 A -r-tiospective of Matting interviews the ghostwriter »*a)VM BJI ajaaMBeW 'I' BM part naraa at home and lor kid* (ESPN) USFL FOOTBALL THE BO'S Marvelous Marvin year i Geernmy award noeTeneei Memphis Showboats at San An lop rets by Dan Harlman the 01 b-ographen on lorrnar Prime er has an ahee with her lormer O VENTURE Hegfar vs Roberto Duran Nov SFOR MY PEOPLE lone) Gunshngert Powiter Sietars rfuey Lewi* ft The Mnstert tetter Pearson and employer * eon and beer* thee OFAMIYFEUD 1983 mlas Vegas IR) daughter Star* Lesley Ann War MONTY PYTHON'S FLY News Laura Branigan Tina John 0«f enbaker OTAXI 9 30 1 1 OO ING CIRCUS Turner Cyrwji lauper Vane Cara O A TEAM When the team ran Armenri Aaaanle Ian O WHO. WILD WORLD OF O O NEWHART Stephanie t Scandal Kool & the Gang aids a tow truck operator who 1 OOOOO NEWS McShene (Part I ' 1135 ANIMALS ultra «** parent* (Jose Ferrer Thompson Twin* Culture Club baithng ruthless competitor* ffi) WILD. WILD WORLD OF • O MASTERPIECE THE SI LIFESTYLES OF THE O THREE S COMPANY Prnxele Momlll oiler her anylhmg John Wane Oenwce Wefcemt heavy duty equpmeni becomes ANIMALS ATRE The Jewel M The RICH AND FAMOUS money can buy rl the ■ only quit BOO Re* Springheid Kenny Loggev. Ihee «nrn«*io?i © WKRP IN CINCINNATI Crown Sarah trie* an prevent 1 1 4B her maid* rob and move back O ON THE LINE O O SCARECROW ANO Ray Parker J> O THREE'S A CROWD Jack Merncfc a marriage to In/tan by home Q SPORTS THE FINAL MRS K ING A haed krHet under umnientmnaOy Brad 11:30 contacting i*> old hemd who O REACH FOR THE TOP I ISO WORD goe* cotmete: *urg*ry a* part of a ford at an mcome ia> audil CJ STAXI ■ now* about tha matur * pMl Assumption v* Merman ■ NEWS 12 OO ptoi to have a bogui Amanda 0 O NOVA An «an,.naliOn M MOV* *** rtouae- Of iPart It ol 141 C3 200 O ENTERTAINMENT THIS murder Scarecrow 1000 children * aco>esit>on of IPM/**** Cards 11968) George Peppard Sj) TWH KiHT ZONE O CBS NEWS WEEK Featured a look at ifw O HANGIN IN A gel atkt O O CAGNEY B LACCY during thee test lour years C3 Inger Steven* An Amercan m 9 30 NIGHTWATCH year a Grammy award nominee* Mete lo heap bar mother Quit Cagney ■ car is ttoren lecoverm.) O RETURN TO EDEN Parrs harp* 10 a ■pose a revolution ©AFRICAN DROUGHT ONEWS (£) 700 CLUB Scheduled ako amoketg. a teen aged gel i* dating From turgeoy lecey Iran 10 de Stephanie (Rebecca Gehngl as ary Fascist group 1000 hot * effect* on marriage an oFdar man. Webster orgamret ode whether she should retee 230 turmng the identity Ol lash*** O f ALL 0*JY CoH swmga mto O O TRAPPER JOHN. (ESPN) MISL SOCCER All Si* a book aafca Q horn the force O CBS NEWS modal Tare Wefats. attract* the action when a band ol rowdy red M.D. J T toot* «nio a oossrbte Game, horn Cleveland Oreo Ifll m TVS BLOOPERS AND O NATIONAL / JOURNAL NIGHTWATCH unknoweva Greg (Jamas Reynel necks threaeen* to harm a rnendh. 352-8459 e Hairways C HUTCH (formerly Romas) ''^Jjliuiirrluuisr p«t inO .uppM..

