A Step-by-Step Guide to the Data Analysis Process [2022] (2024)

Like any scientific discipline, data analysis follows a rigorous step-by-step process. Each stage requires different skills and know-how. To get meaningful insights, though, it’s important to understand the process as a whole. An underlying framework is invaluable for producing results that stand up to scrutiny.

In this post, we’ll explore the main steps in the data analysis process. This will cover how to define your goal, collect data, and carry out an analysis. Where applicable, we’ll also use examples and highlight a few tools to make the journey easier. When you’re done, you’ll have a much better understanding of the basics. This will help you tweak the process to fit your own needs.

Here are the steps we’ll take you through:

  1. Defining the question
  2. Collecting the data
  3. Cleaning the data
  4. Analyzing the data
  5. Sharing your results
  6. Embracing failure
  7. Summary

On popular request, we’ve also developed a video based on this article. Scroll down to watch that.

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Data Analysis Process [2022] (1)

Ready? Let’s get started with step one.

1. Step one: Defining the question

The first step in any data analysis process is to define your objective. In data analytics jargon, this is sometimes called the ‘problem statement’.

Defining your objective means coming up with a hypothesis and figuring how to test it. Start by asking: What business problem am I trying to solve? While this might sound straightforward, it can be trickier than it seems. For instance, your organization’s senior management might pose an issue, such as: “Why are we losing customers?” It’s possible, though, that this doesn’t get to the core of the problem. A data analyst’s job is to understand the business and its goals in enough depth that they can frame the problem the right way.

Let’s say you work for a fictional company called TopNotch Learning. TopNotch creates custom training software for its clients. While it is excellent at securing new clients, it has much lower repeat business. As such, your question might not be, “Why are we losing customers?” but, “Which factors are negatively impacting the customer experience?” or better yet: “How can we boost customer retention while minimizing costs?”

Now you’ve defined a problem, you need to determine which sources of data will best help you solve it. This is where your business acumen comes in again. For instance, perhaps you’ve noticed that the sales process for new clients is very slick, but that the production team is inefficient. Knowing this, you could hypothesize that the sales process wins lots of new clients, but the subsequent customer experience is lacking. Could this be why customers don’t come back? Which sources of data will help you answer this question?

Tools to help define your objective

Defining your objective is mostly about soft skills, business knowledge, and lateral thinking. But you’ll also need to keep track of business metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs). Monthly reports can allow you to track problem points in the business. Some KPI dashboards come with a fee, like Databox and DashThis. However, you’ll also find open-source software like Grafana, Freeboard, and Dashbuilder. These are great for producing simple dashboards, both at the beginning and the end of the data analysis process.

2. Step two: Collecting the data

Once you’ve established your objective, you’ll need to create a strategy for collecting and aggregating the appropriate data. A key part of this is determining which data you need. This might be quantitative (numeric) data, e.g. sales figures, or qualitative (descriptive) data, such as customer reviews. All data fit into one of three categories: first-party, second-party, and third-party data. Let’s explore each one.

What is first-party data?

First-party data are data that you, or your company, have directly collected from customers. It might come in the form of transactional tracking data or information from your company’s customer relationship management (CRM) system. Whatever its source, first-party data is usually structured and organized in a clear, defined way. Other sources of first-party data might include customer satisfaction surveys, focus groups, interviews, or direct observation.

What is second-party data?

To enrich your analysis, you might want to secure a secondary data source. Second-party data is the first-party data of other organizations. This might be available directly from the company or through a private marketplace. The main benefit of second-party data is that they are usually structured, and although they will be less relevant than first-party data, they also tend to be quite reliable. Examples of second-party data include website, app or social media activity, like online purchase histories, or shipping data.

What is third-party data?

Third-party data is data that has been collected and aggregated from numerous sources by a third-party organization. Often (though not always) third-party data contains a vast amount of unstructured data points (big data). Many organizations collect big data to create industry reports or to conduct market research. The research and advisory firm Gartner is a good real-world example of an organization that collects big data and sells it on to other companies. Open data repositories and government portals are also sources of third-party data.

