Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (2024)

The simple truth is security doesn’t just take place on its own; you’ll have to make it happen. And, if it looks like you’re in a never-ending battle with buglers, the Simplisafe Glass Break sensor: ultimate guide is for your rescue. Sound silly? It’s not. Just keep reading and find out everything you should know.

Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (1)Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (2)

Remember, slow and steady win the race. So don’t just be in a hurry to activate the device. Stick with me and be the first to enjoy all the saucy details.

What is the Simplisafe Glass Break sensor?

Here’s the simplest definition of the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor- a wireless device that detects the sound of broken glasses. Alright! Let’s add a little more weight to that. It’s a security device that gives out an alarm once it detects the sound of any broken glasses. Do you like the sound of that?

This particular sound detection technology has been around since 2018 doing a great job. And the best part is it features video captures and draws its power from batteries. So you’ve got no issues. As long as the device is working and the batteries are fully charged, it is ready to protect you anytime any day.

Most importantly, it’s so compact that it’s almost impossible for one to notice that it’s up there. And isn’t that what being secured is all about?

Since you’re beginning to fall in love with the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor, you must know how the device works.

Want to know how does Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor works?

You’ve got the answer.

Let me begin by telling you that those pane glasses you see have their own sound frequency when smashed upon. And in the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor, there’s a small-sized microphone present.

Surprisingly enough, this microphone reacts to the sound of broken glass. Why? Because it has been calibrated to do so. So whenever the sensor detects such sound, the microphone in it trips an alarm.

I will say this straight, the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor is uniquely designed and cannot be fooled. Even if you go about breaking plates and all, it’s not going to raise a single alarm. So be rest assured that when an alarm trips, a glass window has been broken.

Just like every other security sensor, many lives and properties have been protected with the Glass Break Sensor. As I earlier said, the microphone in them listens for that special sound frequency that accompanies glass breaking.

For everyone seeking an extra layer of defence in their home, the Glass Break Sensor would do a great job. It wouldn’t even miss the soft break of a glass. It is one home security system that is 100% effective.

How can you test Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor?

If you think you would have to break the glass so as to test the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor, you must be joking.

A simple clap test is all you need to test the device. You would be right to say that the sound of broken glasses is in no way similar to a sound clap. That is why you have to put your Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor in test mode before you test it via clap test.

Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (3)Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (4)

There’s a little button on the side of the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor. Once you press this button, you’ve put the sensor in its test mode. And then, you can perform the clap test by clapping your hands 20 feet away from the sensor.

The clap sound isn’t going to rip an alarm on the device; instead, you would get an amber light signal. And you’re set.

You’d be smart to consider buying the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor to protect your home. But, if you do not play your cards well, you may end up not getting the protection you desire. What this simply means is that having the sensor in your home is not enough. A strategic location is also needed.

The best location for a Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor

If you desire to place your SimpliSafe Glass Break Sensor in the ceiling or on the walls, it’s not a problem. Just get the basics right. You have to place the sensor 20 feet away from the glass window or glass door you want to protect.

Beyond that, you can come closer to 10 feet away from the glass if your curtains are heavier. There are chances that the frequency of heavy curtains can get in the way of the sensor’s sensitivity.

You would often hear people say such things as a motion sensor is enough for a home security system. Wrong!!! Let me show you how before you decide to ignore the Glass Break Sensor if you already have a motion sensor at home.

Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor Vs. Motion sensor

Obviously, a motion sensor is designed to detect motion within its location. While by now, it’s no longer news to you that the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor would detect the sound of glass breaking or shattering.

Now, look at it this way. An intruder can avoid getting anywhere close to the motion sensor. After all, a motion sensor would only detect motion within its range. And by this, the intruder would go undetected.

But it doesn’t work this way with the Glass Break Sensor. Since the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor would only be 20 feet or less away from each glass window, no one would break through the glasses without being noticed.

For what is worth, the motion sensor range is nothing to be compared to the sensitivity of the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor. And that’s quite a challenge.

Funny enough, you wouldn’t even be needing as many Glass Break Sensor as other home security sensors. A single Glass Break Sensor can work for several windows in a single room at the same time.

In order to know the number of Glass Break Sensors needed for your home, get to know the total number of glass windows present. While doing this, get to figure out the ones that belong to a group or the same section.

On average, one Glass Break Sensor is what you need for an average-sized room. And if you stick by the 20-feet-away placement strategy, you’ve got all windows covered.

How to install Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor?

If you were using the SimpliSafe security system for the first time, you would have to install your base station and your keypad first. Here’s the guideline on how to get that done.

  • Step 1: Get a strategic location in your house to place your base station. Note of warning, placing it on the floor is not a good option.
  • Step 2: Plug the base station into the nearest wall socket using its power cord.
  • Step 3: Install your keypad by choosing and setting your own master pin.
  • Step 4: Adhere the keypad to the wall of your main entrance. The distance between the keypad and your base station shouldn’t be more than 100 feet. The adhesive tape at the back of the keypad would make this possible.
  • Step 5: Mount your Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor on the wall or ceiling 20 feet from the glass you want to protect. You can do this temporarily using the adhesive at the back of the sensor. For a permanent installation, make use of screws.
  • Step 6: Install and name the sensor with your keypad.

However, if you already have the SimpliSafe security system in your house, all you need do is add the sensor to the existing system. It’s that simple.

Video illustration

Change your Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor in three minutes

The first thing to do when you want to change the sensor’s battery is to remove the device from the keypad. Open the menu on the keypad to do this. Select the sensor you want to remove and select the remove option.

Once completed, exit the menu and proceed to change the battery at the back panel. The good thing is that the voice prompt would signal you when the sensor is on a low battery. So you just do the needful and continue enjoying the security system.

Video illustration

Simplisimple Glass Break Sensor not responding?

Unfortunately, minor issues could cause your Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor not to respond. And when this happens, don’t walk away from it.

These could be the reason for the malfunctioning- bad batteries, and the absence of communication between the base station and the device.

You can start by replacing the battery of the Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor with a much stronger battery.

As for the distance, try bringing the base station a little bit close to the sensor. That should solve the communication problem. Above all, ensure that the sensor is installed correctly; otherwise, it wouldn’t respond. But if any of these do not bring a solution, call your technician immediately.

Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (5)Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (6)

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Simplisafe Glass Break Sensor: Ultimate Guide - brainyhousing (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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