Why 1984 is a Must-read for Teens by Kirsten - February 2015 Scholarship Essay (2024)

Some teens, no matter their age, do not enjoy reading, especially when it is assigned by their teachers. I however, was not one of those teens; I loved reading new and interesting novels. George Orwell’s 1984 was one of the novels that I truly enjoyed reading during my senior year. This novel discusses a dystopian place where the citizens have zero freedom and life is miserable.

Over the past few years, more and more novels have been made which have similar concepts to this one. A very popular example would be Suzanne Collins’ The Hunger Games series. These novel also show a dystopian society where the government controls what the people do and how they think. It is clearly obvious that Collins got ideas for her novel from 1984, and this is why teens should read it. Both novels, 1984 and The Hunger Games, share the concept of altering the actions of the citizens and watching every one of them attentively. Most teens are willing to read the less complex, and lesser version of 1984; therefore, they should also be willing to read the original conception.

Published in 1949, Orwell’s novel takes a look at his idea of the future generations and the effect of government on their lives. 1984 explains the divide between the privileged class and the poor. The main character is described as part of the privileged class; he works for the government. His job is to erase and change history constantly so that no one know what truly happened, which is supposed to prevent an uprising from the people. This is terrifying to imagine, which is what Orwell was trying to show in this novel. He wanted the people of the world to see that we cannot let the government get too much control. The government also controls the citizens of this novel by watching them constantly. This is referred to as “Big Brother” in the novel, which is also scary, and makes the people of the world aware that the government should not be run this way.

The content in 1984 is exactly why teens should read it before graduating. The teens of today will someday grow into people who could have control. If unaware of consequences, such as those in the book that might happen due to this type of government, the horrific accounts in the novel could become reality. Reading this book at a relatively young age, but old enough to understand its content, might prevent such things from occurring. There are also parts of the book that describe life which is relatable, and entertaining for all that read. 1984 by George Orwell is a definite must-read for all, especially teens before graduating due to the complex content within the novel.

Why 1984 is a Must-read for Teens by Kirsten - February 2015 Scholarship Essay (2024)
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