Tools to help you collect data

Once you’ve devised a data strategy (i.e. you’ve identified which data you need, and how best to go about collecting them) there are many tools you can use to help you. One thing you’ll need, regardless of industry or area of expertise, is a data management platform (DMP). A DMP is a piece of software that allows you to identify and aggregate data from numerous sources, before manipulating them, segmenting them, and so on. There are many DMPs available. Some well-known enterprise DMPs include Salesforce DMP, SAS, and the data integration platform, Xplenty. If you want to play around, you can also try some open-source platforms like Pimcore or D:Swarm.

Want to learn more about what data analytics is and the process a data analyst follows? We cover this topic (and more) in our free introductory short course for beginners. Check out tutorial one: An introduction to data analytics.

3. Step three: Cleaning the data

Once you’ve collected your data, the next step is to get it ready for analysis. This means cleaning, or ‘scrubbing’ it, and is crucial in making sure that you’re working with high-quality data. Key data cleaning tasks include:

  • Removing major errors, duplicates, and outliers—all of which are inevitable problems when aggregating data from numerous sources.
  • Removing unwanted data points—extracting irrelevant observations that have no bearing on your intended analysis.
  • Bringing structure to your data—general ‘housekeeping’, i.e. fixing typos or layout issues, which will help you map and manipulate your data more easily.
  • Filling in major gaps—as you’re tidying up, you might notice that important data are missing. Once you’ve identified gaps, you can go about filling them.

A good data analyst will spend around 70-90% of their time cleaning their data. This might sound excessive. But focusing on the wrong data points (or analyzing erroneous data) will severely impact your results. It might even send you back to square one…so don’t rush it! You’ll find a step-by-step guide to data cleaning here.
You may be interested in this introductory tutorial to data cleaning, hosted by Dr. Humera Noor Minhas.

Carrying out an exploratory analysis

Another thing many data analysts do (alongside cleaning data) is to carry out an exploratory analysis. This helps identify initial trends and characteristics, and can even refine your hypothesis. Let’s use our fictional learning company as an example again. Carrying out an exploratory analysis, perhaps you notice a correlation between how much TopNotch Learning’s clients pay and how quickly they move on to new suppliers. This might suggest that a low-quality customer experience (the assumption in your initial hypothesis) is actually less of an issue than cost. You might, therefore, take this into account.

Tools to help you clean your data

Cleaning datasets manually—especially large ones—can be daunting. Luckily, there are many tools available to streamline the process. Open-source tools, such as OpenRefine, are excellent for basic data cleaning, as well as high-level exploration. However, free tools offer limited functionality for very large datasets. Python libraries (e.g. Pandas) and some R packages are better suited for heavy data scrubbing. You will, of course, need to be familiar with the languages. Alternatively, enterprise tools are also available. For example, Data Ladder, which is one of the highest-rated data-matching tools in the industry. There are many more. Why not see which free data cleaning tools you can find to play around with?

4. Step four: Analyzing the data

Finally, you’ve cleaned your data. Now comes the fun bit—analyzing it! The type of data analysis you carry out largely depends on what your goal is. But there are many techniques available. Univariate or bivariate analysis, time-series analysis, and regression analysis are just a few you might have heard of. More important than the different types, though, is how you apply them. This depends on what insights you’re hoping to gain. Broadly speaking, all types of data analysis fit into one of the following four categories.

Descriptive analysis

Descriptive analysis identifies what has already happened. It is a common first step that companies carry out before proceeding with deeper explorations. As an example, let’s refer back to our fictional learning provider once more. TopNotch Learning might use descriptive analytics to analyze course completion rates for their customers. Or they might identify how many users access their products during a particular period. Perhaps they’ll use it to measure sales figures over the last five years. While the company might not draw firm conclusions from any of these insights, summarizing and describing the data will help them to determine how to proceed.

Learn more: What is descriptive analytics?

Diagnostic analysis

Diagnostic analytics focuses on understanding why something has happened. It is literally the diagnosis of a problem, just as a doctor uses a patient’s symptoms to diagnose a disease. Remember TopNotch Learning’s business problem? ‘Which factors are negatively impacting the customer experience?’ A diagnostic analysis would help answer this. For instance, it could help the company draw correlations between the issue (struggling to gain repeat business) and factors that might be causing it (e.g. project costs, speed of delivery, customer sector, etc.) Let’s imagine that, using diagnostic analytics, TopNotch realizes its clients in the retail sector are departing at a faster rate than other clients. This might suggest that they’re losing customers because they lack expertise in this sector. And that’s a useful insight!