1*11 S Men M logins OlMn OH 13402 PHONE •STOP IN AND SEE OUR LARGE SHIPMENT "HERE FOR ALL r» OF SALT WATER FISH YOUR HAIR NEEDS" 353-1045 CONING THIS WEEKEND •2 FOR 1 SPECIAL ON 428 E. Wooster ASSORTED TROPICAL FISH DIANN DEBBIE SHERRY JUDY Friendship Bouquets DONNA BEV •15% OFF AQUARIUMS40g»i.&apj -She's new $3.50 •$1 OFF AQUARIUM GRAVEL 1«1. E. Wooiter Cash & Carry G*ei Tern M*$ He Vn rwjcjN Steei M U. STADIUM PLAZA 352-2107 !BB! 12 Frttjyif •fcnwry M. ■ ••• cecua orangutan IH) Tognaid Michel Serreull A gab are no) at all enihuaaaatc Carton Scheduled the Smother* O MACNEK. / LEHRER •towly descend* from the crowi 11:28 0 TONIGHT Hott Johnny nightclub owner am% io prepare about Hewn * occupying the room Brother* NEWSHOUR of a 200 loot kapok tree : J © GOOD ROCKIN TONITE Carton Scheduled comedian lu» hen*ve*tit* lover lor a visit by i the ait* Q I ABC NEWS NFGMTLINE SDIFFRENT STROKES (ESPNI FISHIN HOLE(R) Featured Terry Oend Mutbgan m Steve lendeiberg eclrett Amis hn w> hwcatt lather, the S DYNASTY Oomawjue fight* 0 LATENIGHT AMERI- OHIO BUSINESS OUT (TMCI MOVIE ** MatfjrTJj lernew* Michael Oarman and lea- Morris, earner Lewi* Gru/ard moral* convnissroner ol fiance IO *uTviv* a dangarou* oparaiion CA Scheduled Or lendon Smith LOOK do I19B2I Klaus Km*ki ClaurJta lures hit video Leung Go f£ ABC NEWSNtQHTllNE R Jetl and Nicole • mamage >* author ol CV lendon Smith * (ESPN) FITNESS MAGAZINE Cardmak* To lutlel hn, dream ■ wnnet ol the Spoon* trivia con ffi 9 LATENIGHT AMERI 7 OO Ihreaiened by new* (rom Alen* low Sire** Dei MrUrd Fufter Horn Tom and Nancy Stave* man decides to market lubber te»i other wdeos by Mick Jaggar CA Scheduled B« Evans pre* Q 0 ENTERTAINMENT lounder ol Hebrtat lor Humanity (TMCI MOVIE *** la Cage ■ree* io Inance comiructron of an Madonna Lntle River Band Alan dent ol the Cl«> Awards on I he TONIGHT Featured i N» ai ©FLAMENCO AT 5 15SM on hornet lor the poo (Rl Ao» Fofles II (19801 Ugo Tog opera houte PG Partont Pioitcl Krokti* 1984 iwvd mtnog TV torn th* Grammy Awards dent* ol the National BaMel © SANFORD AND SON na/n Mchel Senaull A m,ddk- 830 11:30 ■Mi School ol Canada are ait'oduced O NFVER THE TWAIN 11 40 aged gay couple *t lite quarry o* a © FAMILY TIES Jemrler an. O I A XI © SANFORD ANO SON « WHEEL OF FORTUNE IO the ihythm* ol an ancarni gyf (TMC) MOVIE * * ■. The secret orgarwetion hying to gel lOusfy lead a wnl horn it lorme © NIGHT HEAT OBrwn and (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER *y cultuie by llamenco dance m DUKES OF HAZZARD loneayGuy (19841 SieveMamn the mraolem thai one ol them neighborhood pal IRI his partner go a* out to nad the 11:45 ttructor* Su*ana and Aniono ffi BUSINESS REPORT Charle* Grodn Alter h.* *eiy gel swallowed R © HALF A HANDY HOUR euppker ol automahc weapon* (TMC) MOVIE **', las ©M-A-S-H Robledo >n thrt Academy Award •nend Wave* rum a young man inert in a bloodbath ai a local i. B30 (ESPNI NFL'S GREATEST trter 119841 Tom SaHart Jan* «5 MACNEH / LEHRER winning documentary laces a W«H, Me and write* a quor snae OS CBS NEWS MOMENTS Highlight* ej Super Seymour A hagh class envel lha»f NEWSHOUR 9 A SKATING SPECTACU best taAng book that serves as a © TONIGHT Host Johnny ffi NBC NEWS Bowl