What is the difference between exogenous and endogenous variables? (2024)


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Exogeneous ValuesEndogenous Values
Exogeneous values are independent values in a modelEndogenous values are dependent on other physical quantities in the model.
Exogeneous Values are fixed in a system and cannot be altered externally.Endogenous values can be altered externally to produce desired results
Example: in agriculture as a model, rainfall cannot be controlled by us and hence is a exogenous value.Example: In agriculture, the amount of pesticides and fertilizers can be controlled by us, hence they are endogenous values.

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What is the difference between exogenous and endogenous variables? (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.