Does Mass Surveillance by Governments matter? (2024)

  • Mark Anderson (
  • Laura Hyrjak(
  • Tim O’Riordan (
  • Alan Ponce (


‘Mass surveillance’ can be defined as the monitoring by pervasive technologies of a substantial proportion of a population, typically by government agencies (Electronic Frontier Foundation, 2014), but also by corporations and institutions (Campbell and Carlson, 2002), as well as ‘cyber-criminals’ (Provos, Rajab, and Mavrommatis, 2009). Mass surveillance by governments is a contentious issue (BBC, 2014) that has grown in significance in recent decades with the rapid emergence of the ubiquitous Web, and developments in regulation and governance (Lyon, 2006:3).

This essay explores mass surveillance, looking at the benefits, (e.g. the detection of illegal activity) and limitations, (e.g. privacy concerns (Warr, 2013)), particularly in relation to the Web. An interdisciplinary approach has been chosen due to the contentious nature of the area, in that the conception of surveillance differs depending on disciplines and integration allows these approaches to develop new insights and explanations (Repko, 2008). Law is chosen to provide an overview of what surveillance techniques are protected by legislation. History, to provide an historical context to current attitudes to, and regulation of, the phenomenon. Finally, criminology is chosen due to its contrast particularly with law and its focus upon the importance of surveillance as a construction.


To function effectively, a government’s laws must be seen to be relevant to the citizenry; thus laws enacted must be seen as even-handed in balancing citizen and state needs (Reidenburg, 2013). In democracies, law may be seen as enshrining the social contract between the individual and their elected government (Stigler, 1974). Law draws precepts about rights from its sub-discipline of jurisprudence. But, in a jurisdiction with an unwritten constitution (e.g. the UK), such precepts are subject to uncertainty, being effectively replaced by case law.

In the UK legislation permits mass surveillance for the purposes of air traffic management (Transport Act, 2000) or maritime search and rescue (Marine Safety Act, 2003), without impinging significantly on the rights of the citizen. More problematic are areas where personal liberty rather than general safety are at issue, such as the interception of personal telecommunications, including Web traffic (House of Commons, 2008). Given revelations about the apparent collusion of the NSA and GCHQ to circumvent supposed legal safeguards (Borger, 2013), this concern is real even amongst politicians (Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, 2014).

Despite the presumed clarity in the framing of laws, emergent technology and social changes have thrown up practical enforcement problems. The introduction of the Human Rights Act (1998) created problems insofar that the police were unable to do anything intrusive (i.e. surveillance) unless there was legislation permitting the action (O’Brien 2009: 121). This led to counter-balancing legislation in the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (2000), though evolution in mobile telecoms and the Web continue to blur the meaning of laws envisaged as unambiguous when drafted, and the UK now has eight pieces of primary legislation trying to address the issue (Information Commissioners Office, 2014).

This problem is not unique to the UK, as other countries struggle with now uncertain notions of a citizen’s privacy in the context of the Web, for instance Germany (Schmidl, 2012), and for trans-national bodies like the OECD (2011).


Surveillance has been carried out by governments throughout history and is an important field in the academic study of the subject. Post Enlightenment, methods have developed from face-to-face, paper-based modes to increasingly systematic, routine, bureaucratised processes, with the late twentieth century ushering in increasingly sophisticated computer-based pervasive monitoring systems (Dandeker, 1990).

Social historians exploring the emergence of technologies in the recent past provide contextualisation of mass surveillance, suggesting a growing desire on the part of governments to exert stricter social control over citizens. Genosko and Thompson (2006:123) argue that critically evaluating primary sources from the “pre-computerised near past” provide opportunities for developing “insights into...the development of current social environments [and] lasting social threads of surveillance technologies”. For example, their analysis of data surveillance carried out by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario between 1927 and 1962 demonstrates the effectiveness of combining bureaucratic zeal with punch-card technology to enforce laws aimed at controlling racial minorities (ibid.:123-127).

John Torpey’s evaluation of the development of passports from revolutionary France to the late twentieth century provides a convincing narrative of the appropriation of the regulation of the movement of people by the modern state from other competing factions (e.g. churches and commercial interests). He argues that regulating passports enabled states to institutionalise the idea of the “nation-state” as a potentially uniform ethnocultural unit which has facilitated the enhanced surveillance, and containment of “undesirable elements” (Torpey, 2000:7).

