An open source collaborative code and text editor (2024)

Real-time collaboration with no server code.

What is Firepad?

Firepad is an open source real-time collaborative text editor. It provides true collaborative editing, complete with intelligent operational transform-based merging and conflict resolution. Some features include:

  • Cursor position synchronization
  • Undo & redo
  • Text highlighting
  • User attribution
  • Presence detection
  • Version checkpointing

What can I do with Firepad?

You can build any application that requires collaborative editing of text documents. Firepad supports both rich text and code editing out-of-the-box, and it's easy to extend for other use cases.

How is Firepad different than other collaborative text editors?

Most collaborative text editors require special code to run on a server, making them impractical to use if you're not already using the right server stack. Firepad has no server dependencies and instead relies on the Firebase Realtime Database for real-time data synchronization. This means that it's easy to add Firepad to any application, even static websites. All you need to do is drop in the JavaScript files and go.

Which technologies does Firepad use?

Firepad can render documents using the CodeMirror, Ace, or Monaco editors, and its operational transform code borrows from ot.js. Behind the scenes, Firepad uses the Firebase Realtime Database for cloud data storage and synchronization.

Who's behind Firepad?

Firepad was built by Michael Lehenbauer and the team at Firebase. There are many other features that could be added, please star Firepad on GitHub and send over a pull request when you have things to contribute!

How is Firepad Licensed?


Which browsers does Firepad support?

All modern browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Opera 11+
  • IE8+
  • Firefox 3.6+

Can I get involved?

Yes! We welcome help from the community. Join our Google Group or send us a pull request.

An open source collaborative code and text editor (2024)


What is collaborative text editor? ›

Collaborative text editing systems allow users to concurrently edit a shared document, inserting and deleting elements (e.g., characters or lines).

What is text editor and code editor? ›

Text editors are useful for writing and editing any kind of text-based content, but they do not offer features specifically designed for writing and editing code. A code editor, on the other hand, is a specialized text editor designed for writing and editing source code.

Does Zed work on Windows? ›

Discover its features, history, performance, customization, and how to install it on Windows, Mac, and Linux. Zed is a new, open-source code editor that's designed to be fast, customizable, and collaborative. It's built in Rust, offering superior speed and performance compared to many other editors.

Is Zed open source? ›

The New Code Editor Zed has a Strong Start, and is now Open Source.

How does collaborative editing work? ›

Collaborative editing is the process of multiple people editing the same document simultaneously. This technique may engage expertise from different disciplines, and potentially improve the quality of documents and increase productivity.

How does collaborative document editing work? ›

Generally, collaborative editing software uses cloud-based tools to allow multiple people to access, edit, and share documents at the same time. This means teammates can make updates to a document in real-time and those updates are synced across all devices that have the same document open.

What is an example of a text editor? ›

Graphical user interface
NotepadDefault under Microsoft Windows.Proprietary
Notepad++A tabbed text editor.GPL-3.0-or-later
PeA text editor for BeOS.MIT
plumaThe default text editor of the MATE desktop environment for Linux.GPL-2.0-or-later
73 more rows

Why do you need a text editor for coding? ›

Text editors are one such tool to write code. These programs take a broader approach to create and edit a range of programming language text files instead of focusing on a specific language. The purpose of a simple editor is to write code and edit without executing it in a single application.

What is a code editor called? ›

A source-code editor is a text editor program designed specifically for editing source code of computer programs. It may be a standalone application or it may be built into an integrated development environment (IDE).

Is Zed better than Vscode? ›

And with tools like Zed, the future of human-AI coding collaboration looks bright. Key takeaways: Zed is a fast, AI-powered code editor challenging VS Code. It leverages CPU and GPU for smooth performance.

Is Zed a good text editor? ›

One Reddit user evaluated Zed as follows: A couple of nice things to note: It really is remarkably responsive, and makes one really notice how unresponsive everything else is. I have reasonably fast machines, so we're not talking about the difference between 5ms typing lag and 500ms, but it's still pretty surprising.

What language is Zed written in? ›

Zed – A high-performance, multiplayer code editor written in Rust.

Does Zed support Python? ›

Zed includes preliminary support for Python-based interaction with a Zed lake. The Zed Python package supports loading data into a Zed lake as well as querying and retrieving results in the ZJSON format.

Does Zed have plugins? ›

The ZED GStreamer package is composed of five plugins providing five elements, a metadata library and a Linux RTSP Server application.

What framework does Zed use? ›

Zed's breakthrough performance starts with our GPUI framework, a new way to build 2D user interfaces. GPUI rasterizes the entire window on the GPU, just like a 3D video game.

What is the purpose of a text editor? ›

A text editor refers to any form of computer program that enables users to create, change, edit, open and view plain text files. They come already installed on most operating systems but their dominant application has evolved from notetaking and creating documents to crafting complex code.

What is the role of a text editor? ›

Introduction. A text editor is a tool that allows a user to create and revise documents in a computer. Though this task can be carried out in other modes, the word text editor commonly refers to the tool that does this interactively.

What's the main purpose of a text editor? ›

Text editors are intended to open and save text files containing either plain text or anything that can be interpreted as plain text, including the markup for rich text or the markup for something else (e.g. SVG).

Is colab a text editor? ›

Colab includes a text editor you can use to create, open, and delete . py files directly. All is done in the Files view (see below). To create or delete a file, right click and choose "New file" or "Delete file".

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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.