Celebrities Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (2024)

List of celebrities who never had plastic surgery, loosely ranked by fame and popularity. It's no secret that many famous actors and actresses have had plastic surgery. There is a lot of pressure in Hollywood to look perfect, but several celebrities are outspoken opponents to going under the knife. Three British actresses even made a pact to never have plastic surgery.

Who is the most famous person who never had plastic surgery? Halle Berry tops our list. The Monster's Ballactress is known for her natural beauty.Rachel Weisz told the Telegraph, "People who look too perfect don't look sexy or particularly beautiful." She has made a pact with Kate Winslet and Emma Thompson to never go under the knife. Several famous actors are also against plastic surgery, such as Kevin Costner, Jack Nicholson, Ewan McGregor, and Russell Crowe.

Do you think that it is better to age naturally or to get plastic surgery? Have you gone under the knife? In the comments section, share your thoughts on these celebs who still look young without faceliftsor nose jobs. If you see a celebrity on this list that had plastic surgeries before, let us know!

Celebrities Who Never Had Plastic Surgery (2024)
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