Predictive analysis

Predictive analysis allows you to identify future trends based on historical data. In business, predictive analysis is commonly used to forecast future growth, for example. But it doesn’t stop there. Predictive analysis has grown increasingly sophisticated in recent years. The speedy evolution of machine learning allows organizations to make surprisingly accurate forecasts. Take the insurance industry. Insurance providers commonly use past data to predict which customer groups are more likely to get into accidents. As a result, they’ll hike up customer insurance premiums for those groups. Likewise, the retail industry often uses transaction data to predict where future trends lie, or to determine seasonal buying habits to inform their strategies. These are just a few simple examples, but the untapped potential of predictive analysis is pretty compelling.

Prescriptive analysis

Prescriptive analysis allows you to make recommendations for the future. This is the final step in the analytics part of the process. It’s also the most complex. This is because it incorporates aspects of all the other analyses we’ve described. A great example of prescriptive analytics is the algorithms that guide Google’s self-driving cars. Every second, these algorithms make countless decisions based on past and present data, ensuring a smooth, safe ride. Prescriptive analytics also helps companies decide on new products or areas of business to invest in.

Learn more:What are the different types of data analysis?

5. Step five: Sharing your results

You’ve finished carrying out your analyses. You have your insights. The final step of the data analytics process is to share these insights with the wider world (or at least with your organization’s stakeholders!) This is more complex than simply sharing the raw results of your work—it involves interpreting the outcomes, and presenting them in a manner that’s digestible for all types of audiences. Since you’ll often present information to decision-makers, it’s very important that the insights you present are 100% clear and unambiguous. For this reason, data analysts commonly use reports, dashboards, and interactive visualizations to support their findings.

How you interpret and present results will often influence the direction of a business. Depending on what you share, your organization might decide to restructure, to launch a high-risk product, or even to close an entire division. That’s why it’s very important to provide all the evidence that you’ve gathered, and not to cherry-pick data. Ensuring that you cover everything in a clear, concise way will prove that your conclusions are scientifically sound and based on the facts. On the flip side, it’s important to highlight any gaps in the data or to flag any insights that might be open to interpretation. Honest communication is the most important part of the process. It will help the business, while also helping you to excel at your job!

Tools for interpreting and sharing your findings

There are tons of data visualization tools available, suited to different experience levels. Popular tools requiring little or no coding skills include Google Charts, Tableau, Datawrapper, and Infogram. If you’re familiar with Python and R, there are also many data visualization libraries and packages available. For instance, check out the Python libraries Plotly, Seaborn, and Matplotlib. Whichever data visualization tools you use, make sure you polish up your presentation skills, too. Remember: Visualization is great, but communication is key!

You can learn more about storytelling with data in this free, hands-on tutorial.We show you how to craft a compelling narrative for a real dataset, resulting in a presentation to share with key stakeholders. This is an excellent insight into what it’s really like to work as a data analyst!

6. Step six: Embrace your failures

The last ‘step’ in the data analytics process is to embrace your failures. The path we’ve described above is more of an iterative process than a one-way street. Data analytics is inherently messy, and the process you follow will be different for every project. For instance, while cleaning data, you might spot patterns that spark a whole new set of questions. This could send you back to step one (to redefine your objective). Equally, an exploratory analysis might highlight a set of data points you’d never considered using before. Or maybe you find that the results of your core analyses are misleading or erroneous. This might be caused by mistakes in the data, or human error earlier in the process.

While these pitfalls can feel like failures, don’t be disheartened if they happen. Data analysis is inherently chaotic, and mistakes occur. What’s important is to hone your ability to spot and rectify errors. If data analytics was straightforward, it might be easier, but it certainly wouldn’t be as interesting. Use the steps we’ve outlined as a framework, stay open-minded, and be creative. If you lose your way, you can refer back to the process to keep yourself on track.

7. Summary

In this post, we’ve covered the main steps of the data analytics process. These core steps can be amended, re-ordered and re-used as you deem fit, but they underpin every data analyst’s work:

  • Define the question—What business problem are you trying to solve? Frame it as a question to help you focus on finding a clear answer.
  • Collect data—Create a strategy for collecting data. Which data sources are most likely to help you solve your business problem?
  • Clean the data—Explore, scrub, tidy, de-dupe, and structure your data as needed. Do whatever you have to! But don’t rush…take your time!
  • Analyze the data—Carry out various analyses to obtain insights. Focus on the four types of data analysis: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive.
  • Share your results—How best can you share your insights and recommendations? A combination of visualization tools and communication is key.
  • Embrace your mistakes—Mistakes happen. Learn from them. This is what transforms a good data analyst into a great one.

