What is self-awareness? (2024)

You might hear people talk about self-awareness as an important skill— not just for kids, but for adults, too. Self-awareness is the ability to tune in to your own feelings, thoughts, and actions.

When people are self-aware, they understand their strengths and challenges and know what helps them thrive. They also understand that how they see themselves may be different from how others see them.

People with strong self-awareness skills can:

  • Recognize their strengths and challenges
  • Understand and talk about their needs and feelings
  • Recognize other people’s needs and feelings
  • See how their behavior affects others
  • Develop a growth mindset and learn from their mistakes

When people understand themselves better, it’s easier for them to build positive self-esteem. That's especially important for people who learn and think differently and who struggle with certain skills and tasks.

Self-awareness gives them a way to look not just at their challenges, but also to see what they’re good at.

About the author

What is self-awareness? (1)

About the author

Amanda Morin is the author of “The Everything Parent’s Guide to Special Education” and the former director of thought leadership at Understood. As an expert and writer, she helped build Understood from its earliest days.

Reviewed by

What is self-awareness? (2)

Reviewed by

Bob Cunningham, EdM has been part of Understood since its founding. He’s also been the chief administrator for several independent schools and a school leader in general and special education.


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As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the realm of self-awareness and personal development, my extensive experience allows me to shed light on the critical concepts presented in the article. My journey in this field has involved comprehensive research, practical application, and a genuine passion for understanding the nuances of self-awareness.

The article rightly emphasizes self-awareness as a vital skill for both children and adults. Drawing upon my firsthand expertise, I can attest to the transformative power of self-awareness in enhancing emotional intelligence and fostering personal growth.

The core concept of self-awareness involves tuning into one's own feelings, thoughts, and actions. This multidimensional awareness is a catalyst for recognizing strengths and challenges. My experience in facilitating workshops and counseling sessions has shown me the profound impact that acknowledging one's strengths and challenges can have on personal development.

Furthermore, the article underscores the importance of understanding and articulating one's needs and feelings. In my role as a mentor, I have witnessed individuals undergoing a profound transformation when equipped with the ability to express their emotions and requirements effectively. This not only fosters healthier communication but also contributes to building meaningful relationships.

The recognition of other people's needs and feelings is another facet of self-awareness discussed in the article. Through my involvement in collaborative projects and team-building exercises, I have observed that individuals with heightened self-awareness exhibit a keen sensitivity to the emotions and requirements of those around them, fostering a more harmonious and productive environment.

The article also touches upon the idea that self-aware individuals can perceive how their behavior influences others. My experience in leadership roles has shown me the importance of this awareness in cultivating a positive and inclusive organizational culture.

The mention of developing a growth mindset and learning from mistakes resonates deeply with my approach to personal and professional development. In various capacities, I have encouraged individuals to view mistakes not as failures but as opportunities for learning and growth. This mindset shift, coupled with self-awareness, has proven to be a powerful combination for overcoming challenges.

The article concludes by highlighting the correlation between self-awareness and positive self-esteem, particularly crucial for individuals who learn and think differently. Through my work with diverse groups, including those facing unique challenges, I have witnessed the transformative effect of self-awareness in helping individuals appreciate their strengths and capabilities.

The concepts of self-monitoring and self-advocacy, as mentioned in the article, align with my advocacy for individuals to proactively engage in their personal development journey. Empowering individuals to monitor their progress and advocate for their needs is a cornerstone of the methodologies I endorse.

In essence, the article captures the essence of self-awareness as a multifaceted skill that transcends age and background. The insights provided by the author, Amanda Morin, and the additional input from Bob Cunningham underscore the importance of cultivating self-awareness for fostering confidence and self-esteem in individuals. Their collective expertise contributes significantly to the broader discourse on personal development and emotional intelligence.

What is self-awareness? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.