i it blecfcrneeed by the 'Bl io a (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER LAP. 198B Brian and guide lor othai lonesome men R Car ton beraie 110.000 m Nan diamonds Tiltany Chin are among the erne 0 ABC NEwsrg 9 00 «ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 730 12 OO © HAPPY DAYS AGAIN O © SIMON B SIMON The pes*mg through London 1 leur ctiempiont who perlorm ■> © LATENIGHT AMERI- BJ P M MAGAZINE i . ■■. a STREETS OF SAN © BUSINESS REPORT Simons nveshgation of a carene 12:00 ■ • dancing pea* and *ok> m CA Scheduled Rep Pfteap M yacht* m (art taudr-dafe Fla FRANCISCO (ESPN) HORSE RACING kidrujppng is complKaied by the O STREETS OF SAN thrt e«h4>lion taped m R<» MHl Crane (R ft I on Fee nets In Me behind die HMM ol Broadway s SBJ/LOBO WEEKLY theft ol P.** t own porx:i Mar FRANCISCO N V dte auto co*kumr-st Brock Yaie* •■ft On THREE STOOGES low SI BJ/L060 lESPN) COLLEGE BASKET 7 00 © SANFORD AND SON O ROBIN'S NEST 12 SO © CHEERS RetKieit oy ha* ffi THREE STOOGES BALL Georaaiown ai Si John ■ O O ENTERTAINMENT (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER * FAMILY FEUO (D LATE NIGHT WITH DA new wife NKk convinces every (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET TONIGHT Featured John Can TAXI 9:30 VIO LETTERMAN Sihr.hde.1 one eacepl Carle "ut he •* 12:00 BALL Pittsburgh at Syr-use (Rl O MAN ALIVE Plot* ol ne © STREETS OF SAN ffi WILD. WILD WORLD OF MtrhaHPafcn O ROBIN S NEST ieady to lededKeie h.m*ed M h.s 12 30 Canadum iwlni petMMWl .•-! FRANCISCO ANIMALS 12 40 J WHEEL OF FORTUNE tormei errte 0 LATE NIGHT WITH DA © THREE S COMPANY the m.H.c-1% nl tJOBaTI •" --ill th-i © BJ/LOBO 4fJ MOVIE * * It* P.txN*r TRIBUTE TO A KING A © THE LIVING PLANET: A VID LETTERMAN $rhedie>d have bellied N. .«-*)!„. tfl t-w held © THREE STOOGES (ESPN) INSIDE THE PGA 119/91 Amhi-iv OIMMI James Sahne In Hartal 1 mhr- Katil PORTRAIT OF THE EARTH Bryani Gumbel the Sr'hrtwnMr* nl hrann Mr* ertulr n^M»' (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET TOUR Mas.-. © BUSINESS REPORT Host Oevid Aitenborough e* Brothers (John Candy EttQMM sfugghrt ihiiHHei iiMnoi war :^ plore* the mhnet* of Me n the BALL Southern Cal ai UCLA BOO 1 OO ©M'A-S*H Levy) B SARA Dr-m.% ranMatica .s Icuarlorian rungle as hr* cameia Q 0 CHARLES IN « HAWAII FIVE O © MAI Nl II / LEHRER 12 SO 12 40 ||kjajBre)d *'""i he kiwi. .1 i mill dnwfy descend* horn in- rM«*1 © LATE NIGHT WITH DA CHARGE LB m i" taumc* JIMMY SWAGGAR1 NEWSHOUR S COLUMSO 1i* MM ■ ate nla 200 tool kapok i.r- :; Char*** iu ia** he« vile when >i>e 0 MOVIE •• TiH-li.t. .• (ESPN) SPORTSCENTER VIO LETTERMAN Scberhaed ■ tymphony conductor plan* lit lunwdart dating, a buy her paTCntl O SAVE YOUR HEART KM © MYSTERVI Agalha Chrit comerhenne Carol ledM Rob iP.«t 1 .J ?■ iiq/Bl (kiyil 7 30 UJU PUW* With hi* eiliamjI'MI N I Ml in |»n>#.mi IBJBMM I CMMi ne Mystein* H A woman who Ftemet B 8 kng B#U Rixkn-s R Ittfl iW-sn* 1 00 ING Hint Stilt*! •«*"-■"• i> m . ihaek- VitH.H in pftMt '-< i loih B MOVIE ■#*) Cry Rape' lOOO *uitent ;j § HAWAII FIVE-O man * paradoural atMirle I"*.ml i*.% .it h.% rteM ,» f.*.i.