Mental health and wellbeing: University support (2024)

It’s important to know what mental health and wellbeing support is available to you during your studies – and how to access it.

Support available at university or college

Wellbeing services team

Depending on your university, this may have a different name – it’s a good idea to find out what services they offer and how to get in touch with them before you arrive.

This would usually be your first place to get information about what's available at your university – from general wellbeing support to help with a specific mental health condition or difficulty.

Check your university website for their wellbeing pages.

Mental health advisers

Student support teams often include specialist advisers dedicated to helping students with mental health difficulties. This help is not limited to people with diagnosed conditions – it’s available to all students who'd like support to cope with any aspect of life.You don’t have to wait until you arrive at university or college to contact the mental health adviser. In fact, it’s a good idea to contact them when you've been offered a place on the course, so they can ensure you’re fully supported and feel confident when you arrive.

UMHAN (University Mental Health Advisers Network)


Counselling services

Most universities and colleges provide counselling for students who need emotional support. Student services or the students’ union (or other student body) can give you information about what’s available – make sure you check the university or college website too.

Medical support

Most campuses have an on-site medical centre, so if you require ongoing medical care, you can arrange this in advance. Alternatively, there will be GP services in your area – speak to the wellbeing team or student support services will be able to give more details.

Tools and resources

Some universities offer wellbeing apps, tools and other services (e.g. Nightline) specifically for their students – the details will be available from the wellbeing team or student support services, and check the website.

Sharing a mental health condition on your uni application

Read our advice on how to confidentally share personal information with your university, and what will be done with your information.


Disabled Students' Allowances (DSAs)

Students who incur extra study-related costs as a result of a physical or mental health condition or learning difference can apply for DSAs. You apply for DSAs alongside student finance, and they enable you to get the support you need at university or college –the amount youreceive depends on your individual needs following a needs assessment.

If you are not sure you are eligible, it’s worth applying. Even if you don’t get a DSA, you can still get help from your university or college – remember to share an impairment or condition in the UCAS application so they can arrange support for you.

Read more about DSAs


International students

If you are applying to university as an international student, you can access support for your mental health and wellbeing from the university or college – and share a condition using the UCAS application.

Mental health support as an international student from UKCISA

The Charlie Waller Trust's guide for international students

Get the right support for your individual circ*mstances

By making sure you have the right support for your personal circ*mstances, you'll be looking after your mental health and wellbeing too.

Support for students with individual support needs

Where to get more support and information

Student Minds

The student mental health charity offering information and resources for all aspects of student life

Student Space

A hub of resources from Student Space, offering information, advice, and free mental health services to help students.


The student mental health hub from Mindcan help you settle in and adjust to your new life at university.


Find out what student mental wellbeing support is available for you. 1.8 million students can now access free, safe, and anonymous mental health support online (providing NHS services).

Charlie Waller's Trust

Their starting university guideto coping with the social aspects of student life, from living with new people to joining clubs and societies.

Hub of Hope

Hub of Hope is a database of mental health support resources and services – both local and national, and for a wide range of mental health conditions and challenges.

Mental health and wellbeing: University support (2024)


How can universities support student mental health and wellbeing? ›

Institutions should prioritize creating an environment wherein learning drives development rather than stress. Faculty and staff should work together to help students overcome academic barriers, develop sustainable study habits, and develop the mental acuity to excel inside and outside of the classroom.

Which university has the best mental health support? ›

University of Reading

What helps college students with mental health? ›

Here are several tips for mental health awareness I recommend in solidarity with the CARE team and Counseling Center here at Binghamton.
  • Take some time to journal. ...
  • Learn how to help better by setting boundaries. ...
  • Join a community. ...
  • Manage stress by practicing mindfulness. ...
  • Care for your body with exercise, sleep and nutrition.
Oct 10, 2023

Why mental health services are important on college campuses? ›

Mental health problems can impact the academic performance and success of a college student. Poor mental health contributes to lack of motivation and problems focusing which can lead to failing grades. Campus-wide mental health resources for students to seek support could be the key to their academic success.

How are universities addressing mental health? ›

On college campuses, meanwhile, there's evidence to support programs that teach coping skills and mindfulness, as well as regular screenings for mental-health issues, according to a report from the American Council on Education (ACE).

How to improve mental health at university? ›

Good physical health has a direct correlation to increased mental well-being. To prioritize mental and physical health, incorporate healthy foods, physical activity, and social support into daily life. Understanding the connection between mind and body helps in effectively managing mental health care.

Which US state has best mental health care? ›


What degree is best for mental health? ›

Popular mental health therapist degrees include a master's in counseling, psychology, or a closely related field. Most states require a master's degree or higher to become a licensed professional counselor.

What state has the best mental health programs? ›

The States with the Best Mental Health Services (Most Access)
  • Massachusetts.
  • Oregon.
  • Delaware.
  • Maine.
  • Vermont.
  • Alaska.
  • Rhode Island.
  • Connecticut.
Jul 8, 2020

What is the most common mental health problem among college students? ›

Anxiety and depression are some of college students' most commonly diagnosed mental health conditions. In ACHA's survey: More than one-third of students (36%) had been diagnosed with anxiety.

How to help a struggling college student? ›

Start by listening. Ask questions before offering guidance. Once you understand the problem, help your student by sharing practical tips. Maybe your student needs to talk to their professor or an academic advisor, or get help at the college's tutoring center.

How do you address the mental health crisis among college students? ›

Tips for addressing college student mental health

Keep yourself on a routine to avoid procrastinating and stress. Seek help — either from a family member, friend or professional — when you start to struggle. Prioritize sleep, exercise and healthy eating. Take time for self-care.

What causes poor mental health in students? ›

Stress factors at school—such as unempathetic and unsupportive teacher-student relationships and a poor classroom or school climate—increase the risk for children and adolescents of developing mental health problems.

Why do so many college students have mental health issues? ›

Traditional college students are in a transitional age, young adulthood, which is associated with numerous stressors and during which many mental health problems often first occur. Non-traditional college students also face numerous stressors associated with having multiple roles, demands, and financial obligations.

Why is wellbeing important in college? ›

Student Wellbeing is Crucial to Student Success

As if the negative implications on mental and physical wellbeing weren't enough, mental health issues can lead to students dropping out of school. In fact, 64% of students who drop out of college report doing so because of mental health problems.

How can universities help students with stress? ›

Factors contributing to students' stress include isolation, trauma, and external pressures. Colleges can support students by forming intervention teams and wraparound services.

Is it important for universities to provide mental health resources to their students? ›

Ensuring robust mental health services at higher education institutions is more important now than ever. Students are returning to campuses with higher levels of stress related to issues like COVID-19, gun violence, political conflict, economic challenges, and academics.

Why should schools help students with mental health? ›

Mentally healthy students are more likely to go to school ready to learn, actively engage in school activities, have supportive and caring connections with adults and young people, use appropriate problem-solving skills, have nonaggressive behaviors, and add to positive school culture.

Why is wellbeing important for college students? ›

Student Wellbeing is Crucial to Student Success

As if the negative implications on mental and physical wellbeing weren't enough, mental health issues can lead to students dropping out of school. In fact, 64% of students who drop out of college report doing so because of mental health problems.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.