Should I claim 0 or 4 on my W4? (2024)

If you’re starting a job or if your marital status has changed recently, then you’re probably wondering how to fill out your W-4 form at work. Here’s what you need to know to determine if you should claim 0 or 1 on W-4.

Before you begin to read this post, please note that this is general advice. Only you can determine your circ*mstances and what’s best for your finances. Always check with a tax professional or an HR representative if you aren’t sure what to claim on your tax form. That said, some general guidelines can help you understand what it means when you fill out your W-4.

Editor’s note: To give you the most expertise, I’ve invited H&R Block accountant Richard Herring to address this issue today. Again, although Richard is an expert in accounting, his advice should be taken as a general guideline to help you make informed decisions about filling out your W-4. So take it away, Richard!

Filling Out a W-4

If you’ve received a W-4 form, it can be a little confusing and even a little daunting. What is a W-4? The short answer is that the W-4 is an IRS form. An employee fills out that particular form to claim their allowances after they begin a new job.

This tells your employer’s payroll company how much they should or shouldn’t withhold from your check-in taxes. It also describes the IRS how many dependents you have; and if you should receive child tax credits or benefits from the IRS. You can use the W-4 to withhold extra money from your paycheck too.

When you start a new job, your employer will hand the W-4 to you. Usually, you’ll receive a paper copy. You will be asked to write down how many allowances you want on the W-4 form and the attached worksheet. If you Googled, “Should I claim 0 or 1 on W-4?” then read on.

It’s important to note that the guidelines for claiming 1 or 0 on W-4 have changed in 2024. We will also tell you how it was in the past before 2024, so you will be fully aware of the history.

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How has the W-4 Changed for 2024?

There’s a significant change that’s happened to W-4 forms—for 2024, and you do not use the W-4 form to claim withholding allowances anymore! The W-4 form has been changed for 2024 and looks different than the W-4 forms from previous years. Every so often, the IRS changes the documents to make them more accessible for people to understand and to correspond with changes in tax rules and exemption guidelines.

On the 2024 W-4 form, you can still claim an exemption from withholding. If you happen to qualify for an exemption, you can claim it by writing “Exempt” in the space below Line 4(c). It’s important to note that the exemption is only suitable for a year, and then you will need to fill out another W-4. It would help if you talked to your financial professional before claiming exemption because there are very specific guidelines on when you can and should claim an exemption.

If you add extra withholding on Line 4(c), more will be withheld from your paycheck and earmarked for taxes. In some cases, additional withholding can result in a bigger tax refund at the end of the year (but keep in mind that your paycheck will be less each pay period).

If you have a side job, you can set up withholding on your taxes too. Use the IRS Tax Withholding Estimator to determine how much tax you can withhold. Setting up a withholding will help you, so you don’t end up owing a surprising balance at the end of the tax year.

Should I claim 0 or 1 on W-4?

If you are wondering, “Should I claim 0 or 1 on W-4?” the answer has changed as of this year. Due to changes in the 2024 guidelines, the number (0 or 1) you write down on your W-4 form will no longer significantly impact your paycheck during the year. However, if your form asks for a 1 or 0, take a look at the date on the top of the W-4. Your employer may have given you an older form.

No matter what you fill out, it won’t significantly change your tax refund at the end of the year for 2024. So, it is no longer essential to understand how allowances work and calculate them when filling out the W-4 form. In 2024, you can’t claim allowances on the W-4 form.

In many ways, this 2024 change to tax guidelines makes life much simpler when you’re filling out a W-4.

What Is a W-4 Form Anyways?

As I have mentioned earlier, the W-4 is an IRS form. Your employer usually gives you this form when you begin a new job or if something changes in your life that might affect your tax status (you may need to request an update from your employer).

If you had filled out a W-4 before 2024, you don’t need to fill out a new form, despite the recent 2024 changes to tax laws.

If you want to make changes to your W-4, you can change your withholding amount and exemptions. Note that even if you make changes to the form, you can’t wait until the end of the year and pay all your taxes in a lump sum.

Even though this might seem like a great idea to some people, the IRS will not allow you to do it. Instead, you will need to instruct your employer to withhold enough tax from each paycheck by filling out a W-4 form, or you will need to make quarterly estimated tax payments.