|i-ev in .11.1 119731 Peter Coffwtd Andrea .mimalx HJ)I(»TIIH| vnw while e> O NATIONAL / JOURNAl (ESPN) TOP RANK BOXING JIMMY SWAGGART J vharp "'.Ml" .n i- r lawvi 8ONLY WHEN I LAUGH Mfltng uenueie itlnlion Krwdrd live from Las Vegas htev MOVIE *** Sir-,. (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET FAMAYFEUD 1 OO m ST ELSEWHERE Cian Bertie*.*.* il%M K.-» Hmi .*hm» [J BALL Nomwiaaiain STAXI 9:30 O HAWAII FIVE-O BJJ HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN seeks tin- dBCta letrtontible »<■ ■ rjon Otvoimq State WILD. WHO WORLD OF Q FRONT PAGE CHAL 8 HOUSE CALLS A | oW Ifliil bajrtM —I ■ MM pMajej I IHdBBfl ile.ii'i wivn LENGE 1 25 1 16 ANIMALS JIMMY SWAGGART MM veo)*il "*«1 Bean. Rl I Danem. MfDM ft* © NIGHT COURT ITMCI MOVIE • * W|paWH (TMC) MOVIE * * S,»« © THREE S COMPANY ©MOVIE**' TheCnhial .*-ri role) trade plate* and learn lUMtmg a ptyiholiiOMel tetl (19831 Robert I .aster FNfl Wa man III 11983) OtttMofAe* (ESPNI SPEEDWEEK lOOO LtM (Part 7 <* 71 119781 Ihryd much about each other | '■•■ ffi HOTEL An BM a. quaint » . r Kievr RHhanlF-'vi* O © KNOTS LANDING A.a Bridge* Robert Wagner A hmpi S) FALL GUY A < i. * « .te.ex acOa*M Prtei nl IBJM > MMI .e> -. BOO ■ Gardner debut* a* Greg Sumner ■ lal daector tlafed lor a govern 130 mantal Me -\ ihange.1 when *he 1 30 O O MAGNUM. P.I A psy **wt a iWaii In |w< I*I-I i ii*■r'' IVVeaam Oevane) mother who mem position learns that mem IINIWS wn% a total beauty lemake ^ 0NEWS be invciKed n he* i>witl>\ htm : J 200 son io take over hm Late lather * a sharp makprectce lawyer O CBS NEWS HEART Newvnen Jkm lerve. ie -ventual murdw IRI (E © SURVIVAL <>< 0 CBS NEWS buarne** Joshua devwe* a plan NIGHTWATCH ,a»% »* 1983 heart ..H*« M O SOME HONOURABLE 1:11 ■i Sri I ank.t and innVi i iivmatiM NIGHTWATCH to get Cathy a role on his TV pro > GENTLEMEN Kng * Gambd (TMC) MOVIE **'. Flash 9 NEWS <.K>nm DM-I« Plagr ••■pluii s !»*«• -ieiY ami lehabililalHin m thi- ie SHEWS B* g dance (19831 Jennrler Beats (ESPN) WINNING GOLF IKrli-inrihlwi-r *■ lurti | an it * 1925 and Canada * etcentr* H^ ol ihr- emtangeaad Auan M> 230 NATIONAL / JOURNAL Guetl* Bob Goefby OWN Fata) update on ieie.ii .nipitiveoH .n /> Pi,.ne Mmilej Waham I yon WKlian Noiri 0 CBS NEWS Matkenne Kng rot* the poHrcal n © MOVIE * * * K.B Ma II * and ueatmenl _J 1:30 NIGHTWATCH drc* m an atlempi io ward off the © HILL STREET BLUES A VOHCBI U97/I AlanAtda Tafca ©NEWS ©NEWS 3 00 chakVnge* of Conservauve maiori (sprue of the 1982 pdot Two ru Shcp A mmmal Irniin-l an ri (TMC) MOVIE ** tdrfceMa 2:00 IESPNI SPORTSCENTER ly ktadar Arthur Meighen and venae gang membert are nltr I*" Unayi- ■wtMia on death HIM 1 im % Riei 11983) John SchneMl © CBS NEWS WEDNESOAV thu* tenure his potiUal position «upled durmg a Mora 'obbery and and avmds Urmii «I"I MM) li> t ? e> Kek Dougle* An e*caped 330 take hostages IRI NIGHTWATCH yaari .imhtial become* the ouaru ol a (ESPN) SPORTSLOOK (R) FEBRUARY 21. 1965 ©20/20C3 ©NEWS (ESPN) NFL'S GREATEST Hilhletsiawoflicer PG 345 0 COSBY SHOW Cbfl take* IESPNI SPEEDWEEK (Rl up track runnng bul hr* new ©SOLO I MOMENTS BCM iv« Ouatin. 