How to Write the Great American Indian Novel by Sherman Alexie - Poem Analysis (2024)

Here is an analysis of the poem How to Writethe Great American Indian Novel by Sherman Alexie. Alexie’s experiences as a Native American have profoundly impacted his work, and he is known for his poems, novels, and films. Alexie grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Washington; he now resides in Seattle. His writing has won a number of prestigious awards, including the PEN/Faulkner Award and the National Book Award. Like many of his other poems, How to Writethe Great American Indian Novel uses humor and sarcasm to convey the harsh reality of how Native Americans are often stereotyped and depicted in the media. This poem first appeared in Alexie’s 1996 book of poetry called The Summer of Black Widows.


In this poem, the speaker of the work, perhaps Sherman Alexie, discusses the necessary physical, mental, and emotional traits the characters in a great American Indian novel must possess. The speaker forces the reader to think about the stereotypes surrounding Native American culture; these stereotypes are often perpetuated in the media, including movies and novels. The speaker lists specific examples for the characters in the novel. For instance, he writes, “If the hero is an Indian woman, she is beautiful. She must be slender and in love with a white man.” He continues on with this list, finally ending the poem on a particularly sad note, saying that all of the Indian people will actually be white people, and all of the Indians will merely be ghosts, figments of reality. Sherman Alexie’s poem, How to Write the Great American Indian Novel, can be read in full here.

Analysis of How to Writethe Great American Indian Novel

This poem is written in free verse, as none of the lines rhyme and the lines are of varying lengths. There are a total of forty-two lines in How to Writethe Great American Indian Novel, and they are broken into twenty-one couplets.

Alexie throws his reader directly into his poem straightaway, wasting no time with listing the traits each character in this great American novel or movie. With the first couplet, it is important to note Alexie’s diction here and his repeated use of the word tragic. While this line probably provides some chuckles for the reader, Alexie is trying to show that all of the Indians in the novel must be pitied. Their faces are tragic; their hands and fingers are tragic; their food is even tragic. In other words, their whole being must be pitiable. Alexie continues on with the stereotypes in the next couplet, stating that the hero of the novel must be half white and half Indian, and he must be able to ride a horse. He is solitary in his quest, often off crying when he is by himself.

He writes, “That is mandatory.” In this couplet, Alexie again seems to be reinforcing the fact that this tragic character must be pitied. He must be isolated and alone, and he must be able to cry about his misfortunes. If the hero is an Indian woman, Alexie writes in the next couplet, “she is beautiful. She must be slender and in love with a white man.” There is no doubt about it: the hero Indian woman is beautiful, slender, and in love with a white man. Alexie does concede in the next couplet, however, that the female Indian hero could possibly be allowed to be in love with an Indian man, but he must be a half-breed only, and he must be “from a horse culture.” To have an Indian woman be in love with a full Indian man would be unthinkable. He must at least be partially white. Alexie then returns to the love between the Indian woman and the white man, who “has to be so white that we can see the blue veins running through his skin like rivers.” Their relationship should be full of romance and melodrama, with the white man in shock and awe at the beautiful and slender Indian woman standing before him.

Alexie writes, “When the Indian woman steps out of her dress,/the white man gasps at the endless beauty of her brown skin.” Clearly, the white man has never seen a woman of color naked before; he is utterly beside himself as the woman stands naked before him. But not only should she be brown and beautiful, she should also be compared to things in the natural world: “…brown hills, mountains, fertile valleys, dewy grass, wind, and clear water.” Since the Native Americans are of the land, they must also look like their natural surroundings, as well. There is no question about this. Alexie does allow, however, that his Native American woman could be compared to something as mysterious and impure as “murky water.” If this is the case, this must mean she is burdened with a secret, because “Indians always have secrets, which are carefully and slowly revealed.” This shows that all Indians cannot be completely trusted. Even if they are beautiful, and even if they are from a horse culture and go off by themselves to cry, the white man cannot be so naïve to trust them completely. They all have their secrets, which will eventually come out in time. No doubt it will be the white counterpart who brings this secret out for the Native American, saving them from their inherent evil.

