Is Duke considered Ivy League? (2024)

Hey y'all, I'm currently a junior and planning ahead for college apps. I keep hearing different things from my friends and it's getting a bit confusing. Can anyone set the record straight on whether or not Duke is considered an Ivy League school?

2 months ago

Duke University is not considered an Ivy League school. The Ivy League is a specific group of eight private institutions in the northeastern United States, which includes Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Yale. While the Ivy League was originally founded as an athletic conference, and remains one today, these schools are now also recognized for their academic excellence and highly selective admissions.

Although Duke is not a part of the Ivy League, it still ranks among the top universities in the United States, and consistently places high in national and global rankings. Duke is known for its rigorous academics, competitive sports programs (particularly basketball), and beautiful campus. Similar to Ivy League schools, Duke can be extremely selective in the admissions process, and getting accepted is a notable accomplishment.

When researching colleges, it's essential to focus on the individual qualities and strengths of each institution rather than simply looking at whether it's an Ivy League school or not, as there are many fantastic schools outside of this group of eight. If your academic and extracurricular interests align well with what Duke offers, it could be an excellent choice for your college experience. Best of luck with your college research!

2 months ago

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Is Duke considered Ivy League? (2024)
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