What next? From here, we strongly encourage you to explore the topic on your own. Get creative with the steps in the data analysis process, and see what tools you can find. As long as you stick to the core principles we’ve described, you can create a tailored technique that works for you.

To learn more, check out our free, 5-day data analytics short course. You might also be interested in the following:

  • These are the top 9 data analytics tools
  • 10 great places to find free datasets for your next project
  • How to build a data analytics portfolio
A Step-by-Step Guide to the Data Analysis Process [2022] (2024)


What are the 5 steps to the data analysis process? ›

Here, we'll walk you through the five steps of analyzing data.
  1. Step One: Ask The Right Questions. So you're ready to get started. ...
  2. Step Two: Data Collection. This brings us to the next step: data collection. ...
  3. Step Three: Data Cleaning. ...
  4. Step Four: Analyzing The Data. ...
  5. Step Five: Interpreting The Results.
16 Mar 2020

What are the 3 steps to analyzing data? ›

These steps and many others fall into three stages of the data analysis process: evaluate, clean, and summarize.

What are the 8 stages of data analysis? ›

data analysis process follows certain phases such as business problem statement, understanding and acquiring the data, extract data from various sources, applying data quality for data cleaning, feature selection by doing exploratory data analysis, outliers identification and removal, transforming the data, creating ...

What is data analysis example? ›

A simple example of Data analysis is whenever we take any decision in our day-to-day life is by thinking about what happened last time or what will happen by choosing that particular decision. This is nothing but analyzing our past or future and making decisions based on it.

What are the 4 steps to processing data? ›

Stages of Data Processing
  1. Collection. Collection of data refers to gathering of data. ...
  2. Preparation. Preparation is a process of constructing a dataset of data from different sources for future use in processing step of cycle.
  3. Input. Input refers to supply of data for processing. ...
  4. Processing. ...
  5. Output and Interpretation. ...
  6. Storage.

How do you write a data analysis method? ›

A good outline is: 1) overview of the problem, 2) your data and modeling approach, 3) the results of your data analysis (plots, numbers, etc), and 4) your substantive conclusions. Describe the problem. What substantive question are you trying to address? This needn't be long, but it should be clear.

Which is best tool for data analysis? ›

Top 10 Data Analytics Tools You Need To Know In 2022
  • R and Python.
  • Microsoft Excel.
  • Tableau.
  • RapidMiner.
  • KNIME.
  • Power BI.
  • Apache Spark.
  • QlikView.
22 Jul 2022

What are the 2 main ways of analyzing data? ›

The two primary methods for data analysis are qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis techniques.

What are two important first steps in data analysis? ›

The first step is to collect the data through primary or secondary research. The next step is to make an inference about the collected data. The third step in this case will involve SWOT Analysis. SWOT Analysis stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat of the data under study.

What are the five 5 basic data gathering techniques? ›

The 5 most common methods for data gathering are, (a) Document reviews (b) Interviews (c) Focus groups (d) Surveys (e) Observation or testing. While each has many possible variations, we will discuss their typical use here.

What are the three types of data analysis? ›

The 3 Types of Data Analytics. When strategizing for something as comprehensive as data analytics, including solutions across different facets is necessary. These solutions can be categorized into three main types – Descriptive Analytics, Predictive Analytics, and Prescriptive Analytics.

What is a standard process for data analysis? ›

The data analysis process, or alternately, data analysis steps, involves gathering all the information, processing it, exploring the data, and using it to find patterns and other insights.

What are the basics of data analysis? ›

Data science is the process of building, cleaning, and structuring datasets to analyze and extract meaning. Data analytics, on the other hand, refers to the process and practice of analyzing data to answer questions, extract insights, and identify trends. You can think of data science as a precursor to data analysis.

What are the five types of data analysis? ›

5 Types of analytics: Prescriptive, Predictive, Diagnostic, Descriptive and Cognitive Analytics - WeirdGeek | Data analytics, Data analysis tools, Data science.