It is at this part in the poem where Alexie takes a darker path, which is signified with his use of the word “yet.” He begins his eighth couplet saying, “Yet Indian secrets can be disclosed suddenly, like a storm.” He furthers the idea that Native Americans cannot be trusted by comparing them to a dangerous and sudden storm. In fact, he continues that thought into the next couplet, writing “Indian men, of course, are storms. They should destroy the lives/of any white women who choose to love them.” The saintly and innocent white woman who chooses to love a Native American man will no doubt suffer for her love; in fact, it is her love, this savage, who will be the cause of her suffering.

Alexie continues: “All white women love/Indian men. That is always the case. White women feign disgust/at the savage in blue jeans and T-shirt, but secretly lust after him.” Again, it is important to note Alexie’s diction here. Halfway through How to Writethe Great American Indian Novel, he finally uses the derogatory term that was once associated with the Native Americans: savages. They are beasts—inhuman—and the woman who falls in love with a Native American man must be at once lustful and disgusted by him. She must not outwardly show her lust for him; she must keep it a secret from those around her. Alexie furthers the idea that Native Americans are savage beasts when he writes, “Indian men are horses, smelling wild and gamey.” Again, they are untamed animals who cannot be held down.

A modern stereotype of Native Americans plays out in the next couplet. Alexie writes, “There must be one murder, one suicide, one attempted rape. Alcohol should be consumed. Cars must be driven at high speeds.” Many think all Native Americans have drinking problems, which lead to depression and a dangerous lifestyle. While the American Indians of the past could not be trusted, neither can the modern Indians. They will drink too much, kill each other or themselves, and drive far too fast, breaking all of the rules.

Of course, it would not be a great American Indian novel if the Indians could not see visions. In fact, Alexie writes, this is a must. And if the white people are in love with Indians, they, too, will also be able to see visions because they will be considered Indians due to their “close proximity” with actual Indians. Alexie writes, “White people must carry an Indian deep inside themselves,” and “If the interior Indian is a male then he must be a warrior, especially if he is inside a white man.” The white people in the novel must be heroic warriors. They must be similar to the Native Americans in the novel, but they must only possess the positive attributes of Indians. They are not savages, but they are warriors—heroes. Alexie parallels this idea by showing what the interior female Indian is like: “…she must be a healer, especially if she is inside/a white woman.” Again, the white women in the novel must only possess the positive traits of an Indian woman. She will heal and save people.

There is another break in the poem; Alexie writes that there are sometimes complications with this idea. Sometimes, he writes, “An Indian man can be hidden inside a white woman. An Indian woman/can be hidden inside a white man.” He continues that all of these characters are half-breeds who are trying to come to terms with their horse culture. In the end, “There must be redemption, of course, and sins must be forgiven.” This is only possible, however, with the future generation. Alexie writes, “For this, we need children. A white child and an Indian child, gender/ not important, should express deep affection in a childlike way.” The children will save future generations by showing that things such as race and gender do not matter. They are the hope for the future.

The last couplet has a bitter tone, as opposed to the sarcastic, humorous tone that is present throughout the rest of the poem: “In the Great American Indian novel, when it is finally written,/all of the white people will be Indians and all of the Indians will be ghosts.” This idea is particularly sad: when all is said and done, the Native American characters will not be Indians at all; they will just be ghosts, and the Indian characters will all really be white people.

While there is no doubt that the form of this work is poetic, the text could easily be turned into a “how-to” essay for those who are trying to write the great American Indian novel. The couplets are often broken up and continued on in the next lines, and Alexie certainly takes poetic freedom by extending these ideas into multiple lines.

Historical Context

Native Americans inhabited the lands that make up the United States before the white Europeans came to settle the land. When they came, however, they took over, stealing the land from the Native Americans. Mainstream media has often portrayed Native Americans just as Alexie has represented them here: inferior savages who must be tamed by their white counterparts. It is possible to save them, but it will take a white man or woman to do so. This will come as a great burden for the white people, but it must be done for the good of future generations.

How to Write the Great American Indian Novel by Sherman Alexie - Poem Analysis (2024)


What is how do you write the great American Indian novel about? ›

Like many of his other poems, How to Write the Great American Indian Novel uses humor and sarcasm to convey the harsh reality of how Native Americans are often stereotyped and depicted in the media. This poem first appeared in Alexie's 1996 book of poetry called The Summer of Black Widows.

What are some of the themes of Sherman Alexie's writing? ›

Alexie usually explores despair, poverty, violence, and alcoholism in the lives of Native Americans, both inside and outside protected areas in his work. The main characters in most of his literary works represent a constant struggle with themselves and their own sense of powerlessness in white American society.

