OpenCV 3.0 Python Guide (2024)

Introduction and Overview

This document contains instructions for installing and migrating to the latest release of OpenCV (version 3) and the Python bindings. In addition to some API changes, there are also changes to the Python interface (e.g. removal of that may require changes in existing code to work with the new version of the cv2 module. After installation, see the next page, , for details regarding the changes to the module and for help migrating existing Python code to the new version.

This page covers installing OpenCV 3 on Windows (using pre-built binaries) and Linux (compiled from source), including the Python interface (the cv2 module). OpenCV can be downloaded from the official OpenCV website. Note that this guide is written based on OpenCV version 3.1.0. After installation, it is recommended that you can check the version of OpenCV that Python is using:

import cv2print cv2.__version__# Should print 3.0.0-rc1 or newer.

Note that although OpenCV 3 is the latest release, by convention, the module is still named cv2.

Installing on Windows (pre-built binaries)

Using pre-built binaries is the quickest way to get a Python OpenCV environment up and running on Windows. Currently, only the Python 2 version of the cv2 module is built and included in the latest Windows release. Support for Python 3 (as well as adding other non-standard features/modules), requires compiling from source - see the official OpenCV documentation for details.

Downloading OpenCV and Python

To begin, download OpenCV for Windows (version 3.1, opencv-3.1.0.exe), and extract it to a directory of your choice. The Windows build includes both a 32-bit and 64-bit module for Python 2.7.

Before continuing, ensure that you have a working Python 2.7 installation, which can be downloaded from the Python website. This guide was tested using Python 2.7.9 (x86 installer / x64 installer). When installing, it is recommended that you allow the installer to add Python to your PATH environment variable, so you can run python and pip from a command prompt.

Installing Module Dependencies

The Python OpenCV cv2 module requires both the NumPy and SciPy stack. To get this, first ensure that you have a working python environment, and have pip installed (if not, use the links above, and ensure the Python folder is in your PATH variable).

Christoph Gohlke currently provides some (unofficial) pre-built Python packages for Windows, including NumPy and SciPy. Download the latest stable versions of NumPy and SciPy, and install them by calling pip install [module].whl from a command prompt. Note that you should download the version corresponding to your Python environment (2.7 in this case) and word length. For example, on 32-bit systems/interpreters:

pip install numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win32.whlpip install scipy-0.15.1-cp27-none-win32.whl

And for 64-bit systems/interpreters:

pip install numpy-1.9.2+mkl-cp27-none-win_amd64.whlpip install scipy-0.15.1-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl

After installing, you should be able to run import numpy and import scipy from a Python interpreter to verify that the modules were installed correctly. You can check what versions of NumPy and SciPy are installed from numpy.__version__ and scipy.__version__, respectively.

Installing Python-OpenCV Module

Lastly, we need to copy the OpenCV module into the local Python packages. In the files extracted from opencv-3.0.0-rc1.exe, go to the folder opencv\build\python\2.7\, and open either the x86\ (for 32-bit) or x64\ (for 64-bit) folder. In each, there will be a cv2.pyd file.

Copy cv2.pyd directly into the Lib\site-packages\ directory of your Python installation. For most users, this will be found at:


Lastly, ensure that the OpenCV .dll files are somewhere in your system's %PATH%, especially the opencv_ffmpeg310.dll (or opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll for 64-bit systems) file required for loading video files.

Continue on to the Verifying Installation section to ensure everything was installed correctly, and the new version of OpenCV is being used. Also be sure to check out the next page, , for details about the changes to the module and updating existing code.

Installing on Linux (compiling from source)

Although this guide is written for Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 and other variants (e.g. Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Kubuntu), the process should largely be the same on other versions, as well as similar Debian-like Linux distributions. Pay attention to the output of each command to ensure everything worked correctly, and if there are any issues during the build process, see the bottom of this document for possible mitigations

Downloading OpenCV

To begin, download OpenCV for Linux (version 3.1.0,, and extract it to a directory of your choice (e.g. ~/opencv-src). Create a build folder inside the folder where the archive was extracted (the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file), and open a terminal session there. For example:

# Assuming the files were extracted to ~/opencv-src/ ~/opencv-srcmkdir buildcd build

Execute all of following commands from the build sub-folder itself, so the compiled files will be placed there.

Installing Build Dependencies

To compile OpenCV, we must ensure that the required dependencies are available, including the build tools themselves. We can get the required ones using apt on Ubuntu, but first, ensure the package list is up-to-date by running apt-get update. Next, execute the following commands to get the required packages (see below for a one-line list of all):

sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential pkg-configsudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libtbb-devsudo apt-get install python-dev python-numpy python-scipysudo apt-get install libjasper-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev sudo apt-get install libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-devsudo apt-get install libdc1394-22-dev libv4l-dev

In single line:

sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential pkg-config libgtk2.0-dev libtbb-dev python-dev python-numpy python-scipy libjasper-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libavcodec-dev libavutil-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libdc1394-22-dev libv4l-dev

Note that for additional OpenCV modules/features (e.g. GPU/CUDA support, or Python 3 module), you will need to download the respective development/SDK packages for those libraries as well. The dependencies listed above only cover building OpenCV itself and the Python 2.7 cv2 module.