Perhaps the most significant, and controversial, reading of the past in this context is Foucault’s work on the interpretation of the ‘panopticon’ (Foucault, 1975). This concept for a new design of prison was proposed by the social reformer, Jeremy Bentham, as a means of facilitating the continuous observation of prisoners, and neatly expresses Enlightenment ideas concerning the privileging of vision as a means to order and control (Lyon, 2006). Foucault highlighted the role of the utilitarian impetus of modern bureaucracies that have eschewed previous coercive and brutal methods of control in favour of more remote and individuated methods that emphasise and encourage self discipline in the controlled population, be they prisoners or citizens (ibid:3).


Criminology studies the causes, control and prevention of deviant behaviour within society (Hale et al, 2005). Criminology contains positivist criminology, which assumes that crime is a fact, and social-constructionist criminology, which argues that deviancy is divergent upon cultural factors (Hale et al, 2005). A social constructionist approach is taken as this is more appropriate regarding the necessity of surveillance, which is not clear-cut but debateable.

Panopticism is applied throughout criminology. Regarding the Web, Ericson and Haggerty (2006) argue that visible data has lead to a proliferation of ‘dataveillance’, notably by governments. This describes the monitoring of informational flows by a variety of systems, with institutions gaining power through their ability to “harness the surveillance efforts of otherwise disparate … organisations” (Ericson and Haggerty, 2006:5). Ericson and Haggerty (2006) warn of unintended consequences of such techniques; for example regarding privacy, legal claims can result in making the powerful more opaque whilst they make others more transparent, and data errors can result in disastrous consequences e.g. algorithms scrutinising innocent people in automated systems.

A more extreme scenario of surveillance can be seen in Davis’ (2005) cautionary vision of urban control, which uses the exemplar of the film ‘Blade Runner’ to describe the militarisation of Los Angeles. Mass surveillance provides protective visibility for those who can afford it whilst social control districts are conversely uncontrolled places where the poor are forced to cooperate with criminals (Davis, 2005). For Davis (2005) the city becomes an idealisation; an artificial simulation based on control, observation and repression.

Similarly, Shearing and Stenning (2009) argue that Disney World exemplifies modern private corporate policing. Here, multiple instructions, physical barriers and surveillance by employees and CCTV provide control embedded within alternative functions, their presence subsequently unnoticed (Shearing and Stenning, 2009). Like Davis’ (2005) vision, citizens cooperate; however whilst Davis paints an Orwellian picture of overt state control forcing citizens to obey, Shearing and Stenning (2009) argue that control is subtle, consensual and non-coercive, and further it is diffused across multiple, private groups.


Law is useful in taking a pragmatic view, looking at rights as legally defined and thus an important first step in defining how governments may use surveillance. However, law is limited in two ways. Firstly by only assessing the status quo it does not evaluate the significance these laws might have or have had; secondly, it does not evaluate how ambiguities within these laws affects citizens.

History is therefore beneficial by providing an evidence-based interpretation of how mass surveillance has developed over time. Socio-cultural approaches take in a wide range of concerns, by problematizing issues they develop theories that evaluate the importance of surveillance and translate this to address present concerns.

Criminology is similar to history; both try to evaluate the effects of surveillance on citizens (as can be seen via panopticism). Criminology is helpful by exploring the limitations of surveillance, considering both whether it is the response of government or a wider concern (e.g. privatisation). However criminology is potentially limited through ignoring the benefits of surveillance.

To integrate, a socio-cultural approach to history is useful by showing how the impetus to develop ever more efficient means of mass surveillance has its roots in the pre-computer past, and combined with law this presents a solid evidential base for what mass surveillance currently does, and why it may have been enforced. Taking a more flexible interpretive stance, history and criminology mitigate against the limitations of legal interpretation, showing why it matters to a wider group of individuals. This combination gives a stronger result as one neither only understands what is there, nor solely argues why it perhaps should not be but together provides an evidenced conclusion that mass surveillance is a contentious issue and therefore does matter.

Word count: 1,499


BBC (2014). Sir Tim Berners-Lee: World wide web needs bill of rights priority [Online], available: [Accessed 12 March 2014].

Borger, J. (2013). GCHQ and European spy agencies worked together on mass surveillance. London: The Guardian. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 March 2014].

