12 Fonts That Look Like Children’s Handwriting in Word (2024)

Children’s handwriting and adults’ handwriting often don’t look similar (though they can do in some cases). It might help to look into some children’s handwriting fonts that you can use in Microsoft Word. They will allow you to replicate the messiness of most children’s writing.

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Fonts That Look Like Children’s Handwriting in Microsoft Word

The best fonts that look like children’s handwriting are Kristen ITC, Bradley Hand ITC, and Ink Free. The key to fonts for kids in Word comes from messy or hurried styles. These three fonts are some of the most readable ones that are also “messy” as part of their style.

12 Fonts That Look Like Children’s Handwriting in Word (1)

Kristen ITC

Kristen ITC is a fantastic choice if you’re looking to replicate children’s handwriting. It’s neat enough to be easy to read, but it’s large and messy, just like you would expect from a child writing anything on a piece of paper.

Kristen ITC is a surprisingly large font. If we had to compare them, it’s easily the largest font on this list. In terms of children’s handwriting, size matters. After all, most kids write very large letters, and it’s once they learn better pen control that they make them smaller on the page.

It’s also a very popular font that a lot of people like to use. Since it’s easy to use and large, it makes for an effective font in the middle of your document. It’s good for both titles and the main body of the text, depending on what you require it for.

Bradley Hand ITC

Bradley Hand ITC is another good font that plays on the handwriting that children might work with. It’s a good one that allows you to be a bit messier than standard fonts (like Times New Roman or Arial). It’s still very readable, which makes it ideal for many users.

Bradley Hand ITC is up there as one of the most popular handwriting fonts. It doesn’t just have to apply in the context of kids, though it’s very useful to do so.

There’s slight messiness present with the thin letters that come from Bradley Hand ITC. This messiness is what you might attribute to a teenager of some kind. Calling this a children’s handwriting font might be a step too far.

Ink Free

Ink Free is another great font that plays into the slightly hurried look of a child’s handwriting. It works really well because of the fairly large gaps that are present between each letter. It looks almost identical to how most children learn to write.

While it doesn’t come with the complete messiness that most children have when first learning, it still looks like the writing of a child who might have been learning for a few months.

The size of the font is what makes Ink Free most effective here. It’s in a similar size and style to Kristen ITC (though not quite as large). That’s why so many people enjoy using it when they’re trying to replicate the writing of a child.

Dreaming Outloud Pro

Dreaming Outloud Pro is a cloud font on Microsoft Word that you can get to really create the theme of children’s handwriting. The biggest part of this one comes from the spacing between the letters and the bubbly bold look they have going on.

Dreaming Outloud Pro looks like a child has been given a pen after passing their pencil-based handwriting tests. They don’t quite understand how the thickness of a pen differs yet, so they press really hard and get bold lines.

That look is what makes Dreaming Outloud Pro so authentic to many users. It also makes it visually attractive as both a title and as the main body of the text, depending on where you want to use it.

Modern Love

Modern Love is a good font that looks messy on the page. It’s a solid choice that many people like to use to try and create a child’s handwriting. The thick style of this font sets it apart from the rest on this list.

While most of the other fonts look more like they’re written with a pen or pencil, Modern Love looks like it’s written with a black marker or a thin paintbrush. The thickness of the lines is what really brings this one out.

With kids’ handwriting, it’s common for letters to be uneven and sit above and below the line they’re trying to write on. Modern Love manages to do exactly that with the font, making it a solid choice in most cases.

Segoe Script

Segoe Script is a decent choice if you’re looking for a messy kids’ handwriting font. While it is a calligraphic font of sorts, it looks really good when you’re trying to show that it might be a child who is trying to learn calligraphy for the first time.

It’s nowhere near as fine-tuned as some of the other calligraphy fonts. It looks really good because of how the letters connect with each other, but you would be able to tell that a child has attempted to write in this style rather than a skilled adult.

Segoe Script is also part of the Segoe font family. This is a fairly popular font family in Word, making it a popular pick when looking for fonts that do the job well.

Rage Italic

Rage Italic is the pinnacle of fonts that look like a child could have written it. It looks rushed and “angry” almost. It’s as if a child is getting frustrated at the page while trying to write in a way that’s neat enough for people to read.

Rage Italic is a calligraphy font of sorts. This automatically means that a young child wouldn’t be able to write like it. However, if you’re talking about an older child (like a teenager), then you might be able to say that Rage Italic is a good choice for them.


Pristina is similar to Rage Italic in that it looks rushed. It also looks more like a teenager might have created this font rather than a young child.

It’s a good choice to show that someone isn’t as neat as they can be while showing that it might be a child’s first attempt at “neatness.”

Pristina is a fairly popular font choice as well. You’ll often find that people use it in both titles and the main body of the text, depending on which works better for the theme of their document.

Freestyle Script

Freestyle Script is a solid choice if you’re looking for a handwriting font. This one is fairly neat, and many people would attribute it more to adults than children. Nevertheless, it’s still a decent choice if you’re looking for a somewhat rushed writing font.

Freestyle Script looks rushed because of the italics it’s written in. While it’s much neater than some of the other choices, this rushed look is what allows it to be considered a children’s handwriting font.

It’s also quite popular, and a lot of people like to use it as either a title or in the main body of the text. If it was slightly messier, it would be one of the best fonts on this list, and it would rank much higher.

Informal Roman

Informal Roman follows a similar idea as Freestyle Script. It’s a generic handwriting font that plays into the hurriedness that some people have about their writing. It isn’t strictly related to children’s handwriting, but it can be effective at trying to create this.

The italics in Informal Roman are slightly less pronounced than in Freestyle Script. The key difference comes from the serif style that Informal Roman presents. You can think of Informal Roman as the informal, handwritten variation of Times New Roman.