Should I claim 0 or 4 on my W4? (1)

Can I Change the Number of Allowances that I Claim on a W-4?

For 2024, you do not use the W-4 form to claim withholding allowances any longer. It has changed! You might be wondering what it means to claim a 0 or 1 on a W-4, but it’s important to note that in 2024, you don’t use the W-4 form to claim withholding allowances.

This new rule applies whether you claim 1 or 0 on a W-4 form (or anything in-between).

History of W-4 Before 2024

Before 2024, the more allowances you claimed, the fewer taxes were withheld from each paycheck. This meant that you would get more money each paycheck, but in return, you would receive a lower tax refund, no refund, or even a tax bill, depending on the filing status you chose (a 0, 1, or so on).

If you claimed zero allowances on your pre-2024 W-4, the maximum amount of taxes was withheld from each of your paychecks. As a result, you’d likely get a big tax refund from the IRS at the end of the season. But your allowances were not the only factor. You may still have ended up without a refund, or you may have ended up owing the government, depending on your taxable income and other factors in your filing status.

Historically, before 2024, I would have recommended you claim zero allowances on your W-4 form if someone was claiming you as a dependent. If you were struggling to save money for your taxes, claiming zero was also a good idea. You would most likely have received a lump sum at the end of the tax season.

If you were single and someone claimed you as a dependent, then claiming zero on a W-4 would make sense. When someone claimed you as a dependent, they paid less on their taxes because they benefited from your exemption. On the other hand, your taxes might have been a little higher. This didn’t necessarily mean you wouldn’t get a tax refund from the IRS, though. It would depend on your income.

Claiming zero allowances on your W-4 made sense if you were single or if you struggled with saving money. Claiming zero could be helpful if you didn’t have an emergency fund, wanted to pay off debt, or we’re working to save.
Should I claim 0 or 4 on my W4? (2)

When Should I Claim 1 on W-4?

In 2024, it doesn’t matter if you claim 1 or 0 on your W-4. Your taxes will not be affected because you can no longer claim allowances.

In the past, claiming one allowance meant that a little less tax was withheld from your paycheck over the year than if you’d claimed zero allowances. If you were single and had only one job and one source of income, you would most likely receive a refund from the IRS during tax season. The refund would be smaller if you claimed one rather than claiming a zero.

In the past, it was beneficial to claim one allowance, depending on your spending habits. If your filing status was single and you were responsible with money, then claiming one could be helpful. It would allow you to get more money on each of your paychecks than if you’d claimed zero allowances. Having an extra $500 a paycheck because you claimed one was great if you were paying down high-interest credit card debt or had another financial concern.

Any time you get extra money from a paycheck, it’s helpful to pay off debt. If you don’t have a high-interest credit card, put the money in savings or use it towards long-term investments like a 401(k) plan. Even though the 2024 W-4 form has changed, you should still save money whenever possible.

It no longer matters if you claim a 0 or a 1 on W-4. Your taxes won’t be affected anymore. In 2024, you can’t claim allowances, but that could always change again in the future. It’s helpful to understand the history of allowances and know what it meant to claim a one or a zero.

Should I claim 0 or 1 on W-4? The Conclusion

In conclusion, should you claim 0 or 1 on your W-4? It no longer matters because you can’t withhold allowances anymore in 2024. However, if you want a tax refund and you’re nervous about taking enough out of your paycheck (or struggle with saving), then you can withhold extra money online 4(c) of your W-4 form. Each paycheck, that amount will be put aside for taxes. At the end of the year, if you break even or owe less than you’ve withheld, you’ll get a refund!

Should I claim 0 or 4 on my W4? (3)

This is a sponsored post from H & R Block.

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About the Author:

Richard Herring has been an accountant at H&R Block for over 40 years. He lives in the Dallas, Texas area with his wife of over 45 years and their dogs.

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Should I claim 0 or 4 on my W4? (4)

Should I claim 0 or 4 on my W4? (2024)


Should I claim 0 or 4? ›

Claiming more allowances will lower the amount of income tax that's taken out of your check. Conversely, if the total number of allowances you're claiming is zero, that means you'll have the most income tax withheld from your take-home pay.