Campbell, J. E., and Carlson, M. (2002). Panopticon. com: Online surveillance and the commodification of privacy. In Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media,46(4), 586-606. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 9 March 2014].

Council of Europe (1950) European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as amended by Protocols Nos. 11 and 14 [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 March 2014].

Dandeker, C. (1990) Surveillance, Power and Modernity. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Davis, M. (2005). Beyond Blade Runner: Urban Control. The Sociology of Fear, in McLaughlin, E., Muncie, J. and Hughes, G. (eds.) Criminological Perspectives. 2nd edn. London: Sage, pp. 527-541.

Deputy Prime Minister’s Office (2014). Security and privacy in the internet age [speech] Government Communications Headquarters. 4 March 2014. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2014].

Electronic Frontier Foundation (2014).Mass Surveillance Technologies [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2014].

Ericson, R. and Haggerty, K. (2006) ‘The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility’, in Ericson, R. and Haggerty, K. (eds.) The New Politics of Surveillance and Visibility. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp. 3-25.

Foucault, M. (1975) Discipline and Punishment. New York: Vintage Books.

Genosko, G., and Thompson, S. (2006). Tense theory: The temporalities of surveillance. Theorizing Surveillance: The Panopticon and Beyond. Cullompton: Willan, 123-138.

Hale, C., Hayward, K., Wahdin, A. and Wincup, E. (2005) Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

House of Commons, Home Affairs Committee (2008). A Surveillance Society? [pdf] (HC 58-I, Fifth Report of Session 2007–08), Volume 1 [Incorporating HC 508-i–iv, Session 2006–07] London: The Stationery Office Limited [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 March 2014].

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Schmidl, M. (2012). Privacy Laws in Germany - developments over three decades. Groebenzell, Germany: Institute for IT Law – IITR GmbH [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 March 2014].

Stigler, G. J. (1974). The optimum enforcement of laws. In Becker, G. S. and Landes, W. M. (eds.) Essays in the Economics of Crime and Punishment (pp. 55-67). UMI. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10 March 2014].

Torpey, J. (2000). The invention of the passport: surveillance, citizenship and the state. Cambridge University Press.

Transport Act 1990 (c.1). London: HMSO. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 8 March 2014].

Warr, P. (2013). Tim Berners-Lee calls NSA surveillance an ‘intrusion on basic human rights’ [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 1 March 2014].

Does Mass Surveillance by Governments matter? (2024)


How does mass surveillance impact society? ›

It creates an environment of suspicion and threat, which can cause people who are not engaged in any wrongdoing to change their behaviour, including the way they act, speak and communicate, in what is commonly described as the chilling effect of mass surveillance.

What is the purpose of mass surveillance? ›

Mass surveillance has often been cited as necessary to fight terrorism, prevent crime and social unrest, protect national security, and control the population.

How surveillance is justified? ›

In practice, justifications for surveillance often include both consequentialist and deontological considerations. Hence state security is justified in both protecting the majority and focusing its attention on particular wrongdoers who pose a threat to that majority.

Why is surveillance an ethical problem for modern society? ›

Yet surveillance has ignited some controversies, for it may raise important ethical issues. For instance, it can raise concerns about privacy, discrimination and stigmatization, as well as triggering mandatory quarantine, isolation, or seizure of property during an epidemic.

Why is government surveillance bad? ›

This spying is especially harmful because it is often feeds into a national security apparatus that puts people on watchlists, subjects them to unwarranted scrutiny by law enforcement, and allows the government to upend lives on the basis of vague, secret claims.

What are the benefits of government surveillance? ›

Government spying on citizens

Governments justify computer and network monitoring based on security concerns. Online surveillance may help detect threats such as terrorism, crime, child p*rnography, tax evasion and fraud.

Does mass surveillance reduce crime? ›

Studies do show that having a surveillance camera system results in a 50% reduction in crime or more. With the extra benefit of experience, you will have valid evidence of criminal activity if it takes place.

Is mass surveillance a violation of human rights? ›


If you are on the internet or use a mobile phone, odds are you are being followed by governments through wide sweeping mass surveillance programs. This isn't just part of life in the 21st century, it's illegal and a human rights violation.

What are some purposes of a surveillance? ›

Information from surveillance systems can be used to monitor the burden of a disease over time, detect changes in disease occurrence (e.g., outbreaks), determine risk factors for the disease and populations at greatest risk, guide immediate public health actions for individual patients or the community, guide programs ...