It’s not all that popular, but it definitely deserves to be noticed more. People enjoy looking at this font, but it’s not one that commonly goes through someone’s mind when coming up with a good font for their document.

Viner Hand ITC

Viner Hand ITC is another good handwriting font, but it doesn’t really apply to children all that well. We included it because of the slight messiness that’s present. If you think of it as a child’s handwriting, it’s likely that the child is very gifted at writing.

If you are looking for a teenager’s handwriting font, then Viner Hand ITC is a great choice. It also looks really good for generic handwriting because of the thickness of the lines that replicate the pen or ink used to write it.

Juice ITC

Juice ITC can work well as a children’s handwriting font. It looks more like a font than handwriting, which makes it a bit of a low-ranker on this list, but it can still capture the same chaotic energy that is present in most children’s handwriting.

We didn’t include this one higher because it isn’t strictly a handwriting font. It’s just a messy font that can work really well as part of a title. We recommend giving it a go to see if it creates the visual effects that you’re looking for.

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12 Fonts That Look Like Children’s Handwriting in Word (2024)


What font looks like a child's handwriting in Word? ›

Kidprint. The Kidprint font is designed to look like a child´s printing. Kidprint is useful any time a playful or whimsical look is required.

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Rumi is a font that looks like true handwriting.

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Lucida Handwriting font family - Typography | Microsoft Learn.

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And then type in a sentence. If I make this bigger so it's easier to see. And then I can change it

How do you make a Word document look like a handwritten letter? ›

Open Word and go to the Font menu. Scroll down the list to find options that look handwritten. Examples include Bradley Hand ITC, Lucinda Handwriting and Mistral. Select the font that best suits the writing style you want to use and start typing.

What is the most popular handwriting font? ›

Biro Script Plus

Written freehand with the tip of the ballpoint pen, it is a simple, everyday handwriting script that can be used for almost any project. We see this versatile font being used for everything from personal notes and wedding invitations to sentimental marketing campaigns and other projects.

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Cool Fonts on Word. Cool Cursive Fonts on Word. Mistral Font. Monotype Corsiva Font. Curlz MT Font.

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According to vLetter, if the natural handwriting size for a particular font is about 1/2 inch from the very top to the very bottom, then the font size should be 36 points, and if it's roughly 1/4 inch total, then the font size is 18 points.

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Experts recommend a mix of Serif and non-Serif fonts. For the headings, non-serif fonts like Arial and Helvetic are recommended and for the body, Serif fonts like Roman, Georgia, and New Times Roman can be used. For words or sections that need to be emphasized, italics will help make them stand out.

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Right-click the fonts you want, and click Install. If you're prompted to allow the program to make changes to your computer, and if you trust the source of the font, click Yes. Your new fonts will appear in the fonts list in Word.

What size font is used in children's books? ›

We recommend a larger font for kids' books, rather than the standard 11 or 12 point font used for adult books. Try using font sizes between 16 24 point. For the youngest age groups, a larger font is especially important. Books aimed at older age groups can use a smaller font.

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5 Ways to Fake Good Handwriting - YouTube

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Comic Sans. Cursive is pretty fine, you just have to play extra attention and try to be faster and write better. It can be practiced.

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The cursive and continuous cursive handwriting styles are largely considered the best handwriting style for students.

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Helvetica Font

This typeface is perfect for creating beautiful and versatile aesthetic fonts. Helvetica is easily found on almost website platforms.

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Some Default Microsoft Word Cursive Fonts

Segoe Script. Lucida Handwriting. Edwardian Script. Kunstler Script.

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Most handwriting has a body height that is between 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch tall, so any ascenders and descenders extend beyond that, and add to the total size. Consider also that font size is based on 72 points per inch, so you can calculate font size accordingly.

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Inspired by a friendly T-Rex, Trexos is a bold and playful font that looks like handwriting—a kid's handwriting, that is.

What font size is similar to handwriting? ›

According to vLetter, if the natural handwriting size for a particular font is about 1/2 inch from the very top to the very bottom, then the font size should be 36 points, and if it's roughly 1/4 inch total, then the font size is 18 points.

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Monotype Corsiva Font

The Monotype Corsiva typeface is another popular cool font in word. The font primarily features italic characters and has these swash details on its capital letters making it optimal to use for initials on invitations, greeting cards, certificates, and the like.

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Eraser. Eraser is an all-caps-font with irregular shading that's reminiscent of crayons on paper.

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Brush Script MT

One of the long-time best cursive fonts on Word is the Brush Script, font family.

What is the average size handwriting in Word? ›

Most handwriting has a body height that is between 1/8 inch and 1/4 inch tall, so any ascenders and descenders extend beyond that, and add to the total size. Consider also that font size is based on 72 points per inch, so you can calculate font size accordingly.

What is the most aesthetic font in Microsoft Word? ›

Helvetica Font

This typeface is perfect for creating beautiful and versatile aesthetic fonts. Helvetica is easily found on almost website platforms.

What is a nice cursive font? ›

Kuenstler Script® Kuenstler Script is an elegant and beautiful cursive font which offers lots of ornaments and beautiful swashes. The elegance of this font has been recognized since 1902 and up to recent days, it is still one of the most elegant cursive font of all time.

What font looks like scribble? ›

Playzone (OTF, WOFF)

The font resembles a marker scribble font with a cute design.

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Waltograph UI

How do I download Disney font to Microsoft Word? ›

How to safely download the fonts to MS Word: Go to dafont.com. Using the search box on the upper right of the site, search the fonts listed above (or browse for other non-Disney fonts you might like) When you find the font you like, such as the Waltograph example here, click Download, then open the Zip file.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.