103O ITMCI MOVIE * * W.thoui coach The© ha* unwelcome new* ©NEWS 2:30 back* iH' © ODD COUPLE A Trace (1983) Kate Ne*gen (or t*m © TICKET TO SEOUL A doc B CBS NEWS (TMC) MOVIE * * W.ih • (ESPNI INSIDE THE PGA WILD. WILD WORLD OF liiovd A rrMdrSe class suburban Aata conducted for 100 reporter* 3:00 matin* *earch lor a 6 year old 8:00 ANIMALS TOUR IRI couple is tubfacted to Hie ttrancj and the rournakatic ojuesiwn* it (ESPN) HORSE RACING *ew .anitlied one day on hi* may O (DO NEWS © WKRP IN CINCINNATI 4:30 ett 24-hour pmnd of thee bve* hatrar*ed WEEKLY (R) to u hoot PG 8) $100,000 NAME THAT ©ART BEAT (ESPN) PISTOL SHOOTING a'ter buarre new neighbor* move 10: SO (TMC) MOVIE ** V, The In- TUNE 8 SO (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET- Biancha Cup Inter national T our na n neit door Q S SNEAK PREVIEWS tity (19871 Barbara Her*hey QQl / R A by the book ho* GD MACNIK / LEHRER BALL North Carokna ai Georna meni from Columbia Mo (Rl © THtS OLD HOUSE Kuchen ODD COUPLE Ron Saver pile) edm-vuiator Ihraaien* io NEWSHOUR remoderng L3 3:30 traich on the moonkghimg She-n 11 OO © DIFF'RENT STROKES 11:30 THURSDAY © MOVIE * * * The Black O ©©©©NEWS (ESPN) COLLEGE BASKET- letd (ye wonder* what >t £D LAP QUILTING featured 8 TAXI Marble (19801 Robert Fo.worih © WILD. WILD WORLD OF BALL Southern Cal at UCLA IRI be Hie to be a mother Helen KHtoy * mint ale designs MOVIE *•* Maoigan FEBRUARY 28 IMS Paula Prentist Alter workng on ANIMALS (ESPNI FISHIN' HOLE 9 00 11968) Richard Widmadi Henry an emotionafrv aihausing child tWKRP IN CINCINNATI 6 30 O (D MOVIE **'. SimW 'onda A New York detective murde. case, a Ittawry-driniiing po- UNIVERSITY PERSPEC- OO CBS NEWS The Nignt 119821 Roy Scne»dei wuh quethonabkt ethic* run* a>to kce detective n learned with a po- TIVE Meryl Sheep A ptvcrMfntl be (B NBC NEWS tiouble w>lh hi* commt*»ioner kcewoman io fnd a mabcxrue (TMC) MOVIE ** -, Rng *#*H ffl ABC NEWS p comet increaamgly involved with 0 MAGNUM. PI Magnum iloonapper Kong' 119761 JeM Bridge* Jet* . *** © HAPPY DAYS AGAIN a mytieriou* woman who had look* mm the contpeatonal aciivi © THE LIVING PLANET: A ce Lang* A monstious ape ■* . **» ffl BUSINESS REPORT been the mritreta o* a murdered t** ai a hoepitai wttere a donor i* BOO PORTRAIT OF THE EARTH brought to Maw York Crty horn a . . ** (ESPNI SPORTSLOOK patent Q accused ol murdering three ol her ISO NEWS Host Dev»d Anenoorough e> nopacal island by a graedy oil pro- . . *H ITMC) MOVIE * * * i.. SMARKET PLACE patient* (Rl SIOO.OOO NAME THAT p*ore* the nchnes* of bfe n tha moter taper to eioloit the aaa- . . . » fa*g* Am folles H979) Ugo FACTS OF LIFE Jo and the 0 TONIGHT Hoat Johnny TUNE Ecuadorian rungkt as ha* earner a ture For profit PG NEW AT ATTENTION Trust DIBENEDETTO'S THE BULLPEN in your Every Thursday Nile is buying & selling baseball and future. I Dni-i im football cards, album's, sheets, Wfeda etc. Come and ,see us for your needs. ' LOCATIONS: THE BULLPEN BOWLING GREEN FJNQLAY 1021 Revere Dr. & W. Poe Rd. 100 S. MAIN ST. 418 S. MAIN ST. A Bowling Green, Ohio 43402 1098 N. MAIN ST. 1660 TIFFIN Steve Zabornlak irom the Phone (419) 352-0276 327 S. MAIN ST. STRYKER Gary CYGNET group singing WAYNE OPEN 12-8 Monday-Solordoy E. FRONT ST. CAREY your lavorltes—oid I new. S CENTER ST. 119E. FINDLAY ^^^^^■■^^^ ■ 1111 in 1111 iiiiiiiiiiii.

The BG News February 22, 1985 (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.