What are the pros and cons of government surveillance? ›

Let's look at the different pros and cons of public surveillance.
  • Pro: Increase Public Safety. ...
  • Pro: Reduce Crime Rate. ...
  • Pro: Helps Catch Criminals. ...
  • Pro: Provide Evidence & Gather Clues. ...
  • Pro: Convenience. ...
  • Con: Easily Abused. ...
  • Con: Doubts About Effectiveness. ...
  • Con: Expensive.
24 Oct 2019

Is surveillance a good thing? ›

Just like that, the main benefit of surveillance cameras in public spaces is also the increase in public safety. Public surveillance cameras help you stay safe while clubbing, shopping, and traveling. The public security cameras can be used as a way to keep an eye out for crimes.

What are the disadvantages of government surveillance? ›

List of the Cons of Government Surveillance
  • It is impossible to catch everything that happens in society. ...
  • Anyone can connect the dots in hindsight. ...
  • Surveillance misses lead to even more data being collected on people. ...
  • Government surveillance places innocent people under investigation.
6 Jul 2019

What are the impacts of surveillance? ›

It infringes on our personal freedoms, submits us to state control, and prevents us from progressing as a society.

What are some examples of government surveillance? ›

Prominent examples of surveillance include surveillance cameras, wiretaps, GPS tracking, and internet surveillance.

Is government surveillance an invasion of privacy? ›

The government's collection of this sensitive information is itself an invasion of privacy.

What are the positive effects of surveillance? ›

Benefits of Surveillance
  • Reduce Loss, Theft and Vandalism. ...
  • Experience Easier Installation and More Effective Implementation. ...
  • Improve Storage and Accessibility. ...
  • Enable Remote Monitoring. ...
  • Reduce Costs & Scale More Easily. ...
  • Save Time with Distributed Intelligence. ...
  • Upgrade Your Management Software. ...
  • Improve Productivity.
16 Jul 2020

What is the meaning of government surveillance? ›

Collection of information by a country's government for intelligence, threat monitoring and recognition, prevention and investigation of criminal activity, political information, or social control.

How can we protect government surveillance? ›

Governments are in a unique situation compared to individual citizens or companies.
Let's look at some best practices for keeping data hidden from the government.
  1. Know the Law. ...
  2. Know Your Provider. ...
  3. Keep in Touch. ...
  4. Employ Best Practices. ...
  5. Encrypt Your Data. ...
  6. Use a VPN.

Why is surveillance important in policing? ›

Technologically-assisted physical surveillance can be an important law enforcement tool. It can facilitate the detection, investigation, prevention and deterrence of crime, the safety of citizens and officers, the apprehension and prosecution of criminals, and the protection of the innocent.

How does surveillance prevent crime? ›

It is thought to deter criminality in the area under surveillance by; (a) increasing the threat of potential and actual offenders being identified; (b) mobilising some form of response; or (c) collecting evidence.

What is a legal issue with surveillance? ›

It's illegal to obtain any form of video surveillance of someone with malicious purposes. It's also considered illegal across all states to take or record video surveillance when an individual expects complete privacy. Such locations include but are not limited to: Bathrooms.

How is surveillance an invasion of privacy? ›

Here are a few times when a security camera may be an invasion of privacy: Your camera can see into a neighbor's home, especially if you can see private places like a bedroom or bathroom. You have a camera in a private place in your home. You use a hidden camera without consent in states where consent is required.

What is the effect of the state surveillance on the individual? ›

Evidence shows that mass surveillance erodes intellectual freedom and damages the social fabric of affected societies; it also opens the door to flawed and illegal profiling of individuals. Mass surveillance has also been shown to not prevent terrorist attacks.

What are the top 5 common human rights violations? ›

Here are some of worst human rights violations of all time.
  1. Child Slavery in the LRA. ...
  2. Forced sterilization for disabled underage girls. ...
  3. Forced vagin*l examinations of Afghan women. ...
  4. Uganda's “Anti-Gay Bill” ...
  5. Child Labour During the Industrial Revolution. ...
  6. Slavery in The United States. ...
  7. The Holocaust. ...
  8. Modern Sex Trafficking.
20 Jun 2014

What is the most important use of active surveillance? ›

Active surveillance is often used to mean monitoring the cancer closely. Usually this includes a doctor visit with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test about every 6 months and a digital rectal exam (DRE) at least once a year. Prostate biopsies and imaging tests may be done every 1 to 3 years as well.

