Can we use two prepositions together in a sentence? (2024)

Ik Ram



I made up a sentence using the word 'divest,' as

"I divested myself of from the submission of the research article."

Then it comes to me, whether can we use two prepositions together in a sentence as is employed in the sentence mentioned above. If we not, is the following sentence conveying the same thing?

"I divested myself of the submission of the research article."

I would be grateful for any help you can provide.

  • e2efour

    Senior Member

    You cannot used I divested myself of from. Only one of these prepositions is possible.

    Also I don't understand your use of divest myself of in your sentence. Does it mean I did not submit the article?

    You can use two prepositions in a sentence, e.g. She looked out of the window.
    But out of is best thought of as one preposition (i.e. a compound preposition).


    Senior Member

    English - South-East England

    Prepositions can come together (the mouse ran out from under the bed), but as others have said, the two in your sentence don't work together.

    Ik Ram



    You cannot used I divested myself of from. Only one of these prepositions is possible.

    Also I don't understand your use of divest myself of in your sentence. Does it mean I did not submit the article?

    You can use two prepositions in a sentence, e.g. She looked out of the window.
    But out of is best thought of as one preposition (i.e. a compound preposition).

    I am trying to say that the submission of the research article is not my headache anymore. (It may be because I've submitted it already and I am telling it to a friend or maybe it's my supervisor's responsibility now. )


    Moderator Emeritus

    English UK Southern Standard English

    I am trying to say that the submission of the research article is not my headache anymore. (It may be because I've submitted it already and I am telling it to a friend or maybe it's my supervisor's responsibility now. )

    You could do it as:

    "I have divested myself of any further responsibility for submitting the research article".

    But while it's grammatically correct with just the one preposition, it sounds very pompous. Can we use two prepositions together in a sentence? (7)

    Can we use two prepositions together in a sentence? (2024)
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