Stalking: Things to Know (2024)

Stalking: Things to Know (1)

With January having been National Stalking Awareness Month it is key to not only recognize stalking behavior, but to be aware of how to deal with a stalker. Often times, individuals believe if they ignore the actions of the stalker, the stalker will lose interest and go away. However, Kris Mohandie, a Clinical Police & Forensic Psychologist, says this doesn’t work with stalkers who are already violating the boundaries of normal behavior and making their target feel unsafe. Mohandie advises you should NOT engage with a stalker directly.

Here are some steps to help increase your safety if you are being stalked:

  1. Contact Haven House at 1-800-440-4633 and speak to an advocate.
  2. Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times.
  3. Avoid all contact with the stalker.
  4. Photograph and document all behaviors, messages, phone calls, and any other actions of the stalker and turn the information over to police.
  5. Increase security measures in your life (locks, alarms, security camera, etc.).
  6. Make others in your life aware of the stalker and the stalker’s behavior.

There are often four kinds of stalkers:

  1. Public Figure Stalker: Have not had any prior relationship with their victim.
  2. Private Stranger Stalker: Crosses paths with a victim in some way and then that person becomes a target.
  3. Acquaintance Stalker: Pursues acquaintances like co-workers, classmates, or someone else in their life. Acquaintance stalkers have about a 50%
    risk of violence.
  4. Intimate Stalkers: This is the most common and most dangerous stalker. The risk of violence is about 74% and could include anything from pushing
    and shoving to a more violent assault. Intimate stalkers would have been in some type of relationship with the victim at some point.

Psychologist Kris Mohandie notes that many domestic violence homicides have a stalking component.

If you believe you are being stalked, reach out to our advocates today. The advocates at Haven House will work with you to create and implement a safety plan. It’s free and confidential. Call 1-800-440-4633 to speak to an advocate today.

*Some info from[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Stalking:  Things to Know (2024)


Stalking: Things to Know? ›

Stalkers see themselves as the victims of being led on or toyed with. Their fear of abandonment doesn't allow them to reason, so it's impossible to let them down easy.

What are stalkers scared of? ›

Stalkers see themselves as the victims of being led on or toyed with. Their fear of abandonment doesn't allow them to reason, so it's impossible to let them down easy.

What are the three types of stalkers? ›

Types of Stalking
  • The Rejected stalker (click to expand)
  • The Resentful stalker (click to expand)
  • The Intimacy Seeking stalker (click to expand)
  • The Incompetent Suitor (click to expand)
  • The Predatory stalker (click to expand)

What is stalkers weakness? ›

Weaknesses. Stalkers are more vulnerable to Shock attacks than other machines. Repeated attacks with weapons that deal Shock damage will quickly stun a Stalker. This vulnerability is absent in Daemonic and Apex Stalkers; indeed, like all Daemonic Machines, they are highly Shock-resistant.

Who are most likely to stalk? ›

Men commit most stalking. Four out of every five stalking victims are women (2).

What is a stalkers goal? ›

The behavior intends to put that person in fear for their safety. 3). It must actually make that person fear for his or her safety (Owens, 2016). In addition, to be classified as stalking, the behavior must occur more than once.

What are the 5 classifications of stalkers? ›

Five types of stalkers were recognized: rejected, in- timacy seeking, incompetent, resentful, and predatory.

What type of person stalks people? ›

Types of stalkers. Psychologists often group individuals who stalk into two categories: psychotic and nonpsychotic. Some stalkers may have pre-existing psychotic disorders such as delusional disorder, schizoaffective disorder, or schizophrenia.

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.