What is surveillance in simple words? ›

Definition of surveillance

: close watch kept over someone or something (as by a detective) also : supervision — see also immune surveillance.

What is the purpose of surveillance and response? ›

Core surveillance and response functions are those activities for detection of cases and patients, registration of cases in log books and registers, confirmation with laboratory results, analysis of reported data, use and feedback of data, and epidemic preparedness and response [24].

What are the impacts of surveillance? ›

It infringes on our personal freedoms, submits us to state control, and prevents us from progressing as a society.

How mass surveillance harms societies and individuals and what you can do about it? ›

Evidence shows that mass surveillance erodes intellectual freedom and damages the social fabric of affected societies; it also opens the door to flawed and illegal profiling of individuals. Mass surveillance has also been shown to not prevent terrorist attacks.

How does surveillance impact on crime? ›

Studies do show that having a surveillance camera system results in a 50% reduction in crime or more. With the extra benefit of experience, you will have valid evidence of criminal activity if it takes place.

What are the pros and cons of increased surveillance? ›

Advantages for Security Cameras
  • Pros 1: Deter Crime.
  • Pros 2: Monitor Scenarios and Activities.
  • Pros 3: Gather Evidence.
  • Pros 4: Arrive at the Right Decisions.
  • Pros 5: Maintain Records.
  • Cons 1: Privacy Is an Issue.
  • Cons 2: It Can be a Costly Affair.
  • Cons 3: They Can be Vulnerable.

What are the positive effects of surveillance? ›

Benefits of Surveillance
  • Reduce Loss, Theft and Vandalism. ...
  • Experience Easier Installation and More Effective Implementation. ...
  • Improve Storage and Accessibility. ...
  • Enable Remote Monitoring. ...
  • Reduce Costs & Scale More Easily. ...
  • Save Time with Distributed Intelligence. ...
  • Upgrade Your Management Software. ...
  • Improve Productivity.
16 Jul 2020

Does surveillance increase crime? ›

Overall, across a range of settings, crime was found to have decreased by 13% in places with CCTV compared to those without. Three of the 76 studies reported a statistically significant increase in crime. The studies in Review one looked at the effectiveness of CCTV on different crime types.

What are some examples of government surveillance? ›

Prominent examples of surveillance include surveillance cameras, wiretaps, GPS tracking, and internet surveillance.

What are the disadvantages of government surveillance? ›

List of the Cons of Government Surveillance
  • It is impossible to catch everything that happens in society. ...
  • Anyone can connect the dots in hindsight. ...
  • Surveillance misses lead to even more data being collected on people. ...
  • Government surveillance places innocent people under investigation.
6 Jul 2019

Is government surveillance an invasion of privacy? ›

The government's collection of this sensitive information is itself an invasion of privacy.

How does government surveillance affect mental health? ›

Surveillance impairs mental health and performance

For more than 15 years we've known that surveillance leads to heightened levels of stress, fatigue and anxiety. In the workplace it also reduces performance and our sense of personal control.

What are some purposes of a surveillance? ›

Information from surveillance systems can be used to monitor the burden of a disease over time, detect changes in disease occurrence (e.g., outbreaks), determine risk factors for the disease and populations at greatest risk, guide immediate public health actions for individual patients or the community, guide programs ...

How effective is surveillance systems in reducing crimes? ›

CCTV had the largest effect on drug crime with a reduction of approximately 20%.

Why is surveillance important in policing? ›

Technologically-assisted physical surveillance can be an important law enforcement tool. It can facilitate the detection, investigation, prevention and deterrence of crime, the safety of citizens and officers, the apprehension and prosecution of criminals, and the protection of the innocent.

Is surveillance a good thing? ›

Just like that, the main benefit of surveillance cameras in public spaces is also the increase in public safety. Public surveillance cameras help you stay safe while clubbing, shopping, and traveling. The public security cameras can be used as a way to keep an eye out for crimes.

Are public surveillance cameras a good idea? ›

They are not as effective as they may seem

According to internal studies, there is no proof that the use of video cameras leads to a qualitative reduction in the number of crimes committed or the prevention of crimes.

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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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