What are 10 steps in data operations? ›

10 Steps to Implement a Successful Data Management Process
  1. Define a Data Architecture. First, it's crucial to define a data architecture. ...
  2. Assign Responsibilities. ...
  3. Define How You'll Name Things. ...
  4. Collect Data. ...
  5. Prepare Data. ...
  6. Process Data. ...
  7. Analyze Data. ...
  8. Interpret Data.
17 Dec 2019

What are data give 5 examples? ›

  • Number of houses in our housing society.
  • Monthly grocery expenses of our home.
  • Number of people who have used e-services of the state govt. over a year.
  • Number of students who have enrolled for the Math Olympiad in our school.
  • Population increase over the decade in our city.

What are data analysis tools? ›

Data analysis tools are software and programs that collect and analyze data about a business, its customers, and its competition in order to improve processes and help uncover insights to make data-driven decisions.

What is data processing explain it in your own words? ›

data processing, manipulation of data by a computer. It includes the conversion of raw data to machine-readable form, flow of data through the CPU and memory to output devices, and formatting or transformation of output. Any use of computers to perform defined operations on data can be included under data processing.

What is data processing example? ›

A very simple example of a data processing system is the process of maintaining a check register. Transactions— checks and deposits— are recorded as they occur and the transactions are summarized to determine a current balance.

What are the 4 types of processing? ›

Data processing modes or computing modes are classifications of different types of computer processing.
  • Interactive computing or Interactive processing, historically introduced as Time-sharing.
  • Transaction processing.
  • Batch processing.
  • Real-time processing.

How do you start a data analysis for beginners? ›

How to Get Started as a Data Analyst: A Beginner's Guide
  1. Learn the Basics. ...
  2. Learn the Technical Skills. ...
  3. Practice With Real Data Sets and Build Models. ...
  4. Build a Solid Portfolio of Personal Projects. ...
  5. Develop Strong Communication and Presentation Skills. ...
  6. Look for Junior Data Analytics Roles to Gain Work Experience.
10 Aug 2022

How do you write a data analysis report? ›

Typically, your report should be divided into the following sections: Introduction. Body (Data, Methods, Analysis, Results) Conclusion.
In your introduction, explain:
  1. the question you've raised and answered with the analysis.
  2. context of the analysis and background information.
  3. short outline of the report.
30 May 2022

Is Excel a data analysis tool? ›

Excel is a tool for data analytics and not always complete solution. Use different functions to explore the data for better insights. So get started with Excel spreadsheets and see what you can do with data.

Which Excel is best for data analysis? ›

Description: Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful and popular data analysis desktop application on the market today. By participating in this Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Dashboard Reporting course you'll gain the widely sought after skills necessary to effectively analyze large sets of data.

Is Excel a good tool for data analysis? ›

Microsoft Excel for Data Analysts is one of the top tools and its built-in Pivot Table is unarguably one of the best and most popular analytical tools one could ask for. Data Analysts can use Microsoft Excel to create flexible Data Aggregation, represent data visually, calculate margins and other common ratios, etc.

What is the most common tool used for data analysis? ›

Excel. Microsoft Excel is the most common tool used for manipulating spreadsheets and building analyses. With decades of development behind it, Excel can support almost any standard analytics workflow and is extendable through its native programming language, Visual Basic.

What are the three tools for analysis? ›

Horizontal, vertical, and ratio analysis are three techniques analysts use when analyzing financial statements.

What is the key objective of data analysis? ›

The main purpose of data analysis is to find meaning in data so that the derived knowledge can be used to make informed decisions.

What is the good first step of data? ›


The first step in data analysis is to clearly define your questions and goals. Similar to creating a hypothesis before an experiment, you should be asking a targeted question before searching the data for an answer.

What is the first step a data analyst should take to clean their data? ›

How to clean data
  • Step 1: Remove duplicate or irrelevant observations. Remove unwanted observations from your dataset, including duplicate observations or irrelevant observations. ...
  • Step 2: Fix structural errors. ...
  • Step 3: Filter unwanted outliers. ...
  • Step 4: Handle missing data. ...
  • Step 5: Validate and QA.

What is the most important step in data processing? ›

Processing – Once the input is provided the raw data is processed by a suitable or selected processing method. This is the most important step as it provides the processed data in the form of output which will be used further.