Should I fill out Step 4 on W4? ›

Step 4 is optional, but you may want to fill it out if you have multiple jobs, or you are married filing jointly and you and your spouse each have a job. If this applies to you, fill out lines 4(a) and 4(b), but only for one of these jobs.

Should I claim 0 or 1 on VA 4? ›

It just depends on your situation. If you are single, have one job, and have no dependents, claiming 1 may be a good option. If you are single, have no dependents, and have 2 jobs, you could claim both positions on one W-4 and 0 on the other.

What do I put on my W4 to avoid owing taxes? ›

You are exempt from withholding if you owed no federal tax the prior year and you expect to owe no federal tax for the current year. To claim you are exempt, you write “Exempt” on the new W-4 form in the space below Step 4(c).

Will I get a bigger refund if I claim 0? ›

Claiming 0 allowances means that too much money will be withheld by the IRS. The allowances you can claim vary from situation to situation. If you are married with a kid, you can claim up to three allowances. If you want a higher tax return, you can claim 0 allowances.

What to claim on W4 to get the most money on paycheck? ›

You can claim anywhere between 0 and 3 allowances on the W4 IRS form, depending on what you're eligible for. Generally, the more allowances you claim, the less tax will be withheld from each paycheck. The fewer allowances claimed, the larger withholding amount, which may result in a refund.

Can I skip Steps 2 4 on w4? ›

For the highest paying job's W-4, fill out steps 2 through 4(b) of the W-4. Leave those steps blank on the W-4s for the other jobs. If you (or you and your spouse) have a total of two jobs and make roughly the same amount at both, you can instead opt to check box 2(c) to indicate this.

How to get less taxes taken out of a paycheck? ›

Change Your Withholding
  1. Complete a new Form W-4, Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, and submit it to your employer.
  2. Complete a new Form W-4P, Withholding Certificate for Pension or Annuity Payments, and submit it to your payer.
  3. Make an additional or estimated tax payment to the IRS before the end of the year.
Jan 30, 2024

What is a W4 for dummies? ›

The W-4 Form is the IRS document you complete for your employer to determine how much should be withheld from your paycheck for federal income taxes and sent to the IRS.

Why is my federal withholding 0 on my paycheck? ›

You might have claimed to be exempt from federal tax withholding on your IRS Form W-4. You must meet certain requirements to be exempt* from withholding and have no federal income tax withheld from your paychecks. You should check with your HR department to make sure you have the correct amount withheld.

What should I put for extra withholding? ›

Just divide the amount you usually pay in federal taxes by the number of paychecks you receive in a year to find out how much extra should be withheld each pay period.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0 on Reddit? ›

If your main priority is not having to pay anything ever to the IRS then claim 0 on your W4 (or if someone can claim you as a dependent). Having said that, I only ever had to pay money once and it was under $100 so claiming 1 should be fairly safe.

Can you claim 0 on w4 and still owe taxes? ›

If I understand you correctly, you claimed zero allowances on your W-4, yet you still owe tax. The W-4 is only a crude estimate of how much tax needs to be withheld from your paycheck.

Is it better to claim 1 or 0? ›

By placing a “0” on line 5, you are indicating that you want the most amount of tax taken out of your pay each pay period. If you wish to claim 1 for yourself instead, then less tax is taken out of your pay each pay period.

What are some advantages and disadvantages for claiming 0 on your w4? ›

Putting a 0 on your tax withholding form means that you want the most tax withheld, which means your paycheck will be smaller but you'll likely receive a large refund at tax time.

Should I claim 1 or 0 if single in 2024? ›

In conclusion, should you claim 0 or 1 on your W-4? It no longer matters because you can't withhold allowances anymore in 2024. However, if you want a tax refund and you're nervous about taking enough out of your paycheck (or struggle with saving), then you can withhold extra money online 4(c) of your W-4 form.

What should a teenager claim on W4? ›

Your child may be exempt from income tax withholding if in both the prior year and the current tax year the teen owes no federal income tax. If so, write “Exempt” in box 7 on the 2019 Form W-4, or write “Exempt” in the space under line 4(c) on the 2020 Form W-4.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.