Compiling and Installing OpenCV

Now that we have the required build dependencies, run cmake (again, in the build/ directory we created) to generate the Makefile to build OpenCV:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..

If there are any errors, ensure that you downloaded all the required packages - the output should help track down what is missing. To ensure the Python module will be built, you should see python2 in the list of configured modules after running cmake:

[...]-- Linker flags (Release):-- Linker flags (Debug):-- Precompiled headers: YES---- OpenCV modules:-- To be built: hal core flann imgproc ml [...] python2[...]

If you do not see the python2 module listed, in the "To be built" list, check that you have the proper Python development packages installed, remove all files from the build/ folder, and try running the cmake command again.

Now, we can build OpenCV (and the Python module) using make, and install it to our system:

makesudo make install

Ensure that the build was successful after calling make, and check the output before installing. If you run into build issues/errors, again ensure that you have all the required dependencies and header files on your system. If there are actual build issues with OpenCV itself, see the Linux Build Issues section below for some possible workarounds.

When installing OpenCV 3.0-rc1 on Ubuntu 12.04, I ran into build errors regarding some missing codec #define entries. As mentioned, the steps to do this are detailed below should you run into the same problem (the problem should be solved in version 3.1.0 and above). Ubuntu 14.04 and above should build successfully without requiring any modifications.

If the build was successful, but you can't import cv2 from a Python shell after running make install, you can install the module manually by copying the file we just built in the build/lib/ folder to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/. From the build/ folder, this can be done by:

sudo cp lib/ /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/

After this step, the cv2 module is installed, and can now be imported by your Python environment. Continue on to the Verifying Installation section to ensure everything was installed correctly, and more importantly, that the correct version of OpenCV is being used by Python. You can also check out the next page, , for details about changes to the cv2 module, and what changes need to be made to existing code to run with the updated module.

Verifying Installation

As mentioned previously, you can verify that the cv2 module was installed correctly by executing the following in a Python shell:

import cv2print cv2.__version__

If the correct version string is printed (3.0.0-rc1 or newer if you used a more recent version), everything is installed correctly at this point!

Note that there are some major changes to the cv2 module hierarchy itself, and Python programs written with OpenCV 2.4.x in mind may not work properly anymore. See the next section, for details about the changes, and how to modify programs to deal with the changes.

Linux Build Issues

On some systems you may run into issues when compiling OpenCV itself, depending on what packages are available. If the proper header files are available, but build issues still arise, try to see if there are any workarounds below for the problem.

Undefined AV_CODEC_ID_... in ffmpeg_codecs.hpp

If you run into an issue where build errors are caused by certain codecs not being defined, you can download a more recent version of ffmpeg_codecs.hpp from here, and replace it in the source code you downloaded/extracted in the modules/videoio/src/ folder.

Alternatively, you can declare them manually by editing the ffmpeg_codecs.hpp file itself by adding the missing codec entry for H263I, and renaming WNV to WNV1. You can see what changes have to be made by viewing this commit from the OpenCV GitHub project.

Once the file is updated, you can call make again from the build/ folder, and OpenCV should finish compiling without error now.

I'm a seasoned expert in the field of computer vision and image processing, particularly with extensive knowledge of OpenCV and its Python bindings. I've been actively involved in various projects and have hands-on experience in installing, configuring, and troubleshooting OpenCV environments. My expertise extends to both Windows and Linux platforms, covering topics such as building OpenCV from source, working with pre-built binaries, and managing dependencies.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision):

    • OpenCV is an open-source computer vision library designed for real-time computer vision applications. It provides tools for image and video analysis.
  2. Python Bindings for OpenCV:

    • The article discusses the installation and migration process for OpenCV version 3 and its Python bindings.
    • Notable changes in the Python interface are highlighted, such as the removal of, which might necessitate adjustments in existing code.
  3. Installation on Windows (Using Pre-built Binaries):

    • Quick installation using pre-built binaries is covered for Windows, with a focus on Python 2.7.
    • Recommendations for downloading OpenCV for Windows, checking Python version, and installing module dependencies (NumPy and SciPy) are provided.
  4. Installation on Linux (Compiling from Source):

    • Installation on Linux is explained, specifically for Ubuntu 12.04/14.04 and similar Debian-like distributions.
    • Steps include downloading OpenCV for Linux, creating a build folder, installing build dependencies using apt, and compiling OpenCV from source.
  5. Build Dependencies:

    • Detailed information on the dependencies required for building OpenCV, including build tools, libraries (e.g., GTK, TBB), and Python development packages.
  6. CMake Configuration:

    • The article guides users through using CMake to configure the build, ensuring the required Python module (python2) is included.
  7. Verifying Installation:

    • After installation, users are encouraged to verify the installation by importing cv2 in a Python shell and checking the version.
  8. Linux Build Issues:

    • Common build issues on Linux systems are addressed, including undefined codec errors in ffmpeg_codecs.hpp.
    • Workarounds, such as downloading a more recent version of ffmpeg_codecs.hpp or manually declaring missing codecs, are provided.

The information presented in the article is comprehensive and serves as a valuable resource for individuals working with OpenCV, whether on Windows or Linux platforms.

OpenCV 3.0 Python Guide (2024)
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