What do Alexie's stories and novels illustrate about the lives of Native Americans? ›

Basically, the main part of my paper deals with social problems of Native Americans in the United States of America as depicted in Alexie's literary works. It highlights an awareness of the Native Americans so as to keep themselves aloof from drug addiction, poverty, depression, and psychological trauma.

What does Alexie's speaker Imagine might bring about the end of the world in his poem What might start the destruction and why? ›

Alexie's poetic persona visualizes the destruction of the Grand Coulee Dam. He reiterates the fact that he would forgive those who have toppled their lives after their grievances are redressed. The anger of his community does not allow him to forgive them easily.

What is Sherman Alexie's writing style? ›

Alexie, who writes with a conversational style, has a wry, subversive sensibility that emerges both in the text and the forms it takes.

Who is Alexie's audience what is he trying to say in his essay? ›

Alexie's purpose to his audience, the general public, but more specifically, the young Native American community,or Indians that he wants them to read and save their lives.…

What is the main idea of Indian education by Sherman Alexie? ›

An important theme that develops throughout Sherman Alexie's “Indian Education” is that people often make wrong accusations about people from a specific race, which often leads to self-pity.

What do many of Alexie's characters suffer from in his works? ›

Though he dropped out of college, Alexie graduated from Washington State University with a BA in 1991. There, he discovered the poet within him. His writing deals with the challenges Native Americans face in the cycle of poverty and alcoholism, which many in his family suffered from, including Alexie himself.

Where in America is the Spokane Indian Reservation located How big is the reservation? ›

The reservation is located almost entirely in Stevens County, but also includes two small parcels of land (totaling about 1.52 acres [0.62 ha]) in Lincoln County, including part of the Spokane River. In total, the reservation is about 615 square kilometres (237 sq mi).

How many books did Sherman Alexie write? ›

Sherman Alexie

What is the main message of the Powwow at the end of the world? ›

“The Powwow at the End of the World” is actually a ceremony to preserve and restore the Native American land and way of life.

What does the speaker in the Powwow at the end of the world hope to be doing at the end of the world? ›

What does the speaker in "the Powwow at the End of the World," hope to be doing at the end of the world? At the end of the world, the speaker hopes to have forgiven everyone who deserves to be forgiven, and also hopes to be celebrating with his tribe.

What is the theme of the poem the Powwow at the end of the world? ›

“The Powwow at the End of the World” by Sherman Alexie appears to be a modern free verse poem with varying line length and no end rhyme. It is actually a ceremony to preserve and restore the Native American land and way of life.

What is the effect of Alexie's narrative technique? ›

What is the EFFECT of Alexie's narrative technique? It is saying how he became himself and strong throughout these school years and how he had to fight for himself.

What is a meaningful quote from Sherman Alexie? ›

If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing.” “He loved her, of course, but better than that, he chose her, day after day. Choice: that was the thing.” “Life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community.”

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In turn this leads to the discovery of the story's theme. The theme of Sherman Alexie's “Superman and Me” is that education is valuable, and culture or background do not correlate to…show more content…

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Alexie uses pathos to the appeal the reader by called himself “l*ttle Indian boy” in his story who teaches himself how to read at an early age and learns quickly.” He does not consider himself a genius but he considers himself the little Indian boy who can read and was able to advance his reading skills because of his ...

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What is the effect of Alexie's analogy of a paragraph to a fence (para. 3)? By comparing paragraphs to fences, Alexie demonstrates how he had come to group things together into their own spaces, similar to a paragraph, and this is how he perceived the world.

What was the author's purpose in writing Indian education? ›

Alexie chose to use the title "Indian Education" in an effort to express his internalized feelings towards the Native American education system and the way he grew up. He uses short stories separated by the different grades from first grade to twelfth grade to give an idea of what his life was like.

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"Indian Education" is a series of satirical personal stories written by author Sherman Alexie, and his experiences as an Indian boy assimilating into American culture. Alexie writes his stories in first person, with a tone that is satiric.

Who is the narrator of Indian education? ›

The narrator Sherman Alexie in “Indian Education” had a different experience compared to the other narrators. A lot of which well he was growing up he was kind of like the outcast of the group at his reservation.