What is the most popular technique for gathering data? ›

The most popular technique for gathering primary data is by observation.

What are the 8 tips in gathering data? ›

8 Best Practices for Collecting Data Responsibly
  • Be transparent. People want to know how and why you are collecting their data. ...
  • Speak in plain language. ...
  • Make the data exchange mutually beneficial. ...
  • Safeguard your data. ...
  • Know the regulations. ...
  • Know your boundaries. ...
  • Set data governance policies and guidelines. ...
  • Ensure data quality.
1 Dec 2016

What are the two main types of data? ›

There are two general types of data – quantitative and qualitative and both are equally important. You use both types to demonstrate effectiveness, importance or value.

What is a data analysis plan? ›

An analysis plan helps you think through the data you will collect, what you will use it for, and how you will analyze it. Creating an analysis plan is an important way to ensure that you collect all the data you need and that you use all the data you collect. Analysis planning can be an invaluable investment of time.

What are analysis techniques? ›

Analytical technique is a method that is used to determine a chemical or physical property of a chemical substance, chemical element, or mixture. There are a wide variety of techniques used for analysis, from simple weighing to advanced techniques using highly specialized instrumentation.

What are the five types of data analysis? ›

5 Types of analytics: Prescriptive, Predictive, Diagnostic, Descriptive and Cognitive Analytics - WeirdGeek | Data analytics, Data analysis tools, Data science.

What are the five 5 basic data gathering techniques? ›

The 5 most common methods for data gathering are, (a) Document reviews (b) Interviews (c) Focus groups (d) Surveys (e) Observation or testing. While each has many possible variations, we will discuss their typical use here.

What are the 5 steps under data modeling? ›

  • Step 1: Gathering Business requirements: ...
  • Step 2: Identification of Entities: ...
  • Step 3: Conceptual Data Model: ...
  • Step 4: Finalization of attributes and Design of Logical Data Model. ...
  • Step 5: Creation of Physical tables in database:

What are the 5 C's of data for data preparation? ›

Data for business can come from many sources and be stored in a variety of ways. However, there are five characteristics of data that will apply across all of your data: clean, consistent, conformed, current, and comprehensive.

What are the 2 main methods for data analysis? ›

The two primary methods for data analysis are qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data analysis techniques.

Which is best tool for data analysis? ›

Top 10 Data Analytics Tools You Need To Know In 2022
  • R and Python.
  • Microsoft Excel.
  • Tableau.
  • RapidMiner.
  • KNIME.
  • Power BI.
  • Apache Spark.
  • QlikView.
22 Jul 2022

What are the basics of data analysis? ›

Data science is the process of building, cleaning, and structuring datasets to analyze and extract meaning. Data analytics, on the other hand, refers to the process and practice of analyzing data to answer questions, extract insights, and identify trends. You can think of data science as a precursor to data analysis.

What is the first thing you should do before starting to collect data? ›

Step 1: Identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data. The first step is to identify issues and/or opportunities for collecting data and to decide what next steps to take.

What are the 4 approaches to collect data? ›

Data may be grouped into four main types based on methods for collection: observational, experimental, simulation, and derived.

What are the 4 steps to processing data? ›

Stages of Data Processing
  1. Collection. Collection of data refers to gathering of data. ...
  2. Preparation. Preparation is a process of constructing a dataset of data from different sources for future use in processing step of cycle.
  3. Input. Input refers to supply of data for processing. ...
  4. Processing. ...
  5. Output and Interpretation. ...
  6. Storage.

What are the four steps in the processing of data? ›

The four main stages of data processing cycle are:
  1. Data collection.
  2. Data input.
  3. Data processing.
  4. Data output.

What are the 3 major components of a data model? ›

The most comprehensive definition of a data model comes from Edgar Codd (1980): A data model is composed of three components: 1) data structures, 2) operations on data structures, and 3) integrity constraints for operations and structures.

What are the 5 A's of big data? ›

5 A's to Big Data Success (Agility, Automation, Accessible, Accuracy, Adoption)

What are the 5 P's of big data? ›

It takes several factors and parts in order to manage data science projects. This article will provide you with the five key elements: purpose, people, processes, platforms and programmability [1], and how you can benefit from these in your projects.

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.