Lyrics If I Could Wrap Up a Kiss — SILJE NERGAARD (2025)


The Very First Christmas Without You

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk

it’s the very first Christmas without you

but I’ll do nothing special this year

old customs are there to be’s said

so I am pretending that you’re still here

it’s the very first Christmas without you

the stars and the snow are in place

and though the fairy–lights twinkle to cheer me up

they just cannot put a smile back on my face


wake me when it’s over

I’m dreaming of winters past

and of Christmasses that we have shared.... I thought would last


I’ll just draw my chair close to the fire

so the frost and the dark cannot hide

and hope that the embers and the dancing flames

will melt the icey chill I feel inside


wake me when it’s over

I’m dreaming of winters past

And of Christmasses that we have shared....I thought would last

but it’s the very first Christmas without you


and on the presents that Santa’s left here

there are no “to-and-from”labels under the tree

with your name on...and love to me


If I Could Wrap Up a Kiss

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk

if I could wrap up a kiss

I’d wrap it in Christmas paper

a gift to someone I miss

and dream is still holding me

I can’t trust mistletoe

or ever’s willing to be there for me

can’t spend Christmas Eve standing under it’s leaves

just hoping that you might show

if I could wrap up my heart

I’d tie it with scarlet ribbons

so you could tell it apart

from all other gifts you’d got

you would see it and know

loosening the bow...was all that it would lessen the ache

and you would unwrap the kiss I had sent to you

season’s greetings gift-wrapped to make

you see that I just cannot live

for by-chance meetings that always take

much more out of me than they ever seem to give......

season’s greetings gift-wrapped to make

you see that I just cannot live

for by-chance meetings that always take

much more out of me than they ever seem to give

I could

wrap up a kiss

just wrap it in Christmas paper

a gift to someone I miss

and dream is still holding me

I can’t trust mistletoe or ever know it’s willing to be there for little old me

I’m gonna wrap up a kiss

cos it’s you that I miss

I’m gonna wrap up a kiss.....and send it off to YOU


Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Mike McGurk

let bells chime

to tell every heart it’s soon time

for peace and goodwill to mankind

let’s hope that Christmastime

can bring on a change of heart and mind

let bells ring

let Christmas-card-carollers sing

melt every heart that...lies within reach

the message they bring

is practise what you preach


don’t let it be the darkest day

in lives that aren’t so far away

but are lived so lonely

where emptiness is all that lasts

and memory of a Christmas past

is all that coaxes them to stay


so let bells chime

to tell every heart it’snow time

for peace and goodwill

to help lessen the chill

of a winter within...let Christmas enter in


don’t let it be the darkest day

in lives that aren’t so far away

but are lived so lonely

where emptiness is all that lasts

and memory of a Christmas past

is all that coaxes them to stay



Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Sigrid Merete Hanssen

kom kjære se et eventyr

månen skinner her i kveld

over vinterhav og fjell


vakkert som sølv

din hånd skal være varm hos meg

kom la oss danse over snø

se den glitrer som en sjø

et stjernehav

lyser for oss

kom og bli med-se

at under kan skje- et lys er på vei

det skinner for deg

la meg vise deg at mørket kan bli lys

på ny

i dine øyne speiler månen seg

og frosten kysser dine kinn

kom la oss finne veien inn

vår hemmelighet

den venter på oss

vær ikke redd for mørket mer

vår lange natt er snart forbi

under snø fins også liv


kom og bli med-se

at under kan skje- et lys er på vei

det skinner for deg

la meg vise deg at mørket kan bli lys

på ny

En liten klem

Music by Silje Nergaard

Lyrics by Jan Eggum

Jeg står inne her i et vindu og ser

ut på snø som danser

og lilleguttspør om han kan få mer

av berlinerkranser

så ser jeg en skygge som står under altanen like ved

ånden hans står hvit

hvorfor kom han hit?

Jeg står her i skyggen og ser mot et rom

og jeg kjenner kvinnen

jeg er ganske full men jeg kjenner meg tom

alt jeg har er minner

om julen da jeg var edru, sølvgutter sang og alt var bra

nei jeg skal ikke bli

men bare gi

en liten klem til deg og gutta, et ord og en presang

måtte ta en par tre drinker før jeg turde

en liten klem

så går jeg hjem

takk for nå, ikke glem

å si gjedelig jul til dem

Jeg ser det er mye å gjøre hos deg

og det lukter deilig

jeg vet det er seint og jeg vet det er meg

som kommer ubeleilig

Jeg kan ikke la dem se deg, nei,men en pakke kan de få

nei du får ikke bli

men jeg kan gi

en klem på selve julekvelden, et ord og en presang

måtte ta meg kraftig sammen før jeg turde

en liten klem

så går jeg hjem

takk for nå, ikke glem

å si gledelig jul til dem

Vi drømte som de andre

hvor bra alt skullebli

langsveien vi har vandret

nå er mye blitt forandretog se her er vi

en liten klem

så går jeg hjem

takk for nå, ikke glem

å si gledelig jul til dem

Lyrics If I Could Wrap Up a Kiss — SILJE NERGAARD (2025)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.