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Why is the title "The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian?" The title is what it is because Junior felt half Indian in Reardan and half white in Wellpinit.

What did Sherman Alexie suffer from? ›

Alexie was born to Salish Indians—a Coeur d'Alene father and a Spokane mother. He suffered from congenital hydrocephalus and underwent surgery when he was six months old. Though the procedure did not affect his ability to learn, he suffered harsh side effects, including seizures, in his childhood.

What does the word Spokane mean? ›

Spokane's first residents were Native American. From the Spokanes, we get our name, which means “Children of the Sun.” Spokane became an incorporated City on Nov. 29, 1881, encompassing 1.56 square miles. Back then, the City was known as Spokan Falls and had 350 residents.

What are some issues and problems facing Native American? ›

For the past 500 years, Native Americans have faced genocide, dislocation, and various forms of physical, mental, and social abuse. These factors have led to high rates of violence, assault, suicide, poverty, and abuse among the Native American people today.

What are 3 major historical events of the Spokane Indians? ›

  • Apr 1, 1750. A New Way of Life. ...
  • Dec 30, 1800. First Contact. ...
  • May 10, 1805. Lewis and Clark Expidition. ...
  • Jul 23, 1812. Spokane House. ...
  • Nov 17, 1825. Fort Vancouver. ...
  • Dec 11, 1825. Spokane Indians are sent to School. ...
  • May 28, 1830. Indian Removal Act. ...
  • Aug 9, 1836. Samuel Jackson.

Why did Sherman Alexie start writing? ›

Unsure of his career path, Alexie attended literature classes at his new university and found his life's calling under the tutelage of Professor Alex Kuo, a noted poet and author who served as Alexie's literary mentor. Kuo inspired Sherman Alexie to begin writing.

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The literary establishment considered Sherman Alexie a successful writer from the publication of his first poetry and prose collection The Business of Fancydancing: Stories and Poems in 1992.

What awards did Sherman Alexie win for The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian? ›

His first young adult novel, The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, won the 2007 National Book Award for Young People's Literature.

What is a meaningful quote from Sherman Alexie? ›

If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing.” “He loved her, of course, but better than that, he chose her, day after day. Choice: that was the thing.” “Life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community.”

When was Sherman Alexie considered a successful writer? ›

The literary establishment considered Sherman Alexie a successful writer from the publication of his first poetry and prose collection The Business of Fancydancing: Stories and Poems in 1992.

What are some quotes from The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian? ›

Quotations (12)

"If you let people into your life a little bit, they can be pretty damn amazing." - Arnold Spirit Jr. "Life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community." "We were supposed to kill the Indian to save the child."

Who says well life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community? ›

Gordy says, “Well, life is a constant struggle between being an individual and being a member of the community” (p. 132).

What is Sherman Alexie nationality? ›

Sherman Alexie, in full Sherman Joseph Alexie, Jr., (born October 7, 1966, Wellpinit, Spokane Indian Reservation, near Spokane, Washington, U.S.), Native American writer whose poetry, short stories, novels, and films about the lives of American Indians won him an international following.

What do many of Alexie's characters suffer from in his works? ›

Though he dropped out of college, Alexie graduated from Washington State University with a BA in 1991. There, he discovered the poet within him. His writing deals with the challenges Native Americans face in the cycle of poverty and alcoholism, which many in his family suffered from, including Alexie himself.

What is Sherman Alexie best known for? ›

Sherman Joseph Alexie Jr.

He grew up on the Spokane Indian Reservation and now lives in Seattle, Washington. His best-known book is The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993), a collection of short stories. It was adapted as the film Smoke Signals (1998), for which he also wrote the screenplay.

Why did Sherman Alexie start writing? ›

Unsure of his career path, Alexie attended literature classes at his new university and found his life's calling under the tutelage of Professor Alex Kuo, a noted poet and author who served as Alexie's literary mentor. Kuo inspired Sherman Alexie to begin writing.

Why do you think Alexie ends with the section postscript class reunion What is the effect of this final image? ›

Why do you think Alexie ends with the section "Postscript: Class Reunion"? What is the effect of this final image? By ending it this way, it shows that no matter how hard things got, he had gotten his way through.

How many books did Sherman Alexie write? ›

Sherman Alexie

How old is Sherman Alexie now? ›

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